NationStates Jolt Archive

Work starts on GM crops

No-Dachi Yo
15-02-2004, 15:41
Today the No-Dachi Government announced her desicion to let scientists begin work on genetically modified crops. She feels that these will benefit the economy and have the capacity to aid in the health of the nation. Work will begin in these major areas.

-Increased yield
-Pathogen resistence (so spraying can be reduced)
-Faster growth (allowing mulitple crops in a year)
-Crops contain essential precursers (for vitamins, protiens etc)
-Wheat variety able to grow in our climate

These projects are being funded by both the No-Dachi Government and Frisbeeterian BioSciences Inc. Four labs have been built and several test sites have been put aside.

We know this is a controversial issue and have taken the time to inform the pubilc fully of both sides of the argument. The general concensus seems to be in favor of this technology as they feel it will allow further development of areas such as information technology and medicine as less people will be requried to work to supply our food.

This work will only be on plants, transgenic animals are not on the agenda, nor do we feel they will be in the future. Also the ban on cloning humans and animals stands.
15-02-2004, 15:43
Marcelonia wishes to congratulate the No-Dachi Government on the start of their GM project.
15-02-2004, 15:43
Looks like we won't be importing any organic goods or services from No-Dachi Yo.
15-02-2004, 15:48
I'll help suport your continued resurch.
The Dictatorship of Rickinstine, here by, allots a $10,000,000 grant for developments.
We will also be sending over 10 botnests to study the GM plants.
15-02-2004, 16:02
Caedryn sends a team of scientists to study the GM work, and applauds Dachi Yo's research.
16-02-2004, 16:00
have you made any advancements yet?
No-Dachi Yo
16-02-2004, 17:19
have you made any advancements yet?

OOC - It was only announced like one NS year ago, actually less than that. Do you know how long genetics work takes? I do, it does not take one year. Patience is a virtue, especially in science like this.
Axis Nova
16-02-2004, 17:48
Axis Nova expresses interest in these developments, and will be happy to contribute $100,000,000, provided we are allowed to share in the products of your research.

Axis Nova State Dept.
16-02-2004, 17:56
The undersea colony of the Deep Sea Vents is currently investigating the feasibility of identifying and modifying oceanic plant life to provide high yield, nutritious food supplies for our isolated seafloor havens. It is possible that a collaborative visiting scientist visa program would provide a conduit for useful exchange between our bodies of knowledge. Contact our Commissioner Agact of the Committee on Scientific Advancement if you're interested.
No-Dachi Yo
22-02-2004, 20:06
No-Dachi Science Times


We report today a breakthrough in the No-Dachi project to create usable, viable genetically modified crops. The breakthrough came in the area of increasing the yield of rice crops; the team of scientists have reportedly manipulated a strain of rice that give a near 50% increase in yield. This will mean greater trade profit, lower prices for No-Dachi consumers and resources and man power can now start to move away from agricultural production and towards more "developed" industries.

It is hoped that this, and the recent investment in the rail network will allow more GDP per capita and the continued development of No-Dachi industry. Work continues on this and other areas of genetics research, this is just the beginning of the benefits the technology will bring.