Operation "Swift Spear" - Logistical exercise
No-Dachi Yo
12-02-2004, 18:32
The Community of No-Dachi Yo wishes to carry out a training exercise, a simulated landing assault from the sea onto land. We plan to sail our troops across the Pacific from Asia (we are located North east China), and simulate a landing on a beach head on the west coast of America, Southern Canada, or Mexico. We ask the permission of any states located here to allow us to use thier beaches for this exercise. If you want payment of some kind, aid, military aid, cash, then we will be happy to negotiate.
No-Dachi Yo
12-02-2004, 19:15
OOC: Hmm.... I guess I could say that I own that part of Canada.
I'm Canadian BTW, so it isn't too far out for me to claim part of it. But I just don't want to step on any toes ... if someone else steps forward I will back off my claim.
No-Dachi Yo
12-02-2004, 20:07
Would you grant us permission to carry out this exercise then?
As long as no one complains sure.
If you don't mind though... my troops would like to observe such an exercise and would like a summary of the troops you will be dispatching. My naval and air forces will be strictly guarding beyond the beacheads.
No-Dachi Yo
12-02-2004, 20:46
As long as no one complains sure.
If you don't mind though... my troops would like to observe such an exercise and would like a summary of the troops you will be dispatching. My naval and air forces will be strictly guarding beyond the beacheads.
Of course they can observe; we will offer a space for 10 officers on one of our assault carriers.
As for the forces taking part
-1 Helicopter Assault Ship
-2 San Antonio Class assault ships
-1 Whidbey Island Class
-1 SL-7 cargo ship
-3 Oliver Hazard Perry Class frigates
-1 Zumwalt Class Destroyer
-25 LCAC landing craft
-5 LCU-2000 landing craft
-1 Sacramento Class supply ship
-1 Kaiser Class oiler ship
(the size of the escort would be larger if this were a real combat situation)
Air Support
-40 Sea Stallions
-20 Black Shark attack helicopters
Ground Troops
-3650 troops
-10 5-ton trucks
-25 Challenger 2 tanks
-10 Fuchs TPz1 APC
-10 Bradley linebacker anti-aircraft
-5 PzH 2000
-5 Vulcan ADS
-3 LAV comms
-5 tracked cargo vehicles
-10 Humvee
-8 LAV ambulance
If this is too much, then please specify an acceptable deployment.
Nope... that is good.
Just as a precaution, my forces will be on stand-by (don't intend to be caught with my pants down - if you know what I mean).
OOC: Do you want me to RP some sort of mock defence?
No-Dachi Yo
13-02-2004, 12:00
OOC : No, if thats ok, I just wanted to see how good my logistical skills were.
The Evil Overlord
13-02-2004, 12:04
You may wish to peruse the thread titled "RL Nation Claims" by Chellis (I believe its on the NS forum) to find out who owns those territories.
No-Dachi Yo
13-02-2004, 12:19
This exercise may need to be suspended due to the situation arising in South America (OOC : "The Blue Dawn..." thread, and the declaration of war on Trixia by TGS). We will update the situation as soon as possible, these forces may well need to be directed towards the west coast of Chile.
No-Dachi Yo
15-02-2004, 16:35
We have decided not to involve ourselves in South America so preparations will resume for Operation Swift Spear.
EDIT - Due to the council of Layarteb we will also send 1 Seawolf Submarine, this will not enter the waters of Hudecia, it will wait outside until the rest of the ships return.
15-02-2004, 17:43
Logistically I can say that supply lines that long are a nightmare. You'll want to have friendly submarines and ASW units patrolling to keep your convoys safe because any such operation, if it were reality, would be met with enemy submarines, ships, and aircraft as you get closer. Man it would be one helluva naval battle I'd have to say!
No-Dachi Yo
18-02-2004, 15:20
OOC - Just to say, if anyone sees some RP that is not accurate, tell me as I would like to become better at it. Thanks.
No-Dachi Yo
18-02-2004, 15:23
After the months of planning, Operation Swift Spear finally got underway. Military trains began to bring troops, supplies and armour to the No-Dachi coast ready to begin thier exercises across the Pacific to finally land in Hudecia.
No-Dachi Yo
19-02-2004, 11:55
The armour, supplies and troops were now on the ships and ready to set sail. Many families had turned out to wave the troops off as the ships began to move off out into the Yellow Sea to begin thier long voyage to the coast of Canada.
19-02-2004, 12:55
No-Dachi Yo!
Please, we be of you, can we be part of this exercise.
We could present paratroops and airborne tanks, for use in combination with your Marines.
Please, may we take part? It would only be a small operation, with 10 aircraft and possible 3,000 troops and several tanks?
No-Dachi Yo
19-02-2004, 13:05
What are airbourne tanks?
You can come along if you wish, but you will have to ask permission from Hudecia in order to land on thier beach heads.
In the interest of fostering greater understanding Hudecia will allow Kazakhstanian troops to take part.
OOC: We would like to point out that such an 'invasion' if reality, would not succeed for several reasons.
1. Kazakhstania and No-Dachi-Yo are on the other side of the world. Imagine the costs of sending a large invasion fleet that far. Paratrooping troops (especially tanks) into enemy held territory would be suicide because the weather changes so rapidly that you may end up trying to drop during a storm.
2. Lack of surprise. The key element in any assault is surprise. Satellites would show any large invasion fleet coming and the defenders would be prepared.
However, since you are landing in friendly territory none of this should be a problem :wink: .
IC: The government of Hudecia currently has 2 fleets stationed in the Pacific Theatre. Aboard are several thousand marines. These troops may be sent into battle in a fairly short period of time near No-Dachi-Yo.
If the government of No Dachi Yo does not object, we would like to resupply our vessels and provide some much needed R&R for our troops in your state. More information can be provided if required.
19-02-2004, 16:54
Any invasion nowadays has little surprise.
Paratroops, however, are the quickest way to project troops across the world, deep into enemy territory. Any invasion is affected by weather, be it high seas, boggy roads or stormy skies. The latest Kazakhstanian tranports can deal with the skies, and paratroops are no problem :)
But I was more saying that when you launch your planes in Asia, by the time they reach N. America the weather may be unsuitable for a paradrop.
Weathermen here in Canada can't even tell us if it will rain tomorrow. :lol:
Usually invasions today acheive surprise by appearing to head one way... but then move the other at the last minute. Like... your troops would appear to be moving to land on Vancouver Is., but then you dart south and land near Seattle.
19-02-2004, 19:25
Yeh. But with paratroops, you dont know until the last moment.
You could even diverge like the D-Day landings, and decoys :)
No-Dachi Yo
21-02-2004, 17:20
The government of Hudecia currently has 2 fleets stationed in the Pacific Theatre. Aboard are several thousand marines. These troops may be sent into battle in a fairly short period of time near No-Dachi-Yo.
If the government of No Dachi Yo does not object, we would like to resupply our vessels and provide some much needed R&R for our troops in your state. More information can be provided if required.
This is acceptable. We welcome the Hudecian marines to No-Dachi soil.
No-Dachi Yo
21-02-2004, 17:36
Aboard the SeaWolf Submarine
-"Sir, we are coming up to Hudecian waters."
-"Right. Thats our cue to stop; I want a full stop, tell the team leader it's time for us wait here, we shall see them on the way back."
-"Aye Sir... Team Leader, this is SeaWolf, we are in our stop zone, see you on the way back. Good luck"
-"We recieve you SeaWolf, thank you."
:arrow: The surface ships carry on towards the coast and thier action zones.
No-Dachi Yo
23-02-2004, 15:10
Aboard the lead assault ship
-"Sir, we are coming up to the action zones."
-"Good, get the men and equipment ready to land; signal the rest of the fleet to do the same."
-"Aye Sir."
Helicopters moved off towards the large cargo ship carrying the majority of the armour. The Sea Stallions carried the drivers and crew for the armour and landing craft's.
The initial landing to "secure" the beach would consist of 10 LCAC carrying 240 troops, 2 LCU-2000's carrying 10 Humvees (2 medical) and 1 LCU-2000 carrying 5 Challenger MBT's. These would be backed up by 10 Black Shark attack helicopters and 3 Sea Stallions carrying 150 extra troops and 15 medics.
The crews went about preparing the men and armour for the landing.
No-Dachi Yo
23-02-2004, 17:21
-"Sir, the men and armour are ready"
-"Well, what are you waiting for, send them on thier way!"
The 13 landing craft moved off at full speed towards the beach-head. The three carrying the vehicles were positioned near the back of the formation. 5 Black Sharks gave them an escort; once they were on the beach, and had secured safe landing zones, the three Sea Stallions would lift off.
No-Dachi Yo
23-02-2004, 17:44
The plan for the initial landing was set; 48 men would be deposited down the each flank to help sort out a perimeter, whilst 120 men would make thier way up the centre of the beach to the shrubbed area 100m up the beach to secure the full area. 24 troops would stay back to help unload the vehicles, they would then jump onto the Humvees as they rolled off.The tanks would move towards the perimeter in a five pronged formation. With the beach secure the heicopters would set off.
The craft neared the beach, the commanders were readying thier men for action...
No-Dachi Yo
23-02-2004, 18:11
As the crafts landed and the men jumped off the plan was put into action. It went very smoothly (of course as there was no resistence), the fact the beach was secure was radioed back and the choppers lifted off. The Humvees moved forward with the tanks, two hung back to designate a safe landing site for the choppers.
Hudecian observers watched the No-Dachi-Yo troops perform their landing with great interest.
Although Hudecian troops have participated in amphibious landings before, they did not have the training which they needed.
No-Dachi Yo
24-02-2004, 10:41
Two choppers landed near the left flank of the beach; 110 men lept out and ran to take up thier positions like thier lives depended on it. 55 supporting the left flank, another 55 supporting the middle. The other chopper landed nearer the right side, and the troops inside strengthened the right flank.
Once the men were deposited the Sea Stallions took off again and headed back to the fleet,
The plan was to move around 600m inland and set up a secure base of operations and camp where the landing parties would sleep and the exercise could be coordinated. Eventually all armour and troops would be brought ashore to the camp, where they would stay and patrol for one week while being supplied from the sea.
24-02-2004, 11:08
Overhead, seven KN-12 Cargo Aircraft flew high, supported by several F-42's. They dived when the time came to paradrop the troops. At 1,000 feet, the tanks were rolled out and troops jumped. They sailed to the ground and landed approximately 200m in from the shore.
The twelve M-15 tanks and 1,200 men landed to hold the position, and move to the organisation point. The cargoes then returned.
No-Dachi Yo
25-02-2004, 15:56
With the beach secure the rest of the landing craft set off towards the shore. 12 LCACs carrying 192 troops and 3 Bradley linebackers, 1 Vulcan ADS and 1 comms LAV. The four larger LCU-2000s brought more aromour ashore; 5 Challenger2's, 10 Fuchs troop transporters, 2 LAV ambulances, and another Vulcan ADS.
With these forces, most of the troops and armour will move forward towards the site where the camp will be set up to secure that area. A portion will hang back to recive supplies and eqiupment for setting up the base of operations.
Kazakhstania, are your troops supplied sufficiently for the duration of the exercise, we do not think we have enough food etc to support your 1200 men.
No-Dachi Yo
26-02-2004, 12:03
The landing crafts hit the beach and the crews and troops hurridly unloaded the armour and vehicles. 100 troops loaded onto the Fuchs transporters and were quickly moved to the head of the assault force along with the Humvees and tanks. The anti-aircraft vehicles spread themselves out while the Comms LAV and ambulances remained towards the rear.
So nearly 500 troops on foot, 10 tanks, 8 Humvees, 10 Fuchs troop transporters and other vehicles moved forward. They would rendevous with the Kazakhstanian paratroopers and move to secure the area to be the base of operations. Once this area was secure Sea Stallions, with Black Shark escorts, would begin to bring in equipment and supplies for the camp.
No-Dachi Yo
27-02-2004, 11:50
Once the area was secure the choppers lifted off. They brought the supplies and equipment to build the central base of operations. Hlaf of the foot soldiers began to set up the base, the rest kept the area secure, along with the armour. The troop transporters and Humvees partolled around the perimeter.
27-02-2004, 19:22
The commander of the Paratroopers jogged lightly to the commander of the landing force. He then saluted, and made his sub commanders to do the same.
"Sir, I am Captain Gillian of the allied air attack. Nice to see you, sir."
No-Dachi Yo
28-02-2004, 12:08
The Commander of the small landing force saluted back;
-"Glad you could make it Captain, we have prepared space for you and your men on the west side of the camp. We shall camp with the men we have for tonight and then the rest of the troops and armour will be shipped in tomorrow. We will have patrols both on foot and in Humvees around the perimeter all night; the heavy armour will be placed more centrally but on alert. Is this acceptable?"
OOC: Hmmm... everything is going so well... maybe I should make a mock assault on your troops or at least RP some sort of defence (using non-lethal weapons of course). Just to make things interesting, if you guys want...
28-02-2004, 18:40
OOC: Sure.
Of course, it would be fought back by a blistering counterattack.
"I recommend me and my troops take the west side, and provide security for the beach, if that is alright. We have plenty supplies, and another 200 men and a hell of a lot of armor are inbound."
Snipers fired at the patrolling Humvees from their hiding places, mostly just hitting the Humvee and splattering (washable) red paint over it but they may have got lucky once or twice.
The snipers quickly change their positions, taking advantage of natural vegetation to hide their retreat.
28-02-2004, 22:56
"Yankee One this is Delta Two Niner, under attack, looks like Painters, over."
"Delta Two Niner, return to tighter patrol, we are dispatching reinforcements to previous stated area over."
With that, three HMMWV's with Paintball Machine Guns are dispatched to patrol for enemy Snipers. Each has a gunner wearing Thermal Goggles.
No-Dachi Yo
29-02-2004, 12:01
The No-Dachi forces deployed several snipers to the edge of the encampment, and with the patrols on foot and in Humvees, hoping to pick off some of the enemy snipers.
No-Dachi Yo
01-03-2004, 14:53
The exchange of paintball fire continued through the night. Some men slept, some patrolled.
The plan for the morning was to bring in more aromur in the landing craft, troops by helicopters and then some supplies on tracked cargo vehicles and Sea Stallions. There would be deliveries for the 3500 men every day, so each troop was vital for patrolling, giving escort to the supplies and sorting out the supplies for use and distribution.
After several snipers are taken out by the Kazakhstanian forces thanks to their thermal goggles, Hudecians make it a practice to hide heat rods in the dense underbrush to confuse the invaders.
Sniper fire continued all through the night, although few casualties were caused on either side.
OOC: I think I'll keep the resistance down to sniper fire or some heavy infantry engagements... trying to bring in heavy artillery or tanks with paintballs would be dangerous.