11-02-2004, 17:51
*A man walks to a podium as the press click away* He begins to speak "As of 17:46 GMT.Intelegence have informed us that the council who had been handed to Evan,Shaldon,Brendon and Rebecca have been harbouring the terrorist organasation 'Terrorist Alliance' We have imprisoned thge council and once again the goverment has been handed back to Vladamir Marinov.Vice President of Catania-Marinov.Any questions?"
A reporter says "Why do you care what they do they are the leaders"
He responds "Ahem.If this was to exposed we could have been in a deal of trouble.And also NO they are our nation.We gave it to a council to decide decisions but haveing to be approved by us.Anymore questions"
A reporter says "Was the military involved
He responds with a simple "NO.Anymore questions" The room goes sielnt he says "Thank you" and walks off
A reporter says "Why do you care what they do they are the leaders"
He responds "Ahem.If this was to exposed we could have been in a deal of trouble.And also NO they are our nation.We gave it to a council to decide decisions but haveing to be approved by us.Anymore questions"
A reporter says "Was the military involved
He responds with a simple "NO.Anymore questions" The room goes sielnt he says "Thank you" and walks off