NationStates Jolt Archive

NOD begins to build Tiberium Missiles

11-02-2004, 17:13
Today NOD is improving it's defencive arsenal by finding a new use for the Tiberium

We came up with the Tiberium MK1 Missile

Basicly a rocket with a highly dangerous Tiberium Warhead

Tiberium is the most dangerous element known to man, it mutates it's targets and it's all natural.

We found the tiberium when a meteor crashed into the Tiber river and it mutated a plant that caused the Tiberium to spead.

Many where killed when this tragady happened.

NOW we can turn this curse into a blessing
11-02-2004, 17:39
*Peace Through POWER*

The First Tiberium Missile shall be ready within 3 NS years.

If you have any objections to this project you shall have to request a meeting with the Brotherhood's inner circle (leader/Generals/Commanders)
11-02-2004, 18:06
The Holy Libertine Empire of Desudoragon might be interested in purchasing such weapons. Telegram me with more details. I might contribute funding to the project.
11-02-2004, 18:31
we would like to purchase

100 tonnes of the Tiberium elemant if possible

tell us the cost of it and we will wire the money to you
11-02-2004, 19:25
You would both have to request a meeting with the brotherhood's inner circle to get the permission to get those.
11-02-2004, 19:33
Alright then. I humbly request a meeting with the inner circle. Please telegram me.

Holy Libertine Empire of Desudoragon
11-02-2004, 19:52
Your meeting has been approved, Procede, the Inner Circle is listening

*7 Holograms of each Member of the inner Circle appear, however Tabris's is shrouded by a dampening field so you cannot see his face or body very well, just enough to know he's there*

Tabris: Speak
11-02-2004, 20:01
Oh, great Inner Circle. My government is rather interested in your work with the extraterrestrial mineral known as Tiberium. I have been authorized to give you funding and scientists to assist in the production of the missile in exchange for the plans to the missile after the project's completion. The amount of my government's gift to you is $500,000,000. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Holy Libertine Empire of Desudoragon
11-02-2004, 20:05
*Tabris thinks about this for a minute, he consults with the other members of the inner circle before turning to the nation's ambassador*

Tabris: We Have Decided, and We agree to your offer, i warn you that Tiberium is extreamly dangerous, it has the capability's to mutate living tissue, do you understand the risks?
11-02-2004, 20:40
we would like to purchase

100 tonnes of the Tiberium elemant if possible

tell us the cost of it and we will wire the money to you
11-02-2004, 21:00
*Tabris Looks to the Ambassador from FutureEngland*

Tabris:That would be alot of Tiberium, but we can supply it, the cost will be 300,000 NOD Credit Chits for that amount

*One of the second Holograms, only known as White*

White: It will take 5 days for the Tiberium to reach your Location FutureEngland

*Another of the members speak, known as Oarnge to others except Tabris who know's who all the members are*

Oarnge: it would take that long for it to reach him by Oil Tanker, but it would take 2 by Plane

White:A plane is too dangerous, what if it crashed into a civilian building? the effects of the Tiberium would be extreamly leathal to all life around it.

*yet another member speaks Known as Purple speaks*

Purple:Now now Brothers, let Tabris Decide

*all 7 holograms look to Tabris's hologram*

Tabris:It shall go by Plane

*With that the Holograms fade away as the Inner Circle of NOD Forces meeting is finished

Soon only Tabris is left*

Tabris:It shall be soon

*With that he fades*
11-02-2004, 21:01
Dimmimar wishes to request a council. We hae only sketchy reports about Tiberium...
11-02-2004, 21:01
NOD Forces, if your nations is for the Defense of The People, we would like to ally with you. Please TeleGram to begin diplomatic Talks, or we could begin here.

Thank you.
11-02-2004, 21:02
I am sorry, the Inner Circle has just finished their 2 other meetings, You will have to wait for alittle while sir.
11-02-2004, 21:09
11-02-2004, 21:09
I do understand.

OOC: Sorry for not posting earlier. The forums have gotten slow.
11-02-2004, 21:09
imported_Rebel Grots
11-02-2004, 21:29
The armoured republic of rebel grots, once a member of GDI, is officially challenging NOD's monopoly on this substance known as "Tiberium". If this substance is indeed as lethal and volatile as our research indicates, it is politically unstable to have a single faction in control. A meeting with the NOD inner circle is hereby requested, with utmost urgency. Also, our researchers have developed a partially secure way of harvesting the "tiberium", using giant mobile machines nick-named "Harvesters".
The missiles developed are also a major concern, and we repeat, an audience with the inner circle of the brotherhood of NOD.
12-02-2004, 05:23
*The 7 Holograms appear once more to the members who requested a audiance*

Tabris:Speak Rebel Grots, Nodea Rudav and Dimmimar and we shall answer
12-02-2004, 05:28
We request peace and an Alliance between us, so that perhaps exchanges in Armed Forces Gear and Technology may occur.

Is this acceptable?
12-02-2004, 05:33
Tabris: We of the inner circle shall discuss this, excuse us

*tabris presses the mute so only his fellow members can hear him*


Oarnge:I say yes for Alliance

Red: yes

Green: Yes

Purple: no

White: Yes

Black: No

*Tabris nods*

Tabris: Then it is settled, we shall have this alliance, i am unmuting now.

*tabris unmutes the visitor*

Tabris: We of the brotherhood accept your alliance and also we offer you a seat on the inner circle, as a representative of your nation just pick one person, man or woman, but no names, use the color Yellow for names during the meetings. do you accept our offer?
12-02-2004, 05:38
Indeed, we will send...........Dark Red.
12-02-2004, 05:41
Tabris: Then it is agreed, we look foward to meeting Dark Red, meeting ajourned fornow

*one by one the holograms dissapear replaced by the backness of the room, all but Tabris remains with the ambassador*

Tabris: by the way, you shall need the holographic Technology for Dark Red to come meet with us, we are sending you a copy of this room and it's holographic generators, we shall provide costs for shipping and installation, until we meet again

*Finally Tabris also dissapears, and now the rooms truly empty of Circle Members*
12-02-2004, 10:12
Dimmimar desires 3 of these warheads. If it is possible could we have 1kg of Tiberium in a barrel for scientific purposes.

We could come to an alliance if you wish...
imported_Rebel Grots
12-02-2004, 13:50
"Great inner circle,
The glorious nation of Rebel Grots wishes to arrange an agreement that will ensure that the spreading of this "tiberium infected plant" will be in no way halted or dettered. This is to ensure that other nations may also gradually achieve tiberium as a natural resource. We hope you will consider this."
12-02-2004, 17:26
Orange:Dimmimar, you know that Tiberium is extreamly dangerous and could cause much damage to your targeted nation, permament damage?

Tarbis:Orange, enough of this, Dimmimar? we grant your request

*The council turns to Rebel Grots*

Tabris: What do you mean by that?
imported_Rebel Grots
12-02-2004, 17:42
OOC: if the council reads between the lines it will see that the envoy is basically saying "we want tiberium, but we don't want to trade etc."

IC: Great inner circle, all we are doing is serving the interests of world peace by ensuring that no one nation alone has complete control of this great new resource.
12-02-2004, 18:13
*Tabris and the other members glare at the representiative of Rebel Grots*

Tabris:Why should we SHARE our Tiberium? it is in our lands, our boarders, we have the tiberium and firepower to hold it, why should we hand some over to you without anything in return?

*The other members agree and also voice their opinions*

Orange:He could keep it for himself! make tiberium missles and launch them at us or another country loyal to NOD!

Purple:Agreed, Rebel Grots isn't to be trusted!

White: True, but what if he decides to sell the tiberium on the black market and earn profit at OUR expense?!

Purple: Now that i think about that thought i shiver at it

Green:I think that we should NOT ever hand over the tiberium to him unless we are sure we can trust him

Black: Agreed, He isn't trustworthy, i call a vote

Tabris: NO, since we have all agreed that he is unworthy to have tiberium he shall be banned from it until he proves his worth

Orange: Agreed Tabris.

Tabris :Then it is settled, meeting ajourned

*The Holograms of the other members dissapear leaving Tabris and the Rebel Grots representative*

Tabris :The inner circle has decided against letting others have the tiberium, our reasons are that there are many untrustworthy nations that would use it for evil purpouses, and we cannot allow thatm therefore your request is denied

*The Hologram dissapears and Rebel Grots is alone in the dark room*
12-02-2004, 19:16
OOC:Does that count for me to?
12-02-2004, 19:36
OOC: No, you get yours.
12-02-2004, 19:37
Dark Red is ready, Coucil, and is available for Meetings henceforth. We thank you.
12-02-2004, 19:40
Excellent, we have been expecting you
imported_Rebel Grots
12-02-2004, 22:43
OOC: evil nations? and this is NOD speaking? :lol:
oh no, my poor representative is all lonely now, awww.

Anyway, the government of rebel grots was expecting this rejection, as no san nation would freely give weapons of "Ultimate death and doom" to another unknown nation. Therefore, if NOD Forces OOC accepts this then....

INFO: Several state-sponsored groups and faction have taken great interest in tiberium and are trying to establish black-market trade routes and smuggling. Military research instillations are trying to synthezise tiberium from the few samples rebel grots has. Military development has also given the green light for construction of war machines that are dependant upon tiberium, though no resource is presently available.

OOC: remeber, this will only happen is NOD forces agree to have a little RP. And not all this info will be immideatly known by all nations.
13-02-2004, 07:13
Do you have an estimated time of completion for this missile project? If it is going to be much longer, I will have to increase the pay of my scientists that are assisting you. It isn't a problem or anything, just governmental policy.
13-02-2004, 19:12
The Missles will be Finished in one NS Year.

Info:To all nations

The Substance Tiberium has been declared NOD Forces Property

Any attempts to replicate or steal Tiberium will be met with force.

In other new's the Inner Circle has decided to crack down on Tiberium Smugglers in NOD Forces, all NOD Soldiers near Tiberium supplies and Meteors are to shoot tresspassers on sight, no exceptions.

And Tabris has decided to store all tiberium in a safe location (OOC Kaderba) to help prevent the smugglers from taking more tiberium from NOD Forces

From Ganta Omega Information minister
13-02-2004, 19:36
Dark Red: Before I begin proper council, my Nation wishes to ask if it could....use....some of your NOD Suits for our Elite Soldiers, which would look very nice and keep the soldeirs safe since they are equipped with gas masks.


Only time I shall talk though Darkl Red. :)
13-02-2004, 21:10
*the inner circle meets about the suits*

Tabris: Greetings all, and welcome to our newist member Dark Red, anyway's down to buisness.

Orange:Agreed, now Dark Red's country has requested a few of our NOD suits for it's Elite Soldiers, and how many should we give our fellow member?

*Green Speaks up*

Green: I would say about over 300 suits should do it.

Black: Agreed, Dark Red? 350 Suits will be sent to your country ASAP, in other buissness this Tiberium craze is getting out of hand.

Purple:Agreed, the Tiberium is valuable yes, but why would everyone want it? only a few have requested it.

Black: ok i was exaggerating, but anyway's it is getting out of hand, in my area of NOD i have recived reports of some tiberium supplies being taken from their own storage bay's, i suspect there is a spy in our ranks.

*This puts the other members except dark red who has yet to speak in a rage*

Tabris: Who would DARE to go against the Brotherhood?

Black: I am not sure yet.

Green: Why would this man or woman go against his or her own people? why would they betray us?

Black: as i said, Tiberium is very valuable.

Tabris: we shall find a way to deal with this at our next meeting, Dark Red? do you have anything to add to the agenda?
13-02-2004, 21:19
Dark Red I thank the Council for allowing such NOD material as your Soldiers Suits be allowed to come into our ranks. Contacted and approved, my Nation of the USSNR has sent a supply plane to pick it up.

However, our next order of business with NOD is of a higher level of importance. If NOD approves, should you, the Brotherhood, build a Military Base on our soil? This would greatly improve relations with both The People, for the children love seeing the bases as with adults, and our Government, which would be feel a Comrade Brethren has trusted us. Yet, also, shall we build a Military Base on YOUR Soil?

If not on your soil, we ask on ours, for as we are Comrade Brethren to all Nations, we seek greater relations with or International Comrade Brethren. Military Bases is a huge step, and we ask you take it.

As for the order of business, anyone whom has infiltrated the ranks of our Comrade Brethren shall not be allowed to continue. If you so choose, we could send a Special Forces team, with the new NOD Military Suits, to check around and investigate the actions of all members of this facility for some time.

Otherwise, as my personal comment, I'd say whomever spies on someone is untrustworthy, a fool, and should be asked why first before taking higher actions.
13-02-2004, 21:20
Dark Red I thank the Council for allowing such NOD material as your Soldiers Suits be allowed to come into our ranks. Contacted and approved, my Nation of the USSNR has sent a supply plane to pick it up.

However, our next order of business with NOD is of a higher level of importance. If NOD approves, should you, the Brotherhood, build a Military Base on our soil? This would greatly improve relations with both The People, for the children love seeing the bases as with adults, and our Government, which would be feel a Comrade Brethren has trusted us. Yet, also, shall we build a Military Base on YOUR Soil?

If not on your soil, we ask on ours, for as we are Comrade Brethren to all Nations, we seek greater relations with or International Comrade Brethren. Military Bases is a huge step, and we ask you take it.

As for the order of business, anyone whom has infiltrated the ranks of our Comrade Brethren shall not be allowed to continue. If you so choose, we could send a Special Forces team, with the new NOD Military Suits, to check around and investigate the actions of all members of this facility for some time.

Otherwise, as my personal comment, I'd say whomever spies on someone is untrustworthy, a fool, and should be asked why first before taking higher actions.
13-02-2004, 21:27
*The members all nod in approval*

Green: it could work out...

Black: I agree, a base in our respective nation would be interesting

Purple: and Vice-Versa.

Tabris: Then are all members in agreement, we would welcome both your Team and the base that you have suggested, i hope we work more closly again in the future, meeting ajourned fornow.

*The Holograms of the other 6 members fade, leaving Tabris and Dark Red alone*

Tabris: Good luck and welcome aboard, by the way, Kaderba has supplied a spacestation in orbit for our use, i hope you will beable to find a use for it.

*Tabris dissapears leaving Dark Red alone in the Black Holodeck room*
imported_Rebel Grots
14-02-2004, 02:15

"I'm sorry sir, the news are not good."
"what do you mean"
"It appears NOD has caught the scent of our shady operations"
"Damn, what are they doing about it?"
"The usual, new laws, new regulations. but.."
"But what?"
"They have also practically declared martial law on the borders, shooting on sight they are."
"oh no.... THis is all we need"
"Yes sir, the small fry are already complaining. actually, it's gone past that. They're threatening full exposure unless we pull them out of there and give them some compensation."
"Man. Get them out of there. This is all getting too hot to touch."
"We do have an alternative sir.."
"Oh really? is that so? Well by all means, let's hear your fantastic idea."
"No need for sarcasm sir. The thing is, we can't use small guys anymore. We want tiberium, but the delivery boys are just not experienced enough, and they're too far down in NOD society."
"Obviously. I hope there is a point here........."
"Patience sir. As everyone knows, every large, evil, regime in the world is ruled by a small elite. In the case of NOD this is the inner circle. Now, you can bet your butter that nearly half or more of these elite members are corrupt egoists. No matter how much they talk of the people or freedom, some of them will always put money first."
"So what you're saying is.."
"Find the right people, and press the right buttons. Bingo, tiberium is ours."
"I could get people on the inner circle right away sir."
"Make it so."
"Yes sir."
"Oh and, one more thing Johnson."
"Yes sir?"
"keep this absolutely top secret, no need to let this leak out to anyone. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir. Very clear."
imported_Rebel Grots
14-02-2004, 02:15

"I'm sorry sir, the news are not good."
"what do you mean"
"It appears NOD has caught the scent of our shady operations"
"Damn, what are they doing about it?"
"The usual, new laws, new regulations. but.."
"But what?"
"They have also practically declared martial law on the borders, shooting on sight they are."
"oh no.... THis is all we need"
"Yes sir, the small fry are already complaining. actually, it's gone past that. They're threatening full exposure unless we pull them out of there and give them some compensation."
"Man. Get them out of there. This is all getting too hot to touch."
"We do have an alternative sir.."
"Oh really? is that so? Well by all means, let's hear your fantastic idea."
"No need for sarcasm sir. The thing is, we can't use small guys anymore. We want tiberium, but the delivery boys are just not experienced enough, and they're too far down in NOD society."
"Obviously. I hope there is a point here........."
"Patience sir. As everyone knows, every large, evil, regime in the world is ruled by a small elite. In the case of NOD this is the inner circle. Now, you can bet your butter that nearly half or more of these elite members are corrupt egoists. No matter how much they talk of the people or freedom, some of them will always put money first."
"So what you're saying is.."
"Find the right people, and press the right buttons. Bingo, tiberium is ours."
"I could get people on the inner circle right away sir."
"Make it so."
"Yes sir."
"Oh and, one more thing Johnson."
"Yes sir?"
"keep this absolutely top secret, no need to let this leak out to anyone. Is that clear?"
"Yes sir. Very clear."
18-02-2004, 00:11
I am leaving my scientists in your capable hands. They will do whatever you wish for them to do. Notify me when the Tiberium missile is completed.

Holy Libertine Empire of Desudoragon
18-02-2004, 08:24
Your missile is ready for shipment, it shall be loaded onto a truck with a heavy escort.

1 Truck (Tiberium Missle Truck)

4 Troop Trucks (20 Troops each)

2 Tick Tanks

1 assault Buggy.

They shall arrive within 2 days.
18-02-2004, 17:47
Thank you.
18-02-2004, 18:58
It has arrived in your nation and my troops are on my way back