NationStates Jolt Archive

War declaration against Davisan by Indianapolis and Monza.

Indianapolis and Monza
10-02-2004, 21:54
I hereby declare war against the Most Serene Republic of Davison on these grounds.
First, Davisan portrays himself as Budda and calls himself the Enlightened one. Which has angered some of my Nort American colleages espically Socialist Spikistan.
Second, Davisan has declared war on multiple countries without due cause.
Third, the prompting of Socialist Spikistan to declare war on Davisan.
Thereby I conclude my declaration of war on Davisan and officalize the moblization of 1,000 M-65 "King Duvet" tanks, 3 Dormlin class aircraft carriers, 9 AEGIS II missle crusiers, and 2 million armed soliders to the border of Davisan. I also declare war on Davisan on the behalf of Socialist Spikistan.

General Philip Giovanni Julius Vinnie LXXXVIII
10-02-2004, 23:24
I have sent 200,000 troops to the border of Davison. They are prepared to attack at my notice. I am saddened that I was the one to first declare war on Davison. :cry:

Master Spike VIII of Spikistan
11-02-2004, 03:11
I hereby declare war against the Most Serene Republic of Davison on these grounds.
First, Davisan portrays himself as Budda and calls himself the Enlightened one. Which has angered some of my Nort American colleages espically Socialist Spikistan.

We must not forget the strange words the the people of Davisan have filled our message board with.
11-02-2004, 05:00
The Most Serene Republic of Davisan will not be defeted so easily. We have no military forces to defend ourselves with but we do not need them. The population is brave and will repel any enemy invaision by any nation. And to General Philip Giovanni Julius Vinnie LXXXVIII, your 1,000 M-65 "King Duvet" tanks, 3 Dormlin class aircraft carriers, 9 AEGIS II missle crusiers, and 2 million armed soliders all agree with my teachings. They have decided that they rather like being happy. They feel that happiness is so important that they all risked their lives and deserted from the army. All the left over supplies, such as the tanks, aircraft carriers, missle crusiers, etc. have been turned into peaceful objects for my country, such as bikes.

-The Enlightened One
12-02-2004, 03:11
Davison. As far as I know, you do not posses the technology or the machinary to turn aircraft carrers into bicycles, or to do the same to cruise missles. Cruise missels are a tincy bit difficult to stop with out shotting down in which case you could not make bikes with them. If you tried to melt it it would most likely explode in your face. :wink:

I am now sending a really old commercial jet packed with fuel on a suicide mission to an undecided city. It's only stop will be it's target so mabye you can convert the piolit to join a vast amount of your population in the Buddish equivelant of the afterlife. :twisted:
12-02-2004, 04:44
Davison. As far as I know, you do not posses the technology or the machinary to turn aircraft carrers into bicycles, or to do the same to cruise missles. Cruise missels are a tincy bit difficult to stop with out shootting down in which case you could not make bikes with them. If you tried to melt it it would most likely explode in your face. :wink:

Neither would all 2 million of an army convert in one day. There are always protestors. But most armys are extremely loyal and will forfill their objective no mater what you say.

I am now sending a really old commercial jet packed with fuel on a suicide mission to an undecided city. It's only stop will be it's target so mabye you can convert the piolit to join a vast amount of your population in the Buddish equivelant of the afterlife. :twisted:

Master Spike VIII of Spikistan
Indianapolis and Monza
12-02-2004, 21:51
All of my troops are readied at the border of Davisan. Shelling will comence on your capital and largest city besides your capital in approximatly one hour (17:00 EST). Along with squads of troops pillaging the country side of your nation. Also we are sending 20 cruise missles at your capital, to destroy goverment complexes and the statue of the giant Budda. Prepare to be destried Davisan! :twisted:
12-02-2004, 22:04
whats going on here y is everey one mad at Davisan :?:
12-02-2004, 22:11
2,000 elite infiltration infantry, trained in Urban Warfare by the HLF, equipped with SONICs and Assault Rifles, sneak across Davisan. They will be using a light jetpack recently develpoed by Muktari scientists to fly into Davisan's capital city for a palace takeover and/or assassination of the "Enlightened One" who claims to control people with his teachings. These soldiers have been genetically enhanced and altered for superior combat performance and utter lack of emotion. They have no contact with anyone except those they meet in battle and their superior officers, who conciously loath such teachings as those this "Enlightened One" makes.
12-02-2004, 22:21
several arabs union based terrorists groups have launched suicide bombing attack's on 7 major city's in davisan not occupied by attacking forces. These terrorists have sworn their lives to allah and will not succumb to any brainwashing attemted by anyone outside of allah's teachings. These terrorists have been equipped with large amounts of C4 detonators and extremely large amounts of small pox.

all of the terrorist attacks were overwhelmingly succesful.
12-02-2004, 22:22
arabs union does not condone the actions of the terrorists based in arabs union. a full investigation will be launched.
12-02-2004, 22:26
The infiltrators have entered Davisan's capital and are now approaching the "Enlightened One's" current position. Some civilians try to stop them, but they are shot at least twice each. ETA at EO's position: Eight minutes RT.
12-02-2004, 22:27
50 million special forces armed with Ak-47s, grenades, knifes, sniper rifles and pistols
4 million Veterans
50,000 mammoth tanks
50,000 sabre tanks
50,000 hunter tanks
25000 KA-53 Helicopters
1000 EA-80 Tactical Transport Plane
1000 AC-141 Gunship
1000 KE-1 Fighter Jet
100 Su-34 Fighter Bomber/Reconnaissance Aircraft
50 EM-140 Frigate
60 EM-100 Missile Fast Attack Boat
50 EM-90 Sealift ship
80 United Elias - EM-120 Corvette
30 Minesweepers
30 Soyuz III Battleships
30 Destroyers (Sovremenny class)
60 Naiad Heavy Landing Craft
60 Nyarl Landing Platform Dock
16 Ulyanovsk Nuclear Carrier
42 Sea wolf class SSN subs

10 Cruise missiles

Interstellar Battle Stations
1 “Remember Limerick”
1 “Revenge For Skibbereen”

This is our peace keeping force, This is the CUC and we are just going to invadeif this war continues
12-02-2004, 22:31
50 million special forces armed with Ak-47s, grenades, knifes, sniper rifles and pistols
4 million Veterans
50,000 mammoth tanks
50,000 sabre tanks
50,000 hunter tanks
25000 KA-53 Helicopters
1000 EA-80 Tactical Transport Plane
1000 AC-141 Gunship
1000 KE-1 Fighter Jet
100 Su-34 Fighter Bomber/Reconnaissance Aircraft
50 EM-140 Frigate
60 EM-100 Missile Fast Attack Boat
50 EM-90 Sealift ship
80 United Elias - EM-120 Corvette
30 Minesweepers
30 Soyuz III Battleships
30 Destroyers (Sovremenny class)
60 Naiad Heavy Landing Craft
60 Nyarl Landing Platform Dock
16 Ulyanovsk Nuclear Carrier
42 Sea wolf class SSN subs

10 Cruise missiles

Interstellar Battle Stations
1 “Remember Limerick”
1 “Revenge For Skibbereen”

This is our peace keeping force, This is the CUC and we are just going to invadeif this war continues

OOC: Invade WHO?
12-02-2004, 22:33
anyone who invades Davison
12-02-2004, 22:35
OOC: Well, our nation is INFILTRATING DavisAn, so problems here.
12-02-2004, 22:39
One of the Muktari Infiltrators has reached the perimeter where the "Enlightened One" is currently meditating. He signals his position to the other members of his unit and moves in, Assault Rifle armed. He looks through the rifle's sight and aims right at the religious leader's forehead...
Indianapolis and Monza
13-02-2004, 01:45
This is a war against Davisan for trying to annoy me region to death. We do not want I massive peacekeeping force bigger than all the armies in the real world combined.
13-02-2004, 02:21
We do not want I massive peacekeeping force bigger than all the armies in the real world combined.


Socialist Spikistan, and also probably Indianapolis and Monza and Davison, have decided they need a vacation and will resume their killings on Monday.

Thank you,
Master Spike VIII of Spikistan
13-02-2004, 02:24
One of the Muktari Infiltrators has reached the perimeter where the "Enlightened One" is currently meditating. He signals his position to the other members of his unit and moves in, Assault Rifle armed. He looks through the rifle's sight and aims right at the religious leader's forehead...

Shoot him! Shoot him!
Indianapolis and Monza
16-02-2004, 15:34
I demand this o great Enlightened One of Davisan to come out and surrender. I request only one term. For Davisan to leave Nort America. I am also pulling out 900 tanks and 1.5 million men along with all naval ships.

His Majesty the Emperor of Formula One Racing
Philip Schumacher VII
16-02-2004, 16:08
Davisan! Surrender now or face expulsion. And stop ignoring us! You haven't posted for 5 days now! You have 48 hours starting now!
17-02-2004, 16:06
We are attacking the invading forces at their HQ, I propose a battle on the plains, will you accept invaders?

Get out of davison now!!!
17-02-2004, 20:14
Do you not accept then i shall have to attack your HQ Davison shall continue to hide
25-02-2004, 03:37
I don't think the religious leader remembers how to get online :wink: