NationStates Jolt Archive

The Blue Dawn... (Anti-terrorist RP)

10-02-2004, 13:26
Trixia HQ in Doscow, Trixia's capital

Trix looked over the plans, they were good. He only hoped that Chile and the rest of S.America agreed with him...

He picked up his red phone. "Winters? Operation Blue Dawn is a Go..."

Chile National Border

The border of chile was a quiet place, with only a small garrison thier at present, the guards there were relaxed and used to nothing, so it came as much of a suprise when a Trixian armoured column drove up and stopped in front of them. The first tank in the line, a dark shade of blue, opened its hatch and a soldier jump out and down to the guard.

"My name is Commander Winters, leader of the Trixian Terrorist Purge. We request entry to your nation."

The guard stood there, stunned...

"Ah, of course you will have to check with your superoirs and government. And please do. If they wish to talk with my nations leader he is but a phone call away"

The guard ran back into the border hut.

Winters stood, waiting patiently...
10-02-2004, 14:24
OOC: I apologize if this isnt an open rp :wink:

IC: Dawn in Pinto, the capital city of Pintori and home of 8 million of its citizens. Even though the sun is still rising, the vast clean metropolis is shaking off the daze of sleep and coming to life. A government minister in his tenth story office looks out the window and grins at the sunset silohuetting the First Bank of Pinto, tallest building in the city. Suddenly, an explosion rumbles the building and the First Bank goes up in a column of smoke. Almost immediately the fire department sirens sound, but the damage has been done. Army trucks speed through the streets, catching an unmarked van with foreign plates, and the occupants are "detained for questioning."

OOC: Again, sorry if this is closed RP ;-)
10-02-2004, 14:54
Private lucas stood in the guard room of the checkpoint on the Chilen boarder. He had locked the door and was currently looking out the window at the military convoy as he typed in his palmpilot the numbers and troop strength of the convoy, he then hit enter and started a senquence of relays throughout the world, before the message arrived at MIE HQ, Hampcourt.

Colonel Smith sat at his desk in the operations room of the Military Intelligence External building in hampcourt, the captial of wintrees. He was tapping the vid screen with his pen waiting for the mornings reports to appear on the screen which was linked up to the "hotline", the line on which all international communcation from MIE agents came from.

He closed he eyes for what seemed like hours and leaned back in his chair, suffering from his hangover from last night...

When he looked at the screen again, a report had appeared on the vid-screen, it was coded "Charles June Four" which the colonel understood to be a sleeper agent making a prioity 1 report. He opened it and read through the information before pushing a few keys on his keyboard to mark it as important and sending it up to the Head of MIE, minutes later, a communcation came back down from the Head of MIE, it was marked as an activiation order for a unit in Trixia, he read through the details. It then dawned on him that this was illegal and he probably shouldn't have read it, he clicked his mouse twice and the message was sent...

The message took about 10min to make it to the a Phoenix Group team leader. His palmpilot beebed twice waking him up from his half sleep, he rolled over on his camp bed, in a dank celler somwhere in Doscow. He read through the message as he pulled on him boots and walked over to the door of his room, waking the other team members in the room as he went.

Moments later they were all fully dressed and sat in a darkened room looking at a map layed out on a table. The team leader, Captain Jennkins, was pointing out ERVs for the coming operation. They had been ordered to:

1st: Make their way to the Chile Boarder and shadow the military convoy trying to pass over the boarder.
2nd: Infiltrate Trixia HQ to find out what was going on.

But before they did that, they had to go dig up their weapons...
Independent Hitmen
10-02-2004, 22:37
11-02-2004, 00:31
The terrorist purge had commenced. The president, knowing Chile wouldn't require much military force sent only 15,000 marines, 200 T-90, and 3 carriers each holding 80 aircraft. Of course he sent a special ops team of 900 ahead. As they neared the boarder they relized that Trixia had already passed. The guard grew nervious and granted them immediate passage. They gave the signal for the main force to move in behind them. With a little information the special ops team began the hunt. They started by taking Commanche helicopters to Santiago, an obvious target.

Once there they disguised themselves in civilian clothing carrying small assault weapons on their backs. They noticed, as soon as they got off, that they were up against quite a wall. There were countless hide outs. A team of 10, the alpha team decided to start by searching markets and bars. The rest divided up to and began the hunt.

As the alpha team entered the first flee market they searched for shadowy characters. Weimen, the team leader struck luck. When pretending to buy tomatoes hear overheard two men saying 'The package must get north or the bosses wont send protection to the camp!' Curious he followed them down a dark passage way. One pulled out a pack of powder. He then said 'This is the stuff. Finest in Chile!' Weimen pulled around a corner to avoid being seen. He immediatley relized the powder was cocain. After almost an extera half hour of tailing them the struck more luck. He rounded up the Alpha team and told them where he saw the two go. As they exited a run down clay home he snapped a quick picture of them. As they entered the building he found a pile of crates. Apon opening one he found more cocain. They set up a trap and waited for the two to come back.

After what felt like hours the two returned in trucks acompanied by five men. The Alpha team drew their weapons from hiding places.

"Fire on my command." ordered Weimen. "Fire!"
A blaze of gun fire then silence. All but one of the drug smugglers died. The last one they took for qestioning.
11-02-2004, 04:16
This is June Maya reporting for Pintori National Information Networks. Hours ago, foreign terrorists destroyed the headquarters of the First Bank of Pintori by use of a car bomb. They attempted to escape in a banned vehicle and were subsequently arrested. This event has triggered the activation of terror cells all over Pintori and small gunfights rage even as we speak between the armed forces and these verm...extremists. We take you live to the Minister of Security.

*Cut to podium bearing Pintori flag. The Minister steps up*

Minister: We can no longer act as our own security. The requirements for troops to guard our cities and our borders are not achievable with our own military, large though it is. We beg of our neighbors, lend us your help.

*Suddenly there is an explosion, and the TV signal cuts out. It comes back on, showing the newswoman*

This just in, minutes ago terrorists attacked the Ministry of Security...
The Gulf States
11-02-2004, 07:12
Lexington, Gulfport, The Gulf States:

El presidente Alex Ortiz habla con reporteros.

Ortiz: Sabemos que desean guerra. Daremos guerra. ¿Preguntas?

Reporter 1: ¿Qué usted está hablando?

Ortiz: Chile. Trixia y la guerra en Chile.

Reporter 2: ¿Qué guerra?

Ortiz: Nos invadieron. Dicen terrorismo. Decimos imperialismo.

Reporter 3: Y en ingles...?

Ortiz: Trixia has declared a war on terrorism in Chile. We will not stand our own nation be called terrorists. They have several other nations aiding them. We will not stand to this.

Reporter 4: So...

Ortiz: The Gulf States declares war on Trixia. The bastards shall perish for their trespasses against "The Triangles."
The Gulf States
11-02-2004, 07:55
We've announced our war officially. And we seek support. Here's the topic for that.
No-Dachi Yo
11-02-2004, 16:49
Gulf States, these actions are very hastey do you not think? If the Government of Chile have agreed to this search then there is no need for such a rash desicion. If they have not, we agree that can be considered imperialism, however is a declaration of war the first response? How will this help? It will cause nothing but death, and can easily be avoided; of course, yhe military should remain an option, but never a first port of call in situations such as this.

We ask that Trixia confirm weather or not permission for this sweep was given by the Chilean Government.
11-02-2004, 23:58
Yes permission was granted. Also, interrogatioon concluded little. Only that these low level pack mules were smuggling drugs to pay off camps. No exactlocations were given but the hunt will continue very soon.
No-Dachi Yo
12-02-2004, 12:46
Yes permission was granted.

Once this is confirmed by Trixia than we will take a more neutral stance to these actions in Chile; if it moves on to other nations, we shall inquire the same again before deciding the stance to take up.

We do not distrust the word of the Largent Government, but Trixian forces crossed the border first, so we wish for confirmation fron them.
12-02-2004, 16:10
Yes permission was granted.

Once this is confirmed by Trixia than we will take a more neutral stance to these actions in Chile; if it moves on to other nations, we shall inquire the same again before deciding the stance to take up.

We do not distrust the word of the Largent Government, but Trixian forces crossed the border first, so we wish for confirmation fron them.

Yes it was granted.