NationStates Jolt Archive

Message to all nations that are allied to underrealms.

08-02-2004, 00:35
In response to the actions that your ally commited in purposely sending data to rebels hence the rebels then attacked us kiling hundreds of U.N. peace keepers and then over 348 civilians and over 678 eriopian,zwazan,evikstani, nazzguulian,hagenese and various other allied forces.So we have invaded the nation of underrealms another one of my allies exonerate is also assisting me together we will make him pay for treason and various other war crimes.If you intend to defend his nation go ahead.
08-02-2004, 00:38
(Rude Gesture)

You have attacked one of the members of the Trinital Alliance. For this, you will burn. The Blood Cabal will be contacted shortly. They will be able to turn the tables.
08-02-2004, 00:40
Fine but the lives of innocents will be justified.
08-02-2004, 00:49
Muktar, I am NOT turning any tables. Just because I have an effective infantry system doesn't mean we're a cinch to win. Even with your genetically enhanced soldiers. And my force's chemically induced bloodlust. And the Underrealms general animosity toward enviromentally ignorant nations. And- who am I kidding, this guy is toast!