Declaration of war on Nazi-Germany
29-01-2004, 13:49
He's a fasist state, who opresses his people and very probably kills jews and communists.... need i say more?
29-01-2004, 13:54
Do you wish support?
"In response we'll send our Kamakazies."
Kanabia has full verbal support for this action, fascism must be stopped.
Military assistance to Midlonia is available upon request.
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 14:44
He's a fasist state, who opresses his people and very probably kills jews and communists.... need i say more?
You have the Fedral unions support .
Sigh! Not another closet megalomaniac with a dodgy moustache. :roll:
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 15:17
:? :| ??
29-01-2004, 15:37
It seems like the nazis is heavily outgunned. They dosent stand a chance against our allied military power. I hope they get support or this war will be unfair.
i;m in
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 15:41
:lol: Hehehe
Dispatched 4th Armored Rgt, 2nd and 3rd Para Rgts, and the 2nd Infantry Division.
Requests Federal Union begin comined operations with PReG Red Army forces
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 15:59
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:00
Dispatched 4th Armored Rgt, 2nd and 3rd Para Rgts, and the 2nd Infantry Division.
Requests Federal Union begin comined operations with PReG Red Army forces The Fedral Union will assit you we are sending over
2 Armoured Devistons
50 M1-A2MB's in eatch .
50 Bradly M-2/3 In each
Pic of a Stryker :
We ar also sending over 12,000 Troops marine forces.
In 2 companys eatch
Old Brittania
29-01-2004, 16:01
there a grave conseuquences of destroying a state and killing many of its people simply becuase you do not beleive in its own views,
regardless of wether or not you feel they are facist, and you dont like facism, i am afraid i put my foot down, and along with that foot, quite a few heavily armoured divisions and a navy bigger than the entire combined fleets of all of you.
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:05
"In response we'll send our Kamakazies."
its not only politics hes threatened a few other nations with nuclear attack (ooc too lazy 2 find the threads) and i dont plan on destroyin the state just heyr evil despotic government and replace it with something more liberal...
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:15
The Fedral union cant tolrate nuclar threats nor A goverments like this one attmepting to spread hate and fear thro its own people.
extremist views of any kind are dangerous
even anti-fascist, or liberal, or 'democratic' :?
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:24
extremist views of any kind are dangerous
even anti-fascist, or liberal, or 'democratic' :?
Yes they are but ...
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:24
29-01-2004, 16:31
The Queendom of Lasihelmi offers its full support in the war against the filthy nazi pigs. Our royal military forces offer all the help that is needed. Our nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers with their fleets are ready for action within a day. Our ground forces and marine troops will be mobilized immediately after a request for help has been received. Our 2.5 million brave soldiers will be ready to fight for freedom and human rights.
Our mobile military hospitals are on red alert in case of a humanitarian catastrophe, and will be mobilized within two hours of a request for help. We also offer our services when the warcriminals are brought into court marshal and sentenced for their horrible deeds. Assistance will also be offered with rebuilding the country and giving financial aid to those in need.
I will fight with my soldiers,
Warrior Queen Rhidannon VII
Old Brittania
29-01-2004, 16:32
as ive said, youve no proof of any of your allegations, your hot headed war mongerers, making unfounded attacks on a right wing state simply becuase half of you are covered in a filthy socialist rash which threatens the very stability of the world.
no you shant enter into nazi germany nor shall you beleive that i will back down here...
ooc(go take a look at my economy and population for a guess of the size of my millitary and funding)(also federal union, ask credonia about old brittania's technological credentials, i think you will find them most interesting.
Irish-Germanic states
29-01-2004, 16:36
The CIGS pledges its support for the facist regime of nazi germany. This action is taken becuase despite thier facist views, extreme liberalism needs to be stoped. Facisism can exist and it is of no consequnce to your nations, but obviously even non facist states can be expansionist, so lets go (said as inflamatorily as possible). Nazi Germany you have our support.
Our strategic forces have been placed on level alpha and we are prepared for war if this action is pursued.
Also our strategic airlift wing has been mobilized and our forces can be transported to the zone of conflict in a matter of hours.
OOC: T-gram me nazi germany may our Whermarchts fight together
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:37
The Fedral Union has reconsiderd is postion and will not attack unless
Adquite Proof Is Shown!
Adolphos Hitler, Fhürer of Nazi Germany-
"Can't we all just get along?! I'll surrender!"
Old Brittania
29-01-2004, 16:46
two nations both with over a billion citizens have come to your aide, its hardly apropriate to surrender lol if iw as you i would take the support of the Irish-germanic states and go rampaging throughought federal union and allies to teach them that war isnt funny when it threatens the ones who are constantly declaring it.
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 16:48
:? :?:
Hey im supporting you OldBritt . So dont come rampgeing hear or it will be a veitnam for you.
Irish-Germanic states
29-01-2004, 16:51
I would have to agree with old brittania. Lets carry this fight back to them, see what it is like to have the right wing fight back. We can easily hold them off and even destroy them completly. But it is your call becuase my country's problem with them is only ideological not personal...
the PReG formaly accepts nazi germany;s surender
Irish-Germanic states
29-01-2004, 16:56
He didn't formally surrender there
29-01-2004, 17:02
as ive said, youve no proof of any of your allegations, your hot headed war mongerers, making unfounded attacks on a right wing state simply becuase half of you are covered in a filthy socialist rash which threatens the very stability of the world.
no you shant enter into nazi germany nor shall you beleive that i will back down here...
ooc(go take a look at my economy and population for a guess of the size of my millitary and funding)(also federal union, ask credonia about old brittania's technological credentials, i think you will find them most interesting.
How dare you side with him! after our troops fought and died together is Deanery!
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 17:05
Lisen we dont know for shure that he did what the atuhor of this thread said he did we need proof that he did Threten People l with nukes ... so far i dont see any .
due to my readings, and as a member of the senate of SOLARIUS,
i have to give my forwarding that we shall be investingatin nazi germany with great oar,
and so you will soon have to change ur ways, or you will have to stand for your belifs,
Senator Hazeldine
29-01-2004, 17:08
is just the first one.... the second and third ones i shall put on here that will show that Nazi-Germany is nothing but a warmongering n00b who must be stopped
OOC: LOSIRISIS is another account of mine
this prove that he is a danger to NS... i only declare war if necessary, or if any of my allies are attacked... i am no war mongerer, and i would deem OB's and IGS alliance to this fool as a danger to themselves and NS
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 17:12
1 : He probly Dint read the stickys
2 :maby you should ignore him until he Learns to rp
3 : If he lunches 999999999 Nukes at you just ignore him becuse hes a god modding noob
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 17:13
(Deated )
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 17:13
The People's Republic of Novogravskiy offers full support in the war against the bloody assasin of the workers, Nazi Germany.
- Nazi Germany has provoked, and declared war on The Swedish Dominions without reason.
- It has opressed and killed innocent civilians.
- Nazi Germany is a threat to peace in Europe and rest of the world.
These are just samples of the terror that fascism brings.
Nazi Germany and it's allies must be stopped once and for all!
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 17:37
The People's Republic of Novogravskiy offers full support in the war against the bloody assasin of the workers, Nazi Germany.
- Nazi Germany has provoked, and declared war on The Swedish Dominions without reason.
- It has opressed and killed innocent civilians.
- Nazi Germany is a threat to peace in Europe and rest of the world.
These are just samples of the terror that fascism brings.
Nazi Germany and it's allies must be stopped once and for all!
Your to young to get in a war And im not suppoting any one at this moment.
my nation will fully support the war Against Nazi Germany
and also give's it's full resources in order to end it's rain of
Wow..........browsing through some of the posts here......I am speachless. Not only are there noobs calling other people noobs, but no one here seems to have grasped the concepts of basic grammar skills. An almost total and complete lack of spelling and punctuation proficiency, not to mention the most asinine reasoning for actions taken that I've ever just simply amazes me.
Please, do everyone a favor - Stop Posting!
Don't make me bust out the ebaum's pics!
The Fedral Union
29-01-2004, 18:34
Wow..........browsing through some of the posts here......I am speachless. Not only are there noobs calling other people noobs, but no one here seems to have grasped the concepts of basic grammar skills. An almost total and complete lack of spelling and punctuation proficiency, not to mention the most asinine reasoning for actions taken that I've ever just simply amazes me.
Please, do everyone a favor - Stop Posting!
Don't make me bust out the ebaum's pics!
:roll: :roll: Ohh please Donst start
30-01-2004, 07:59
Wow..........browsing through some of the posts here......I am speachless. Not only are there noobs calling other people noobs, but no one here seems to have grasped the concepts of basic grammar skills. An almost total and complete lack of spelling and punctuation proficiency, not to mention the most asinine reasoning for actions taken that I've ever just simply amazes me.
Please, do everyone a favor - Stop Posting!
Don't make me bust out the ebaum's pics!
OOC: quiet you, it's not their fault that they use text messaging so much, and who made you lord of my thread?
30-01-2004, 08:46
OOC: Pics are not a replacement for RP.
30-01-2004, 10:21
12000 warriors is in their boats. They are under the command of one of our greatest leaders. They carry rifles and swords. They are ready for war. But negotiation is always welcome.
Hyperspatial Travel
30-01-2004, 11:34
i offer germany some militay goods for free as german nations have helped me before.
here are the goods i am offering - 50k Land Mines
250 turrets and the engineers to build them ,
200 tanks , 12 military raven bombers and also as a pledge to become allies 20,000 well-armed troops to set up 4 bases on germany's borders and help him fortify , our main cause is to see that germany survives not to win the war , also my ally (by telegram) has offered 5000 engineers all with 2500 turrets and 25k landmines to set up a defense around his capital city , also he has offered 200 , 000 troops (out of boredom) to also defend the capital city , i can only hope that germany accepts these reinforcements
I dont know about anyone else but I dont think anyone should be allowed to call themselves Nazi anything, or have a fuhrer especially one called adolf hitler. What does everyone else think? If enough people agree with me I'll make a complaint about it.
30-01-2004, 12:43
I agree with you old ally. Do you remember me from invasion?
Old Brittania
31-01-2004, 11:30
it is a popular tenet of the left to winge on about the abuse of human rights and the squashing of their own beleifs, however, as soon as it comes to right wing views then they beleive they have the right to squash them before they gain any sutainance, if he wants to call himself nazi germany, then so be it, if he wants to call his head of state furher and if that fuherers name happens to be adolf hitler, then you can just look at him, and wonder what the hell he is on,
unless you yourself are one of these new breed in zelous little indeviduals who think they got a god given right to police the world.
Old Brittania is not a threat to NS, Old Brittania has never been the aggressor, we would like to see, a peacefull solution to this matter.
but we shant back down and let you invade a nation which really you shouldnt be, provide me with proof he has attacked you personally, and i shall step aside.
this n00b war is pathetic you are godmooders and no-where near ready to go to war. My army is ready and will attack on telegram confirmation.(war against nazi germany that is )
The Fedral Union
31-01-2004, 13:22
this n00b war is pathetic you are godmooders and no-where near ready to go to war. My army is ready and will attack on telegram confirmation.(war against nazi germany that is )
:roll: :roll: Dont you have any thing better to do than to dwell on pass words ? :?: :!:
There aren’t enough curse words our humiliating gestures I would like to throw at someone calling himself Nazi-Germany and/or Hitler. Not to mention a very personal encounter in real life, which I would love to have. But none of this will be done because he probably just craves this attention and got nothing else to sell as a human being …
I would also say though, that he exhibits no traits that deem him worthy of a ‘war against’ cause, he said nothing of value but also nothing that portrays him as an active nazi. As long as his nation didn’t exercise its leaders simple-mindedness there is no reason to attack him nor deprive him of his right to lead his country. Should his formal views AND actions extend to the like of his name-sake, then by all means do obliterate the scum from the planet. Until then, let him wallow in the filth he so loves.
OOC: I have no problem with him calling himself nazi germany. After all there are plenty of WW2 pc games that let you play as nazi's. And besides, his national animal is the aryan. Its a nation of cannibal nazis lol, at least he hasnt put it as the "useless jew" or something. and the reason for my support, Old Britannia in this is that my country IC would most certainly oppose his policies.
IC: Due to a worsening in foreign relations with Midlonia, Kanabia withdraws its support. However, we remain very strongly in opposition to the policies of Nazi Germany, and no assistance whatsoever will be given to this nation.
Irish-Germanic states
31-01-2004, 17:48
It funny how this is still going on even though he ignored you all
Of the council of clan
31-01-2004, 18:04
To: All nations attempting to Attack Nazi Germany
From: Bernard Ross, Foreign Minister, The Greater Federation of the Council of Clans
RE: Current Situation
The Greater Federation believes in absolute Soveirgnty of a nation, and its right to choose its path. Furthermore, we feel that any nation that invades another nation just because they don't like that nation's government is unjust. So in Response, the Greater Federation is Willing to stand by Old Brittania, Irish-Germanic States and Nazi Germany- to end this crisis.
OOC: Federal Union, stop posting a pick with every damn post you do, its gets frickin annoying :x
31-01-2004, 19:24
31-01-2004, 19:24
Just to qualify What I said eariier I wasn't talking about war. I was talking about complaining to a mod or someone. If the swasticka is banned so to should be nazi, hitler, and fuhrer.
its not only politics hes threatened a few other nations with nuclear attack (ooc too lazy 2 find the threads) and i dont plan on destroyin the state just heyr evil despotic government and replace it with something more liberal...
Normally we let the surface dwelling nations go about their business, but nuclear war cannot be tolerated, as it will eventually harm our people. We will provide six hundred thousand infantry to be dispatch via tunnels upon request.
NAZI GERMANY IS IGNORING THIS. The only reason to post now is to diusscuss weather or not a complaint to a mod should be made about his name.
Yes you can say I have 2000 men invading but it does didly squat. It dont change anything at all. So stop posting about war, start posting weather you think it is wrong to call yourself nazi Germany/fuhrer/Hittler ect.
Oh, hey, look over there, a wall! :!: :arrow:
Of the council of clan
01-02-2004, 17:50
I don't think its wrong to be Fascist
Fascism didn't leave spain till the 70's And they were part of NATO.
Its not an objection against facism, its mearly an observation that if the swastika is banned so to should the names nazi, hitler and possibly also fuhrer.