NationStates Jolt Archive


29-01-2004, 07:38
The Great Nation of Aachor has spent the last few years developing space based, military technologies. After two years of rapid design, and nine months of exhaustive testing, Aachor has now put its first product up for international sale.

The Hell-Bringer is a near earth Interceptor/Fighter craft. The craft is designed to destroy space based weapon platforms, and similer craft after being lauched from orbital or lunar military bases.

Some basic details:
The Craft is powered by two small fission reactors with rear facing ports for the primary forward thrust. Steering thrust is provided by six independent Ion-based engines, mounted in two groups of three on both the port, and starboard sides of the nose of the Craft. The primary weapons are two near-infared, rapid burst, GUI developed lasers.

The cost of the Craft is negotiable, and varies depending on which outfits or modifications are ordered by the customer. The Craft will NOT be sold to any nations which are deemed a threat to the security of Aachor, or her Allies. Sale to any nation is subject to approval by the Aachor Dept. of War.
29-01-2004, 16:32
The Hellbringer starts at $46.1 Million USD.