NationStates Jolt Archive

GINA:Western Asia reaches for the stars...reaches low orbit.

Western Asia
28-01-2004, 07:47
GINA NEWS REPORT: GINASA Sets sights for space

1/27 2212 hours
WireStory 32.234.232.deg.23

Western Asia's Greater Israel National Aeronautics and Space Administration (GINASA) has announced today that it has received a directive to activate plans to launch, equip, and maintain a space station in earth orbit. The station will, it is reported, serve as the main base for a fleet of Western Asian Space fighters that were developed several decades ago in cooperation with the nation of Sambizie. Officials within the Defense Department's Space Combat Command Group (S2CG) have heralded such a base as the key to the space security of Western Asia.

While there are already concerns about the fielding of military equipment in space, authorities at both GINASA and the S2CG have noted that anti-ballistic missile defense ion batteries (ABMD-IBs) have been fielded and active in space above Western Asia for decades. They added that the base was the first independant and lasting step for Western Asia into space. While small and medium sized runway- and EM ramp-launched shuttles and fightercraft have made periodic trips to maintain or defend Western Asia's extensive civil, military intelligence, and ABMD satellite arrays or, on the rare occasion, to take preemptive action against enemy satellites.

The station is expected to be a housing for between half a dozen and three dozen personnel along with the crew to man some two dozen Hammerhead-type fighter vessels and some 3 large orbit/transatmospheric transport craft (with enough capacity to evacuate the entire crew of the station in the case of a catastrophic systems failure). GINA has learned that the station will either be oriented so as to maintain a geosynchronous orbit over Western Asia or so as to maintain a flight pattern which places it over friendly or neutral countries. If the second option is chosen, we have learned, then the station will be one of a ring of large satellites that could serve as hosts to Western Asian and allied fighter spacecraft.

The first station is expected to take as long as 5 years to establish at a minimal operating capacity but certain S2CG officials indicated, under condition of anonymity, that "if things are run well, we could have a half-dozen stations up by the end of our 9th year in the program."

The news was preceded by a series of four rocket and six electromagnetic jump launches over a period of 9 days, which were then reported to be the first stages of the emerging station. A security patrol of some four SA-43D "Hammerheads", two SB-43C "Makos", and a pair of SEA-43 "Howlers" is reported to be guarding the work crews and is based off of a pair of large shuttle craft that are docked with the first components of the space station.

The station, reportedly named the Ladder of Jacob, is reported to derive much of its budget from funds formerly assigned to a series of civilian/governmental satellites that GINASA had been assigned to orbit. The IDF is also reported to being a major contributor along with the S2CG.

The President called the new plan "a bold step into the future, into the great beyond," as the political leaders in the House and Senate issued similar statements of support. Some minor players issued complaints against the leap into space but most agreed that space-based defenses of Western Asia were an important part of national security.
Spacer Guilds
28-01-2004, 21:57
Presumably, you have already finalized the designs for your station. This could make trade in prefabricated parts difficult between us, but perhaps we can offer assistance in heavy launch equipment and raw materials?
-Guild Phaiakia
28-01-2004, 23:08
Congratulations on your fine achievements. The Nation of Western Asia had provided the Sambizie the oppertunity of space exploration and was also a "key" contributer in the formation of the Sambizie Fleet. With your efforts and good will so many years ago, we feel obligated to assist you as well. The Empire has not forgotton your valuable support and has alotted the Nation of Western Asia/ Aerospace Divisions, a check in the amount of $2.0 Billion USD. In addition, any technical, material, support, or equipment request you may have, do not hesitate to contact us.

We have dispatched a Constitution Class SCVN to the Sol System. This Carrier is at your disposal at your request. We look forward to seeing you again.

Emperor Mwto'ar Uganda
CEO/Aero-Tech/IVA Industries
Lunatic Retard Robots
29-01-2004, 00:14
LRR will gladly lend you the LRRSV Jimmy Page, a Robert Plant class carrier for whatever you need it for. All we ask is that you paint it in your colors, for deniability reasons.
Lunatic Retard Robots
29-01-2004, 00:27
LRR will gladly lend you the LRRSV Jimmy Page, a Robert Plant class carrier for whatever you need it for. All we ask is that you paint it in your colors, for deniability reasons.
Western Asia
29-01-2004, 04:03
Western Asia
29-01-2004, 04:05
To: Spacer Guilds
Subject: Purchases and Equipment

We find that our current heavy lift/launch abilities are very much capable of supporting our limited and well-planned station systems. We appreciate the offer but must politely decline. There are certain parts of these stations that we would rather not have known to certain other powers...for national security reasons.

Thank you for your offer, although we must decline it.


To: Sambizie
Subject: Funds and Loans

We are glad to accept the loan of your carrier. We will use it as a temporary storage and transport waystation for security and construction crews and vehicles. We have already quintupled the assigned guard contingent and our futher fighter units will meet the Constitution-class SCVN. We expect to have this carrier returned to you as soon as our first station has been made minimally operational. We will do our best to safeguard your crew and vessel during their stay and they are all invited to surface-side retreats in Western Asia or in any territory of WA that they wish.

Our aerospace and defense companies, former partners of your group, have gladly accepted the offered funds and have already put them towards projects related to heavy conventional-launch transport shuttles.*

We are pleased to find your support for this matter and thank you for your kindness.

(OOC: *- these are actually the ships we've TM'd back and forth about, my latest conception of it is in your TM box now...)


Subject: Carrier offer

We would be glad to accept your offer, if temporarily. While we do not have space dock facilities to repaint the vessel, it's communications and self-identification marks will be re-set to Western Asian standards and identifying features from LRR will be covered or temporarily removed where and when possible.

We will use the carrier, if you will allow it, to provide some extended security coverage for our stations during their construction. Several Hammerhead FOV fighter squadrons have been assigned to take up positions on the Jimmy Page during WA control of the vessel.
Spacer Guilds
31-01-2004, 05:17
We understand. Perhaps we can do business in the future if you ever have need for large amounts of raw metals.
-Guild Phaiakia
Lunatic Retard Robots
31-01-2004, 18:40
Oh, sure. You can use it for whatever you want. We've got plenty more. Consider it a gift, you deserve it. If you want anything else, just ask us. (Hyperspace or non-hyperspace?)

OCC: Like my Led Zeppelin names?
Western Asia
01-02-2004, 03:29
OOC: Yes, they're more imaginative than many of mine (maybe I should start naming vessels after Sublime and Hendrix for tech, I'm not sure if I want to go much farther...and I already have 3-4 ships in some distant galaxy setting down a colony. If I need them I'll find a way to zoom them back (small, sub-light ships they got there via some sort of portal).
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-02-2004, 03:41
OOC: Yes, they're more imaginative than many of mine (maybe I should start naming vessels after Sublime and Hendrix for tech, I'm not sure if I want to go much farther...and I already have 3-4 ships in some distant galaxy setting down a colony. If I need them I'll find a way to zoom them back (small, sub-light ships they got there via some sort of portal).

OCC: Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but I've already got the Purple haze, Castle Made of Sand, hey Joe, Voodoo Chile, and Stone Free. Not to mention the Baba O'Riley, Magic Bus, and Pinball Wizard. Of course, I don't know subline, so you've got that market cornered. In fact, right now I'm listening to Who's Next.
Western Asia
01-02-2004, 04:13
OOC: Dammit....*switches to Sublime, Third Eye Blind, Jamiroquai, and several Punk and Ska/Punk band song titles*
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-02-2004, 04:22
Lunatic Retard Robots
01-02-2004, 04:23
Ever since I was a young boy,
I've played the silver ball.
From Soho down to Brighton
I must have played them all.
But I ain't seen nothing like him
In any amusement hall...
That deaf dumb and blind kid
Sure plays a mean pin ball !
Western Asia
08-02-2004, 00:58
GINA NEWS REPORT: GINASA Beats own objectives

2/7 1550 hours
WireStory 32.247.358.deg.52

GINASA's latest reports on the progress of its station systems have been extremely encouraging. Thanks to the aid of several allied nations and a lower-than-expected maintenance demand for the construction shuttle vehicles, already, the first three stations under construction have achieved a high level of readiness, being almost 15% completed on the average.

Since the first reports of its capabilities, the station's descriptions in official reports and from contacts within the IDF and GINASA have grown to include a powerful remote sensory imaging system and Anti-Ballistic Missile defenses. The station's contingent of fighters is now reported to be a total of 32 small and medium craft plus a contingent of 2 large transatmospheric and one orbital transport craft. This brings the total number of craft in the three-station proposed sytem to 96 small and medium transatmospheric combat craft, 6 large transatmospheric transports and three unit that will reportedly be dedicated to shuttling supplies and personnel between the three stations, although it is reported that its range and life support systems could easily stand a trip to the moon and back again.
Western Asia
25-02-2004, 10:07
GINA NEWS REPORT: GINASA Reports "Good Progress"

2/25 2450 hours
WireStory 32.251.462.det.54

GINASA's progress reports on the construction of WA's first permanent manned satellite systems related a very positive estimation of the progress of those efforts.

Numerous surface-to-orbit transits by the new Atlas-class transatmospheric craft over the past few weeks have ensured a constant stream of construction materials.

Friendly spacecraft Carriers on loan to Western Asia have been employed as local depots for supplies, storing tons of supplies and material in their massive holds. Western Asian astronaut crews housed in these massive units have been working long shifts to organize, assemble, and check the station components for reliability. An average 27.3% of the stations under construction are completed. The aid of the friendly space carriers has been described as a "blessing" for the budding orbital construction program. Earthside specialty construction and manufacturing facilities are working overtime to produce the appropriate parts for the continuing orbital construction. The latest release notes that construction activities will be halted for a period of about four months soon to allow manufacturers to catch up with the unexpectedly rapid pace of construction that they have been pursuing since the start of the program.

Micrometeorite shield systems developed locally but based on designs gained from friendly nations many years ago have proven themselves already and promise to make the large stations safehavens in space for Western Asia's military and governmental personnel. Tests using an Atlas-class vessel and a pair of SAE-43 "Howlers" (modified for the testing events) were a great success.

The Atlas-class itself has performed admirably in spite of the heavy workload placed on the six existing units. Point checks on the units have revealed that the units are performing better than projected and maintenance crews work to ensure the maximum safety of the crews at all times.

The new Hermes-class Orbital Transporter (HOT) was revealed to a handful of reporters aboard the Sambizie Constitution-class carrier (which houses the Interim Construction Command offices). The large unit is said to be large and powerful enough to transport several S-43 series craft of any type or up to 1500 metric tons of cargo between stations. The boxy but aerodynamically designed craft bear comfortable quarters for a crew of up to 18 personnel with the capacity to house and sustain several dozen passengers. That the unit bears landing gear as might be used to visit Sol system planets and moons, it is not an impossibility that the Hermes-class might be designed in part to act as an interplanetary shuttle.
27-02-2004, 09:59
We, the MT Government, congratulate our old ally Western Asia on recent achievements with your space technology. We wish you good luck with future projects and look forward to following your progress.
President Jeyna II.
Western Asia
23-03-2004, 06:05
GINA NEWS REPORT: GINASA completes station group.

3/22 2100 hours
WireStory 65.436.349.aae.21

GINASA and the Defense Department's Space Combat Command Group (S2CG) announced today that the final pieces of Western Asia's first permanent, manned, artificial satellites were installed yesterday afternoon, making the three initial stations 100% operational.

The primary station, the Ladder of Jacob, was the site of the innaugaration ceremonies this morning. The station's contingent of 36 fighter craft flew by in formation as the two Atlas-class shuttles and one Hermes-class Orbital Transporter assigned to the station lent themselves to simulated fireworks demonstrations while the fighters spun in place to simulate defensive maneuvers near the station. The other two stations had their own, much smaller, parties at the same time.

The Constitution-class SCVN that has served as a main construction platform and security base was returned to its proper condition and organization as a vessel of the Sambizian Space Navy vessel. It is reported that the DoD's S2CG has made inquiries about acquiring a pair of these vessels from Sambizie's Space Shipyards for both use as construction and security platforms for further space stations and as mobile Western Asian satellites to be rapidly deployed in support of planet-based military operations. GINASA, for one, has supported the move as it sees the SCVNs as a cheap means of rapidly accessing and repairing or upgrading the numerous satellites under its command.

The mysterious Jimmy Page carrier was seen to be leaving the sector and, although the identity of the contributing nation has not been released, it is assumed that the vessel is being returned to its rightful owners.

Construction on two additional minor stations is reported to be well underway in the area around the Ladder of Jacob station.
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-03-2004, 01:09
WA, you can have it. We've got plenty more.
24-03-2004, 01:31
Intelligence Scan - cycle 290827
Medium - wirestory
Summarization: Western Asia developing space station. Primary station recent inaugaration.
Orders: Monitor developments, especially station movements and general tech level.

To: Western Asia Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Space station

Congratulations on your recent achievements. Please find enclosed a sum of 500 000 Kronors (1Kr = 1.2 USD). We hope that such this station will add to your prosperity.
24-03-2004, 01:31
Intelligence Scan - cycle 290827
Medium - wirestory
Summarization: Western Asia developing space station. Primary station recent inaugaration.
Orders: Monitor developments, especially station movements and general tech level.

To: Western Asia Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Space station

Congratulations on your recent achievements. Please find enclosed a sum of 500 000 Kronors (1Kr = 1.2 USD). We hope that such this station will add to your prosperity.
Western Asia
28-04-2004, 08:05
GINA NEWS REPORT: IDF Space Command adds to WA fleet.

4/27 2100 hours
WireStory 65.456.104.abt.24

Rumors concerning Western Asian inquiries into obtaining a pair of large spaceships from Aero-Tech industries was confirmed today as IDFSC officially received two retired Adejaani vessels, the ANS Hammerstein and the ANS Chesterton. The vessels were placed in orbit near two of the Greater Israel Space Stations (reportedly the the GISS Ladder of Jacob and the GISS Chariot of Elijah), where they will undergo upgrades, retrofitting, and renovations for about a year. The names of the ships are reportedly to be the WASV Sambiz and WASV Adejaan, in honor of the fellow Aero-Tech Industries founding nations that have continued to develop advanced space technologies ahead of Western Asia.

Sources within GINASA reported that the two Flight II Constitution-class SCVNs would initially serve as mobile construction and maintenance platforms in joint service with GINASA and the IDFSC. The vessels are reportedly to be tasked with aiding in the construction of the fourth and fifth Western Asian space stations, the last of the series, as well as with running operations to significantly repair and upgrade Western Asian and allied commercial, governmental, and military satellites in orbit. These tasks are expected to take about 4-5 years to complete once the rennovations have been completed, after which time they will be converted to their original role as military vessels under the IDFSC.

It is hoped that this gap in time will both allow for the significant improvement and development of Western Asian systems to arm the ships while maintaining and improving Western Asia's satellite-based worldwide capabilities.
Lunatic Retard Robots
30-04-2004, 01:53
Could we use your stations as a springboard for proposed LRR space ventures?

(Yippie! I'm a' building a history!)

Most plans involve buying second-hand ICBMs and making a number of LRR rockets (piggybacking on an Il-79) to deliver people and sattelites to space.
Western Asia
01-05-2004, 06:48
OOC: Certainly. The stations are quite large (enough for the described fighter craft units, minor construction and fabrication facilities, intelligence officers and their equipment (but, shhh, don't tell no one now, ya hear?) and I'm sure that space could be found for your operations.

Most WA cargo launches involve modified "Hypersoar"-like craft designed to "fly" their way out of the atmosphere or slightly smaller craft for shuttling personnel. These vessels are initially launched from electromagnetic (MAGLEV-like) rails set on mountainsides that provide a truly reusable launch system. LRR's "history" would be free to use these systems as a launch.