28-01-2004, 06:13
It was a beautiful day in Elvandair. All was fair. Life was full if enjoyment. Over the distant valleys you could hear the cries of the Cronkchaw birds calling for their mates. You could hear the Elvan-Folk festively rejoicing over a roasted pig and wine. The market place was bustling with liveliness as Elves purchased their goods. It was a fine day indeed. But in the distance there was a cry:
"HE is HERE! HE is here! Our prayers have been answered! Finally the chosen one sent down from the skies above has arrived to Elvandair to bless us with his Holy Goodness!"
This was a loud, shrill cry called out from not one of the most handsome Elves in town. It was the ear-piercing wail of Renjilda Bagglroar, one of the "crazy" derelict denizens of the city.
"The Messiah has come! Come all YE!!! Come hither and rejoice for all of our prayers have been answered!"
To some this seemed as if they had just heard someone scream, "Look at me! I'm a pretty little Totem Bagger! Doobie!" for these tides hath brought much confusion to many of the townspeople. But this was only the majority....
Out of houses lept other Elves screaming the "hoorahs" of victory! MANY Elves lept out! THOUSANDS!
"Hooray! Hooray!" The messiah hath cometh!" they exclaimed
This struck the afore mentioned majority elves perplexed. What could have caused so much ruckus on such a day? What Messiah? What could be happening
Indeed it was so. Factions of religiously devout Elves claiming to be of the "Intrelix" religion deeply believed that their savior hath cometh.
News spread quickly.
High Consolate Alderman Intreria Frezoy heard of the tidings of the new "Messiah" while in his home near the Capital. He solemnly reasoned what in actuality was going to happen. See, Frezoy worked in Military Intelligence and had intercepted information about such devout "Intrelixians" and their Messiah. He understood this was just a ploy initiated by a cult to create unity among it's members. Once the head leaders of the religion or cult deemed it time, one of them would take on the role of this "Messiah" and send word that "He" hath cometh. Once word was spread, factions of the cult would unite and comence to ethnically cleanse those who were not devout "Itrelixians" as they were. This "Messiah" was more like a code word for impending WAR more than anything.
It was sick to think that such a dastardly ploy could occur in such a peaceful nation as Elvendair is, but criminalistic activity is everywhere and is hard to be avoided. It's criminalistic activity such as this though that sickens the soul. The devious manipulation of these so called Intrelixians was just too heinous for words.
So with this, Frezoy ran to the capital building of Herenzah and brought this isue to the attention of the Elvandair High Consulate Congress.
"The beginnings of a war is brewing. We must prepare to fight this fascist regime. It is the time to show the strength of Elves to Gondor and the world around us, for our fate now is more fragile than it has ever been."
"HE is HERE! HE is here! Our prayers have been answered! Finally the chosen one sent down from the skies above has arrived to Elvandair to bless us with his Holy Goodness!"
This was a loud, shrill cry called out from not one of the most handsome Elves in town. It was the ear-piercing wail of Renjilda Bagglroar, one of the "crazy" derelict denizens of the city.
"The Messiah has come! Come all YE!!! Come hither and rejoice for all of our prayers have been answered!"
To some this seemed as if they had just heard someone scream, "Look at me! I'm a pretty little Totem Bagger! Doobie!" for these tides hath brought much confusion to many of the townspeople. But this was only the majority....
Out of houses lept other Elves screaming the "hoorahs" of victory! MANY Elves lept out! THOUSANDS!
"Hooray! Hooray!" The messiah hath cometh!" they exclaimed
This struck the afore mentioned majority elves perplexed. What could have caused so much ruckus on such a day? What Messiah? What could be happening
Indeed it was so. Factions of religiously devout Elves claiming to be of the "Intrelix" religion deeply believed that their savior hath cometh.
News spread quickly.
High Consolate Alderman Intreria Frezoy heard of the tidings of the new "Messiah" while in his home near the Capital. He solemnly reasoned what in actuality was going to happen. See, Frezoy worked in Military Intelligence and had intercepted information about such devout "Intrelixians" and their Messiah. He understood this was just a ploy initiated by a cult to create unity among it's members. Once the head leaders of the religion or cult deemed it time, one of them would take on the role of this "Messiah" and send word that "He" hath cometh. Once word was spread, factions of the cult would unite and comence to ethnically cleanse those who were not devout "Itrelixians" as they were. This "Messiah" was more like a code word for impending WAR more than anything.
It was sick to think that such a dastardly ploy could occur in such a peaceful nation as Elvendair is, but criminalistic activity is everywhere and is hard to be avoided. It's criminalistic activity such as this though that sickens the soul. The devious manipulation of these so called Intrelixians was just too heinous for words.
So with this, Frezoy ran to the capital building of Herenzah and brought this isue to the attention of the Elvandair High Consulate Congress.
"The beginnings of a war is brewing. We must prepare to fight this fascist regime. It is the time to show the strength of Elves to Gondor and the world around us, for our fate now is more fragile than it has ever been."