PReG Announces Plan to Catch up in Space
Chanel 420 News:
In a press conferance this morning the Peoples Republic of East Goa announced its intentions to improve its space capabilities, The PReG Space Explorasion Commisar John Prescot announced PReG intends to put a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Comrade Prescot also annonced that monday 8 am local time successfully tested the Falcon 1 rocket, believed to be derived from the SSI(N)10 icbm system. With a second launch scedualed for later this week. The second launch is anticipated to carry the PReG's first satilite, Progress 1. Progress 1 will be a earth mapping satelite, reported to have optical, radar and infared sensors.
Progress 1 launch successful
news reporter: Comisar how would you respond to claims that Progress is actually a spy satilite ?
PReG Space Commisar: utter falsehoods...
news reporter: doesnt Progress have high power optics, ir and infa red sensors ?
PReG Space Commisar: yea your correct they are intended for maping and observation of weather phenomenon. Any questions NOT relating to conspiracy theory ?
Spacer Guilds
26-01-2004, 22:02
We are happy that another nation is taking steps out of the cradle. If we can assist, don't hesitate to ask. May we suggest the CMC Heavy-lift Cargo Booster ( for all of your surface-to-orbit launching needs?
-Guild Phaiakia
Although we value your offer the PReG would prefer do design a launch vehicle domestic design and manufacture. We would greatfully accept assistance in the design of a larger more powerful successor to our current Falcon-1 launch vehicle. Design work on the Falcon 5 has already started and we invite you to assist us in finalizing the design. The Falcon 5 is planned to provide a launch vheicle suitable to begin our maned space progam.
Channel 420 News:
The PReG anounces that design of the Triumph Orbiter has been finalized and following announces its intention to build the gemini like capsules as the next step in the nations great space endevor expected to culminate in a moon landing by the end of the decade. PReG Spokesman Robert Collins also reported that ground tests of the Falcon 5 launch 2 stage launch vehicle, specificly designed for use with the Triumph Orbiter. An upper stage only unmanned sub orbital flight is schedualed for tomorrow morning local time to be followed by a computer controled launch, orbit and reentry test later this month (ns time) with a maned suborbital test soon after. A date for the manned orbital flights has not yet been set.
Spacer Guilds
28-01-2004, 21:53
Are we correct in the assumption that you are using chemical rockets? This seems to be the general rule with new spacefarers. Though chemical rockets are useful for teaching their users how to make the most efficient use of mass, they are impractical for large-scale operations. We suggest Nuclear Thermal Rockets for your future endeavors, beginning with a NERVA-style solid core for your announced capsules, and progressing to gas core nuclear lightbulbs for later heavier lifting operations.
-Guild Phaiakia
The PReG Space Exploration Ministery is intregued by your proposal of electro thremal rockets, we think they would be perfect for the next phases of our great endevor, a flight to the moon followed by a flight to mars. We understand that the limits of chemical engines make such flights extremely difficult. we invite you to send scientists to assist in the development of a functional electrothermal engine. Additionaly we invite you to asses the functionality of our proposed drivesystem for the moon and mars flights. We currently plan to acquire ion drive units (possibly from you if you can provide a unit that matches our requirements) but heres the revolutionary part we dont intend to mount heavy solar panels or power generation devices, we intend to use microwave power transmission devices (we recently acquired the technology) to beam power from a nuclear power plant on the surface to a orbital relay satelite and then to the vesselin theory reducing the weight of the vessel and allowing us to compensate for the short coming of ion engines, low thrust.
We would also like to announce that this morning before dawn we launched a Triumph Orbiter on a Falcon 5 launch system (1st stage only) and successfully achieved a maned suborbital flight. Orbital flight schedualed for later this week.
Spacer Guilds
31-01-2004, 15:07
We would be happy to send technicians to assist in developing electircal and nuclear propulsion systems. We ask only that you provide a time and place to drop them off.
We can likely provide ion engines to meet your specifications. While the idea of remote power production is not novel, your particular implementation is definitely interesting. Depending on what amount of energy you are able to produce, Guild ion engines should be able to accelerate at up to 5m/s^2, or just over 1/2g, on xenon fuel. That is, of course, at the cost of Isp.
-Guild Phaiakia
The PReGannounces a successful orbital launch of a Triumph orbiter piloted by Cmndr Robert Franlkin and Flight Leutenant Chris Baker
To Spacer Guilds:
Transmiting coordinates now.......
We expect to be able to have 2 million kilowats available (from our new nuclear powerstation complex) to power the ion drive. Also we would be interested in a recomendation for internal volume and size/ weight for the vessel expected crew 10 and a reusable lander (no more than 4 round trips surface to space)