Emergancy Transmission Lost....
Emergancy International Beacon:Recorded 10:58 Source Unknown
'.....Bloodyhell Frank are we online?....ok.....This is President Braune speaking from the bunker under the Spherean Parliament in the capital Bendova. Although we are not sure we belive that Spherea has been hit by something unknown...jesus... A huge explosion was herd less than three hours ago and although we recived a few intial reports from ouside the building we have herd nothing for more than two hours now. The reports stated that the whole of centeral Bendova and some of its suberbs have been almost completly destroyed althogh by what they had no idea. We have....(STATIC)....from our own computers and moniters inside the bunker that there are phenomonaly high radiation levels directly outside the bunker thankfully its is NBC prof. We interperate this to mean that some kind of missile or dirty bomb has exploded inside the capital. The explosion knocked out our generaters and we beilve we have less than ....(STATIC) hours of...oxygen left...(STATIC).... inside the bunker. Please send help to Spherea we urgently need it. And to my neighbours Huzen Hargen, Law2k and Zwaaza step up your security and please send help. Please hury we believe there are mass civilan casualties and ....(STATIC).......(STATIC)......(STATIC).
Transmition Lost......11:03
Atempting to reconect to server...... Failed
Atempting to reconect to server...... Failed
Atempting to reconect to server...... Failed
The Fedral Union
25-01-2004, 16:05
The Fedral Union wishes to assist you ...
In any way possible.
This is President Kahane of Law2k
Less than an hour ago a nuclear missile was intercepted in our airspace by our shield defences. We do not know however the source it came from . I am declaring that Law2k is now on High Alert and is shuting down its air and sea ports to non-essential vessels. We regard it as a declaration of war and will find the nation or nations responsible. I am sending 1000 soldiers with NBC suits to Spherea imediatly and these shall be followed by another 5,000.
This is Vice-President Lee speaking from a disclosed location. If President Braune does not make contact within the next hour under the Spherean Constition i shall take temporary control. In his absence I request clean up units are sent to assist our own. They can land at Fosters Airadrome which is 10 millies away from the capital. Please hurry.
The troops shall be at the Airadrom with the hour.
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 16:32
This most disturbing news. Huzen Hagen is shutting down its aispace and sea's. Ally's must declare that they wish to enter our territory to avoid being shot down or sunk. At the moment we are deploying a hospityal shp off the coast of Spherea and a Helicopter assault carrier in oreder to ship our marines to the capital and retrieve survivers. Any nation that is wiling to help may do so and assist in finding whovere did this.
Hagen please put your air defence systems on high alert as we have already intercepted a nuclear missile and belive this is what hit Spherea as we know it has no such systems as we were in the process of installing one. This could be an attack on the Fallen System.
Unfortuatly long distance communication lines are still very bad so please make your own way to the scene and link up with our emergancy services on the ground.
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 16:46
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 16:48
certainly we have put all our patriot batteries online and at full alert. We again plead for assistance or information on who did this.
*Starts timer to see how long it takes for a n00b to come in guns blazing* (ill put my money on TBD)
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 17:15
Sorry we hhave been trying to make contact for an hour without success.Please we need more assistance to put it in context 16 million people live and work in the area that was hit including the financial district and almost all Bendova's emergancy services were bassed in the blast area. Because of this we are scrambling emergancy teams from the rest of the country. Please send more search and rescue teams and medics to assist.
Spherea I am withdrawing most of my troops from the regions were they are stationed and calling them back to assist you. I am sending another 10,000 men including search and rescue dog teams and medics. I also call on other nations that are my allies to assist as we have staff in the finalcial stockexchange and many of our citizens take holidays in Spherea and some are belived to have perished.
Verboten Lufftewaffe
25-01-2004, 18:10
The Region/Nations of the Federated Suns wishes to assist....We have our 2nd Fleet in the area on maneuvers...We wish to send them in to assist however they maybe needed...We're also scrambling our 3rd MEU along with 3 of our Hospital Ships....They'll arrive within the week....They'll be transporting approximately 1,000 tons of Aid......
Archon Prince James King I
Arch Duke of the AFFS(Region of the Federated Suns)
High Councillor to the Quorum of 12
Councilor Tertius of GAPTS
Proud Member of
Transcript Relay Radio Message: Sergant Andy McNabb(81) - local control
'81 to Control do you recive me?'
'We have just arrived on the scene it is total carnage the streets are deserted and nearly every building is on fire or destroyed. We are coming across fire storms and are having to pull back and find another route. We need urgent assistance the magnitude is unbeliveable there are litterally dead were ever we look. My 10 man team simpley can't handel the area we are in. Again I repeat please assist-over'
'All recived control but i don't think we will get very far as we are almost overwelmed 81 out'
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 18:35
The Region/Nations of the Federated Suns wishes to assist....We have our 2nd Fleet in the area on maneuvers...We wish to send them in to assist however they maybe needed...We're also scrambling our 3rd MEU along with 3 of our Hospital Ships....They'll arrive within the week....They'll be transporting approximately 1,000 tons of Aid......
Archon Prince James King I
Arch Duke of the AFFS(Region of the Federated Suns)
High Councillor to the Quorum of 12
Councilor Tertius of GAPTS
Proud Member of
You are cleared to enter the fallen systems waters. Our ship is in desperate need of resupply, casulties with severe burns keep coming and at the moment we are sending some C-130's to evacuate less critical caulties to hospitals inside Huzen Hagen
Vice-President Lee-
Thank you all for your assistance it is greatly needed. Please make sure you send fire-fighters as according to reports from both my emergancy services and Law2k's troops fire storms are severly resricting rescue efforts. I have taken the desition not to replace President Braune as his status is unconfirmed. My and the people of Spherea's thoughts and prayes are with him and the people of Bendova.
The Nations of Terres Francaises (including the Eastern French Lands) is sending 100,000 of its Joint Military Forces via Airtransport to offer humanitarian and civil aid. They shall arrive in four hours, and shall approach from the North. The Neutral French Lands is sending an additional 10,000 relief workers, who shall aid only in humanitarian efforts as they are unarmed. You may contact Lord General Major Max Antwerp to coordinate relief.
Terresian News Service
Reporter: The Terres Francaises Monarch, King Michel IV held a news conference today. This marks the beginning of an aggressive international programme established by the Monarchy.
King: The United Terres Francaises Lands under the direction of the Parliament and the Monarchy, hereby fully estalish a progressive international programme to stem international terrorism, and aggression towards soverign nations.
Reporter: In response to the urgent needs of Spherea, a total of 110,000 subjects of the King have been dispatched to the land to offer aid.
Greetings from Xeraph!
As representative of ARM and GAPTS, we stand ready to aid any and all affected by this obvious terrorist attack. We have several nations standing by with Carrier Battle Groups at high alert.
Tell us where to deploy them.
Alaric, King of Xeraph
Does anyone have any idea of the source of the terror attacks?
Possibles: TBD, IH, Horizon. Also, there is a nation, Collodia, accepting terror groups into it's protection. Possibly attacke came from one of these groups within Collodia.
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 18:45
At the moment we have no idea who could have commited these attacks. Now we are trying to help survivers and discover the perpetrator of these attacks.
Thank you both of you we will never be able to repy our debt to you. Your men can land at Fosters Airadrome which is 10 millies east of Bendovia. We strongly advise that no men our sent with out NBC suilts as radiation levels are still very high. Also please sent fire-fighting planes to assist as these are most needed.
I feel that these attacks must have had a nation behind them as it is highly unlikly a terrorist organisation would have the delivery systems to launch multiple nuclear missiles over long distances.
The Empire of the Healers is sending 10 SMASH units to aid with casualties.They will be properly outfitted with anti-radiation suits, as will their protective escorts, the SpecOps Units from the Red Legions and the Black Legions, total 500 armored troopers. Both will be supported by 50 Hi-58 helicopter gunships.
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 21:20
Spherea before I let you read the transcript of the radio conversation I recived minutes ago I wish to offer you on behalf of my nation my deepest sympathies.
Transcript Relay Radio Message: Sergant Andy McNabb(81)-Local control
'81 to Control are you reciving over?'
'We reached the Spherean' parliament minutes ago and gained access to the bunker. Apon arrival we found the bodies of the Spherean Cabinate including that of President Braune. Request Medivac to withdraw body and our team over as we are now completly incircled with flame. Over'
'STANBY 81 STANBY'.............
'81 reciving over'
'Negative on that control we don't have an hour, 40 minutes top is what we have before the fire reaches us and I've got three badly injured men'
President Kahane- Once again I am so sorry.
Huzen Hagen
25-01-2004, 23:50
we must not let this ill news hamper our relief efforts. I am appaling to all nations to help, my nations health survice cannot cope with the sudden surge of horrific injuries from the disaster zone please help.
The Ministry of Information reports the arrival of their relief workers in the Soverieng Nation of Spherea. To effectively coordinate relief, the Monarch, has asked the Law2K commander to take command of Terresian Forces as he sees need.
We have intersepted a missile signiil heading for The same location however we where able to tell where the position was and estimate if it dose not run out of fuel it shall arrive in 10 hours
--------------------------------Galengian National News-------------------------
Earlier today, President Peterson announced the deployment of medical and military units to Spherea to assist with the nuclear strike.
"In these dark days, we face clear and present dangers from many sources, organisations and countries around the world. One thing that remains certain in these days of uncertainy is the ability of one nation to rely upon their neighbours. On this day, I declare that Galengia is sending 15 Emergency Medical Teams, and 10 Shocktroop units to protect Galengia's addition to the multinational task force. In addition to these forces, Galengia also promise to sustain a continual air defence, provided by 5 squadrons of F/A-18 Hornets and 3 squadrons of F-22 Raptors. We can only hope that these forces assist the nation of Spherea and are of an acceptable level of commitment for the Spherean Government."
That was recorded earlier today. Since then, President Peterson has awaited the permission of Spherea before mobilising the forces, most of which are already on standby.
Jennifer Underwood, Galengian National News.
Ladies and Gentlemen please join me for a moments silence to comerate the late President Braune......... God rest his sole....... I have taken over as temporary president untill this emergancy is over
Thank you Galengia and Terres Francaises please deploy your forces immediatly as the situation is deteriating even faster. Black Corairs is your information 100 percent as if so are there any steps we can take to take the missile down as our sytem is not finished by Law2k and so we will have to evacuate all rescue units almost immediatly from centeral Bendovia. Law2k I also have a SFD (Spherean Fire Department) chinnock in the immediate versinaty of Unit 81 and his team shall a devert it to them?
Terres Francaises please deploy you forces to the airadrom using Spherean Police radio wave lenth 4 where they can link up with members of the 13TH Law Special Ground Division and I can bring them under universal control.
If this missle strike is umbound what position should we take, should we make plans to withdraw? Spherea please send you chinnock adopting call sign Echo One to Unit 81's posision as this message was recieved minutes ago.
Transcript Relay Radio Message: Sergant Andy McNabb(81) - local control
'Control this is 81, Super Six four has departed with Braune's corpse and officers 63 and 74 who both are in a very bad way. We urgently need that Chinock I estimate we have no longer then 0.5 of an hour to three quaters of an hour. I repeat to ALL UNITS assistance requested to 81's position over'
'Recieved Control but if we don't get assistance very soon we are not ganna make it. 81 out'
Holy panooly
26-01-2004, 14:59
We will support the countries with their battle against terrorism
Transcript Relay Radio message: Echo One- Relef HQ (RHQ)
'RHQ this is Echo One our posisition is about ten Clicks north of 81's position.We are experiancing problems with the computers and our thermal imaging down. We are going to have to abort mission as we can't see any thing through the smoke .I repeat we are turning back over'
'Echo one whats your status. Unit 81 is counting on you is there any chance you can procide with your mission over'
'RHQ from Echo one please reapeat your last message you are breaking up I reapeat you are breaking up'
'Echo One from RHQ i reapeat is there.....'
'Echo One this is GROUND MOLE SIX -PULL UP I reapeat PULL UP you are going down fast PULL UP. GROUND MOLE SIX to RHQ- Echo one is unresponsive and is going down. Echo One is going down. Echo one going down hard.... Echo One is down I repeat down. We have a bird down co-ordinates 810644. ALL UNITS we have a bird down need assitance. RRQ show Ground Mole One as making its way to the crash site. over'
'RRQ to ALL UNITS showing bird down 810644. ALL avaliable Units please respond. GROUND MOLE SIX showing you as on-route to crash site out'
[code:1:f67d03b312]To: Allied Forces
From: Terresian Unified Services
The Terresian Unified Services have relocated to the Spherean Airadrom and have established an advanced medical triage facility in eight of the hangars. The TUS are guarded by a small contingent of 10,000 Defense Force Officers.[/code:1:f67d03b312]
I suggest Terres Francaises that we set up a sort of escalter type sytem from the Airadrom advancing into the city. With fire fighters clearing the way while other units protecting against fire the line back to the Airadrom so casualties can be passed along this passage back along to the Airadrom without the risk of the lead Firefighters being cut of as in the case of Unit 81. Do I have permission to use your forces in this way?
I suggest Terres Francaises that we set up a sort of escalter type sytem from the Airadrom advancing into the city. With fire fighters clearing the way while other units protecting against fire the line back to the Airadrom so casualties can be passed along this passage back along to the Airadrom without the risk of the lead Firefighters being cut of as in the case of Unit 81. Do I have permission to use your forces in this way?
5,000 of our defense forces and 20,000 of our relief workers are at your direct command. The remaining will aid the wounded and criticals delivered to the Airadrom.
Have any been trained in fire-fighting skills? as although I will get my units to act as the lead fire-fighters I am hoping to use your men as their protection on the line.
Have any been trained in fire-fighting skills? as although I will get my units to act as the lead fire-fighters I am hoping to use your men as their protection on the line.
In an effort to provide the most skilled resources to humanitarian efforts, all Terresian forces are required to undergo training in Defensive Warfare, Fire-fighting, feild medic response and Civil order.
Ok good they shall be deployed accordingly. Have you any helecopters able to make an immediate resue mission for some of my trapped fire fighters?
Ok good they shall be deployed accordingly. Have you any helecopters able to make an immediate resue mission for some of my trapped fire fighters?
We shall seek to requisition four chinook's from the Sephereans as we only have our three C-130s and a mobile hospital ship in the near waters.
We shall seek to requisition four chinook's from the Sephereans as we only have our three C-130s and a mobile hospital ship in the near waters.
Ok we can lend you some of ours but their not going to be here for a couple of hours and we need an immediate resue of Unit 81.
We shall seek to requisition four chinook's from the Sephereans as we only have our three C-130s and a mobile hospital ship in the near waters.
Ok we can lend you some of ours but their not going to be here for a couple of hours and we need an immediate resue of Unit 81.
We apologize for the lateness of this dispatch. Shortly after the receipt of your message, our forces headed out on foot. They should arrive near your forces shortly.
I'm afraid its negative on that front we have been trying to reach Unit 81 by foot repeatedly but 81 is total encircled in flame. The only way to reach them is by helecopter. I suggest you redirect to the crash site of Echo One grid reference 810644 where they are greatly needed.
Line Secured
Message to the Acting Sperean President
I have deployed my troops in the vicinity of the aerodrome and secured the surrounding areas with Galengian Shocktroops.
We currently have available 12 C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft able to assist in the removal of critically wounded citizens. In the event of a second strike, these transports are also available to evacuate medical and military personnel. Early Photo-Reconnaisance has revealed earlier estimates to be far from the mark. Enclosed is the report from Wing Commander Charlie Phippen, leader of the deployed Galengian air forces.
Office of the President of Galengia.
After two earlier flights with the 3rd and 29th Fighter Wing on Photo-Reconnaisance missions, the full extent of damaged cause by the bombing was revealed. Coordinates of the worst effected fires and areas requiring instant containment were sent to Spherean ground forces via the local commanding officers. I have ordered my pilots to maintain a 24 hour presence in the Spherean air space to protect against any further attacks.
Wing Cmdr. Charlie Phippen.
After the detection of the second in-bound missile, Galengian air forces in the area have been advised to watch for any suspicious radar contacts and report immediately to Spherean Air Control. These forces are available for any pre-emptive strike against further missile attacks. In addition, anti-missile defenses are being ordered to Spherea but shall arrive after the estimated time of arrival for the second missile.
We promise all assistance in this matter,
President Wolfgang Peterson
Galengian President.
Thank you Galengia. Could you send the bulk of your troops to the SE of the city as Spherean, Terres Francaises and Law2k's forces have got the situation in the North pretty much under control while we have hardely any men in the South. Have you got any helecopters as there is currently a dire shortage of them?
Regards Act President Lee.
Huzen Hagen
27-01-2004, 18:10
Doctor Bernenti stubbled out of the field hosptal and vomited. There was no end of children with the flesh burnt off their face. Already the hulks of Huzens helicopters flew over head. He stummbled over to the command post to order more suplies.
[code:1:c1cab62e5c]We have deployed 180 Sea Dragon Helicopters. Each can take 24 litters or 55 passengers. They will deliver 5000 troops before ferrying wounded to hospitals further from the disater zone. We will divide the South to limit the spread of diseases and to maintain Law and Order.[/code:1:c1cab62e5c]
Transcript Relay Radio Message: Sergant Andy McNabb(81) - local control
'Control this is 81 the fires almost on us we can't pull back any further. WHere is the GODDAM CHOPPER'
JAMES BRAGSHORE THE CONTROLLER LEAND OVER TO SPEAK TO HIS SUPIRIOR OFFICER 'Lt Smith. 'What should I tell them sir? That chopper that went down was their last chance, now the've got no chance of rescue.
'Tell them a chinock will be there any minute'
'But sir?...'
'There's no point in them dying unhappy at least this way thev'e got hope'
'But surely there....'
'No buts just do it. Thats an order son'
'Ok.... '81 this is control their is a chinock on route to you now at should reach you any minute.'
'Control all recived just speed it up please the fire is practically on us'
'I'm hearing you 81 the chopper will be with you any minute'
'81 Just stay calm its almost there'
A loud explosion sounds.
' 81 come in........81 come in please....... 81?.....81 Do you read me?....' Oh shit.....
James Bragshore pulls of his headphones and mumers to Lt Smith. 'Sir we lost them.
'Ok son take a minute then get back to the computer. Their are more people that need your help.'
Line Secured
Message from the President of Galengia
To the leader of the Spherean people,
Attached I have the latest news on the movement of Galengian troops. Upon your request we have supplied 25 Blackhawk and 20 SeaKing helicopters to assist with the removal of citizens and soldiers placed in danger by the fires and other dangerous materials.
To: The Office of the President of Galengia
We have made contact with Spherean forces and as requested have moved to the South East region of the city. We are currently working to subdue a massive firefront. So far, we have evacuated approximately 150-200 people from the area and will begin removal of deceased persons as soon as the living are evacuated.
Sir, on a personal note, can you please pass on our graditude to the Spherean forces as well as the forces ofTerres Francaises and Law2k, for their assistance in helping to mobilise and ready my men for the battle that confronted them. Without the help of these nations, Galengian troops would have taken hours to prepare to move.
We will continue the fight with a Galengian courage,
General Matthew B. Leddeton
As read in the message, I pass on my many thanks to those nations who have assisted in the preparation of the Galengian forces. Without your help, many more would have died.
Together we work, Strength through Unity!
President Wolfgang Peterson
To the commanders of Spherea, Galengia, Huzen Hagen and Terres Francaises. My millitary mathmations and scientists along with those of Black Corsairs have calculated that the seccond missile will hit Bendova in roughly three hours time. I have begun withdrawing my men and civillan causaulties from the probable blast area and to the outer surberbs. I strongly advise you start withdrawing your men immediatly. 4 C-130 Hercules Cargo Planes, 20-EA-24C Military utility Version/troop transporters, 50 Chinnocks and 100 Sikorsky UH60 Blackhawk Helicopter have arrived in Spherea to help with the evacuations. Also a short time ago the bodies of Sergant McNabb and 5 members of his team were recovered. 2 men are still MIA.
Thank you for your time
Vice-President Dorrel
To: The Office of the President of Galengia
After recieving the communique from Law2k, we have begun our evacaution to a point determined to be safe from the blast radius. the evacuation process should take approximately 1 1/2 hours.
Once evacuation is complete, our forces will begin to equip the men with nuclear and biological suits. Galengian Shocktroops will remain on standby until the missile either makes contact or is destroyed. Once the missile's fate is decided, our forces will be flown back to the prior area and begin cleaning up and removal of bodies.
Strength through Unity
General Matthew B. Leddeton
To: The Office of the President of Galengia
The 3rd, 9th, 17th and 29th Fighter Wings have been placed on full alert for the incoming missile. All aircraft have been fitted with MD-302 Guardian Angel missiles. Designed to destroy missiles, these will be used only in the event that the missile can be destroyed before reaching civilian areas. After they have come to close to the city itself, the blast and nuclear fallout would prove more fatal than the blast itself.
We will continue our around the clock defence of Spherea,
Wing Cmdr. Charlie Phippen
I would like to request some information about this strike... this isn't In Character information as such, but an OOC request for information that can be found out when this incident occured.
The thing about nuclear blasts (assuming this is one) is that they are detectable from anywhere on earth. Modern technology is such that everyone can see when something as powerful as a nuclear blast occurs, as such I would like to know a few things if you don't mind telling me. This is all OOC but represents what I should know IC:
1. Was it nuclear? Everyone can detect nuclear blasts due to the seismic waves they produce as well as numberous satalite pictures. So I need to know if it was Nuclear... if so I will know some things, if not then I'm clueless as to what happened, but I know it wasn't nuclear.
2. If it was Nuclear, then what yield was it? If you are unsure the average nuclear weapon owned by the USA has a 600 Kiloton yield, though they can be bigger. Remember 1 Megaton = 1'000 Kilotons.
Thanks for any information you can spare, your answers will be used in a list of Nuclear Activity being kept by the INOC organisation, click on the logo for more details, I will contact you In Character later to ask for a formal investigation as to what happened as well as to offer aid.
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UADYAtMXzbcWpGWAHB13!kcACFdFVkoXHTTVhmuW4!VMJARAGP1P0rBuoIPR1SYXLdRxxBwbF2U45UVOIK7VKwT48TQ9cugP!0g g!JUpM3DxTXG2LO87MnSC4BcAcOAX/Base%20INOC%20logo.bmp?dc=4675457795901469885 (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2670495#2670495)
Communist Rule
31-01-2004, 20:45
OOC: -oogles at the INOC logo.............-
Huzen Hagen
31-01-2004, 20:52
I would like to request some information about this strike... this isn't In Character information as such, but an OOC request for information that can be found out when this incident occured.
The thing about nuclear blasts (assuming this is one) is that they are detectable from anywhere on earth. Modern technology is such that everyone can see when something as powerful as a nuclear blast occurs, as such I would like to know a few things if you don't mind telling me. This is all OOC but represents what I should know IC:
1. Was it nuclear? Everyone can detect nuclear blasts due to the seismic waves they produce as well as numberous satalite pictures. So I need to know if it was Nuclear... if so I will know some things, if not then I'm clueless as to what happened, but I know it wasn't nuclear.
2. If it was Nuclear, then what yield was it? If you are unsure the average nuclear weapon owned by the USA has a 600 Kiloton yield, though they can be bigger. Remember 1 Megaton = 1'000 Kilotons.
Thanks for any information you can spare, your answers will be used in a list of Nuclear Activity being kept by the INOC organisation, click on the logo for more details, I will contact you In Character later to ask for a formal investigation as to what happened as well as to offer aid.
http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0UADYAtMXzbcWpGWAHB13!kcACFdFVkoXHTTVhmuW4!VMJARAGP1P0rBuoIPR1SYXLdRxxBwbF2U45UVOIK7VKwT48TQ9cugP!0g g!JUpM3DxTXG2LO87MnSC4BcAcOAX/Base%20INOC%20logo.bmp?dc=4675457795901469885 (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2670495#2670495)
It was indeed nuclear. My mens geiger counters weny of teh scale and ill be dammened if any conventional bomb would reek that much havoc. We believe that it was a 1mgt device judging by the level of destruction. It is possible it could be bigger, Bendova was not not a small city (several million) and was nearly raised to the ground.
It was indeed nuclear. My mens geiger counters weny of teh scale and ill be dammened if any conventional bomb would reek that much havoc. We believe that it was a 1mgt device judging by the level of destruction. It is possible it could be bigger, Bendova was not not a small city (several million) and was nearly raised to the ground.
OOC: Yes, I like the logo too, I could of made it complex and brilliant, but INOC is just a simple organisation and I like the link inside of the picture.
Meanwhile for RP's sake I would like the nation that was bombed to give me the details because it's their city... however I will note your comments.
I can confirm from extensive geigar tests and monitering of the blast zone that it was a nuclear attack. Spherean and Huzeny scientists have both come to this conclusion and it is estimated that the device was in th 1mgt region. Although we do not have an exact figure on causalties as the communication lines are still very poor, the Spherean Home office has extemate that it is likely that at least 8 million Spherean citizens perished in the attack. We have arrived at this figure from trawling through the Sphearan census figures that 5 million lived near the epicenter in centeral Bendova and 3 million travelled to work there in the financiall district. Many more are likely to have died in the capitals suburbs.
An uptate on the second missile: ETA T-minus 2 hours. Hope uv all pulled your troops out. O and Spherea the Cav has donated $75 billion to you. A very nice man. http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=114365&start=40