Maniaca vs Obscure Nation: Ready to Rumble(wargame, closed)
Obscure Nation
24-01-2004, 00:56
Maniaca hereby declares a state of wargame with Obscure Nation. Maniaca posts numbers:
Army:8,361,000 personnel
Navy:7,961,000 personnel
Air Force:8,761,000 personnel
Note: Not all of these will be used in the wargame, will merely be ready for attack. We will give our numbers a drop to make it more of a game.
Maniacan forces will be using rotten ketchup as a weapon. Obscurian forces will be using the more traditional laser method. After a person "dies," they will be eliminated from the wargame indefinitely.
Obscure: If 1/8 of the unit is covered in ketchup, the unit will be eliminated.
Maniaca: If the laser readers generate enough hits on the unit, the unit will be eliminated.
"Dead" people's weapons will disable, and a bright red light on top will light up, saying "don't kill me anymore."
The wargame will be conducted on the Obscurian island of Superfluous Shadow. Terrrain will include:
Barren rock wasteland
Burned out ruins
Obscure Nation will be defending and Maniaca will be attacking
Five Elephantine carriers and a plethora of Naval attack vessels set off for the West Coast of Superfluous Shadow. Their cargo was varied. One held all of the infantry needed for the assault, the other all the land vehicles and their crews, one and 1 half for all the airplanes and their crews, as wel as half a carrier for the repair and medical(in case someone gets stabbed or bayonetted or something like that) team. The help squad was cut because repairs and medical help was not as necessary when going up against lasers. The ships stopped near a sheltered bay. The land and infantry carriers went one by one into the bay to drop off their cargo. The help and air carriers remained offshore, protected by Water Moccasin cruisers and Marlin destroyers as well as numerous patrol boats, one of them being the odd Obscurian made Demon Spawn PT. The tanks and recon vehicles rolled off the carriers, the infantry units set up camp in the woods. The carriers fired up their weapons in case the Obscurians found them and attacked. They would look at a map and begin their invasion the next morning.
Obscure Nation
24-01-2004, 02:53
General Fort had set up the Obscurian base on the far side of Mt. Shadow, where the mountain seemed to extend itself into the land, creating a vast, rocky wasteland. No vegetation grew here. The ground was littered with the skeletons of long dead creatures unfortunate enough to wander into it. And this is where they had decided to live.
Their scouts up in the mountain reported that the Maniacans had made landfall in Ruki Bay. They had entered into the jungle, and it wasn't hard to fathom that they had erected a base in there. They had some advance units in the area, but not enough for an assault. They were told to hold their position and wait for re-enforcments.
Meanwhile, they had set up a mobile howitzer division and some MLRS systems in the ruins of a once-great city near the coast. They also had three battalions of infantry and the infamous Dark-Light Tank Division there if the Maniacans chose to take the city. The rest of the Obscurian forces were scattered throughout the rock-ladden plains to the south.
Fort had desided to attack the carriers themselves and lure the Maniacans into a trap at the city. He sent out the order, and immediatly, the howitzers and MLRS's began to unload their laser-based barrage upon the unsuspecting Maniacans...
Classic maverick
25-01-2004, 03:32
I have gotten some intelligence from my...allies, possibly? hopefully even. well, anyway, the information given to me is reflected by my vote, which you should be able to figure out who that might have been for.
Obscure Nation
25-01-2004, 17:35
Meanwhile, the Wraith Division, led by two Cerberus heavy tanks with what could only be described as "weed threshers" on front plowed through the forest towards the massing Obscurian forces east of the Maniacan outpost. By now, three other tank divisions and two battalions of infantry had massed in force for an attack. As soon as the Maniacans took the bait at the city, they'd hammer the forward base with all they had.
OOC: Maniaca, what units are at the base, and how many of them are there?
OOC: Well, let me think about the average numbers of such and such in an invasion force.......come to think of it, why don't I just ask you? Note: Classic, all of your secretly getting information from sources followed by referencing them and not giving their names is going to get you skewered some day.
IC: "Gosh darnit, they found us," mused Admiral Forkien. "Fire up the Tyrranists and Solarians. Bomb them to hell. Send in some Dragarians for good measure, why not. That'll teach 'em to shell us in the middle of the night. And why not send some blind air torpedos into where we think they're coming from. We can get some more. Dangit, it's rocky." Two squadrons(14 planes in total) of each type of bomber(which means 14x3) took off from the carriers, flanked by some cheap Anarchist2 Fighters in case they had some type of stealth air attack going on. The bombers found where the shells were coming from, a ruin on the coast. The great thing was, urban combat was almost a plus for them, because any buildings they toppled would have a chance of hitting the units hanging out there, and no worry about collateral damage. They screamed over the city, each two planes making an X, and then passing off well into the distance, and then coming again on the way back. Their infrared was sketchy, so commonly they couldn't see what they were bombing........
At the ground base a Corporal received a radio transmission. He ran to his commander's tent. "Sir, they're bombing the carriers! The admiral has ordered an air attack!"
"Why not help them out?" responded Cmdr. Flarespire. "Throw them an Alamo. That'll wake them up." And so an Alamo SSM launcher tossed up a missle out of the woods that hopefully missed all of the allied bombers and landed in the city.
Obscure Nation
26-01-2004, 03:01
"Look alive, boys! The enemy's come to play!" one of the drill seargents shouted. AA batteries up in the higher stories of more structurally sound buildings let loose laser-based hell upon the Tyrannists...
A demi-squadren (6) of Liberators and Skids (6x2) flew over the Maniacan carrier group. The Liberators opened up the bottoms of their liftign bodies, dispensing over 80,000lbs. of bomb from above. The Skid consentrated on the smaller craft that the bombs would have little effect on. Their four-barreled main gun dispensed powder-based rounds, splattering several Water Moccasins with the orange powder. Then they released their powder missles into the sides of battle ships and carriers. By the time they withdrew, Maniacan AA fire had taken down four Liberators and two Skids (1/2 of the planes)
MEANWHILE (OOC: I'll cut those numbers you posted earlier in half for the landing force)
Fort had given the command to move on the base. A division (24) of Hailfire Medium Tanks (armed with two 1.0 cal Rotary gats and 2 .50 cal M. Guns) moved in a line toward the clearing of the Maniacan base. Two Troopers with Assault Rifles moved in between each one. Between them, more then 160 barrels of rapid-fire weapons were pointed at the outpost. Then they cut loose. Lasers flased through the camp, lighting up kill lights and tearing down tents. Then, another division of Hailfires moved in on an adjacent side, and fired off all of their weapons. They had unleashed their fury, and the Maniacans were caught in the cross-fire...
There was a whistle in the air over the ruins. And then, the defening roar of a Rotten Ketchup Alamo landing. Luckily, it landed in a vacant part of the city where forces were not fully deployed. The AA continued to attempt to thwart the Tyrannists and their protectors, and the howitzers and MLRS still brought down their fury on the carriers. Fort had decided to scrammble all available 'Wolves (fighters) to keep the minds of the Maniacans off of the land. The 'Wolves were surely not the pinacle of technowledgy, and were probably no match for the Dragarians, but it didn't matter. They had to take down the Tyrannists and Solarians. The AA fire simply "brought down" the Anarchist2s. ( :P )
The Maniacans were almost outnumbered, outgunned, and surrounded. They were about to charge in when Cmdr. Flarespire assessed the situation. He called for the motorboats to come up and get the ground troops. He told the Tank units to fire at will and throw subdue grenades over the whole battle field. The recon units were told to just hit the road and dump sleep and stun grenades out the back. The infantry units would get in the water and swim out to meet the motorboats. If the Obscurians followed in the water, they would submerge, and as soon as they boarded the motorboats, drop a few stun grenades in the water and let the electric current put every soldier in the water to sleep. As soon as all of the Maniacan forces were out of the area, they would Alamo the microbes infesting the dirt to death. The plan was put in motion. It would depend on what the Obscurians would do next. They could be kill hungry, and follow or stay, or they could be happy with driving them out, and pack up and beat it. They would see as soon as the first infantryman's head was below the surface......
Obscure Nation
28-01-2004, 18:16
The Obscurians saw the Maniacans withdrawing, using their tanks like a blockade. The Hailfire gunners flipped a switch, moving to a different ammo type. This was a smaller SABOT round, an armor piercer... although it was still only a laser. These rounds were better suited towards shredding tank armor.
The Obscurian infantry retreated as Maniacan grenades started to fall. The Hailfires swiveled their turrets backwards, and then turned around so they could flee and fire at the same time. As far as they were concerned, they did a Hell of a job. Hopfully this would make the Maniacans think twice before trying to set up camp again...
It was a few days since the quick retreat, all spent offshore on the carriers. General Flarespire's plan had worked to perfection, even though perfection still wasn't all that good. They had lost many to the Obscurians' few. The high point was that their emergency tactic wasn't necessary. If the infantrymen were followed into the water, they would have punctured a stun grenade and dropped it into the sea, letting the electric current enrapture almost everything in the immediate area. That was not necessary, as the Obscurians backed off as soon as he had shown retreat, with several parting shots to the tanks and recon units. The recon units had made it off okay, following whatever path they could find away from the conflict, dumping non-lethal grenades in their wake. They would all rendevous(sp?) at a point on the beach and a few flatships were going to try to stealthily pick them and bring them back to the fleet. Commander Flarespire, however, was at a loss for words. How could he have let his guard down like that. Why would he assume the Obscurians would have let them set up shop? That was in the past, it was time to think of a new tactic. The problem was, he had been trying, and was at a loss for thoughts too. He donned his military helmet. Stood up straight, then lowered his head and charged straight into the wall of his office. It did little to clear his head. He didn't get up, he just closed his eyes and pondered.........
Obscure Nation
06-02-2004, 03:24
General Fort had recieved word that the Maniacans were off the dirt. HIS dirt. Good news usually made people happy. This only worried Fort of what they might be planning... and how and when they'd strike again. He gave the order for a half dozen (6) Schlect Missile Destroyers to be ready to move in on the Maniacan fleet. He also ordered cruiser and PT escorts, along with another 3 Destroyers and a new carrier on stand-by.
Fort also ordered that the coastal bombardment cease. If the Maniacans wanted to take the city, they would try. If not, then Fort would move his units out to where they'd be more useful.
OOC: You're move, Kasper...
Fire People
14-02-2004, 17:14
go Manica!
Fire People
14-02-2004, 17:14
go Manica!
Fire People
14-02-2004, 17:14
go Manica!
Obscure Nation
14-02-2004, 18:37
OOC: No. Don't "Go Maniaca"
OOC: Sorry, SP is Rendezvous. Go Obscure!
A Kraken sumbarine crawled beneath the surface, flanked by two others. They split and began to circle the island, Croctopus torpedo tupes cleared and ready. The subs rose so that the water just barely laid over their tops. A small platform on top rose up diagonally, so that when completely raised, it appeared from the side that a right triangle was sticking on top of the sub. It rose so that when it lifted, the water rolled off it's back down the ramped side. Looking down this platform, there were two circular holes. The sub captain gave the word, and grenades were fired. With a "poomp" The subs sprayed grenades--all kinds of them--out of the tubes and onto the beaches. The shore was littered with them, landing with a soft "thump" on the sand. The subs then dove, and slipped away as quickly as they had come.
Obscure Nation
16-02-2004, 05:56
Fort had sent word for the attack to comence immediatly. He sent 4 Destroyers and their acompanyment to the North, along with a new carrier. The Tyranus-Class carrier was massive, having three seperate lauch strips so that they could field more planes into the air at once. This, however, limited the carrier to the number of planes it could carry to a single squadren (12), all carried below deck. He sent the other 5 Destroyers with their compliment of ships to the South.
He sent them far out into the open sea, so that the Maniacans would not have visual or scanner confirmation of their existance. The carrier launched its full squadren of fighters about five minutes ago. Now, the Destroyers opened up their vertical-launch tubes, throwing up a total of 180 laser-guided SSMs at the Maniacan carrier group.
Simultaniously, the full squadren of fighters arrived. They used their dud-missiles, shooting them into the sides of the carriers only. They used their machine guns to tear into smaller vessels. When about half of the fighters had their kill-lights glowing, they all turned back to the East, pumping up their after-burners to full.
Then the missiles hit...
OOC: Kasper, I suggest you post losses soon...