High Lethaility- Blended Metal Ammo, most calibres available
United Elias
23-01-2004, 19:54
The United Arms Corporation, a new consortium of Elias companies and competitor to the Elias Federal Armaments Company, bring the world its second product and one that threatens to change the future of firearms.
Imagine a small-arms, lead-less bullet powerful enough to punch through armor plate and "bulletproof" glass at typical pistol and rifle-shot distances, yet smart enough to release its energy the instant it encounters soft tissue. Yes, a bullet that makes light work of armor plate but won't exit a human body.
Now imagine this same bullet will deliver a devastating strike against an adversary standing 75 feet away, yet it would generally be non-lethal to an innocent bystander 100 feet from the weapon's muzzle.
Blended Metal Round
UACs blended metal round or APLP bullet brings a new level of stopping power to a whole range of calibres and can produce lethal results even if the target is hit in areas that do not normally result in fatal injuries. Designed to release maximum energy in soft tissue, the “armor-piercing limited penetration” ammo bores through hard targets, such as steel, kevlar and glass, but will not pass through a person or even several layers of drywall.
When the 'frangible' APLP ammo stikes a human body, instead of passing through, it shatters, creating, in the words of the Elias Army's Surgeon General, “untreatable wounds.”
Tests of our unique ammunition have demonstrated that when an APLP round strikes soft tissue, for example in a chest cavity, the resulting hydrostatic shock is so severe it can destroy brain tissue mass. As a result, a heart or lung shot against a large animal, such as a deer, in the case of our tests( or a human}, consistently causes the animal to drop the instant it's struck. (After receiving a fatal shot to the chest from standard ammunition types, a deer's reflexes often propel the animal a short distance after being struck.)
Field Test
During the Gabon war a Special Reconaissance Service (SRS) tactical team was issued with 5.56mm APLP ammunition for trial in their unmodified M4 carbines. The team were likely to encounter hostile fire and therefore were perfect candidates for the trial.
A Sergeant who cannot be named, and three colleagues were driving down a dirt road into a rural village, when gunmen in several surrounding buildings opened fire on them. In a brief but intense firefight, the Sergeant in question hit one of the attackers with a single shot from his M4 carbine at a distance he estimates was 100 to 110 yards.He hit the man in the buttocks, a wound that typically is not fatal. But this round appeared to kill the assailant instantly.
“It entered his butt and completely destroyed everything in the lower left section of his stomach ... everything was torn apart.”
This was the first combat firing of the new round shich will become special forces standard in the near future and will increasing use in other frontline units despite its high cost.
Note: This type of ammunition violates the Hague Accords of 1899 which prohibit the use of expanding ammunition types against foreign enemies.
(so nice democratic/UN nations are unlikely to use these things.)
If there is a specific calibre that is required but not listed below, that does not mean to say it is not available and if it is not but there is sufficient demand we may consider producing it specially.
-All rounds are provided in crates of 1000 rounds which must be then loaded into the required magazines. Every round is marked with a dark blue tip to give easy recognition of its type.
5.56x45mm NATO, APLP
-Price per 1000: $250
-Production License: $75,000,000
Suitable for: M16/M4/Tavor (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=59484&highlight=)/G36/LAR-25 (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=117489&highlight=) etc
7.62x51mm NATO, APLP
-Price per 1000: $275
-Production License: $80,000,000
Suitable for: M60, HK G3, FN FAL, FN MAG etc
7.62x39mm Soviet, APLP
-Price per 1000: $275
-Production License: $80,000,000
Suitable for: AK-47, PK, RPK, Draugonov etc
5.54x39.5mm Soviet, APLP
-Price per 1000: $250
-Production License: $75,000,000
Suitable for: AK-74
4.6x30mm, APLP
-Price per 1000: $200
-Production License: $70,000,000
Suitable for: PDW-46 (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=97198&highlight=)
Scandavian States
23-01-2004, 20:25
This is an interesting and effective round and one we have already started implementing in our assault rifles, with their 6.8x43mm round. We encourage anyone with more common weapons with standard calibers to buy this ammo, you won't be disappointed.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland
23-01-2004, 22:48
OOC: Does this round actually exist?
United Elias
23-01-2004, 22:54
OOC: Does this round actually exist?
certainly does, care to order some?
United Elias
23-01-2004, 22:55
OOC: Does this round actually exist?
certainly does, care to order some?
We dont give a crap about the UN please we take 900,000 of the 5.56 rounds please.We are satisifed with your LAR-25 thnk you money wired on confirmation.
Rhodesia and Nyasaland
24-01-2004, 01:04
The Army department of aquistions would like to aquire the following for trials with infantry weapon specialists and our Selous Scouts. Indeed these rounds may satisfy cirtics of our switch over to 5.56mm currently taking place.
228,000 5.56mm NATO: $57,000
132,000 7.62mm NATO: $36,300
Money Wired, thank you.
24-01-2004, 02:34
And while it is against the so called "rules of war" you are free to use it agaisnt your own citizens just like all the other interesting rounds out there (ie issue it to your police forces).
Anyway Crookfur police tactical units and some of our"special services personell" have been using similar rounds for sometime with great sucess.
24-01-2004, 02:49
We already use such ammo in war.
Lost Hills
24-01-2004, 03:14
We'll take productions rights to the 5.56 and 7.62 NATO rounds.
$155,000,000 wired.
United Elias
24-01-2004, 13:18
Orders confirmed, thank you.
no u should have given less money
United Elias
24-01-2004, 17:28
no u should have given less money
What the f*ck?
24-01-2004, 17:41
Nice stuff ...
We'll take 1000,000 rounds of 5.56x45mm NATO, APLP
* $US 250,000 wired *
(Since it works in an M16, it should work with AR15s too)
United Elias
24-01-2004, 17:43
Nice stuff ...
We'll take 1000,000 rounds of 5.56x45mm NATO, APLP
* $US 250,000 wired *
(Since it works in an M16, it should work with AR15s too)
It will work in any NATO 5.56 rifle.
Order Confirmed.
United Elias
09-05-2004, 17:59
I'll need 40 crates of 7.62x51mm NATO, APLP bullets and 50 crates of 7.62x39mm Soviet, APLP bullets.
The money has been transfered, and we've added a little bonus for you, at the sum of 50,000 zukovian rubels (39,000 USD), for giving us a pleasant deal.
We're looking forward to doing more business with you.
President Mikhail Zjebrov of the United Socialist States of Zukov
Independent Hitmen
26-07-2004, 22:40
We will take 10,000 of each type of NATO round for testing purposes.
Total amount has been wired to you
OOC: cant be bothered to do the maths this late at night, hope you dont mind.
26-07-2004, 22:42
We would like to get the production lisence for the 5.56, 7.62 NATO, and 5.45. Money wired on confirmation.
We would like to buy production rights for an 8.89x61mm version of the bullet... However, we need to know if it will be just as effective at 650-900m, The effective range for the Chellian LGW P-14(900 is prone, using the scope and range assistance, laser range finder, bipod, etc).
United Elias
26-07-2004, 22:58
All orders confirmed, thank you very much.
Chellis, It should still be effective at that range although it will obviously have less penetrating power than at short range.
Western Asia
26-07-2004, 23:05
And while it is against the so called "rules of war" you are free to use it agaisnt your own citizens just like all the other interesting rounds out there (ie issue it to your police forces).
Anyway Crookfur police tactical units and some of our"special services personell" have been using similar rounds for sometime with great sucess.
Freelance contractors are also allowed to use it...which has generated the first in-combat use of this round IRL (by a "private security advisor" in Iraq, who used one during an ambush that took down an iraqi with what should've been a minor (albeit painful, survivable) shoot to the buttox that killed the fellow. The private security fellow was, of course, glad to have the new toy.
Remember folks: if you're not representing a nation, none of that Geneva accords stuff matters! (aside from local legislation).
BMA has been used in WA for quite some times as well, with great satisfaction in the special forces world...although it's not generally offered to main-line soldiers for fear that friendly-fire and range accidents might be all-too effective demonstrations of the rounds' deadliness.
United Elias
26-07-2004, 23:10
although it's not generally offered to main-line soldiers for fear that friendly-fire and range accidents might be all-too effective demonstrations of the rounds' deadliness.
We're still rather divided on that issue, so far special forces and the marines have been issued it but many are calling for it to be issued across the board. Don't forget about Panama WA, I think its your turn to post.
All orders confirmed, thank you very much.
Chellis, It should still be effective at that range although it will obviously have less penetrating power than at short range.
Obviously, as a round at longer ranges gets weaker anyways...
My main question is, does it lose relative effectiveness faster than a real bullet?
Western Asia
26-07-2004, 23:31
We're still rather divided on that issue, so far special forces and the marines have been issued it but many are calling for it to be issued across the board. Don't forget about Panama WA, I think its your turn to post.
OOC: my turn? shite...I was waiting for you guys to post...'cept for that thing about my airfield being mortar'd from somewhere apparently in the panama canal itself...
Unum Veritas
26-07-2004, 23:32
The Veritasean government is interestes in purchasing production rights for both NATO munitions in order to equip our entire Marine force with it. The $155 million can be transferred to United Elias accounts any time after this license is agreed to. We would also be interested in learning of the effectiveness of this type of ammo in large caliber naval guns (ie on battleships), or just your thoughts on the matter. Thank you in advance.
High Chancellor Harding
The Naval Empire of Unum Veritas
Member: NAIA
Member: Band of Brothers
Member: Organization of Marine Powers (http://www.gaizme.com/omp/forums/index.php)
Vice President and Naval Commander: Legion of Defence (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2503299#2503299)
Owner: Veritasean Naval Industries Inc. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=655745#655745)
Of the council of clan
26-07-2004, 23:52
I'd like to order
or production rights
I want 4,000,000,000,000
in the 7.62mm Nato
and the rest in 5.56mm NATO
27-07-2004, 00:04
I will buy production for 7.62x51mm NATO, APLP.
---$80,000,000 wired on confirmation---
United Elias
27-07-2004, 00:07
All orders confirmed, thanks.
Obviously, as a round at longer ranges gets weaker anyways...
My main question is, does it lose relative effectiveness faster than a real bullet?
No it wouldn't.
United Elias
27-07-2004, 00:09
The Veritasean government is interestes in purchasing production rights for both NATO munitions in order to equip our entire Marine force with it. The $155 million can be transferred to United Elias accounts any time after this license is agreed to. We would also be interested in learning of the effectiveness of this type of ammo in large caliber naval guns (ie on battleships), or just your thoughts on the matter. Thank you in advance.
High Chancellor Harding
The Naval Empire of Unum Veritas
Member: NAIA
Member: Band of Brothers
Member: Organization of Marine Powers (http://www.gaizme.com/omp/forums/index.php)
Vice President and Naval Commander: Legion of Defence (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2503299#2503299)
Owner: Veritasean Naval Industries Inc. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=655745#655745)
Large Naval shells are filled with high explosive and perhaps depleted uranium warheads rather like tank shells or artillery so it would not be a practical application for this technology.
All orders confirmed, thanks.
No it wouldn't.
In that case, we would like to buy production rights to an 8.89x61mm bullet of this type, also known as .35CA(Chellian ammunition). That is, if you are willing to create a design for us.
Of the council of clan
27-07-2004, 00:14
155,000,000 Wired
United Elias
27-07-2004, 00:15
In that case, we would like to buy production rights to an 8.89x61mm bullet of this type, also known as .35CA(Chellian ammunition). That is, if you are willing to create a design for us.
Certainly, no problem, nice doing business.
27-07-2004, 00:26
Would it be possible for you to custom design our nation a 5.56x57mm calibre round for our military's M-19A rifle? We are willing to pay whatever cost to have it developed and produced by our own munition manufacturing plants.
The Phoenix Milita
27-07-2004, 00:42
7.62x51mm NATO, APLP
-Production License:
$80,000,000 wired
Combined with TPM special proppellent, we hope this create the ultimate round.
The Ximean War Ministry wishes to purchase production rights for the 5.56x45mm APLP round.
The Parthians
27-07-2004, 01:21
I would like production rights to the 5.56x45.
$75,000,000 wired on confirmation.
United Elias
27-07-2004, 10:35
All orders confirmed.
Aequatio, yes we can design a custom round in that calibre, teh total price including design and production rights would be 104,000,000.
Tom Joad
27-07-2004, 18:51
The Defence Appropriations Committee is always on the look for advances in small arms at all levels, the continual purchasing of such ammunition is believed to prove insufficient and so purchase of production rights for 5.56x45mm & 7.62x39mm has been approved.
Until production reaches sufficient levels to meet requirements the purchasing of eight million rounds of each, previously specified, calibre is also to be made.
On another matter perhaps the United Arms Corporation would like to establish itself within The Incorporated States of Tom Joad's lucrative arms industry.
Incorporated States of Tom Joad Defence Appropriations Committee
27-07-2004, 19:58
The Dominion wishes to acquire a supply of blended metal rounds for our armed forces. Rather than buy a quantity, or even acquire production rights, we extend an invitation to the Elias Federal Armaments Company to come and construct a factory within our borders. In exchange for access to our domestic markets, and priority government contracts, the Elias Federal Armaments Company would recieve generous tax breaks in exchange for becoming the primary supplier of ammunition to the Dominion Armed Forces and police agencies. If this is not acceptable, we wish to acquire the neccesary knowledge to design and manufacture our own blended metal rounds. In exchange for whatever monetary compensation you require, we would begin production of blended metal rounds for domestic consumption alone, and not for export. We await your decision.
United Elias
28-07-2004, 11:22
Orders Confirmed.
As to that proposal, Elias Federal Armaments Company (EFAC) is always willing to exand into new and business friendly markets and we would welcome an agreement permitting us to start our own operations in your nation.
28-07-2004, 11:58
All orders confirmed.
Aequatio, yes we can design a custom round in that calibre, the total price including design and production rights would be 104,000,000.
Funds transfered.
Tom Joad
28-07-2004, 17:52
There's available space on numerous business parks, long established so routing services is no problem, the cost of establishing would be softened with an eight month tax exemption as well as a six percent tax refund afterwards of all costs encountered in six months of startup and a fixed contract to supply the nation with ammunition, fixed quantities but not prices.
The Cottonmouth
28-07-2004, 18:07
My Storefront (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=326747)
I want to exploit this round. May I add it too my front? I will buy the rights for all of the rounds and even put a link to your storefront (if you have one) into mine.
The Armed Republic of Binthor would like to purchase production rights and 100 crates of each types of this ammo, not to use in combat, but to put in a warehouse so that we can get an inventory of all types of small arms that we can find. The cost should be 380,125,000 USD, and the money will be wired.
Tag, I'll consider it later.
Production rights to all of them. $380,000,000 wired.
I have a new demand. I wish to purchase plans (if you don't have any yet) and production rights for .45 ACP ammunition.
United Elias
02-08-2004, 15:15
Thats perfectly fine, confirmed.
We would like to discreetly purchase 500,000 rounds of your 5.56 Ammunition for use by our er, "Special Millitary Forces".
We shall wire the money to you upon confirmation of delivery.
I have a new demand. I wish to purchase plans (if you don't have any yet) and production rights for .45 ACP ammunition.
How much will it cost?