A small Black Arms sale...
Just a few weapons for people to enjoy, so we can get our economy moving. We got G3 Military automatics and copied AKM's
G3 Military automatic-
7.62mm's of fun!
Price-300 for 2
Magazines-20 for 5. 1000 rounds included
7.62mm Soviet round
Price-100 for 2
Magazine-10 for 3 1000 round included.
My men will bring them to you.
Warhammer Syndicate
23-01-2004, 18:51
I would like to aquire some AKM's from you, how much do you have, and for how much, send me a telegram regarding your information.
I don't suppose you could send a few pics? oh, and these G3's sound cool, i'll take a few, say, I don't know, 300?
I need to equip my men with the best possible armament. I have 100 thousand soldiers and story with $50 million. What do you offer me?
Please TG me. :twisted:
I need to equip my men with the best possible armament. I have 100 thousand soldiers and story with $50 million. What do you offer me?
Please TG me. :twisted:
I need to equip my men with the best possible armament. I have 100 thousand soldiers and story with $800 million. What kind of armament do you offer me?
Please TG me. :twisted:
the G3 rifle-
and TG me with your bid for them...or just tell me ^_-
I will give you £25,000 for 300 G3's
I will give you £25,000 for 300 G3's, or is that to low?