We are pleased to announce that we have taken a large step in creating a satelite, along with Greenhome. We will soon hopefully be able to lauch it into the depths of space.
Stanley Rikover
President of National Space Agency
OOC: Alright, I was going to post soon so here goes...
TO: President Stanley Rikover
FROM: GHSEA (Greenhome Space Exploration Agency)
Your nation has the right to 1,000 lbs. of the first launch for your help. Please ship your satellite to us and inform us of its exact weight.
GHTV Special Report
Top scientist in our nations Space Research Labratory have reported that the Luna I Rocket is getting ready for launch.
Pictures of the rocket are shown
The rocket is named after the roman godess of the moon, perhaps a not so subtle hint that our nations governor has more than just satellite launch in mind. The rocket is now on the launch pad with our nations first satellite, a weather satellite. The President informs us that we are only waiting for Trinis's satellite for launch.
OOC: It'll have to be tomorrow...
Our weather satellite, Odin I, is en route to Greenhome. It weighs 500 ibs. Thank you for all of your help, which without we would still be on Earth.[/code:1:bb992a3002]