NationStates Jolt Archive

Furry Genocide. (semi-closed RP)

21-01-2004, 09:55
The Internal Security Directorate major stepped out of the BMP and gagged. He was standing in what he guessed once was a meadow. Now, now it was different. To one side, a BMP with a dozer blade covered one of the pits that scarred the open groud, obscuring the forms and limbs of what was now buried. The Major had smelled death before, but never so overwhelming as it was in that meadow.

A truck rolled up, and the ISD men began to shove the passengers out of the cargo bed. They fell out, all bushy tails and fur-covered limbs.

Despite the smell of corpses, nothing made the Major as sick as what he saw there. Foxes, Tigers, whatever. So wrong. So sickening. Furries. The Major hated them with a passion.

The guards ran them into the pit nearest to the Major's BMP in doubletime. The clubs and rifle stocks of the guards lashed merilessly at their prisoners.

"not so yiffy now, are you?" gloated one of the troopers as he clicked the safety on his Stgw-74. His only reply was a plaintive growl.

"just get on with it" said the Major. A volley of rifle fire rang out.

"good." the Major nodded curtly. "once the rest of them are dealt with, get this site seeded with lye and well-buried." He turned back to the BMP "it's time Kilean was rid of these....freaks"
22-01-2004, 09:14
The roundup was rather easy to carry out- the National Furry Registration act made the whole act of detaining them mostly an acedemic excercise.

The ISD major threw the report down on the desk. Six more sites like the meadow he'd visited had been fully covered. Those detained in the latest sweep wouldn't meet their end in a pit in the woods.

"Special Relocation Centers" was a nice term for the new sites, the Major thought.
22-01-2004, 09:17
[ooc: tag for amusement.

Furries being humans in badly made costumes or seperate species of anthromorphic animals?]
22-01-2004, 09:18

My God, you people and killing......
22-01-2004, 09:24
"They're people too!" cried a struggling protestor, held before the president of Etronia by two disgusted-looking guards. "You can't just discount their potential contributions to society!"

"We'll just have to do without them," said the President. "We managed without them before, and I'm sure we'll continue managing without them ... and you," he finished as the furry was dragged from the room to join the others.

"Don't tell me what happens to them," he concluded to the Secretary of Defense. "Plausable deniability has worked before, and it will work again ..."
22-01-2004, 09:24

Well, looks like I gonna have ta do somethin' Tired of making empty threats....


The three BMP-2E tanks rolled through the terrian, followed in the air by two Mi-35 Hind E Helicopter Gunships. The BMP-2E's were filled with a platoon of elite soldiers sent into this territory without permission, the Mi-35 Hind E Helicopter Gunships were to protect the the ground troops and evac. There were two MI-17 HIP H Helicopter Transports that followed behind, they were to carry out the village. They had to hurry, though, for time grew slim with these Imperialistic Fools against the people.
22-01-2004, 09:28

One of the Mi-17 HIP H's were to sneak forward ahead and secure some villagers of "furries" before the other arrived, with the other vehicles. It was a standard procedure for evacs.
22-01-2004, 09:30
22-01-2004, 09:32
Nodea Rudav: this is a very bad idea. These furries, and how we deal with them are a internal Kilean manner. Do what you will with your furries, but Kilean has our own means.

Etronia: good to see that somebody else is willing to make a stand at the perversions against nature and common decency that are these furries. I would suggest we co-operate our efforts to protect our nations from these perverse savages.

The camp sprang up under the eyes of the ISD guards. Barbed wire, guard towers, all located next to the quarry where these furries will put their grossly deformed bodies (no longer used for macro-vore, thank god) to work. The crude barracks were made of corrugated metal and plywood, and stand up poorly to the bitter cold at night. When this was pointed out, the Major simply replied:

"well, they have fur, don't they?"

The government man didn't ask any more questions.

The KAF pilot threw his Lavi into a steep dive down on the Mi- 35. The missile lock tone sang sweetly in his ears, but sadly, high command said no weapons free for now. His flight wasn't there to shoot down the helicopters.....yet.

"attention unidentified aircraft- you are in violation of kilean airspace. land at once, or you will be fired upon."
22-01-2004, 09:32
With no enemy presence in the area, the first Mi-17 landed quickly. The Anthromorphic Creatures were startled by such a presence, perhaps thinking it was their "government" to kill them. However, once the four Socialist Marines jumped from the side and waved their arms to hurry, they ran like the animals they looked like.

First was a Anthromorphic Tiger, Tigress, and two children, then a wolf anthromorphic and some others. It was too quick to count, because they weren't, for one, sussposed to be here and two, they needed to hurry. So, once it was QUICKLY filled they assured the others of the coming support and transports, and the first Mi-17 lifted to head for Nodea Rudav.
22-01-2004, 09:34
It was too quick for the enemy pilot to realize, but once the Mi-35 and its partner craft had a lock, they fired their Air-to-Air missles without mercy, aiming for the enemy Mi-35 that dared lock on their brethren.

I know, don't worry, I just need to refreash my rp skills to see how good I am.
22-01-2004, 09:39
Under and over the engaging USSNR Mi-35 Hind E's went the second Mi-17 with the BMP-2E's on the ground at the same time.

As the second Mi-17 landed, the BMP-2E's swirved to a stop, their turrents aiming for the enemy Mi-35 if it didn't get killed first. Soldiers from the three BMP-2E's rused out to get the remaing Anthromorphic Humanoids, the four soldiers in the back of the second Mi-17 hopping out the side and waving like the first for the rest to get in, quickly. They truly didn't have much time.
22-01-2004, 09:41
<OOC: Kilean is attacking with KAF "Lavi" fighters. these are air superiority craft based off of a defunct israeli design from the 1980's, perhaps this will clarify things?<OOC>

Kilean air defence center:

"heads up, ghostrider 121, we've got more contacts outbound. suggest standby flight intercept" the controller spoke with curt efficency.

Ghostrider was, however, busy at the time. He threw the Lavi into a roll away from the missile streaking twards him, but the warhead riddled his jet with fragments. he reached for the black-and-yellow ejection handle.

Ghostrider 121's wingman, however, was prepared for what happened next. His missile arced away on a pillar of smoke, neatly punching into the enemy Mi-35.

As the furries ran into the transport helicopter, they didn't notice the sound of another helicopter engine in the din....

But the socialist marines did. They knew it was more than just one. Riding in their Hind's, the ISD Counterinsurgency Regiment was rapidly swooping down upon the hapless village.

This violation of Kilean territory will end soon.
22-01-2004, 09:49
(I shall obide by Role Playing rules, and obide by any you set forth. This is cool, haven't role played in a LONG time......)

The first Mi-35 went up in flames, exploding like fragments of a firecracker. It just dissappeared as the missle shot through and a second later exploded. However, even as he had lost his Brethren, the second Mi-35 was determined to take control of the Situation. Suddenly using all the power he could muster without killing himself and the gunner, the pilot tilted the Mi-35 after launching four missles at the enemy Mi-35, turning quickly with its turrent on the oncoming helicopters, firing with every last ouce to save the BMP-2E's and the last Mi-17 to leave.

Just as the Mi-35 made its last despret attempt to save its brethren, the last Mi-17 was already full up and off, the BMP-2E's aiming their missle launchers on their turrents at the enemy Mi-35 and firing before rolling off after the marines/soldiers got back onboard. They were going to make sure the two Mi-17's made it out, weather they died or not. The village was empty now, the Mi-17's getting the small population fully, with a few children and women, some men, in the BMP-2E's where they could fit.

They saluted their brethren in the Mi-35 for their sacrifice, heading for the border as they past the remains of the first Mi-35 that was shot down.
22-01-2004, 09:56
<OOC: look, Nodea Rudav, there is no enemy Mi-35. Kilean forces amount to four Lavi fighters on CAP, and an inbound battalion of ISD troops. The situation how i see it is this:

Nodea Rudav inserts rescue mission.

Kilean CAP sights Nodea Rudav helo's

Nodea Rudav helicopter fires on Kilean fighter (technical note: i don't know the specs on the Mi-35, but it mounting an air-to-air missile that can take down a front line fighter jet seems silly. some helo's do mount air-to-air missiles, but i was under the impression these were for use against other helicopters or slow, low flying aircraft. they would have better luck going after the incoming heliborne ISD troops- who'se hinds would be a more even match in a helo dogfight)

1 Kilean fighter goes down, another fires on the Nodea Rudav helo that attacked.

Nodea Rudav chopper crashes.

Is this pretty much clear? It's fine that you want to practice in this thread (it's a lighthearted one on my part).


A message to the international community:

Let it be noted that Nodea Rudav has fired first, and that they violated Kilean territory without so much as a formal warning, only vague messages.

Also, Kilean air defence systems are going to high alert. The KAF is stepping up air patrols along the entire frontier. Any further action will be detected. In addition, the round-up of furries has been stepped up, and border guard units on likely egress routes for the Nodea Rudav rescue mission have been placed on alert.

ISD "special detachments" begin to sweep through villages near Kilean's borders, rounding up the furries and placing them in more secure and remote areas, away from hope of rescue.
22-01-2004, 10:00
(::kicks selfs:: Jesus dude! I'm sorry! I didn't realize that, my bad....geeze....just goes to show you how long its been, eh? :lol: Anywho, by this time, my two Mi-35 would be dead, completely, but the Russians, in their industrial smartness, equipted the latest verson of the Mi-35, the Mi-35 Hind E, with Air-to-Air missles of some type, I'm sorry I forgot the names, and if you want, since this Role Play is all invalid now, to just ignore all that has happened because of my confusion, then ain't no problem here. :D However, if we continue I'll be more smarter to look first and not kick myself in the face first, lol. )
22-01-2004, 10:02
<OOC- it's fine. i've made far, far worse mistakes (my attack on shipping in a closed RP comes to mind..... )

If you still want to try to rescue these furries (why is beyond me...) we can keep the RP going.<OOC>
22-01-2004, 10:08
(Hey, I used to Role Play furry long ago, and they advanteges in battle are numerious against a normal human! Lol....anywho, I'll try beginning with the Mi-17's. Alrighty.....)

Both Mi-35 Hind E's lie in ruins, their pilots, perhaps with luck, might have escaped. However, it was now the three BMP-2E's and Mi-17 HIP H's that mattered the most, for they carried the future of a slaughtered people that Nodea Rudav had never knew, ever. Since this is the case, these Anthromorphic creatures mized with Reptilian Humanoids would begin a new life in Nodea Rudav, but they would have to make it first.

The pilot of the first Mi-17 had the advantage, a head start above the rest. He was almost to the mountain range, neutral territory. Just a few more evasive precautions and ECM jammers keeping on and he'll make it.

But the MP-2E's and the second Mi-17 HIP H were in the hot zone. Firing with no care in the world but their precious cargo was the three BMP-2E's, their gunners commanded to shoot anything that was seen moving, but save the ammo even as it was near full.

The Second Mi-17, on the other hand, was flying low near the tops, going down near vally floors every so often and keeping the ECM jammers on at all times. This would be the trail that would either make or bake them, literally.
Nova Caledonia
22-01-2004, 10:14
OOC: This post assumes that I am free to enter the RP as I wish, if this is not the case, feel free to ignore this post.

Lt. Seamus Conners, a Nova Caledonian soldier serving in the Kilean armed forces, as part of an international military training program, was standing in the cold night air of the a small village. He surveyed the scene before him, soldiers moved from house to house, arresting any Furries that they came across.

A Kilean Private, under Lt. Conners' command appraoched him. "New orders from Command, sir" he passed a folder to the Lieutenant, containing the new orders. After reviewing the orders, he handed the folder back to the Private. "Get the transports ready, We're transporting these freaks to the Jacob's River facility, seems some would-be heroes are trying to rescue them."

As the furries were loaded (and none-to-gently) into the transports, Lt. Conners began to formulate a plan. Smirking to himself he began towards the communications tent.
22-01-2004, 10:14
We Myakarans have seen the phenomena of "furry" genocide repeated on many human-dominated worlds for as long as any of us can remember. However, we fail to see any reasoning behind it whenever it is put into effect.
On another note, as our sentient population is over 99% "furry," as you describe it, many of us feel a sort of sentimental compulsion to become directly involved in this incident. However, our forces are still fairly limited, and we would have precious little to gain from such a conflict, counting even the guaranteed conversion of most of the survivors to our cause.
Instead, we have dispatched several cloaked camera drones to record the more significant occurences in this war. Our scientists could use the extra data on irrational human behaviors.
22-01-2004, 10:16
OOC { you weren't doing that bad until you decided his fighters were a single Mi-35. don't worry about it so much =P }
the antiquated half-tracks crept onward through the night. Inside: furries, packed tighter than sardines, and the rest of the country doesn't know they're there. They're even cut off from the military's typical BattleLAN system: the drivers know only preassigned codephrases for certain eventualities.
The drivers themselves maintained radio silence: whoever was in command would have no idea if the order had actually been carried out, or if the convoy was still proceeding into places it shouldn't.
Stop had been called two hours earlier, but they were on the move again now ...

the clearly nervous radar operator struggled to control his nervous fidgeting. "Uh, sir?" he managed. "Some of Kilean's radar signatures are doing some ... strange things ... We've lost one contact, a number of them are just going apeshit, and other parts of the country appear to be scrambling fighters."
"Keep me posted," replied the supreme air commander nonchalantly. He had already been informed of what was going on (Kilean's and Etronia's military organizations are pretty close-knit), but this was a very secret operation. The sort of operation that really shouldn't be revealed to the public of any nations, especially his own, especially since he was involved.
'well,' he reasoned, 'it happened to kilean - but I'll be damned if the same thing catches us by surprise.'
"They just launched another 8 fighters, sir," the radio operator called.
"Alright, that's it," shouted the SAC. "I want our border watches stepped up to military-alert status. SOMETHING is happening to Kilean, and I will not allow the same to happen to us."
22-01-2004, 10:21
(Nodea Rudav has dispatched two squadrons of RAH-66 Comanche Helicopters and a hole bunch of other forces to evac as much as possible, not enough to wage a WAR, mind you. :wink: )
22-01-2004, 10:21
<OOC: Nova Caledonia- the only nation Kilean has officer-exchange programs with is Etronia. Sorry, but it looks like you're going to have to sit this one out. also, even if we did have Nova Caledonian officers in our military, do you think we'd include them in an operation like THIS? the regular army ain't touching this. this is all ISD territory.

also, myakara- this is a modern-tech RP. i'm all for you defending furrydom among the stars (but kilean'll have something to say about THAT if we get a space force :wink: , so if you want to observe go ahead, but action is gonna be a no-no<OOC>
Nova Caledonia
22-01-2004, 10:23
OOC: Ah well, can't blame me for trying =P
22-01-2004, 10:23
Dr_Twist Pulls up a Chair with some Butter Pop Corn and watches the Events on TV. "Geeze Cartoon Network is Violent these days look at all that Blood, but what a Funny show"
22-01-2004, 10:27
In the sky above the morning mountians of the border to Nodea Rudav flew over a E-3 Sentry, on Patrol after reports of a secret Peoples Socialist Defense Force mission. Intern, its crew was monitering all on the ground, keeping track of the Mi-17's, guiding them each time their ECM had a second-off to recieve transmissions.
22-01-2004, 10:30
(I'm assumin' I can make a turn now, since ye haven't posted. :wink:)

The Mi-17, first to get the anthromorphs, flew over the mountian range at its lowest point. Soon, the second followed, followed by the three BMP-2E's. However, the operations was BY NO MEANS OVER yet, they still had to save the rest.
22-01-2004, 10:30
Maj. Georg Slama (callsign: Cougar), threw his lavi into the valley behind the shadowy radar contact. The night sky was green through his goggles, but he couldn't see a thing.

"looks like we lost 'em, cougar" radioed Capt. Stossel (callsign:merlin)

"sure as hell did...lavi's a great bird, but it can't go as low or as slow as one of those helo's..." Cougar was dissapointed, and it came through in his voice.

"don't worry, cougar- the border guard boys still have a crack at 'em!"

The nervous draftee shifted his grip on the SA-7 launcher. He stood on the embankment, just like hundreds of Kilean border guards all across the the likely exit areas. All on a alert. He heard a helicopter approach, and his company opened fire, tracers filling the sky......

The BMP's were hidden by the trees, but that didn't keep the IDS hind's from blasting the whole area with rockets, hoping to hit something. Their troops had quick-roped out over the villages, and now they were out to catch the escapee's on the grond...
22-01-2004, 10:39
Two RAH-66 Comanche's flew over the border to recieve a very UNfriendly welcome, yet the bullets did nothing more than bounce off their armor every second or two, even a bullet hitting its canopy was bounced off, with a crack, yet the glass withstood. Intern, one of the helicopters chaingun fired at the source of the firing as the Mi-17 flew by under it, the second and last with the load, but not the final transport to invade this territory.
22-01-2004, 10:42
Etronia and Kilean's military were starting to cooperate more closely in this incident, as evidence by the next air encounter ...
A pair of AA-8 fighters pulled up on either side of the E-3 Sentry, radioing "Unidentified aircraft, you seem to be lost. How about you turn east, and we follow you out of Kilean's airspace?"
A recent addition to Etronia's airforce, the AE-2 Trueber, stayed a thousand feet below and a little behind the E-3, putting out electronic noise through specially designed ungainly-looking additions to the airframe.
The E-3 wouldn't be seeing (or communicating) a whole lot in the near future ...
22-01-2004, 10:42
Hurry up and do somthing or ill Change the Channel.
22-01-2004, 10:46
To the benefit of the previous deployment, a wing of F-22 Raptors had been deployed to protect the E-3 sentry. It just so happened they arrived just in time for the little nice escorts to get a suprise.

Suddenly, five F/A-22 Raptors burst out of Hyper Cruise and engaged with sidewinder missles at the "escorts" beside the E-3 sentry. Knowing that the other aircraft had something up its sleeve, the remaing three fired Phoenix missles as a precaution, since they never miss their target, or so it seems. Perhaps this time, this first attack, would be a miss. Yet the F/A-22 Raptors burst into supersonic as the sidewinders and phoenix missles headed for their targets.
22-01-2004, 10:55
OOC { it seems to me they would've caught the approach, or if not that the 'blinding' effect of that AE-2 would blind your Phoenix missiles, as well, plus the way that the Phoenix can only be carried by the F-14 ... but no matter }
caught largely by surprise, the AA-8s didn't have much time to pull anything fancy. They did have a few seconds, however, extended by Etronia's high-quality electronics systems: one managed to fire two short-range missiles at the F-22s.
The other did not fare so well. It caught a missile, and largely lost control. The pilot punched out - he might survive, but he's over contested territory, and it won't be fun getting out.
Of course, one shouldn't ignore the uncontrolled wreck of his fighter, which was haphazardly sinking towards the AWACS.
All the friendly nearby aircraft were busy, and the AWACS didn't have sight in that direction.
Looking almost like slow motion, the AA-8 sank into the radome, crushing it into the fuselage of the E-3. Although the wreckage of the AA-8 ultimately seperated from the E-3, the damage is so major that simple drag may still cause the whole tail to be ripped off, and meantime the plane is having serious troubles staying under control anyway.
22-01-2004, 11:04
( I said PERHAPS it would hit, remember? :D )

The Phoenix missles flying past their target, and only one Sidewinder hitting something, the remaining F/A-22's pused to max as they quickly saw the missles being launched, already expected a fancy retaliation, and intern launching some flares and topping it off with a well aimed gun-cannon firing at one of the enemy fighters.

Yet, with all the F/A-22 is, one missle was confused by a fellow F/A-22 ECM jammer and slammed straight into the other, the pilot quickly punching out, yet watching as the enemy jet that was hit by HIS sidewinder SLAM into the E-3 Sentry, blowing it in half and causing it to fall.

But, however, the remaining four F/A-22's used their speed, agility, ECM, and cannons to rid the skies of the enemy, hoping they wouldn't miss with heavy bullets.
22-01-2004, 11:05
A letter is sent to Kilean's leadership, along with several satalite photos of the mass graves and executions.

The message itself simply reads, "If you wish these people gone, we will take them from your shores at our own expense, but the continuance of this slaughter is unacceptible. Discontinue your actions, or we will burn your small nation from the face of the world. "

Meanwhile, back in Kanuckistan, ageing StratoCruisers began loading power armoured troops, carrier groups forming up, while Modular Fleet Tenders made preperations to airlift the nation's heavy armour.

Futurre tech, yes, but don't worry; I'll be balancing things to try and minimise the inherent tech advantage.

And now, I must sleep.
22-01-2004, 11:07
( I guess I'll hit the sac too...Godd night everyone and God Bless ya'll.... )
22-01-2004, 11:10
<OOC: sorry, Kanuckistan- if it was designed after jan.22nd, 2004, it gets hit by my automatic futuretech-seeking ignore missiles. i mean, you can have power armor with 2004 tech! it'll just not be able to support its own weight and run out of batteries in 10 mins.<OOC>
22-01-2004, 11:26
Well, I was going to allow you to demonstrate how a good modern military can really hurt a poorly funded, untested, and poorly adapted futuretech army with a series of blunders and equipment troubles once I landed, but...

I supose I could send in the citizen militias if you'd allow leeway to account for alternate developmental priorities and logical extrapolation. I can cull them down to, say, 2010ish by traditional reckoning.

And now I'm going to bed for real.
22-01-2004, 17:03
<OOC- well, now that I'm not tired and have a LOT of "red dawn" viewing behind me, yer on kanukistan! bring it! <OOC>
22-01-2004, 18:48
(Sick today, stayed home, hope everyone else is ok. I'll post one, God Bless all...)

Sneaking in the region was another Mi-17, heading for a smaller village in the woods where the entire population could fit in its bay alone. Slowly it began its journy as it past, undetected, by the mountain range at a secret low point.
22-01-2004, 18:59
We in Foxxinnia are really pissed off that your are killing anthromormorphic persons. I mean 5% of our population are arthros. Time to die you bastards. For the sins that you have comitted. I'm sending 1,250 of my hovercraft tanks towards the genociders.
22-01-2004, 19:49
Upon hearing of these attrosities Foxxinnia will declare war upon Kilean.
23-01-2004, 02:01
OOC { how about some more detail than that, foxxinnia? I don't want to describe my force deployments in excruciating detail to be met with "Well, I send another 750 hovertanks." It's fine that you want to join and avenge the furries, but I'm not going to rp opposite you without a clearer idea of what "you" are. Plus, it's not up to me or kilean to decide where your tanks go - so pick a more specific action and do it! }
23-01-2004, 06:42
<OOC- well, now that I'm not tired and have a LOT of "red dawn" viewing behind me, yer on kanukistan! bring it! <OOC>

Heh; the privatly funded citizen militias are actually better trained, maintained, and larger than the regular army(most of who's funding was sucked up by the High Navy), so expect a harder fight than I was planning on letting ou get away with.

You have a map I could use? And are you going to respond to my leter to your government?

I trust you'd not permit limited use of cloaked infiltrators?

Anyway, infasions take time to organise; propiganda first :twisted:

As preperations continued and forces martiled, several dozen stealth-coated intercontinental ballistic missiles were loaded with a special payload and launched at Kilean; upon reaching the country, they would break up either over or upwind of major population centers; millions of leaflets descending into the populace while the broken ballistic shell continued on to crash in unpopulated areas beyond.

The leaflets displayed sat photos of the slaughter's progression, Kilean military personel clearly distinguishible in the pictures, along with daunting photo's of Kanuckistan's military might on display or in preperation; slogans and articles explaining in the local language(s) how they could spare their people, their friends and families, the loss and hardship to come if they could convince their government to give up the slaughter and either put up with these 'furries' or allow willing lands to take them from Kilean's shores.

On the bottom of each leaflet is a picture of the missile which delivered the them, at the time clearly nuclear-armed, their maintaince and launch crews gathered befor them, with the line 'From Kanuckistan with Love' across the top of the picture, and 'May that which you wish upon others befall you' across the bottom.

It wasn't impossible that some would be blown into neighbouring countries.
Yaoi Worshipers
23-01-2004, 07:30
Our small nation has only a Tiny 'Furry' population, But we as moral Nation feel the need to do what we can to aid those in this Terrible time of Genocide.

As such the Grand Holy King has offered to open a Massive refugee camp to those pushed and driven out from thier Homelands. We hope the others nations will allow this gesture of good will.

And, to those nations that started this Dasterdly Deed, we say, 'May the flees of a Thousand Camels Infest your Armpits!!!'
26-01-2004, 17:18
26-01-2004, 17:29
Aah, I don't actually think I have the energy to keep this RP going anymore...

So, Kilean releases all furries left in Kilean to any nation that will take them (but keeps their bank accounts), gives an official apology, and will settle for not letting any furries into the country from now on.