NationStates Jolt Archive

The Secret Library (Closed RP)

20-01-2004, 06:03
::A young army private working in the office of the Press Secretary stumbles while shelving files in a dusty room near the back of the Secretary's library::

PVT Matt Potts: What the hell? Why isn't this floorboard nailed down right?

::He pulls the board up to reveal a small tunnel, leading underneith the library::

Potts: How odd.

::Putting down his papers and pulling out a flashlight, he climbs into the tunnel, getting onto his hands and knees to crawl through the passage. After five minutes of crawling through the seemingly endless passage, he stumbles upon a large room, lit by several halogen lights. Climbing down the ladder, from the tunnel into the room, he sees shelf after shelf of documents and folders::

Potts: What the hell is this place?

::He walks over to the first shelving unit, and pulls out a stapled together leaflet of paper::

Potts: "Plan #32497 for the Impending Revolution and Victory of the Master Race" How strange. Must be a storage area for siezed tratorous plans.

::He replaces the first paper, and pulls out another from slightly further down the wall::

Potts: "Plan #43610b for the Assassination of Carl Wainright." I read something about this. Must have found this on Evans after the war.

::He replaces that paper and turns to leave. But as he does, another booklet catches his eye. He walks over and picks it up, scanning the cover::

Potts: "Plan #71249c-002 for the Dispersal of Nuclear Weapons in Major Manarthian Cities".

::He sits down and begins to read::

Potts: Opperatives in air defence fail to hit nuclear targets fired on St. Matthewstown, Quinto City, and Eatsville... What the hell?

::He continues reading::

Potts: Holy Prophet Quintus!

::Shaking, he replaces the book on the shelf, and picks up the previous paper he had on Carl Wainright. He sits down and skims it quickly, finding the part that shouldn't have been there::

Potts: No. No. This is all wrong. This can't be right.

::Quickly, he replaces the paper, and turns to the almost empty shelf. Grabbing the nearest paper from it he reads::

Potts: "Plan 108943a-112 to Assassinate Prime Minister Jarnicki and Claim Manarth as the Master Nation it Deserves to Be". ::He reads on, his face growing with concern:: The Prime Minister! She's in danger!

::He scuttles up the ladder, and out into the tunnel. Quickly, he replaces the floorboard, and runs to his civilian car, neglecting even to clock out his shift change. With his pedal to the metal, he speads off in his '96 Autoingen Avatar towards the Prime Minister's Mansion.
20-01-2004, 06:49
::At the Prime Minister's Mansion, in Lake Clarke City, ten men dressed in all black drove up in a van to the security checkpoint outside of the house. As they approach, the driver and front seat passenger, dressed in Army uniforms, talk to the people in the back.::

Front seat passenger: Army Col with "Franklin" on his nameplate: This will be simple enough. Come in, move in through the kitchen, take out the target, and extract to the marine reserve's unit for debriefing.

Large man dressed in black: Yes Avatar-of-the-prophet.

::The large man clinches his right fist over his face, in the Manarthian salute of total obedience to the Prophet. The others in the car replecate that salute and affirmation::

::As the van rumbles to a stop at the gate, the Marine Staff Sergeant and his associate walk up to the driver's side of the vehicle::

SSGT Vrable: ::Sounding bored:: Present your passcard and prepare for a search of your vehicle.

Driver, wearing a private's uniform with the nameplate "Jefferson": Here you go. Just bringing the Col here over to talk to the Prime Minister's secretary.

SSGT Vrable: Ok. Let's get this over with. Open the door in the back.

::The door opens and Vrable spies 10 men with HK-MP5-SD's drawn::

Vrable: Crap...

::The burst of the guns are almost inaudible, as Vrable and the other marine are filled with shots::

Vrable: gasp... gasp...

::Two men jump out, and throw Vrable and his friend into the bushes. They then jump into the van, and roll off toward the main building::
20-01-2004, 07:06
20-01-2004, 16:21
::The van pulls up to the kitchen of the mansion, and the men dressed in black jump out. The COL and the PVT close the van door and drive off, the way they came::

Large man: Ok. Team Bravo, secure the guards on the first floor. And make sure you do it all quiet like. Team Charlie, you're going to go to the front door and cut off any escape from the house. Teams Delta and Echo, hold outside and make sure noone tries to climb out a window. Alpha 2, on me. We're going upstairs.

::The men in black break off, 6 entering the house, 4 sneaking off into the bushes to either side of it::

::Those that enter the house break up quickly. Occasionaly breaking the silence with the short thump of bullets hitting their targets, and the words "Target down"::

Bravo 1: Bravo team counts all 20 guards down, no alarm has been sounded.

Alpha 1: Roger Bravo. Alpha is on floor 2. No guards here.

Charlie 2: Charlie 2 here. We're at the front door. Holding for orders.

Alpha 1: Roger Charlie. Delta, Echo?

Echo 1: Echo here.

Delta 1: Delta here.

Alpha 1: Nothing yet?

Echo 1: Nothing from Echo.

Delta 1: Nothing from Delta.

Alpha 1: Roger that. I don't want to take any chances with this one, she's former Marines, like me. Bravo, get up here and we'll flush her out.

Bravo 1: Affirmative.

::Soon, 4 members of the team are outside the bedroom door of Prime Minister Jarnicki::

Bravo 1: ::wispers:: Flash and clear.

::Bravo 2 kicks open the door, and Alpha 2 tosses in a flashbang grenade. There is a loud BANG as the grenade goes off, and a large flash from inside the room::

Echo 1: Echo team here! We've got contact! 2 has been shot! ::sounds of a large firearm fireing:: AAAAAA....gurgle... gurgle...

Delta 1: We've heard shots. I'm going to investigate.

Alpha 1: Crap. What now.
20-01-2004, 16:33
::As Potts pulled into the Prime Minister's Mansion, he noticed the guard checkpoint open, with no guard in sight::

Potts: Crap, they're already here!

::Quickly, he checked his service pistol. The M-9 was still in good working order, and fully loaded with 2 extra clips. He pulled his Avatar into the driveway, and raced for the house. He saw the movement in the bushes more on instinct than anything else::

Potts: Prophet!

::He quickly turned the car in a 180 degree turn, and, as it came to a stop, jumped out of it, as a clip of gunfire tore through the spot where he was sitting mear seconds before. Rolling toward the back of the car, he popped up over the trunk and fired three shots at where he remembered the movement to be, and was rewarded with a spray of chunky red over the grey paint of the mansion::

Echo 1: Echo team here! We've got contact! 2 has been shot!

::He quickly figured out the direction of the voice, and opened fire again. Not only did the voice stop, but another spray of red washed over the wall, and a low gurgling noise could be heard::

::Running over, he saw that he had killed both the attackers, one with a single shot to the head, another with a shot to the cheast and a shot in the neck. The neck shot victim was still blinking his eyes::

Radio: We've heard shots. I'm going to investigate.

Radio (different voice): Crap. What now?

::Potts bent down to pick up the two men's radios and one of the MP-5SDs. He also was quick to grab a few clips of ammo for it. Moving with a purpose, he ran for the front door as fast as he could go::
20-01-2004, 16:43
::The Large man was no longer happy. Jarnicki had undoubtibly recovered from the flashbang now, and she knew he and his team were coming. Two of his men were WIA, most likely KIA, and some group had been tipped off as to their plans::

Alpha 1: F***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just frag the living hell out of that room! NOW!

::Both groups, standing to the sides of the door to Wainrights bedroom, began to lob grenades into the Prime Ministers room. Explosions began to hammer the room, but no screams pain accompanied them::

Delta 1: Contact! I...

Charlie 2: Shit! That's right outside our possition. I'm going out.

Charlie 1: To the window, let's kill these mother f***ers.

Charlie 2: I think I got him! I think I got him! I thi....

Delta 2: Charlie 1 are you there? Charlie 2 what's happening?

::Suddenly, a loud blast of feedback cuts across the airways, causeing everyone around the large man to throw their radios down and rush to turn them off::

Alpha 1: Shit. Everyone switch to the secondary radio possition. Let's hope our other teams remember to do it.

Alpha 2 and the Bravos: Yes sir.
20-01-2004, 16:56
::As Potts ran toward the front door, he could see a man coming around the corner of the house, down by the other end. Bringing his submachine gun to bare, he looked through the scope to see the man looking at him and talking excitedly in his radio. Potts opened fire::

Man: Contact! I...

::The man didn't get a chance to say anything more, as Pott's shots dropped him quickly. Suddenly he heard a new sound from the radio::

Radio: Shit! That's right outside our possition. I'm going out.

Different voice: To the window, let's kill these mother f***ers.

::Suddenly, the shattering of glass braught his attention back to the world around him, as bullets started flying past him. Reacting on instinct, he fired at one of the broken windows, and unsure if he had hit anything, jumped for cover behind a nearby palm tree. He could feel a pain in his leg, and he fell the rest of the way down::

From the window he hadn't shot: I think I got him!

::Droping his submachine gun, he pulled out his service pistol and took aim::

Window: I think I got him!

::He fired::

Window: I thi....

::He could hear a muffled thud, which he assumed was the body hitting the floor::

Potts: I never knew I had it in me.

Radio: Charlie 1 are you there?

Potts: I've got to stop this radio.

Radio: Charlie 2 what's happening?

::Pulling out a rubberband he used to hold his filing notecards together, he pushed down the transmit button on the first radio. Then, taping them together with the speaker of one facing the microphone of the other, he turned the volume of the speaker to full, and was greated with the loud sound of feedback::

Potts: That should do it for now.

::He then looked at his leg. He had been shot just below the kneecap, and his leg looked like it wasn't going to be able to do much::

Potts: Shit. Got to try, anyway.

::Dragging himself on his hands and one good leg, he moved at a slow pace toward the house::
20-01-2004, 17:13
::It had been a quiet night so far, and Kelly Jarnicki was not happy to be woken up from sleep. Much less to be woken up by a flashbang. But she hadn't had any choice in the matter. As her eyes and ears started to clear again, she could hear voices outside her room::

Voice as though from a radio: ...shots. I'm going to investigate.

Voice: Crap! What now?! F***!!!!!!!!!!!! Just frag the living hell out of that room! NOW!

::Jarnicki was up in an instant, running for her bathroom, which was around the corner from the door, and slightly safer. Genades began exploding in the room, and a piece of shrapnel cut her side. She forced a scream back::

Jarnicki: You're a marine prophet condemn it. You don't want to tell them where you are.

::Suddenly, the grenades stopped, as she heard what sounded like feedback coming from the door::

Voice: Shit! Everyone switch to the secondary radio possition. Let's hope our other teams remember to do it.

Other voices (She counted 3): Yes sir!

Jarnicki: 4?! How am I supposed to stop 4?! I'm screwed. I don't even have a gun.

::Looking out her window, she could see a man wearing an army uniform, limping toward her house::

Jarnicki: Maybe he can help me ::She opens the window:: Hey you! Get me out of here!

Army man: You'll have to jump. I'll catch you, Ms. Prime Minister.

Jarnicki: Ok then.

::Putting her faith in the man below her, she crawled out the window, and pushed off toward the man::
Eastern Detroit
20-01-2004, 19:16
Henceland Omega
21-01-2004, 07:20
21-01-2004, 18:28
::Potts ran foward as quickly as his leg could cary him, as Prime Mininster Jarnicki jumped from the balcony. He caught her with mostly his chest, as she came down hard on top of him::

Potts: Oof!

Jarnicki: I'm sorry. Are you ok?

Potts: Getting to his feet. I'm fine, but you're still in danger. Let's get out of here. Know how to use this?

::Potts hands her the MP-5SD::

Jarnicki: I wouldn't be much of a marine if I didn't. Can you walk?

Potts: Yes but not to fast. I'll cover our rear.

Jarnicki: Ok.

::A man dressed in black walks around the corner of the house. He raises his gun toward Potts and Jarnicki::

Potts: Get down!

::He jumps with all the strength in his good leg, and tackles Jarnicki into the safety of some bushes. He can hear the man calling out::

Man: Delta 2 here. Alpha 1 do you copy? Bravo team, do you copy? Shit.

::The man begins fireing at random along the bushes, as he pauses to reload, Jarnicki and Potts point their weapons out of the bushes, and take aim. They both open fire at the same time::

::Jarnicki's three round burst tears into the man's chest and head, while Potts' shots from his M-9 hit the man in the leg and arm. He drops without making a sound::

Potts: Should have let you handle that. Now come on, we've got to get out of here.

Jarnicki: You'll get no arguement from me. The guards should have heard by now, they'll finish things up.

Potts: Your guards are dead. I saw the two guarding the enterence dead as I drove in.

::They stand up and run toward Potts' car. Jarnicki arrived first, and hopped into the driver's seat. Potts a little slower, with his bad leg, flipped her the keys through the air. She caught them effortlessly, and cranked the ignition to life::

::Just then a burst of glass erupted from one of the upper windows, and Potts stumbled, hitting the ground hard::

Potts: Go! You've got to get help! McMillan...

::Another window exploded outward, and with it Potts head. Jarnicki slamed the car into gear, and tires squealling, raced out for the gate::
21-01-2004, 18:51
::The large man burst into the room, followed by Alpha 2 and Bravo team. Unfortunately, the room did not contain Jarnicki::

Alpha 2: Prophet! Where is she?

Large man: Do not use our savior's name in vain. She's here somewhere.

Bravo 2: Delta team? Charlie team? Do you copy?

::Suddenly, he heard pistol shots coming from outside. Running to the window, he saw Delta 2 bleeding on the ground. And then he saw his target, standing and running for the driveway::

Large Man: She's outside! To the windows!

::Alpha 2 ran to a nearby window, and opened fire. The man could see the army soldier following Jarnicki stumble::

Man: No! No! Shoot the Prime Minister

::He brought his gun to bear on the Prime Minister as Bravo 2 shot the soldier in the head::

Man: No!

::The prime minister hit the accelerator, and his shot went wide. He and his team could only watch as she pulled out and raced away::

::He stepped up and ran full tilt at Bravo 2::

Man: You let her get away!

::Punching Bravo 2 in the face with the butt of his submachine gun, he pointed it at his falling comrade and triggered off a clip of full auto::

::Bravo 2 still lived, but his lower body was nothing so much as a hash of guts. The would be assassin struggled to speak, but couldn't::

Man: Come on. We've got to withdrawl. This mission is aborted.

Alpha 2: But what about that army guy. How do you suppose he knew about us?

Man: Good point. Bravo 1, search him before we leave. Lets move.

::As they run for the front door, they pull off their black clothing, and search the bushes for a large duffle bag. Putting on the uniforms in the bag, they appear to be Marine Reservists. Bravo 1 searches the body of the army soldier::

Bravo 1: Sir, you need to see this.

Man: What is it?

Bravo 1: He has a copy of our plans, sir.

Man: Shit. We'll have to tell the Prophet then. He must know his enemies have discovered his existance.

Bravo 1: You are right.

Man: Well, let's get out of here.

::He pulls out a lighter, and lights the paper on fire. Then, tossing it aside to let it burn, he and his 2 allies, walk away from the mansion, down the streets of Lake Clarke City::
23-01-2004, 07:00
------------double post---------------
23-01-2004, 07:01
::As Jarnicki runs into the local police department still in her robe, the two police officers on duty quickly get to their feet::

Sgt. Greenly: Ma'am! Are you ok?

Sgt. Popskalius: What happened?

Sgt. Duffy: ::Asleep:: Zzzzzz.

Jarnicki: Assassins.

::She colapses in shock::

Greenly: You just come into the back with me, Ma'am. What happened?

Jarnicki: It was awful...

OOC: This thread is now closed. I will not be posting anymore, unless someone asks a clarifying question. Thanks for reading this everyone.