Investors/Partners Needed.......
Verboten Lufftewaffe
19-01-2004, 22:53
The Region/Nations of the Federated Suns recently discovered vast underground deposits of Uranium.....As well as deposits of Gold and other Precious Metals....We are looking for someone to assist us in the extract of said items in exchange for a percentage of finished materials....
Verboten Lufftewaffe
20-01-2004, 05:55
20-01-2004, 05:56
How much Gold would we be talking, as that is our form of money.
The Burnsian Desert
20-01-2004, 06:00
I'm interested...
Verboten Lufftewaffe
20-01-2004, 06:09
Our Scientific Caste....Have estimated the total Deposits to be unusually large....The Gold Deposit is said to have the potential of yielding close to a several hundred billion to a trillion(depending on current market prices)USD.....The Uranium looks to be the equivelant of several hundred thousand cubic tons...(That's alotta raw unprocessed uranium)....These finds encompass at least 3 of our nations...
The Dominion is willing to provide large sums of funding, equipment, and personnel that are required to mine these resources. As we are likely able to provide more assistance than other nations are, we request a similarly large proportion of the resources. We can also accept these as raw resources rather than finished material, for a slightly larger portion of the finds.
20-01-2004, 06:32
I am quite interested in this business prospect, and so are many other nations. I propose that you allow each nation to give you some sort of bid proposal, outlining the areas in which they will help (technical experts, financial investments, % of resources as a return, etc.)
The Esamopian Ministry of Trade and Commerce has prepared such a proposal, but shall wait until your nation decides it will consider bid proposals and to see if such proposals will be public (through forum) or private (through telegrams.)
We await your decision.
-Deputy Minister for Trade and Commerce
Second Esamopian Republic
The Burnsian Desert
20-01-2004, 06:37
We have the most advanced technical teams in the world, fresh out of Burnsian Jesuit College (OOC: I'm not racist, I'm just following my nation's biography thing on the front page.) who are experts in Geothermal Energy, Geography, and Geology. All we wish for is a bit of uranium... about 20 tonnes.
Five Civilized Nations
20-01-2004, 06:39
The Five Civilized Nations will invest an initial amount of US$250 million to this project. If your federation fails to produce any returns, we will demand that the federation repay this amount back to us...
Indra Prime
20-01-2004, 06:45
We can contribute a good deal of time, effort and money to the effort of extracting this minerological discovery. Currently our own local mining firms are in a dry spell of sorts and have billions of dollars worth of mining equipment and hundreds of thousands of personnel just wasting government funds for no reason, due to the dry spell. We would also require a good cut of the materials if you wish our help. We agree with the nations of Esamopia and Rhinara in the respect that it would greatly ease your situation by putting together a proposal to all prospective partners.
We await your response.
Director Travellin
Directorate of External Affairs
Indra Prime Senior Directorate
Greetings from Xeraph!
We wish to contribute 1/2 of the entire GDP of the region of Khitai, comprised of 13 nations, totaling 1 billion USD.
Please post 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year gross return on investment.
Alaric, King of Xeraph, Ambassador to ARM,NNA, IADF, AR, GAPTS
Indra Prime
21-01-2004, 02:56
Greetings from Xeraph!
We wish to contribute 1/2 of the entire GDP of the region of Khitai, comprised of 13 nations, totaling 1 billion USD.
Please post 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year gross return on investment.
Alaric, King of Xeraph, Ambassador to ARM,NNA, IADF, AR, GAPTS
<Chuckles dryly to self.> 1/2 the GDP of an entire region at 1 Billion USD? We spend that daily. Our offer still stands.
21-01-2004, 03:15
Samtonian military engineers are intriguied. We have not given them much of a chance to train and they need valuable experience. So, in this regard, we are prepared to offer:
1. Help building the transport and processing infrastructure.
2. Help mining said minerals.
3. Help guarding these deposits from thieves and warmongers.
4. Monetary funding for this endeavor, to the tune of 50 bil. plus USD
5. Any other services deemed necessary, such as construction of work camps, etc...
If accepted, the entire Samtonian Army's corps of Engineering as well as the National Samtonian Construction Agency and the First and second Infantry armies of Samtonia will be sent.
Julian Sark
21-01-2004, 03:46
The Principality of Julian Sark is prepared to offer substantial manpower and monetary support of up to 25 billion USD. Although we believe capatalist endevors to lead to corruption, we do hope this investment will prove to be profitable. Our gracious Prince awaits your answer.
- Minister Artemis de Fole
The Principality of Julian Sark
Indra Prime, we fail to see the joke. Maybe we're kinda slow. Would you explain the humor in contributing 1 billion USD to a good cause?
Alaric, King of Xeraph
Indra Prime
02-02-2004, 06:14
Just the fact that we spend that amount of money before Lunch comes around.
We would like to know the status of our offer with VL.
02-02-2004, 06:24
As Moontian is extremely interested in the primary industries, mining and agriculture, I would like Moontian's name to be added to the list of countries assist in your mining endeavours.
Verboten Lufftewaffe
02-02-2004, 06:25
Gentlemen and any ladies....You Proposal/Contract was greatly received by our Parliment....Everyone wished that we immediately endorse it.....but that 1 clause still delay's our signature...It's not that we do not wish to share it's that we fear that our enemies may find out about it...Not that it would cause mass panic or anything....Expect a TG to be forthcoming....We wholeheartadly apologize for our lethargy......
Indra Prime
02-02-2004, 06:32
Our Research and Development Databases and Labs are the most secure and protected facilities in Indra Prime. We pride ourselves in the amount of security we have installed in that system so that it would take an incredible amount of security access just to find out the most basic information about our most simple projects.