Creation of the League of Non-Alligned Nations (LNAN)
19-01-2004, 09:59
"These are trying times. In the wake of rumours of grand alliances of dozens, potentially hundreds of nations, in the wake of rumours hinting at counter-alliances, and in listening to the constant buzz of world affairs, it seems clear that a conflict, potentially more devestating than any other since, is about to begin."
"War is not a thing to be taken lightly. At stake is even greater than the precious souls of millions (or billions) of troops, but rather the fortunes and existence of whole cultures and nations. We cannot allow the fabric of civilization to be torn by conflict, burned by weapons of mass destruction, and disintegrated by newer and more devestating forms of war, propaganda, and tactics."
"To insure the continuance of civilization, to make known the horrors and brutality of war, and to create a forum to help neutral nations voice their fears and concerns, it has become apparant that the League of Non-Alligned Nations (or LNAN) must be created."
"This will not be a traditional alliance... it is not created for the purposes of aggression or defense. The LNAN shall simply be a loose, informal, and light-hearted gathering of nations that do not wish to take part in a potentially apocalyptic conflict. The League may coordinate the disbursement of humanitarian aid or arbitrate between belligerents, but will never be a willing participant in any armed conflict, except in ending it through mutually acceptable means. More importantly, it shall be a forum in which the virtues of peace and the horrors of war can be displayed, and the LNAN shall promote cultural exchanges and greater communication in the entire world."
Prime Minister Sergio De Rata,
Leader of the Second Esampoian Republic.
I will back what I can, for what is Good for The People I must do For The People. Peace and Freedom to all, and Safety to The People of every Nation.
19-01-2004, 10:02
There are a Lot of Anti GDODAD alliances being formed these days the best we can do is band together.
19-01-2004, 10:10
"Excellent, I am quite pleased that there are others who share our principals. I must reiterate that this is not a military alliance, and that if anyone wishes to plan anything with a military nature then a new alliance must be created. Congratulations to all those who have joined. After (if) we get a few more members, it may be time to choose a location for meetings (if desired) and inventory humanitarian supplies and the like for the future."
--Prime Minister Sergio De Rata
We will join, because we area a Great Nation silenced for some time, we only have few posts. However, our power is good, and we will help with Peace.
19-01-2004, 10:18
"Excellent. Once again, I am quite pleased about the interest being generated in the League, and I will now ask everyone if we should have a League HQ? Although the League's work (as I currently invision it, please correct me or change my views if necessary,) will be more humanitarian, social, and cultural than anything else. It would be nice to have a HQ to go to though, right?
So, I will first ask if we believe that a HQ is beneficial, and if that is the case, if there are any volunteers who wish to devote some open area for the building (or building complex if we dare!)
Esamopia believes that a HQ would be a good idea, but as to not create a dominating influence on the LNAN, we would prefer that the Headquarters be built elsewhere, so we will not volunteer ourselves for housing the HQ at this time."
-PM Sergio De Rata,
Personal Communique
19-01-2004, 10:21
We are.. interested. Tell me, what tech bases do you acknowledge?(past, present, near future, far future/space, fantasy, etc.)
19-01-2004, 10:29
"We are quite pleased that other nations are taking a small but ultimately significant step towards global harmony and greater understanding. The League of Non-Alligned Nations has no requirements, no expectations nor demands, and will simply serve as a forum for peaceful discourse, an arbitration center (if it gains popularity for impartialness,) and in order to coordinate the distribution of any humanitarian aid (if its members feel it necessary.)"
"We hope that others join these enlightened nations in a new path of prosperity and peace."
-Deputy Prime Minister Thwain Jer,
Official Esamopian Spokesman
League of Non-Alligned Nations
OOC: I do not particularly care about a nation's time with respect to the League, (that should also be decided by all members anyway,) however, I usually end up ignoring anything more advanced than "near-future" simply because the line between god-modding and reasonable game play at advanced technologies is blurred significantly. I also have no objections to peaceful fantasy settings. Using flying carpets or dense clouds for mass transportation purposes is acceptable, but gigantic armored dragons that can carpet bomb entire countries is not.
19-01-2004, 10:39
We have reservations about joining at this point, but we'll keep an eye on this new endevor, and wish you success.
OOC: I have power armoured dragons in my military(tho they're rare; small, mostly peacful population) and a few starships that can core planets, but I'm careful to play as fair as I can(for example, my terrestrial military is small for my size and poorly funded for the most part).
19-01-2004, 10:44
OOC: My armored dragon comment was just a guess, I never dreamed that anyone actually had them! Ha! Well, as I said earlier, your personal resources and technology levels are not important to the League as we are not a military organizaton. By all means, however, send an observor or keep an eye out.
19-01-2004, 21:58
Official LNAN bump!
20-01-2004, 03:57
20-01-2004, 06:28
Someone... please, speak!
OOC: Where did the inspiration for the LNAN come from exactly? I have a hunch and would like to see if I am right.
20-01-2004, 08:22
OOC: Your hunch is likely correct.
I watched some of Babylon 5 (a semi-popular sci-fi show, as I classify it.) I was never able to watch it regularly and only started watching it when it was midway through, but I remember that there was some sort of League of Non-Alligned Nations. I am only taking the name for my quasi-alliance, not the functions of that body in the sci-fi show.
I was also considering the Non-Alligned Nations movement during the Cold War (led by the former Yugoslavia and India, among others,) and found the GDODAD/ Anti-GDODAD situation sort of comparable to the US/USSR stand off.
OOC: Your hunch is likely correct.
I watched some of Babylon 5 (a semi-popular sci-fi show, as I classify it.) I was never able to watch it regularly and only started watching it when it was midway through, but I remember that there was some sort of League of Non-Alligned Nations. I am only taking the name for my quasi-alliance, not the functions of that body in the sci-fi show.
I was also considering the Non-Alligned Nations movement during the Cold War (led by the former Yugoslavia and India, among others,) and found the GDODAD/ Anti-GDODAD situation sort of comparable to the US/USSR stand off.OOC: Thanks. That's what I thought.
I wouldn't exactly call it semi-popular. It enjoyed the highest ratings on the Sci-fi channel when they aired it for awhile. There is still a very large internet community, at least one mod and one stand-alone game have been recently released. And I myself am a huge fan, if you couldn't tell ;).
I thought it might be based of the League of Non-Aligned Worlds from B5 but wasn't sure. Thank you for clearing that up.