Joint Project: RedFaction
Tal-Kerillion and Dark Terror has launched a join project of terraforming mars into a habitable planet
Critical Changes:
1) global surface temperature will be increased by ~ 60 K;
2) the mass of the atmosphere will be increased;
3) liquid water will be made available; and
4) the surface UV and cosmic ray flux will be substantially reduced.
5) atmospheric composition will be altered to increase its O2 and N2 fractions.
it will take us a very long time, and it wont be an easy task, but together we shall succeed, classified ammount of funding for this project was already allocated, and the special spacecraft and other means are being built.
NOTE: if other nation will interfere and will try to do something like this, some missile may accidentally be redirected against them.
our methods:
1)solar-powered factories that produce greenhouse gases.
Artificial greenhouse gases that are bad news on Earth could provide the means to make Mars a more comfortable place for humans to live.
Sunlight is absorbed by a planet's surface, which then radiates warming infrared energy into the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases prevent that energy from escaping into space.
if we pump enough greenhouse gases into the Martian atmosphere to create a runaway greenhouse effect. Here on Earth, the idea of a runaway greenhouse sets off alarm bells. But on Mars it could be a plus. Bisonian Scientists speculated how it might be possible to warm Mars just enough to evaporate the planet's available carbon dioxide (CO2 trapped in ices and frost) into the atmosphere, where such gases could contribute to keeping the planet warm.
we want to trap every bit of heat we can. A carefully chosen combination of PFCs could do the job quite handily.
2)we shall melt the ice-caps using giant orbital mirrors. The mirrors would redirect the sunlight onto the polar caps and melt the water into oceans, lakes and rivers. However, these mirrors will be hard to transport and expensive.
3)we shall start A series of nuclear explosions on the surface of mars and cause the ice caps to melt. but.. the problem with this idea is the radiation that may be produced as a result of the explosion. Once water was on the surface of Mars, it would begin to create natural thickening of the atmosphere (which is needed for protection against radiation) and other natural processes such as the water cycle and changing the weather of the planet.
4)a Large number of plants will be introduced to the planet, the oxygen content would increase and the CO2 content would decrease as the plants went through photosynthesis, and we shall interduce the bacteria Cyano to Mars. It contains chlorophyll that is used to carry out photosynthesis and these bacteria would be useful in the same way plants would be.
It would take many years, but the atmosphere would slowly gain more oxygen.
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 03:57
Isn't there a really long thread somewhere that has been doing the exact same thing for several months?
Isn't there a really long thread somewhere that has been doing the exact same thing for several months?
but they are uber future-space computerintwerweebscreendigitalnano nations with mach 2358732485q3489534953475234567346785833657345348534 spaceplanes,so we just ignore them.