NationStates Jolt Archive

DT and Tal-kerillion declare war on kazakhstania

19-01-2004, 01:42
As Kazakhstania has been copying our products, actively spying on us, violating our sovereignity, and attacking us, the Bisonic Duma has approved a declaration of war, and T-K followed suit. First of all, Kazakhstania has violated our sovereignity by disabling products we purchased from him, and he has not payed for them. Secondly, Kazakhstanian fleets were sent to aid geforce4 against Dark Terror. Thirdly, he has copied our VO-100M and has threatened to copy the MiG-37, JF-20, and JF-2000. Finally, Kazakhstanian U-2 spy planes were shot down over DT and T-K when museums were ordered to fire off their SA-2 missiles at them.

As of right now, Dark Terror and Tal-Kerillion are at war with kazakhstania.
19-01-2004, 02:25
We think this is more then enough reasoning for war. If you need any kind of support or help DT or T-K Svalvard will be there to help. kazakhstania needs to be taught a lesson and the 2 of you are more then strong enough to handle this yourselves. Good luck Comrades
19-01-2004, 02:29
The more, the merrier.
19-01-2004, 02:39
19-01-2004, 02:40
hmm add me to the list against kazakhstania if you wish. i think that getting rid of this menace to Society is for the better of us all.
19-01-2004, 02:41
hmm add me to the list against kazakhstania if you wish. i think that getting rid of this menace to Society is for the better of us all.
19-01-2004, 02:42
If his recently produced military projects are any indication, id say youll have an easy time of wiping him off the map.
19-01-2004, 13:54
he has copied our VO-100M and has threatened to copy the MiG-37, JF-20, and JF-2000

Eh wasn't that just a case of using similar (or identical) images which isn't that big a deal unless you custom made those images yourself and IRC those were RL units and concept sketchs so you don't have a case there.

That would be an OOC reason anyway.
19-01-2004, 15:51
19-01-2004, 15:52
19-01-2004, 16:05
For the seemingly upteenth time, the USSS must denounce the overly aggressive leadership of Dark Terror. Truly only a nation led by an absolutely belligerant fool would declare war upon another soverign nation for, let us see...

failing to up hold part of a contract, which most would solve by invoking the World Court, or complaining, or just accepting the fact that perhaps the offending nation has decided that, upon further research, they do not wish for their weapons to fall in the hands of a madman,

sending aid to an ally. Yes, what a great crime that is; please, even for you this excuse sinks to a new low.

Violating a copyright: see the first example. Threatening to violate copyrights: not even a crime.

Not all is lost, however! Due to the fact that the USSS also spies upon your national, mostly with satellites, we have taken your declaration of war to extend to all nations which spy upon you in some manner, including ourselves. If you dare pursue this evil mission and invade Kazakhstania, you will find more than just their troops to oppose you.

(OOC: Consider them en route)
19-01-2004, 16:08
Kazakhstanian fleets were sent to aid geforce4 against Dark Terror. .

19-01-2004, 16:27
not dork terror on one of his bisonic crusades again!
Flocarga and Delmarva
19-01-2004, 16:39
Yeah. Looks like it. Just grab a lawn chair and some popcorn and enjoy the show.
Holy panooly
19-01-2004, 16:42
remember, you can buy your chemical/biological weapons in my little shop for dirt cheap prices
19-01-2004, 16:45
I'm so confused. I don't know who to help out. Maybe I will just sit back and enjoy the fireworks. *pops open a can of beer and works on a bag of potato chips*
19-01-2004, 16:58
Subject:Crise of Kazakhstania, possible spying. Invitation.
To: governments of Dark Terror, Tal-Kerillion and Kazakhstania
From:The Emperor of Empire of Haukka, Great Earl of Trecon

The Emperor of Empire of Haukka, Great Earl of Trecon still hopes that peaceful agreement to this crise is possible and wishes that Dark Terror and Tal-Kerillion sits to the same table with Kazakhstania, in negotitations that would try to find peaceful agreement with both sides. These negotitations could be hosted by Empire of Haukka.[/code:1:c5bc9e782f]
The Zoogie People
19-01-2004, 17:31
OOC: I have to study for finals (aargh) so I'll be able to offer no military assistance...sorry


You people listen to one side of the story only! The Zoogie People agrees with Haukka that a peaceful solution should be found.

As for the accusations on Kazakhstania, they are simply ludicrous.

Kazakhstania has not copied a single product of yours. Prove it with links. The Zoogie People and Kazakhstania are in the process of developing a naval fighter. At first we thought of basing it on the venerable, real-life Russian Su-37, but since Dark Terror already did that, evidently nobody else on NS can. Were we copying his products? Heck no. We were modifying an Su-37, not a JF-20. The MiG-37 is also not your product. We have as much right to use it as anyone. Just search Google for MiG-37, and you'll see it's another Russian product - unless Dark Terror now owns both Miyokan-Guervich (sp?) and Sukhoi?

Furthermore, after many threats, we backed down and began development of the naval fighter on the MiG-29K airframe. Oh, sorry, didn't know you owned sole rights to that plane as well.

As for your other accusations of disabling products purchased from him, aid of GeForce4, the copying of Vo-100M, and U-2 spyplanes; prove it by giving links. I've heard nothing of them.

What does it come down to now? Dark terror will declare war on anyone who develops a fighter based on Sukhoi or Miyokan-Guervich aircraft, even though he doesn't own rights to them. He will also wage war on anyone who's aided GeForce4, who, if I'm not mistaken, has been deleted (or was it JaxForce?).

Heck, I've developed an aircraft based and influenced greatly by the Eurofighter. If anyone else wants to do so, I'm not stopping them, so long as they don't base it of my own plane.

Have we stolen the JF-20? No. You declare war on us for basing an aircraft on the MiG-29K design. As if that were illegal.
19-01-2004, 18:27
OOC: The I ignore you bit comes later.


As for disabling your productsm that was a warning. They have been duely replaced, along with what, 100 extra.

As for sending U-2 spy planes:

A) We dont have any.
B) We are not stupid enough to have any.
C) I did not EVER post I sent any.

We are suing the MiG-29K now, unless you have not noticed. I merely asked.

I did not copy your V-100M. What is it, anyway? The BTR-90M? I used different pics :D

I see youa re in no way justtified, we shall now call on support from our alliance and allies.

Zoogie, Crookfur, Terristan, may you stand by us?

Also, I will bring in some other allies.
19-01-2004, 18:35
Drk Terror, unless a peacefull solution is found to this you have just messed with Solarius Prime and all its Army Camps which add up to over 200 nations.

I do suggest you step down peacefully.
Unum Veritas
19-01-2004, 18:59
The Imperial Naval Republic of Unum Veritas expresses its desire that this conflict be resolved peacefully and without the unnecessary loss of life. All grievances against Kazaakisthan could be dealt with in an international court and Unum Veritas offers to host such a trial.
High Chancellor Sparrow
The Imperial Naval Republic of Unum Veritas
Member: NAIA (
Member: Band of Brothers (
Vice President and Naval Commander: Legion of Defence (
Owner: Unum Veritas Naval Store (
19-01-2004, 19:13
I'm with you DT, if you go ahead I'll be right behind you.
The Zoogie People
19-01-2004, 22:44
Dark Terror, if you want to warmonger really badly, find someone your own size and do a one-on-one battle. If you guys destroy each other, it'll probably do us all a favor. You might even find a better excuse. If you've got nothing better to do than to gather up your allies and pick on much younger nations for no good reason, you will be ignored, at least by me.

Either seek peace or take your threats elsewhere.

Or risk invasion by my ignore tanks. (j/k :P)
20-01-2004, 00:44
Kazakhstania, I dont recall you replacing the products you disabled.

I know you dont have u-2's. Thats the reaosn well use if nothing else. ust like germany claimed poland attacked it.
At Skepticisms request, we will blast any sattelite owned by Skepticism out of the sky [not a very hard thing to do]. Almaz sattelites will attempt interception, and we are modifying some ICBMs to kill off the rest as their orbit takes them near DT.
20-01-2004, 00:52
Couple more things.

Skepticism- you ignore NERA dont you? Well both kazkahstania and I use it, as does T-K. So get out, since to you this is a godmod fest. Either way if you ignore NERA Ill ignore you.

As for Polaris- the leader of it told me kazakhstania wouldnt be suppirted because he attacked me first, when I only made an OOC comment about attacking him and no IC war moves. Which means he helped attack me without any reasons ICly. Altohugh, I decided to put off attacking him for a while.
20-01-2004, 02:49
OOC: Although you have no idea how NERA works and cannot actually explain to anyone why it works, I will happily agree that it has some effect against sabot charges, as it would seem to given by the descriptions you copied from that grognard forum. I'm nothing if not flexible.


"We have sat maneuver. Appears as if that stupid jackass is taking our hypothetical position literally."

"Well, you know DT military folks are nothing if not eager, Lieutennant. And let's face it, given the quality of the schools in their country, they just probably don't 'get' rhetoric or understand why our diplomatic corps said what they did. Hell, I'm sort of surprised they even managed to build a satellite at all. Bah. Is our little surprise ready?"

The young USSS Space Arm Lieutennant grinned. "Yes, sir. As soon as they make a move, we're ready. Also I have confirm from MissCon that, assuming they actually hit anything, we can launch straight up to replace ASAP. Pretty much whatever happens at this point, we're golden, Colonel."

Colonel Nottary nodded. "We're calling back up enough army troops for a decent fight, which hopefully will not happen; even DT usually doesn't allow belligerant idiocy to continue in the face of an easier and logical decision. Hopefully, they'll just let the World Court settle it. But... Right now the troops we dispatched are hanging around the coast, waiting to see what goes down. If war breaks out, we should be able to send a couple ten thou before the ocean heats up. We'll see. Of course..."

Lieutennant Stephens interrupted him. "Vampire, vampire! We have one of their "Almaz" sats making a move! Scratch that, several -- multiple targets not pretty." Several other monitors reported similar results. Stephens glanced over his shoulder.

Colonel Nottary did not hesitate. "Initiate."

The recon satellites began making delta loops; other sats, including the geosynchrous communication ones, started deploying their passive defenses. More importantly, however, several new signatures suddenly appeared, separating from what appeared to be merely several chunks of space debris. Locking on to the Bisonic antisatellites, numerous USSS Dart space rockets blasted from their hiding places, intercepting and easily neutralizing the Almaz's, which had no time to react and were under the control of simpletons who did not expect anything unexpected to happen. It only lasted a few seconds. Nottary grinned.

"That went well, damn well! Unfortunately, pretty soon they'll just launch missiles up from groundside, and those will be harder to get rid of or outmaneuver; even our nuclear sats still have limited reaction mass to get around. Oh well." He assumed a fakely studious look. "You know, Lieutennant Stephens, I do believe that Dark Terror just fired upon us. Wouldn't that be sort of an act of war?"

The Lieutennant, used to Nottary's light hand, smiled. "Reckon so, sir. Of course, the USSS still wants DT to resort to a more...diplomatic course of events. So we wouldn't invade his country or anything. Still..."

"Damn right. We still need to do something. Hmmm." Nottary chuckled. "Hell with it. He can pretend a solar flare just knocked them out or something. Launch Operation Solar Wind." The last sentance was yelled out to the entire control room; operators began typing furiously, barking into their headsets.

Up in space, dozens of Dart rockets separated from otherwise benign satellites, as well as literally a dozen large pieces of trash "seeded" very carefully by the USSS Space Forces. Satellite after satellite was blasted down; one or two managed to dodge one rocket, only to be claimed by another. Within twenty minutes, it was all over; at least in this large area of space, Dark Terror was blind and unable to communicate.

Of course the USSS does not formally acknowledge that any of this happens and agrees with Unum Veritas et al that a peaceful solution must be sought.
20-01-2004, 03:25
<Encryption Level 12>
TO: Kazakhstanian Leadership
FROM: Minister of State William Sedworth
RE: Situation with Dark Terror

To whom it may concern:
In regards to your request that we aid you in the conflict with Dark Terror, we regret to inform you that, due to another alliance in which we are involved (the New Conservative Alliance), we cannot engage in hostilities with said nation. Please accept our most profuse apologies; while our government has never had any great love for Dark Terror (and vice versa), we have always been bound by treaty when a similar situations have arisen, and we must continue to honor this agreement. Be advised that although we cannot offer any overt material support, we also choose not to aid Dark Terror in any way, and will certainly not engage in any action against Kazakhstanian targets. We must also stress that a peaceful conclusion to this problem is ideal, and that we desire to see such an end reached.
Should you require any more information, please feel free to contact the government of Kelanthia.

William Sedworth, Minister of State, Kelanthia

<Encryption Disabled>
TO: All Concerned Parties
FROM: President Gordon Grath
RE: Dark Terror - Kazakhstan Conflict

To whom it may concern:
Due to Kelanthia's diplomatic ties to both sides of the conflict, we hereby announce that, should all-out war become inevitable, neither side shall receive material support against the other side. However, we request a peaceful solution if that is possible, and offer Kelanthian facilities in which to conduct said negotiations if all parties agree. Total war can be avoided in this situation, and anything we can do to help is at the disposal of the involved parties.

Gordon Grath, President, Kelanthia

OOC: DT, I've not seen much from you in a good while, so if there is anything I need to know, i.e. a change in your NCA status, etc., I'd appreciate it if you would tell me. Thanks.
20-01-2004, 03:46
we will be forced to ally ourselves with Kazakhstania in this conflict. if we are dragged in, which we hope we are not, dark terror will face the full power of our armies. Why does your imperialistic nation not join GDODAD, dark terror? it would be most fitting for a disgusting imperialistic nation like yours.

however, we urge you to seek a diplomatic solution. if one is not reached, we fear that our nations shall be embroiled in conflict. and we hope that is unnescesarry.
20-01-2004, 05:21
intercepting and easily neutralizing the Almaz's, which had no time to react and were under the control of simpletons who did not expect anything unexpected to happen. It only lasted a few seconds. Nottary grinned.

isnt this magicle?, yeah just go and decide the losses and everything else for him :roll:
20-01-2004, 13:28
intercepting and easily neutralizing the Almaz's, which had no time to react and were under the control of simpletons who did not expect anything unexpected to happen. It only lasted a few seconds. Nottary grinned.
isnt this magicle?, yeah just go and decide the losses and everything else for him :roll:

OOC: First of all, DT, please stop using this puppet as if he were actually a free and independent nation. Conversely, if you aren't a puppet, please prove it.

Also OOC: Let's consider...

1. The USSS was expecting an attack against its satellites, due to their provacative message.

2. Obviously the USSS had a plan in place, so that if someone tried to destroy their satellites, they could fight back.
2b. That plan made sense and is feasible by realistic standards.

3. Shooting down a satellite which is not expecting anything is not just easy, it's virtually a guarentee.
3b. This is according to Dark Terror, who said more or less the same thing.

4. The entire thing was well enough written and, again, logical, which generally gives more leeway in this sort of thing anyways (If someone wrote this about me, I would very likely accept it, whereas I would not accept "our satelites dodge and rokets shoots all your sats down in surprise").

I would compare this to you taking offense at me saying, "My soldier shoots your soldier, who dies" and then asking me to say, what, something along the lines of, "My soldier shoots your soldier in the chest three times, which may or may not kill him, I do not know, please note how much I am not infringing upon your right to change events however you like, because, hey, you're such a great RP'er that I fully trust your ability not to abuse the system.

Guess what, ain't gonna happen. Limited scale RP has less of a need for very specific action/response cycles, especially something like a surprise attack on a limited target. If you want to talk about how, hey! I actually missed some of your stealthy satellites and you can see everything, but I don't think you can -- what an advantage! -- alright, or something along those lines. Of course, because you are a bad RP'er, you don't think about anything like that, and instead accuse me of Godmodding by taking slight liberty.

...sorry this post was so long.

IC: Protests have begun starting in large USSS cities demanding the Dark Terror submit to the will of the world and settle this matter in the World Court. However any observer would note that they obviously would not mind seeing DT get the crap kicked out of it.
20-01-2004, 17:26
3. Shooting down a satellite which is not expecting anything is not just easy, it's virtually a guarentee.
3b. This is according to Dark Terror, who said more or less the same thing.

skepticism.... lucky for dt and his satellites, the almaz has a nudelman recoilless gun for self-defence against such things :roll: , so you better edit/rewrite your book of greening/interrupting satellite destroying lieutenants or join up to my (and hopefuly dt's) lovely ignorelist. :mrgreen:
20-01-2004, 17:36
OOC: First of all, DT, please stop using this puppet as if he were actually a free and independent nation. Conversely, if you aren't a puppet, please prove it.


this is, a pathetic attempt by the nation of skepticism to discriminate us!, i can assure you that we are totally different nations! or maybe.. its you!.. your kazakhstanias/freedom countriy's puppet! yeah! he has tens of puppets as he admitted in his latest thread. :roll:
20-01-2004, 18:11

You got it wrong :lol:

Now stop arguing and invade :wink:


The alliance of all Allies and our Region of Solarius has been contacted.
20-01-2004, 18:15
OOC: Bring on the puppets.


Freedom Country lends all its armed forces, msot of its huge budget and a hell of a lot of tech to KZ.

We are now officially on war footing.
20-01-2004, 18:16
OOC: Bring on the puppets.


Freedom Country lends all its armed forces, msot of its huge budget and a hell of a lot of tech to KZ.

We are now officially on war footing.

puppets are ignored.
20-01-2004, 18:16
hellzones fleet masses around the spec known as dark terror the large space cruisers massing around preparing the virus warheads waiting on the signal. meanwhile project blackstone drops out of warp with the thermal bomb primed

<-------------------to avoid this fate surrender now--------------------------->
20-01-2004, 18:17
hellzones fleet masses around the spec known as dark terror the large space cruisers massing around preparing the virus warheads waiting on the signal. meanwhile project blackstone drops out of warp with the thermal bomb primed

<-------------------to avoid this fate surrender now--------------------------->

your ignored mr biomechanical nano mach 3253472503458634534756345763 spacenation :P
20-01-2004, 18:18

Puppets ignored, JOOO ignored.

I like to think of it as USSR with the baltics and Kazakhstan. And you wonder why I chose the name Kazkahstania.


City of Freedom is readying its full forces.
20-01-2004, 18:23
hellzones carriers drop out of orbit giving kahzakstania 5000 of our fines uruks also dropping a small naval and tank division
20-01-2004, 21:34

Puppets ignored, JOOO ignored.

I like to think of it as USSR with the baltics and Kazakhstan. And you wonder why I chose the name Kazkahstania.


City of Freedom is readying its full forces.

fine, hide behind your puppets kozakh.
20-01-2004, 21:37
Puppets ignored, were ignored? K bye. Lol, we have 'contigency plans'.
20-01-2004, 21:37
Why thankyou.

I will.

Thanks DT :D
20-01-2004, 21:42
Why thankyou.

I will.

Thanks DT :D

i am klamath, skeptism. :roll:
20-01-2004, 21:53

Believe it or not, I am not Skeptism. Why the hell woudl I use FC if i was. And I wouldnt knwo you were Klamath :roll:

Whatever, you are smaller now.
Independent Hitmen
20-01-2004, 22:15
As Kazakhstania has been copying our products, actively spying on us, violating our sovereignity, and attacking us, the Bisonic Duma has approved a declaration of war, and T-K followed suit. First of all, Kazakhstania has violated our sovereignity by disabling products we purchased from him, and he has not payed for them. Secondly, Kazakhstanian fleets were sent to aid geforce4 against Dark Terror. Thirdly, he has copied our VO-100M and has threatened to copy the MiG-37, JF-20, and JF-2000. Finally, Kazakhstanian U-2 spy planes were shot down over DT and T-K when museums were ordered to fire off their SA-2 missiles at them.

As of right now, Dark Terror and Tal-Kerillion are at war with kazakhstania.

OOC: Havnt been bothered to read posts between here and there but oh well

IC: President Anderson is most appalled by this conflict between two of our allies (DT and Kazakhstania) while we can see that the Government of Dark Terror has a valid reason we do not feel that war was necessary. We call for the immeadiate cease fire and that both nations send delagates to the USIH to TALK about this problem. I once again say, we urge both sides to cease hostilities and to come to the negotiating table.
Negotiations can begin as soon as is possible as we cannot bear to watch two of our allies fight over such small things whilst there are much bigger issues in the world as we know it.

President Anderson
21-01-2004, 00:22
Kyle Race, Commander in Chief of the Raysian Military: "*glances at formal request received from k-stan* A war over Copyright infringement? *roll* This is a corporate deal."

Allan Grant, CEO of Raysian Military Technologies: "Hmm, a war between two aerospace corporations... well, we would help them... but they are some of our toughest competitors in the market... it would be a stupid move. What do you think, Mr. President?"

Nathaniel M. Hatch, Government President of Raysia: "*sigh* A war over copyrights? This is why you have defense forces for your corporations... its not the government's job to back up a corporation's international copyrights... besides, they are, like you said, our competitors."


Nathaniel M. Hatch sends this telegram to all parties: "After receiving a request to intervene, we have to decline. But to the party accused of copyright infringement... come on, if you're gonna steal someone's idea, at least make it better ;)"
The Zoogie People
21-01-2004, 00:46

I would like to say this again.

Kazakhstania's joint naval project with The Zoogie People is being based on the Su-37. Not on the JF-20. MiG-37 *which is a Russian fighter by the way, a RL one, makes you wonder why he's complaining about that*, or JF-2000.

Copyright infringement? Only if you happen to be the president of Sukhoi.

Sorry if you've already developed a plane based on the Su-37. Doesn't mean nobody else in the world can.
Neo Earth
21-01-2004, 01:25
OOC: Yo, DT, a update? And could I join?
21-01-2004, 01:25
Either way, this whole thing sounds like a whining match... "He copied my planes!" "What are you gonna do about it?" "I'm gonna n00k j00!"

Children, children... If your enemy copies your idea, make your idea better... arms races bring forth technological advancement... it will benefit your nation more if you -don't- go to war.
21-01-2004, 16:35
Since DT is ignoring all my puppets, I am going to ignore Neo Earth for the duration of this war until it is over. Thankyou.
Independent Hitmen
21-01-2004, 19:20
The United States once again reiterates its call for Negotiations.
22-01-2004, 01:04
3. Shooting down a satellite which is not expecting anything is not just easy, it's virtually a guarentee.
3b. This is according to Dark Terror, who said more or less the same thing.
skepticism.... lucky for dt and his satellites, the almaz has a nudelman recoilless gun for self-defence against such things :roll: , so you better edit/rewrite your book of greening/interrupting satellite destroying lieutenants or join up to my (and hopefuly dt's) lovely ignorelist. :mrgreen:

As for the first part, a recoilless rifle (which I assume you are talking about) would not work in space for the following reasons:

1. No air
2. "recoilless" is a relative term. Recoilless rifles operate by using a venturri (de Laval nozzle) to speed up the reaction gasses from the explosive charge to such high speed that the force of them being ejected from the barrel equals the force of the shell leaving the muzzle (F=MA). So firing one in space would blast a long trail of superfast gasses, which has little effect on Earth, but a rather large on in space, not so?

As for the second, I apologize, but I do not speak this particular brand of bizarre-typingese. ("greening" satellites???)


The USSS takes as a good sign the recent absense of Dark Terror, and hopes that said lack of presense indicates a great amount of consideration as to the many viable alternatives possible in this present situation. As Independent Hitmen, Kazakhstania, Raysia, and others have articulated, negotiations must be implemented, especially given that no crime may have actually been committed.
22-01-2004, 02:58
Kazkahstania, then youre ignored. Goodbye.
22-01-2004, 05:00
Kazkahstania, then youre ignored. Goodbye.

Wow. DT ignoring someone. Shocking. He must have stood a chance of losing. :roll:
22-01-2004, 17:40
Kazkahstania, then youre ignored. Goodbye.


I got ignored. No more threats, stupid comments, invasions or anythign from Dark Terror at all.

Actually, im glad to be ignored. It makes NS a better place to live.
22-01-2004, 17:41
Kazkahstania, then youre ignored. Goodbye.


I got ignored. No more threats, stupid comments, invasions or anythign from Dark Terror at all.

Actually, im glad to be ignored. It makes NS a better place to live.

Much better off. :wink:
22-01-2004, 18:45
OOC: Bring on the puppets.


Freedom Country lends all its armed forces, msot of its huge budget and a hell of a lot of tech to KZ.

We are now officially on war footing.

We of VirginIncursion will back Freedom Country & Kazakhstania in their
war against the empire most evil if the need ever arises again.
Independent Hitmen
22-01-2004, 21:11
OOC: Bring on the puppets.


Freedom Country lends all its armed forces, msot of its huge budget and a hell of a lot of tech to KZ.

We are now officially on war footing.

We of VirginIncursion will back Freedom Country & Kazakhstania in their
war against the empire most evil if the need ever arises again.

Aint gonna be a war between 3 of my allies so :P
22-01-2004, 21:54
Me losing here? Honestly, I can basically flatten Kazakhstania with my little finger, Im not going to rp with gaggles of pupopets, thank you very much.
23-01-2004, 21:21
DT... you can not simply squash him... he has over 17 regions protecting him, three with over 200 nation in them.

4 of which I am a leading general, one of which I am a brigadier general with the general as a personnal friend another one of which I am brigadier general with the general as a friend on msn.

And others in which I am a high political figure.

BTW: I am not a puppet of Kazakhstania. I jjyst choose this name and met him on a thread.
24-01-2004, 02:47
And how much people in those reigons rp? Plus, Im the type of guy, who rather than losing, would destroy everybody invovled with nukes, and accept being destroyed in return.
24-01-2004, 07:23
And how much people in those reigons rp? Plus, Im the type of guy, who rather than losing, would destroy everybody invovled with nukes, and accept being destroyed in return.

...and how well did that work in the past Bisons? Some here still remember.
24-01-2004, 11:15
As in me.

I am FC, remember :D
24-01-2004, 17:05
As in me.

I am FC, remember :D
You werent hear during the ww6 glassfest. It almost turned into a worldwide nuclear war.

What happened last time was TJhairball ruled both me and walten were dead, but both me and walten ignored his rulings. Eventually, walten left RP and I switched to DT.
New Florence Marie
28-01-2004, 18:32
New Florence Marie pledges the following military array in support of fellow Solarian Kazakhstania:

1) 25,000 light infantry soldiers (organized in five (5) brigades.) This includes:

Twenty-five hundred (2,500) APC's
Five-hundred (500) mechanical support vehicles
Seven-hundred and fifty (750) Command and
Control Humvees

2) 5,000 heavily-mechanized infantry soliders (organized in five (5) battalions.) This includes:

Five-hundred (500) M-2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles
Fifty (50) support and logistics vehicles
Five (5) Command and Control Humvees

3) 20,000 logistical support personal (includes medical, supply, mechanical and transport personnnel organized in four (4) brigades)

One-thousand (1000) military ambulances
Seven-hundred and fifty (750) support Humvees
One-thousand (1000) M2 transport vehicles
Two-hundred (200) recovery vehicles

4) 200 special operations soldiers (organized as a company) (equipment classified.)

5) My nephew "Spud," armed with a .45 and a Zippo lighter ('cause he's just crazy for that sh*t)

He will have an extra pair of socks.
29-01-2004, 19:05
NFM, aren't you still suing all your weapons and such from your orignal account. Or is NFM a completely new nations with only written ties to FM?