18-01-2004, 06:52
A place to show off your favorite methods of killing other people.
The show will be taking place in DGNT in Whatnow Memorial Park, suprislingly located in the city of Whatnow. The park is a sealed grass complex designed cheifly for mini-wargames between DGNTs own troops. A revolutionary bio-engineered grass covers the surface of the entire park, growing to an exact hight every time it is torn, blown up, or burned away. The complex is quite large, measuring a full ten miles square. The show will be taking place inside.
Booths can be arranged for a small charge of G50 per 'booth', that is, one hundred USD for one hundred square feet of space, up to ten booths may be purchased, and special accomidations can be made for large weapons systems.
The show will also contain specialized bio/chemical testing and show areas, as well as netlink ports, 3D projectors and food booths, all free of charge (Except the food booths which contain hugely overpriced concessions, sorry, but its the law).
Mini-wargames, countermarching, parades and pyrotechnic displays of military might will take place on the other half of the park, and may also be arranged free of charge.
It is advised that you take lodgings in the city, and do not sleep in the park.
The park also contains an elevator to SH-17, the area above Earth that DGNT uses as a testing ground/wargames arena for its space forces, those who wish to bring those are welcome as well.
DGNT will be showing the following, and more:
Displays by tank units
The 1st Armoured Division has been asked to perform a show of its might, fiftey tanks of varying classes will be pushed to their designed limits in shows of strength, speed and firepower.
Small arms shows
DGNT will show some of its newest weapons, and some of its older, such as the GC-4 rifle, a bolt action .303 from before President 47 took office. Others will include a new plasma-based flamethrower, an upgraded PAAR rocket, and a few others.
Imperial Guard Countermarching, Parade and show
Dontgoneartheres Imperial Guard, the best of the best of Dontgonearthere, these troops are responsible for the saftey of all high ranking DGNT officials, and are armed with Lightswords, the only troops in the Army so equipped. Their fast reaction armour enables them to be used to devastating effect, vaporizing bullets, deflecting energy shots, and cleaving almost any material with ease.
The Burnsian Desert
18-01-2004, 07:05
We would like to perticapate.
Our attache will include:
The 1st Tabuk Sniper Squad
The 1st Royal Tank Division:
And the Star Destroyer of Halap (on loan from a friend):
18-01-2004, 07:27
You are quite welcome, though by no means limited to three shows.\
Just thought I would say.
18-01-2004, 20:00
(OOC: Damn...I had a really long post, but the ****ing forum ate it...God ****ing damn...Oh getting cable shortly, so I wont have this problem anymore...oh well...bump. Remember...always copy your posts. ALWAYS.)
((We all have it.))
I'd like to participate (you know me *wink wink*) but I can't IC right now. My nation basically has the best of fiction (that I've read) fighting for me, so if you could just have a bunch of my forces rocking the place that'd be great.
21-01-2004, 03:49
OOC: Ok, so heres the post I intended to post, that I retyped.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the Second International Arms Show of Dontgonearthere. The first display will be beggining shortly with a demonstation of armoured might by the 1st Armoured Division of Dontgonearthere."
Three FLASH tanks roll out onto the field, engines humming.
A FLASH tank
"The FLASH series runs on a huge engine, taking up most of the tank, it provides huge amounts of speed and firepower. The tank can run up to 100 miles per hour for up to eight hours. Its main purpose is a hit and run, or scouting vehicle, though its two EMG cannons provide plenty of firepower, as you are about to see."
The tanks engines rev up, then begin to accelerate. Downrange, several plastic targets representing tanks, soldiers, and other battlefield paraphenalia arrange themselves. The two guns rotate to track the targets, computer stabilizers compensate for the tanks wild bouncing, then the guns begin to fire. The targets and the ground for about twenty feet around them is shredded, pockmarked and in general destroyed.
"The EMG gun works by 'freezing' a packet of energy in a space-time grid, then projecting that grid in much the same manner as a rail gun. Once the packet reaches its target, the grid collpases and the energy is all released in an area measuring about one foot by one foot, vaporizing most matter in that area."
OOC: Ok, its not technical, but I just took it from the Total Annihilation manual, and anyway, if you have played TA, you know the EMG cannon deserves the credit)
The three tanks perform some more amazing stunts, then retire from whence they came. By the time they leave the field the plastic has been swallowed by the grass, which has almost covered the holes.
"Next up, DGNTs medium tank, the Stumpy. This is the workhorse of the DGNT armoured force, though not as fast as the FLASH, it maintains a decent speed of 60-75 miles per hour depending on conditions. This tanks low profile makes it ideal of urban fighting, its turret is rounded, making it very difficult to knock out, and its only really vulerable spot is the treads. Stumpies mount either 100mm high intensity laser cannons, or 200mm high velocity cannons, firing AP, HE or Bunker Buster rounds. All tanks are mounted with two machine guns, one for the commander and one rear facing. The commanders gun can either be manualy fired or triggered from inside the tank, it also features a remote swivil mount, so it can face more than one direction."
Three Stumpies are moved out, cannons gleaming, and move forward at top speed, spraying dirt from their treads. They form into a colum, and head toward the next set of targets. once within range, their turrets rotate, and the cannons open up, spraying chunks of earth and plastic. The central group of targets barely survives the first volley, while the outer edges are torn apart by the machine guns. Once the tanks pass, only a single target remains standing, and it has three holes in its head, four in each arm, fourtythree in its torso and five in both legs. It also has a piece of one of its former compatriots protruding from its ear. It looks very sad, and could probobly use a hug.
"Now we have the Bulldog Heavy Tank, which deserves its capitals. These are chiefly based around the concept that an enemy in pieces flying through the air has more on his mind than killing you. Each is armed with two large-bore, high intensity lasers, both of which are capable of rapid burst, charge-shot or continuose fire. For the better demonstration of these abilites, three groups of targets are being set up. Interestingly, the Bulldog is one of DGNTs oldest tank designes, first developed back in the pre-47 days, very little has changed. The main differnce is the hydrogen-reaction engine, and the lasers."
Now the Bulldogs have arrived, and the ground is shaking slightly. Even the comparativly quiet HR engines do little to conceal the power of something designed to be big and loud and kill things with large explosions. This tank WANTS a diesel engine, or two, if possible.
The tanks begin moving, their size making them appear ungainly and slow as they approach the first group.
Then, with suprising swiftness they execute 90 degree turns with their turrets, and procede to 'stutter-fire' into a group of targets that melt even before the beams arrive. Three lucky targets survive, but these get run over.
The next group fares little better. The base of the tanks barrles can be seen glowing with stored power, and six massive beams turn all the targets into vapor on the first try, leaving three pairs of overlapping craters.
The next targets are quite intesting, firing continuose beams, the tanks pilots make a show of burning faces onto the targets, before dicing them in variouse ways that would be not at all painful for the human who just died of heat shock. One or two dummies explode from the heat, but little else happens.
"And finnaly, the big boys" The announcers grin can almost be heard over the loudspeakers. "The Goliath class tanks. They require little introduction, and are a continuation of the philosophy employed by Bulldogs."
Each tank advances. It advances because 'rolls' or 'moved forward' would quite fit. Each one is roughly the size of a small house, and looks to weigh more. Not describing their hugeness would be a lame excuse to miss using the word 'elephantine'. They were elephantine. They hulked without even having to move a single alloyed plate.
"Each tank is fitted with Event Horizon armour, which is basicaly a sheet of steel with microscopic portals to a nearby black hole, surrounded by a special field which keeps it from destroying itself, it is however, not a good idea to lean against one."
"The armour deals with being shot at by simply moving whatever is attacking it to a location several lightyears away. Now, most troops would think that the tanks size would be its main weakness, I mean, it has to use gravity generators to avoid sinking, but it has a pretty good clip. Up to 50mph."
The vehicles accelerate, leaving deep foroughs behind them. Once they reach the targets, there are lots of flying bits of dirt, gravle, grass and plastic.
The tanks retire.
"And of course, we pay a tribute to our wonderful logistics personelle, in the APV MKII, All Purpose Vehicle, which, aside from its standard supply role, doubles as troop transport, missile platform, light armour and anti-aircraft site."
Next post:
The Viper, hovertank. Replacement of the Triton amphibiouse tank.
See a Krogoth eat a car!
The Heavy Assault Mech
And much more!
21-01-2004, 04:18
Nobody wants to, say...invest in any projects?
Five Civilized Nations
21-01-2004, 05:19
5CN will come to the arms convention with its new Xiakou Class SSH (Submersible Ship-Hydrogen Powered).
Xiakou Class SSH
Builder: Cala Naval Yards
Power Plant: One Fusilliade Hydrogen Generator
Length: 363 feet
Draft: 36.6 ft
Beam: 32.3 ft
Displacement: 7,360 tons surfaced, 7,993 submerged
Speed: +35 knots
Cost: $1 billion
Crew: 88 crewmen (9 officers)
Armament: 6 forward torpedo tubes, 4 AA Missile Tubes
Weapons Carried: 30 Swordfish Torpedoes or 30 Seaskimmer Anti-ship Missiles, and 8 Igla V Missiles
Sonars Spherical active/passive arrays, Light Weight Wide Aperture Arrays, TB-36, TB-39, High-frequency chin and sail arrays
Countermeasures: 1 internal launcher (reloadable 3-barrel)
6 external launchers