AK-04's the new and improved AK-47!! For Sale!!
Now as most of you know, the AK-47 was first made in 1947 for the soviet union, this new gun is made this year for the redicon soviet union, sporting the same 'one-shot' and 'automatic' settings as its predesessor, this model proves much more accurate in it's automatic mode and as such is much more deadly than the AK-47.
Don't arm your troops with bygone weapons! Arm them with the new AK!
Here it is:
As you can see the 'look' is similar, but it is the integral mechanics that make it what it is.
ooc: nice model. You could use the AK74 for stats. In 1974 Kalashnakov produced the 74, it features plastic 'woodwork' and pretty much the same internals. K felt there was nothing to improve. Presumably you're thinking of some kind of recoil dampening to improve full auto accuracy.
Dead Fox is very interested in this weapon as we are updating some of our infantry arms this year. At what cost can you supply 200,000?
ooc: Recoil dampening was what i was thinking of yes :D
Well individually is £80 a piece. But in bulk, i'll call it £40
For 200,000 the price is at £8,000,000.
You can incorperate these into your store for 10 million credits. Credits are equal in value to the USD
Large capacity drum magazine for 5.45mm RPK-74 Kalashnikov light machine gun. Designed for 5.45mm cartridge feeding. It features a radial arrangement of cartridges with bullet tips toward the magazine center and along a spiral from floor plate to follower.
Characteristics Magazine capacity, rds 90 $225
prod rights-500,000 for 1 week
Weight, g 1,100
Height, mm 120
Dia, mm 145
Large capacity arc-shaped magazine. Designed for 7.62mm cartridge feeding. It features a double-row cartridge arrangement follower and floor with four-row cartridges arrangement. Between the floor and the follower there is a delta-shaped zone to re-arrange cartridges from the four-row arrangement to the double-row. Cartridges are arranged relative to each other on a checkerboard order.
Characteristics Magazine capacity, rds 60 $175
prod rights-250,000 for 1 week
Weight, g 600
Height, mm 210
Width, mm 50
Large capacity semi-round magazine. The cartridges are arranged in double-row checkerboard order. There is a loop in the magazine front part to couple it with the barrel. In the rear part there is a follower with a catch for the magazine release lever.
Characteristics Magazine capacity, rds 100 $300
1.5 million for 2 weeks
Weight, g 1,100
Height, mm 240
Lenght, mm 495
17-01-2004, 16:45
Redicon: So is going to use 5.45x39mm soviet or 7.62x39mm soviet rounds?
I'm not entirely sure if the AK family mechanism can be improved by much (looking at details on the AK-100 family might help) but the recoil problem could be aided by the use of compensator vents along the top of the muzzle area (like the vents in the Golck 18C) but that bring problems with increased firing signature.
Amny attempts have been made at improving the Ak family but none of them have been terribly sucessful (the Ak isn't actually a "good" rifle it is just renowned for being cheap and simple with a realiability factor that is mainly a side effect of huge tollerances inherent in such low quality weapons as illustrated by the Isreally Galil which was supposed to be a high quality AK but actually turned to be far far less reliable).
Andmerica: why give you money when he could use beta C mags in 5.45 and 7.62? (and those are RL bits of equipment so no rights are applicable, you can charge for plans and technical assitance though).
Adaptus Astrates
17-01-2004, 16:52
I aplaud your nation's enginuity and creative thinking. AA will take 400,000 of these bueties. Money wired. Superb image! Telegram me to comfirm a rifle-mg mode for this weapon. These will come in use very shortly (NOT against you of course!). Enjoy your day!
Soviet Haaregrad
17-01-2004, 17:23
Base it on the AK-103 and AK 107/108. Have it available in 5.45x39mm, 5.65x45xx and 7.62x39mm and also in custom sizes(6.56x45mm for example) and it should sell well.