Communists Only! (Left Leaning) Socialists allowed too.
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 10:32
Comrades! Communism has always struggled through history! Many have died to spread the ideal for the people! We can not allow Them to be forgotten and we can't let people take away our ideals! Join the Red Bloc Army (RBA) and you will receive the protection and fruits of the People! We must destroy the foolish maniacs who dare to oppress us! Glory to the revolution!
From Premier Putin
NOTE: Flag must be related to communism to join
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 10:33
OOC: You must be part of the region to be a member. it is "Red Bloc Army".
17-01-2004, 10:36
OOC: Too bad. I would have joined if i could stay in Asia.
I would join >>
No really, helping the Russian Forces out with my flag that has a Sword with Thunder is cool.....
17-01-2004, 11:16
you could always join the Neo-ussr........... or any of the other communist regions available
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 11:22
They don;t do much in a sense getting involved.... I want this group to have strong nations who like to RP. The only reason why i want people to join the region is because then it wouldn't be a strong alliance since i have tried to create the marxist pact which failed.
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 12:11
Nice to see you still alive. Hows it going?
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 13:31
Pure Evil man! Im going good. Having some trouble with GDODAD again. :(
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 13:40
A message to Marxist pact nations. Join the Red bloc Army! Together we will be strong with our ideals.
17-01-2004, 13:46
The United Communist States of Zvarinograd, as a former Marxist Pact member, pledges it's support to it's old comrade in this endeavor. May we prosper together as we usher in a new age of communism.
Premier Alexey Zvarinsky
United Communist States of Zvarinograd
Russian Forces
17-01-2004, 13:57
Its good to see you with us Zvarinograd. Glory to the Revolution!
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 03:37
OOC:Only after 12 hours and it isbumped all the way to 11th page????????
Soviet alliance
18-01-2004, 05:46
why not join the anti-capitolist region??
Lest my memory fades, didn't you just form another alliance that was Pro-Business/Capitalism a week or so ago?
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 05:53
No it was a socialist/Communist allaince. Im now just aiming for a plain communist alliance.
18-01-2004, 05:54
Lest my memory fades, didn't you just form another alliance that was Pro-Business/Capitalism a week or so ago?
RF and I formed an Alliance a week or so ago, but i have now the Chairman of the Alliance while RF creates another.
Ah, well then comrade so have fun belittling Socialist allies with your new alliance.
Leninist Workers
18-01-2004, 05:57
I would join, except for your support for Stalinists, who are simply "Left" Dictatorships, (or North Korea) not purist
Communists such as Castro, or the early Soviet Union.
Promoting Stalinism tarnishes our image, whether you like it or not you are advocating a bloodthirsty madman.
I cant join, but I can i be a guest member of the red bloc army? ;)
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 05:58
The ASDU and RBA Are allies. Strong allies.
18-01-2004, 05:58
Count me in,Comrade Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 05:59
The ASDU and RBA Are allies. Strong allies.
And we have a massive Chain or other Alliances we have allied with, I think we have Signed Alliances with about 20-30 Alliances that will goto each other Aid if Attacked by a GDODAD member.
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 06:00
We support Stalinists who do not do things like genocide and assassinations.
Its pretty much up to you to join. :D
This is truly a sad day for Marxists, Communist, Socialist, Bolsheviks, and Mensheviks alike. When we all stand fighting over stupid words that the higherarchy of disention has set up to take us all down. We must drop titles such as Menshevik, Boshevik and "Stalinist". If not for comrade Stalin Communism may have not made it this far, yet if not for Lenin, Stalin would not have came to power. It is a long chain that goes on like that, it is not one man behind this all, remember comrades, Marx was not the sole author of the Communist Manifesto. Words must not represent the distrust amongst us, they are mere catagories put on us by warmongering Democrats so that we hate each other. Let us not be torn over words.
The ASDU and RBA Are allies. Strong allies.
was that meant to me?
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 06:08
It is meant to be.
It is not a sad day. This is a Defence alliance! A glorious day!
18-01-2004, 06:10
All power to the SOVIET!!!!!!
Then if it is to be a glorious day open your doors to all that fly the Communist/Socialist Banner if you truly want to flurish in the world ruled by tyrants
18-01-2004, 06:12
Then if it is to be a glorious day open your doors to all that fly the Communist/Socialist Banner if you truly want to flurish in the world ruled by tyrants
Sorry RF i agree with this, it should be open to any Communist/Socialist states.
So comrades, now with the previous said, if you open your doors to myself and my socialist brethren the entire Hutuian Federation(About 7 nations and myself) would be glad to join.
I don't know what ASDU is...
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 06:14
Alright.... Stalinist is thrown out of the window.
18-01-2004, 06:16
I don't know what ASDU is...
I am the Chairman of this alliance, The Allied Socialist Union
Your on the right track comrade, but your still missing the greater half. "Stalinists" are the start now open up to the Socialists like myself and this will be the true alliance for all forms of Communist Societies.
18-01-2004, 06:20
Your on the right track comrade, but your still missing the greater half. "Stalinists" are the start now open up to the Socialists like myself and this will be the true alliance for all forms of Communist Societies.
We accept all Nations no matter what Political system.
Aztec National League
18-01-2004, 06:21
This post is
Famous fatbottomed spokeswoman: Would we, as anarchocommunists, count? If so, then the category of communist is too wide. Anarchocommunism and Stalinism have almost nothing in common other than an opposition to private property.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
Your on the right track comrade, but your still missing the greater half. "Stalinists" are the start now open up to the Socialists like myself and this will be the true alliance for all forms of Communist Societies.
We accept all Nations no matter what Political system.
Well I feel my campaign has been for nothing, had I known that a "Communist" alliance is accepting all pollitical factions I would have left them to rot from their own misfourtune like I am now, I bid you adue "Comrades"
18-01-2004, 06:30
Your on the right track comrade, but your still missing the greater half. "Stalinists" are the start now open up to the Socialists like myself and this will be the true alliance for all forms of Communist Societies.
We accept all Nations no matter what Political system.
Well I feel my campaign has been for nothing, had I known that a "Communist" alliance is accepting all pollitical factions I would have left them to rot from their own misfourtune like I am now, I bid you adue "Comrades"
18-01-2004, 06:35
Totally rad, dude, me and my puppets will be ready to help out whenever necassary, but we will not be leaving our Region, since the weed here is just way too sweet. Peace, dudes.
Aztec National League
18-01-2004, 06:41
While I currently do not want to leave the West Pacific, I have a proposal.
I can be your "contact" in the WP.
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 06:42
Dr Twist's ASDU is more for you Aztec.
may i point out something, that communists are against fascist and to invite socialists in also is kind of.. uhh neive because fascists are socialists too.
Russian Forces
18-01-2004, 07:00
Look at topic name.
18-01-2004, 07:00
Commies rule, dude, but stoners rule more. I revel in my utter lack of ambition. It so rocks.