MCIS: Mekanta's First Space Launches Successful (Open RP)
-MCIS Report-
The Mekantan Central Information Service logo appears on screen, then fades. A human man, a rare sight in Mekantan transmissions smiles to the camera. "Greetings. I'm Tora of Ice, standing in for APX-119 while he undergoes emergency repairs."
"Today is a great day for the Holy Empire of Mekanta, as prelimary tests and launches using the new Rail Launchers was successful."
Large tubes with capsules shooting out into the sky are shown.
"Roughly three hours after launch, Military and Government subSectors burst into a flurry of activity, and the sight you see has been occurring all day. It's apparent something's causing all of this, but we don't know what."
-Secret IC-
General Axis, one of the two highest ranking Humans in Mekanta, rubbed his temples, sighing. "I say we just do 'Eeny-meeny-miney-mo' to see if we tell the people or not..." He chuckled, shrugging.
Adjutant, the other, looked back at her brother. "Please try to be serious for once. We have a de-activated, heavily damaged space fortress in orbit, with a Megagun that re-arranged the coastline of one of our allies. We need to see if we can salvage that thing."
"You just want to blast the Central Facehuggerian ambassador for taunting you. Miss 'long and hard' project, and wanting something 'big and thick' to beat..." Axis laughed, Adjutant getting up and walking out.
"I'll be monitoring the situation from the Networks. Have the AIs keep me informed."
If anyone has any questions about what happened...
Check HERE ( and HERE (
Central Facehuggeria
17-01-2004, 21:01
"So, do you think we should tell the people, Alexei? Tell the people that the device which brought death to over six million of their countrymen is being repaired for our use?"
"I don't know, Premier. There are sure to be some who will demand its destruction. I think the key is to downplay the repair of the guns in favor of the production capabilities. Try to mention the guns as little as possible. "
"Perhaps you are right, Alexei. But I don't think it is time yet. If we announced it now, when people are still greiving over Achidna, public oppinion would turn against us. We must wait, and keep the project a secret for now. Then, once tempers have cooled down and the station is fully functional, we will announce it to the country and the world."
"What if something leaks?"
"Then we are in trouble. None of the large space nations will allow us to have a defensive platform of this magnitude. The price of failure is high, make sure every worker on the project knows this."
Later, on the 8 o'clock news:
A facehugger, with the words Central Facehuggeria News Network flash on millions of television screens around the country. Suddenly, the CFNN symbol is replaced by a older, greying man.
"Hello, I'm Fred Burnette, this is CFNN, and we have breaking news for you! CF shuttles and other spacecraft have been launching all day, presumeably loaded with troops to destroy the 'Phalanx' weapons platform that was responsible for the Achidna disaster." He paused,
"We have just learned how the Phalanx was disabled, apparently a crack group of CF elite troopers boarded the station with a shuttle equipped with a prototype Faster Than Light drive. The development of such an engine has been kept underwraps. We certainly didn't know about it. At any rate, the elite squad fought their way to the station's core and set off a Havoc tactical nuclear device, completely destroying the station's main reactor, rendering it useless. Of course, if it is now useless, then why are there large amounts of troops pouring onto it every day? There must be something the government isn't telling us."
"We'll be back after this commercial break"
Once the cameras were turned off, a tall man, equipped in powered armor stepped out from the shadows.
"Mr. Burnett. I'm afraid you have overstepped your bounds. Unfourtnately, you will need to be 'expunged'."
"No, wait I have a fam--"
"You should have thought of them before you blabbed on national television. Goodbye."
The shady government agent took a laser pistol from his holster and put three shots into Mr. Burnett's head.
He turned to the camera crew.
"You will speak of this to no one. You do not want to end up like Mr. Burnette here, Da?"
The camera crew, too terrified to respond otherwise just nodded their heads.
Once the commercials were over, the CFNN logo flashed on the screen again, but this time, instead of Fred Burnett, an attractive middleaged woman was on the screen.
"I'm Candy Smith, unfourntately Mr. Burnett wasn't feeling too well, so he had to go home. And in other news..."
Central Facehuggeria
18-01-2004, 02:02
Bump so the topic doesn't die prematurely.
(OOC: I was working on posting! Honest! ^_^)
(Oh, and... I'm keeping one thing behind your back for now. IC, anyway...)
-Secret IC-
General Axis turned as Commander Wolfe ran in and saluted. "Sir! Our teams we sent up to the Phalanx have brought some interesting items down..."
He handed a report to Axis, whos eyes widened upon reading it. "Does Central Facehuggeria know?"
"They didn't ask, sir." Wolfe smiled. "One specimen from seemed missing,
Axis nodded. "We'll see how it turns out before telling them. Dismissed."
Central Facehuggeria
18-01-2004, 16:42
"Alexei, how is the reconstruction going?"
"Very well, Premier. So far we have almost completely replenished our military, and our civilian infrastructure is nearly repaired. And we are still working on the Phalanx weapons platform."
"Very good. Keep me informed Alexei."
(OOC: Odd, none of our allies have come... Oh well.)
-On the Phalanx-
A small team of Mekantan Biologicals in power armor walked through one of the gravity-zones of the Phalanx, watching for any remaining Neo-Mekantans. A soldier paused, holding up a hand. "Do you hear something?"
Another shook his head, pulling off his helmet. "No, should I? The Neos don't have their tactical guide, so if anyone WAS here, they'd be attacking. Why, sir?"
The leader started walking in a direction, stopping as he entered a room. He looked at the naked young woman, shivering in the middle of the room, who just stared at him. Without taking his eyes off of her, he hit a button on his wrist and spoke into it. "Commander, we found the missing Simulant..."
-Elsewhere on the Phalanx-
N4T3 watched intently as more cannons were installed, each one adding to the destructive power of the Phalanx. He turned away from the window as the communicator on his wrist started beeping. "Nate here." He said, so used to what the Biologicals under his command called him that he not only answered to it, but used it himself.
"Commander, we found the missing Simulant..."
"Bring her down here. The Central Facehuggerians will see it, but that's a small price to pay..."
Central Facehuggeria
18-01-2004, 21:07
OOC: There are several...complications regarding the new ship designs we have purchased. 1. We cannot give you the schematics to the ships, due to Klonor's policy. So it will be CF engineers that are manufacturing them. We can 'lend' completed craft to you, for a time, however.
And 2. The carrier is much larger than expected. It is around 3.2 Km long. :shock:
IC: "What the hell? Sir why are those troops carrying a naked girl?"
"Don't get any funny ideas Corporal. We'll ask them later. Right now we have to finish securing this area. Now hurry up! My curiousity is starting to get to me!"
"Oh yeah, sir? Mine is too! My blood is rushing from the brain in my head to my other brain."
"You sick little bugger."
Meanwhile, in a CF lab.
"Shuttle Phallic Menace, this is control. How is the reactor holding up?"
"Control, this is the shuttle. It seems to be working fine. There are only very minor differences from when we use 'natural' Xenium."
"So the reactor is holding up? Did you test the hyperdrive yet?"
"Affirmative, we made a short jump, right next to a maintence crew working on the Phalanx gave them quite a shock." The pilot smiled.
"We're ready to return to base. Tell the Premier that we now have a good FTL drive on our hands!"
Meanwhile, in a CF engineering center;
"I'm telling you, I can't fit a Xenium reactor on those fighters! It is too big."
"Well, how are the modifications on the carrier design going?"
"Pregressively better. We can fit several Xenium reactors onboard, so the carrier could jump several hundred lightyears. In addition, we can also fit a small Xenium synthesis plant so it will be able to make its own fuel."
"What about the weapons modifications?"
"Well, we have added several gattling lasers to the outer hull, those should help to keep fighters and missiles away. As for the main guns, we can't really fit anything without sacrificing fighter space."
"Do what you can."
"Yes, sir."
(OOC: Oh, it's quite alright for the fighters. Mekanta has its own designs in the works. ^_^)
The leader the Mekantan Biological soldiers saluted to the Central Facehuggerians, his helmet off. "Nothing to see here. Just a naked female being dragged off to our leader for interogation." He snickered, suddenly stopping in his tracks as the imposing visage of his commanding officer entered his field of vision. "Sir! Fleet Commander Nate!" He put his hand to his shoulder and bowed, hoping the more traditional Mekantan salute would keep N4T3's wrath from comming down on him.
"This is the Simulant, confirm?" N4T3 asked, paying no heed to the Central Facehuggerians.
"Affermative." The soldier saluted, turned, and nodded to the soldiers holding onto the girl. "She gave no resistance, and appears to have suffered no damage due to exposure to the cold in the section we found her in."
The soldiers dragged the girl to N4T3 and set her on her feet, where she stood shakily. "What is your designation?" N4T3 asked, looking down at her.
"I have none." She responded after a moment.
"What is your purpose?"
"I have been given none."
The Mekantan soldiers seemed intrigued. "She said 'I,' didn't she?" They stared, those not wearing helmets blinking repeatedly. "I mean... She didn't say 'we' like all the others... I thought they had to be trained not to say 'We.'"
N4T3 paid them no heed either. He started absentmindedly walking around the girl, something he always need when speaking to someone. "Why were you created."
"I do not know." She looked up at him as he stopped.
N4T3 made a sighing sound. "What do you know?"
"I came into awareness before I was intended to. There were those like you, yet unlike you, moving franticly. I opened my pod and walked until everything started to shake and I felt an incredible warmth comming from that way." She pointed in the direction the main reactor once was. "I had been given no instructions. Did I do something wrong?" She seemed deep in thought for a moment. "Or was my very creation wrong? The flag you wear on your armor is different than that I saw when I awoke."
N4T3 shook his head. "Your creation was not wrong, but your creators were. You are safe, here. Vex, you and your unit take her to the ships and get her something to wear. She may be more resistant to the cold than you Biologicals, but her systems are vulnerable nonetheless. Have Tech's drones check her out just to be sure she hasn't suffered damage." He turned to the Central Facehuggerians. "I do not believe we have met. I am N4T3, commander of the Mekantan units sent to assist in the reconstruction of the Phalanx."
He looked at them for a while, then nodded.
"The creature you saw was a Simulant. We are still trying to figure out how, exactly, they work. I am permitted to tell you, however, that while they look like a biological, they are still as much machine as I am." He nodded again. "Regardless... I look foreward to working with your people further."
With that, he turned and followed the Mekantan soldiers back their temporary headquarters.
Central Facehuggeria
18-01-2004, 23:01
"Yes. I am Colonel Sanders, the commander of the CF forces onboard the station. Its a pleasure to meet you, and I'm sure we'll see more of eachother, seeing as how this station is going to take a lot of work to get up and running."
To the side, Cpl. Diaz whispers "Stimulant, huh? I think I know what she is supposed to 'stimulate' eh?"
"Diaz! Shut up!" The Colonel responded sharply.
"Alright. I'm sure we'll be informed of these 'stimulants' in due time. Good bye."
The CF team returned to their 'base', or rather what appeared to be the Neo-Mekantan biological sleeping quarters.
Meanwhile; in CF
"Alright, get this information to the Mekantan embassy. They will want to take a look at it." (Hyperdrive schematics.)
"Yes Premier."
OOC: Thats good about the fighters.
The following information has been transmitted to Central Facehuggeria. Heavy encription has been used.
MVU-HBI "Simulant" Series
The Simulant is, in essance, a synthetic organism (read as: machine) designed to emulate humans in every way. They are capable of serving many purposes, such as public relations, diplomatic, or... best not to go into that catagory...
The original units were created by Neo-Mekanta, but it stands to reason that they no longer have their research on the subject, nor any prototypes. Everything is in Mekanta's hands, now.
Any questions should be directed to Mekantan R&D.
Tech, the new prime AI of Mekantan R&D, turned its main Avatar to Adjutant and nodded. "I believe we should keep information on the Anti-Gravity systems a secret as long as possible. It will undoubtably be years before we finish the system anyway."
"Agreed. Transmit the message."
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 01:52
As Doctor Enis walked through the corridors of "Hammer" research facility, he couldn't help but feel a sense of Awe. Here, in this small, unassuming building the future was built. Here dedicated researchers perfected the laser weapons that have become commonplace amongst the CF military and police forces. Here the standard hydrogen fuelcell was perfected, that allowed CF vehicles to run cleanly and efficiently. Here was birthplace of the fusion battery, which is just now coming into use. And perhaps most importantly of all, here was where the equipment from the crashed 'ufo' had been reverse enginered. The Xenium Hyperdrive, which now provided Central Facehuggeria and her allies with a stepping stone into space was first researched here. This facility had a lot of history behind it. And it had much ahead of it too. Many, many secret projects were being worked on here. Everything from Anti-Gravity propulsion to Psionics to high energy physics to time dilation was examined here, in the effort that they might one day help protect Central Facehuggeria and her allies.
"But enough reminicing, I've got to get to the meeting!"
Dr. Enis ran to Confrence room A
"Sorry I'm late..."
"No problem, Doctor. Please be seated... We have just recieved a message from our Mekantan allies. They have discovered a Neo-Mekantan 'model' that seems to be designed for infiltration of human societies. What are your thoughts on it?"
"Hmm, Infiltration, those could pose a major threat if they ever got inside our society. Fourtnately, none have. Or those that have will be quickly diagnosed as psychotic without a guiding influence, like the Neo-Mekantan 'core' AI which attacked our team on the Phalanx."
"Nothing. How are your other projects going?"
"Well, the psionics project isn't proceeding very well. None of the subjects have enough mental stregnth to make it a practical battlefield tool. The Teleportation project is also going poorly. You see, we can convert something into light, but putting it back together is the major problem here."
"Great. Are there any projects that are going well?"
"Well, there is the anti-gravity project. As you know, we had been working on a unit for our powered armor. Now the 'anti-grav' units that we have managed to construct are extremely crude, and can't make anything with more mass than a penny hover. The gravity systems from the crashed UFO have solved part of the puzzle, but we are still missing a critical piece. However, our capital starships (if we ever construct some) will be able to have some sembelence of artificial gravity, based on a detailed analysis of the alien craft's gravity system."
"There is at least one bright spot then."
"Yes sir"
Meanwhile; in orbit onboard the Phalanx
"How are the patrols going, Colonel?"
"They are proceeding fine, General. The station should be clear of Neo-Mekantan presence by the end of the week."
"What about the station's computer system, is there any data you can salvage from it?"
"The Mekantan have brought in an AI that should allow us to proceed in that regard."
"Very good. See that you do. Intelligence says that there could be vital data in those computers."
-Message to Central Facehuggeria-
"It may provide benefits to our cause to begin sharing technology. Do you have any thoughts on this?"
-On the Phalanx-
N4T3 watched as the Tech drone finished its examination of the Simulant, speaking a short burst of Mekantan before walking off.
"Good. Keep me informed." He turned and walked out, the Simulant, not clothed in loose pants and an even looser shirt, followed. "Why are you following me?" N4T3 asked, not bothering to look back at the Simulant.
"You have not given me instructions."
N4T3 just paused. "Very well. Follow me."
The two stopped at the main dock Mekatna was using, N4T3 placing his hand on his shoulder and bowing as another machine came through the airlock. The machine mimicked the gesture, its eyes locked on the Simulant. "This is one of the Simulants, confirm?"
"Affermative. This way, P41-N."
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 05:05
"Of course, we are willing to share technology. Is there any particular technology you have in mind?"
OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I'm pretty tired right now. In fact, this will probably be my last post tonight.
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 15:57
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 19:55
2 Bumps
"Anything you feel like sharing, and we will send you any data we have."
"For example..."
[code:1:729f6f2645]Transmitting... Gravity Manipulation
Working technology...
Anti-Grav Tech
Gravity Field Generators
"We have also found an ancient system in one of the holiest places in Mekanta which we believe may be useful in creating an energy manipulation system. Some have said that it is close to 'psionics' but those people were hit with metal pipes."
Central Facehuggeria
19-01-2004, 22:06
OOC: I see. :)
IC: "Thank you for this data. Doc. Enis, could you take a look at it?"
"Of course...Hmm... Eureka! You have to tweak the gravitionic flux!"
"Erm, give me some time"
He walked out of the room.
"We will of course share this information with you. Once Doctor Enis comes back that is. We will also share our prototype energy-shield technology with you. Nicknamed 'Accumulators' these use the energy from an energy based weapon to replenish its stregnth. Meaning it is virtually immune to your average energy weapon." (Although a soldier shield will still be fried by a capital ship's laser turret, etc.)
*Schematics sent*
"The Holy Empire thanks you for this technology. Our cooperation will undoubtably be a great deterrant to any Neo-Mekantan attacks, or any others who would threaten us our our allies..."
(OOC: Oh, and just to clear something up... I was actually planning on psionics for a while, just not very soon. You want proof-ish stuff? If I wasn't, why would I have a complex pseudo-science on how it would work? ^_^ I'll spare anyone who doesn't ask the explaination.)
(Oh, and NO CLAIMING HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE!! This is one person who was punished. It's a lot different than taking an elementry school down to ye olde dungeon for some sadistic "fun time" for no real reason... That gives me ideas for Neo-Mekanta...)
(Last OOC thing. Honest. I think this might be the first appearance, even in secret IC, of the real driving force behind Mekanta. Hey, I'm just recycling a civilization from a sci-fi idea I've been working on. I'm a science fiction writer. I make a lot of complex stuff. ^_^)
-The Spire of Machina, Mekanta-
Adjutant felt a shiver go down her spine as she approached the tower, the lush gardens of the cavern it rested in and the complex system above that made the celing look like a sky in perfect contrast to the smooth black tower rising up in front of her. No guards came with her, for the one inside would simply destroy them. She walked calmly to the base. No, she corrected her self, not the base. That was below, in Mekanta Prime, where Central Command is.
She gasped as everything she had with her disintigrated as soon as she stepped into the tower, re-forming just outside. "I am sorry, my lord..." She whispered, kneeling before the immense darkness before her. "I was neglegent of your rules..."
A deep, booming voice, strangely similar to that of Neo-Mekanta's, answered. "You are distressed. It is understandable. It is only because of the news you have just recieved that I do not punish you..." The lights slowly turned on and brightened as he spoke, illuminating the room. At the end sat a man wearing a heavy cloak and armor, cables similar to the wires used to plug someone into the network connecting him to the walls and celing. He stood, but instead of the cables disconnecting from him, it was the other way around. "You have told Central Facehuggeria of my gift, have you not?" He asked, walking to Adjutant as the cables retracted into him.
She looked up at the Emperor of Mekanta and nodded, swallowing. "Yes, my creator. They-" She cried out as several of the Emperor's cables lashed out, leaving long red marks all over her, some starting to bleed. It occurred in a fraction of a second, and it took a moment for the pain to register.
The Emperor stood silently for a moment. "No matter... It was only a matter of time before they figured it out on their own... Despite being inferior creatures..." He held up his hand and the lights dimmed, the room beginning to get warmer. It was a minor display of the psionic powers he possessed, powers contained in the device he had given to the Empire. "Tell me why I created you, Adjutant..."
"To... relay your will... to the Empire..." Adjutant said, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"To keep the Empire... loyal to our causes... and to balance the guiding... logic of Central Command... and the righteous fury of... Axis..."
"You were the last of my direct creations, Adjutant. I expected better from you. Neo-Mekanta is still much more of a threat than Central Facehuggeria seems to believe... You know what split the Empire and the Unity... You know my will. The Unity is to be exterminated, no matter the cost. Inform your brother. I want my failed creation hunted down and exterminated. Discreetly, if possible."
The Emperor turned and walked back to his throne, his cables re-attaching themselves to their positions. Adjutant remained a moment longer. "My master... Why was I punished... for aiding Central Facehuggeria in psionics? Is it not something that will aid us against Neo-Mekanta?"
"It shall, but you were wrong not to consult me. Now go."
Adjutant gasped as a an invisible hand threw her out of the tower, sending her slamming into the ground outside. The blow left her unconscious for a moment, but when she came to, she picked up her clothes and the things she always carried with her, arranged everything so it made the least possible amount of contact with the lashes she recieved from her lord, and returned to the capitol city. She collapsed from the pain as soon as she entered...
-Central Command-
Commander Wolfe stood on a raised platform, holding a piece of papers in his hands. "New orders from Lady Adjutant and General Axis! R&D is to begin production of the new Simulants ASAP! Those 'Kunoichi' types look promising. We want those new units you little rustspots have been keeping locked away rolling off production lines, too. We've waited long enough, damn it! You! Transfer unit! Send out this message! Check the details this time!" He sighed, wishing his superiors were here. "But no, Axis has to be off with Adjutant about something and X1 has to be Machina knows where, doing something that's obviously infinately more important than the daily affairs of the nation. Probably off waxing his groin to a shine..."
-Message to Central Facehuggeria-
"We believe it may be wise to establish a more secure defence network than just the Phalanx. Perhaps establishing a system of point defence satelites would better protect our nations from a possible Neo-Mekantan attack?"
Central Facehuggeria
21-01-2004, 00:00
OOC: I just saw, please ignore my gropemaster refrence in the other topic. :)
OOC2: Which Mekanta is the evil one? :wink:
Doctor Enis was slaughing like a madman. "I've got it! I've got it!"
He ran into the secured confrence room, where his superiors always seemed to linger.
"I've figured it out. That last bit of information from our allies was the final piece! Here take a look."
Enis removed something from his belt. It was a small, metallic box, roughly a foot long. He pressed a button and flipped a switch on the device. Then he put it on the table. To the amazement of everyone in the room (except possibly Enis himself) The table started hovering in midair as if by magic.
"I see you've been able to figure out the Anti-Gravity technology."
"No, really?"
"How effective are these units?"
"Very. They will allow any atmospheric fighters we have to hover, like a harrier or helicopter. In addition, we will be able to fit them on our powered armor (at a great cost.) They won't, however, allow us to have anti-gravity tanks. I don't really know why."
"How much will they cost?"
"Plenty. They will add a cost of roughly a million Facehuggers per unit. And if you want a bigger one, the cost goes up dramatically."
"Very good. Now, we have recieved information from our Mekantan allies. Apparently they have found a device remarkable similar to the 'psi-amplifier' that you have been working on. With the exception that theirs works. We want you to investigate this device, and see if you can replicate or improve on its design."
"Alright, I'll get right on it. This willl be good, if the Mekantan have discovered how to amplify the user's psionic power, without having the user turn psycotic, it could prove to be a major boon in all our future wars."
IC Transmission to Mekanta:
We have recently begun work on just such a defense system although this one was more for ballistic missile defense. Similar to the old 'star wars' system, this system uses a powerful array of Space and Ground based laser systems to engage any missiles (or drop insertion pods.) We'll let you know how it goes once we've finished the system.
(OOC: Technicly... both are... It's just that Mekanta is evil simply because the Emperor isn't... how shall I say... the most benevolent of rulers to those directly under him.)
-Mekantan R&D-
Tech stretched, looking at the strange, frail-looking arms he now possessed. "Meh, I suppose it's no worse than my previous main avatars."
The three woman standing calmly regarded him with suspicion. "T3K, did you not program us with information on humans?" They all spoke at once, all had the exact same hair, and the exact same face and body. A human would find it eerie... "Why did you choose that form?"
The simulant Tech used as a body just stared at them, the perfect example of a thirteen year old male human. "What? You don't like it?"
"Well..." The three looked to each other, seeming to argue with nothing but their glances. "It seems somewhat... young..."
The four simulants were silent for a moment, until Tech spoke. "You have it in your base instructions not to destroy young humans unless they are attacking with intent to harm, correct? That, in addition to an innate need to keep young humans from being injured, is a basis of your Kunoichi programming." The three just nodded, in unison. Tech just smiled, the dirty old man personality quite evil in this young human-looking body. "Therefore..." Five seconds and one possible sexual harassment charge (IC: "Irrelevant. Mekanta has no sexual harassment laws." -T3K) later, he blinked, wondering which one of the three had kicked him across the room. "Ow... Ninja reflexes... check. Above-human strength and speed... check. Ability to obey their programming... no check..."
"Incorrect. You told us not to harm young humans. You, T3K, are a computer in a simulant body."
Tech was silent a moment. "... Good job. Can I get a hug?" He ran out of the room as fast as he could, the three Kunoichi quickly closing the amount of distance between them...
(OOC: Y'know, I'm thinking of changing this thread topic to "Central Facehuggeria and Mekanta's cooperative development expo." ^_^)
(Actually, something better sounding than that...)
(BTW, Kunoichi was an old term for a female ninja, derived from the fact that the Kanji for woman is made wholly of the Hiragana character "Ku," the Katakana character "No," and the Kanji "Ichi." Just some stuff being in Japanese class teaches. ^_^)
Central Facehuggeria
21-01-2004, 02:15
OOC: Advanced Technology Research? Just a suggestion. :)
Good to know that both of your nations are evil. :wink:
IC: As you know, we have figured out a basic anti-gravatational design. Now there is a weight limit (Namely 4 tons) so that tanks cannot hover. This is unfourtnate, but easily worked around. Simply use normal tanks. At any rate, here are the schematics *Plans sent*
OOC: Yes I know it doesn't contribute much, but right now, I'm out of creative juices (and the game from which I based my nation is rapidly running out of stuff to make!) :)
Central Facehuggeria
21-01-2004, 23:16
Bump so this thread doesn't die prematurely.
(OOC: Heh, that's why I like Mekanta. As long as I can find okay looking Anime images to... erm... "borrow," I can keep making new unit types. ^_^)
Commander Wolfe looks at the screen, smiling.
"The Holy Empire of Mekanta wishes to know if our allied nation of Central Facehuggeria would like Mekanta's assistance in discreetly eliminating any... problems... We have been working diligently on our new Kunoichi type simulants, and we've been met with promising results."
T3K's new body runs by, followed by three Kunoichi, each wielding a ninja-to (FYI: If my translation is correct, litterally "Ninja Sword") and obviously intent on causing serious harm to the smartest entity in Mekanta's avatar.
"Well... Maybe we have a few glitches to work out first..."
"Do you have any useful melee combat technology? We could trade you one of the prototype psionic aplification units we have been working on for biologicals. We get bored easily. So sue us." Wolfe grins broadly, turning and walking away as the transmission ends.
Central Facehuggeria
22-01-2004, 00:11
IC: "Well, we have used Vibroblades for a long time. Each Vibroblade has a small powersource that allows the blade to vibrate extremely quickly. Quickly enough to cut through armor like a hot knife through butter. The vibroblades are reasonably cheap to manufacture, and they are incredibly useful when it comes to melee combat. In addition, we have developed an EMP discharge unit for these weapons (which you, being a predominantly AI nation wouldn't need...) and we are working on another type of energy discharge unit, but we aren't very far on that one. Here, we will send you the plans to take a look at." *Plans Sent*
Central Facehuggeria
23-01-2004, 00:19
One final bump before I let this topic die.
(OOC: Hey, I try to post. It's just school and my unstable internet connection tends to get in the way. ^_^)
A man with long green hair smiled, looking over the plans Central Facehuggeria sent Mekanta. "You know... this might just make it worth it to switch to this simulant body..." X1 mused, turning to T3K. "Tech, how soon can you adapt their technology?"
"It's already done. Are you sure about switching to leading the new Stealth Unit?" T3K asked, blinking.
"Of course. My replacement can take over and manage the other half. I think I know the perfect place to test our new soldiers, too..." X1 chuckled. "We're going to give Central Facehuggeria a little surprise..."
Central Facehuggeria
23-01-2004, 02:27
OOC: Its okay, I don't have much time either. :) In fact I'm supposed to be doing a project right now. ;).
Central Facehuggeria employs many police to enforce the law. Unfourtnately, these security guards aren't perfect, they sometimes get... lonely...
Private Tom Brand moved slowly through the city, keeping an eye out for any attractive girls who would notice him, and his uniform. "Girls just love the uniform. It feels good to be a cop."
Now perhaps Tom joined the FCPD (Facehugger City Police Department) for the wrong reasons (namely to pick up chicks), but on this fateful day, something would happen that would change his whole outlook on life...
OOC2: And before you ask, no I'm not really going anywhere with this character, so you can kill him off. ;)
Central Facehuggeria
23-01-2004, 21:43
Bump because I'm too lazy to post anything constructive.
(OOC: Don't worry. There won't be any bloodshed...)
(Well... Unless you count a bloody nose when some people are knocked unconscious, tied up, and locked in a storage closet in thier underwear... Oh, and the cop getting a bloody nose too. I'm an anime fan. I just have to pull this...)
Tom blinked, a sudden noise like someone falling, followed by a girl cursing. He turned around, seeing a girl on the ground, quickly getting up. "Ha ha ha..." He thought, grinning. "Now's my chance to be the hero. The knight in shining armor. The sexy knight in shining armor is gonna get some! Oh yeah!"
The girl got up and dusted her off, looking down at the simple T-shirt and shorts she wore. "Shoot... Oh, hi there." She said, smiling and waving to Tom.
She talked to him for a while, his attention focused entirely on her... and not on the people wearing strange clothes silently dashing past him. A few slowed and made rude gestures or faces at the cop, and one male even stopped to relieve himself on a wall before dashing after his comrades.
When all was done, and the girl had recieved a clear signal from her leader, she smiled at Tom. "Want to see something?" In one fluid motion, she undid her shorts and raised her shirt, giving the cop a full frontal view.
Tom's mind raced. "My nose... is about... to... explode..." He thought, clutching his nose. He let go, though. "We have liftoff." He said, blood gushing out.
(OOC: Anime thing. Guy sees Pretty Girl... ALL of Pretty Girl... (Or at least the parts he's interested in...) and Guy's nose explodes in a fountain of blood. ^_^)
The girl covered her self and ran off, leaving Tom in the street, muttering the words "so happy" to himself over and over...