Hand of Friendship Extended...
Verboten Lufftewaffe
16-01-2004, 07:02
Region/Nations of the Federated Suns wishes to exchange Diplomatic envoys...And establish embassies
Austar Union
16-01-2004, 07:14
The Republic of Austar Union would like to establish an embassy in your capital similiarly designed to one of our other ones:
16-01-2004, 07:16
Northrop-Grumman would be grateful if you allow us to establish embassies in the nations of the Federated Suns.
John Northrop
Northrop-Grumman Corporation (http://republicofnorthropgrumman.50megs.com/)
Henry Kissenger
16-01-2004, 07:36
you are welcome
Verboten Lufftewaffe
16-01-2004, 07:41
The Republic of Austar Union
The Region/Nations of the Federated Suns wishes to thank you for accepting our proferred hand...Land in our Capital City of New Avalon is being set aside for the construction of your embassies as we speak an living arrangements are being made for your Diplomatic staffs until thier embassies are built....
Greetings from Xeraph!
We would like to establish a compound/embassy in New Avalon.
Alaric, King of Xeraph