Rebeland Peace Conference
Greetings. I am sure that most of you are familiar with the current conflict between my nation and Shinoxia (along with allies). In lieu of the blindside my country suffered, I am willing to negotiate. Would each country involved please state their reasons for threatening a military conflict initially, and then list your terms for peace.
The Burnsian Desert
16-01-2004, 02:38
And Rotovia
Yes, and Rotovia. Now may we please begin?
The Rotovian Deligation enter, all dressed in Armoni suits and sporting breficase which they click open in unison. The first man extends his and and introduces the other men and women in turn.
Delegate: "I am Senator Hank Apollo, Minister for Foriegn Affairs, This is Ms Tarra Mellows, Director for Diplomatic Relations, Senator Dionysus Baccehus, President of Rotovia, who is to be addressed as His Eminency and Mr Thomas Feilds, Regional Observer, he is here only to observe the proceedings. If we may proceed the President has a few words"
President: "Thank you Hank, firstly I am prepared to negotiate on one condition. The Woflsih delegation leave, they have refused to meet even our simplist condition and we do not believe it is in our best intrests to have them here. Also, the Senate has voted against allowing me to negotiate with them. So effectively, we cannot be here if they are. The choose is yours gentlemen"
Thank you for participating. Please note that this is a hierarchially egalitarian conference, so I cannot call you "your eminency."
Now, let me introduce my country and the Militantatopian representatives that arrived shortly before you did. I am President Senor Dictator, I hail from Rebeland. With me are the delagates of Kleptocratopia, Maomarxland, Acornacopia, Calamitous Shadows, Artilleryland, and Soiled.
Very well then. I believe you made a request...somewhere along the lines of banning Wolfish from this conference. I am terribly sorry, but I cannot comply with this request. This conference has been assembled in the name of peace, not spite...or animus.
When a few more nations arrive, we shall begin.
16-01-2004, 03:17
I'd be willing to halt aggressions if you would allow me and Dancing Moose to put in our two puppet nations in your region as embassy nations. Theyll watch you so that you dont make any aggressive movements on another nation.
They wont attack you and if your attacked theyll help.
It would seem that we are ready to commence negotiations.
Would each nation kindly submit their initial reasons for conflict, and their terms for peace.
Once this has been done, we can truly decide on a peaceful solution.
Rotovia's Conditions:
Rotovian Weapons inspectors be allowed unrestircted access to Rebeland.
Rebeland dismantle all of it's Antimatter WMD
Economic and political sanctions be impossed upon Wolfish.
Rotovia be allowed to establish a Naval Base in Rebeland to montier the situation and ensure that no furthure instances occur.
Note: We will not consider proposals by Wolfish as we are no authorised to negotiate with them.
Rebeland's terms:
-We are allowed to maintain a WMD program.This includes but is not limited to: pu-119 production, U-233 production, U-235 production,anti-matter, ICBM production, Botulinum production.
-Preterdomestic countries cannot enter into Militantatopian waters or airspace at any time.
-Foreign military bases will not be allowed.
-Weapons inspectors will not be allowed into Rebeland.
-Damage compensation shall be given to Rebeland's allies.
-Rebeland will maintain its intra-dimensional worm-hole and manipulate the possible commercial and millitant applications that could be attained from it.
However, if Rotovia, and Shinoxia (along with every other anti-Rebeland nation involved in the conflict) agree to a binding anti-WMD treaty, Rebeland will allow the admittance of weapons inspectors.
Chief Diplomat Gwen Harrison entered the room, and without pause began to speak, "Any nation or group of nations which feel that we are deserving of economic and political sanctions are welcome to impose those upon us."
"That being said, I understand that Rotovian warships are still in Rebeland territorial waters. I would ask the Rotovian delegation when will those ships honour the DMZ proposed by your regional delegate?"
16-01-2004, 04:26
OOC: Three things...
1.) Rotovia is not in my region. The DEF has fleets from Kaukolastan, Transnapastain, and Nailiak.
2.)How did you get Anti-Matter?
3.)Interdimensional wormholes? I thought this was modern/postmodern?
IC: Kaukolastan is here merely to observe and attempt to work towards peace. We entered this situation to aid our regional allies if need be. Our points are not requirements, but suggestions. We have only ONE true point we wish to convey: Rotovia must leave Rebeland waters, at least for the duration of the talks, in order to allow these talks to continue. We fear they will disintigrate unless that is done.
1.)Airing of Grievances, without debate or argument
2.)Discussion on Greivances moderated by a neutral party
3.)Rebeland should remain a DMZ until conclusion of talks, and perhaps thereafter. The DEF cannot and will not support any action taken by an Ally that disregards this DMZ.
16-01-2004, 04:35
"Rebeland Control, this is Trans 1 calling, requestion premission to enter airspace for the purpose of peacetalks, bearing 4 passangers, the Grand Admiral, 3 bodyguards and the pilot, transport is unarmed, i say again, unarmed, we request premission to enter your airspace, please respond!"
16-01-2004, 04:37
Rebeland's terms:
-We are allowed to maintain a WMD program.This includes but is not limited to: pu-119 production, U-233 production, U-235 production,anti-matter, ICBM production, Botulinum production.
-Preterdomestic countries cannot enter into Militantatopian waters or airspace at any time.
-Foreign military bases will not be allowed.
-Weapons inspectors will not be allowed into Rebeland.
-Damage compensation shall be given to Rebeland's allies.
-Rebeland will maintain its intra-dimensional worm-hole and manipulate the possible commercial and millitant applications that could be attained from it.
However, if Rotovia, and Shinoxia (along with every other anti-Rebeland nation involved in the conflict) agree to a binding anti-WMD treaty, Rebeland will allow the admittance of weapons inspectors.
1. WoMD was the main reason we went to war.
2. Fine
3. If you look above youll see that allowing me to bring in puppet nations as ambassador nations was my main term.
4. Not a good idea
5. No damage was done.
6. Uhhhh....ok....
Be careful with your terms, if I dont agree with them war is immient, know that The Snowy Lands of Antarctica's military numbers about 13 million so watch your words......
Shinoxia - if you continue to threaten people with the size of your military when they put terms on the table for discussion, we'll never get anywhere.
16-01-2004, 04:48
OOC: Agreed, man its time for peace, not war, i dont wanna sound like like treatening, but my military is 50 million broken into active reserve and police, and i know wolfish has more than that, so be careful before that backfires
ooc (and in no way part of this negotiation, just for fun): I had to use a calculator...
16-01-2004, 04:52
OOC man im so bad at math, i was using a clac when i was at 6 million!
back on topic
"Still waiting for clearnace sir!"
"keep trying...."
16-01-2004, 05:23
We seem to be at an impasse here. Is there anyone who will come forth.
16-01-2004, 05:34
Can i come in, or is this a no Pearsons club :)
We seem to be at an impasse here. Is there anyone who will come forth.
OOC: I'm a bit confused. We've offered for several RL days now to host peace talks and indeed, several nations committed to attend. All of a sudden this thread of peace talks popped up and you're seeking permission to enter Rebeland. Did you all slip into my conference center and start talking while I wasn't looking or are talks being held in Rebeland, in the middle of a war zone?
16-01-2004, 05:40
We seem to be at an impasse here. Is there anyone who will come forth.
OOC: I'm a bit confused. We've offered for several RL days now to host peace talks and indeed, several nations committed to attend. All of a sudden this thread of peace talks popped up and you're seeking permission to enter Rebeland. Did you all slip into my conference center and start talking while I wasn't looking or are talks being held in Rebeland, in the middle of a war zone?
OOC: Plans were to go to your nation, but then Rebeland said, "I'm hosting talks." and people showed up in his thread, so I think they're in his country. I also suggested your nation, although indirectly (neutral territory). And there isn't much talking yet, just glaring.
16-01-2004, 05:43
We seem to be at an impasse here. Is there anyone who will come forth.
OOC: I'm a bit confused. We've offered for several RL days now to host peace talks and indeed, several nations committed to attend. All of a sudden this thread of peace talks popped up and you're seeking permission to enter Rebeland. Did you all slip into my conference center and start talking while I wasn't looking or are talks being held in Rebeland, in the middle of a war zone?
OOC: Plans were to go to your nation, but then Rebeland said, "I'm hosting talks." and people showed up in his thread, so I think they're in his country. I also suggested your nation, although indirectly (neutral territory). And there isn't much talking yet, just glaring.
OOC: We got several menn and women looking at eachotyher in a confrence room like "what up" and a very tired old man in a chopper waiting to come stare too
We seem to be at an impasse here. Is there anyone who will come forth.
OOC: I'm a bit confused. We've offered for several RL days now to host peace talks and indeed, several nations committed to attend. All of a sudden this thread of peace talks popped up and you're seeking permission to enter Rebeland. Did you all slip into my conference center and start talking while I wasn't looking or are talks being held in Rebeland, in the middle of a war zone?
OOC: Plans were to go to your nation, but then Rebeland said, "I'm hosting talks." and people showed up in his thread, so I think they're in his country. I also suggested your nation, although indirectly (neutral territory). And there isn't much talking yet, just glaring.
OOC: Historically, talks are hosted within a party nation when a conditional surrender is being negotiated. In all other RL circumstances I can think of, the use of a neutral third party location is de rigeur. Obviously Wolfish isn't there to surrender and Rebeland doesn't need to with all the backup he's got. You're not surrendering, so that leaves Rotovia and Shinoxia, who appear to be in the weakest position, strategically, diplomatically, and tactically.
IC: We renew our call for all parties to convene in Hatchibombitar for peace talks.
16-01-2004, 05:56
"Sir, we need to refuel"
"Screw this. return to the fleet, maybe we'll move the meeting or something, call one last time and redirect them to challenge the Seph for information"
Chief Diplomat Gwen Harrison entered the room, and without pause began to speak, "Any nation or group of nations which feel that we are deserving of economic and political sanctions are welcome to impose those upon us."
"That being said, I understand that Rotovian warships are still in Rebeland territorial waters. I would ask the Rotovian delegation when will those ships honour the DMZ proposed by your regional delegate?"
President Dionysus Baccheus straightens himself before interjecting.
President: "I am the Regional Delegate and Regional Director, I prposed that we would move our fleet if so agrred in these talks. I never proposed the creation of a Demilitarised Zone. Furthuremore we will not negotiate with the Woflish delegation until an appology is issued for the death of 4,000 men and women of the Rotvoian Navy."
Kaukolastan proposed the DMZ. No disrespect intended.
ooc: Did you move your ships out of the Rebeland waters - just so I'm clear).
*In another helicopter over the Rebelandi congress center.*
"Sir! We have arrived at our destination"
"Good. Ask for permission to land, and say that Estolad would like to join the Peace Talks. Say them that we are in the same party with Transnapastain and hi's allys."
16-01-2004, 14:00
Here's Antarctica's terms:
1. Rebeland will sell no more WoMD.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
Here's Antarctica's terms:
1. Rebeland will sell no more WoMD.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
Number 2 is too vague - what if a nation goads him into a war, knowing that you will jump in to stop Rebeland from any attack?
16-01-2004, 16:48
A man enter the room. He slams a document on the table and leaves. Everybody is a bit surprised but quikly recover.
On the document it is written: Eirikiania will withdraw their forces from the area. The reason is that a peace-deal is on the way and that the forces is needed home. A conflict about that the country of "EVENtyr-land" are hunting the national animal of our friends. "Gautinania" animal is called "footy flubber". Its close to extermination. Because of this we will
pull our forces back. We still think that Rebeland should remove their nukes and let weapon inspectors enter their country.
Excellent, it seems that we have quite a turn out.
Well, in response to Shinoxia's terms:
1. Rebeland has ceased the distribution of WMD's already.
2. This has been deemed a threat to national security. However if you would allow two Militantatopian puppets into your dominion, I would be willing to reach a compromise.
3. I cannot force Wolfish to apologize. With all due respect, I have found Rotovia to be an empirical, maniacal state. The chaotic repercussions of the Rotovian occupation of Rebelandi waters still echoes in our cities. We also mourn the loss of the 6,000 citizens that died when Rotovia ruthlessly bombed Rebeland City (note* this was right after we had ceased militant hostilities with Mestionian, we were at peace!).
16-01-2004, 17:53
Admral Pearson entered the room
"sorry im late, i had a little trobule geting in"
He takes a seat next to the Kaukolastan Delegate
((OOC: Sorry to just "up" and be here, but I was being unitentional ignored, and even if i was being left out, too bad im as much a part of this you all j/p :P
Thank you for joining us.
In response to another nation's requests. Rebeland will not cease the production of WMD's. These WMD's are an incredible factor in Rebelandi (and Militantatopian) national security. Without which, there would be no kind of a disinsentive for a military strike on Militantatopia.
Excellent, it seems that we have quite a turn out.
Well, in response to Shinoxia's terms:
1. Rebeland has ceased the distribution of WMD's already.
2. This has been deemed a threat to national security. However if you would allow two Militantatopian puppets into your dominion, I would be willing to reach a compromise.
3. I cannot force Wolfish to apologize. With all due respect, I have found Rotovia to be an empirical, maniacal state. The chaotic repercussions of the Rotovian occupation of Rebelandi waters still echoes in our cities. We also mourn the loss of the 6,000 citizens that died when Rotovia ruthlessly bombed Rebeland City (note* this was right after we had ceased militant hostilities with Mestionian, we were at peace!).
I think we should hold talking until we know that Rotovia is out of your territory and in international waters.
*Private IC:
I agree Wolfish. If they don't vacate Rebelandi waters we may have to revert to counter-military action. I have organized ROTN Rebelandi Special Ops troops. We have also assembled a bomber squadron.
OOC: Well... im just rushing in too..
IC: Commander Of ENN, Grand Admiral Welemir Cetal walks slowly into the conference room, and begins to talk.
"Well. I had some trouble to get here too. Anyway it seems that we are really close to peace. Estolad thinks it is enough if,
1.Rebeland stops distributing/selling WoMD to any other country.
2. Rebeland wont use the WoMD it has for nothing else than defense.
3. Wolfish appologizes Rotovia for killing his soldiers.
Since we are really kind of alone in this, we will think it is ok if Rebelandi accepts Antarcticas terms. "
Rebeland has updated its terms:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program.
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens.
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
Those are our updated terms. We must stress the third and fourth terms.
Wolfish will not negotiate until such time as we receive word that Rotovia is abiding by the terms of the DMZ.
Your statement has been recognized. All conferences will cease until such time that Rotovia speaks.
Dancing Moose
16-01-2004, 22:59
Rebeland has updated its terms:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program.
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens.
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
Those are our updated terms. We must stress the third and fourth terms.
Please remember that our regional forces our mainly under my command and in a previous post in the war thread I withdrew the fleet to a safe port, but they remain on high alert. Also I regret to tell you that since you failed to comply with at least 1 of our terms, we will be forced to take the necessary action. I will give you till tonight to change your mind.
Rebeland has updated its terms:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program.
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens.
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
Those are our updated terms. We must stress the third and fourth terms.
Please remember that our regional forces our mainly under my command and in a previous post in the war thread I withdrew the fleet to a safe port, but they remain on high alert. Also I regret to tell you that since you failed to comply with at least 1 of our terms, we will be forced to take the necessary action. I will give you till tonight to change your mind.
So are you walking away from these negotiations then? That's what it sounds like.
16-01-2004, 23:23
To Rebeland:
Shinoxia and Dancing Moose forces have been removed. The only remaining forces are Rotovian, acting in disregard for the will of the majority. Do not hold the DEF or the Antarctic Region responsible for their rogue actions. They have compromised for you. Now it is your turn to make an effort.
To Dancing Moose:
Please don't be hasty.
Dancing Moose
16-01-2004, 23:29
Well I would say so, yes since he declined all of our terms. Also I would like to correct a previous error that Shinoxia made on the first page, since we are using 5% of our regions population (which is 4 billion) in our military, that calculates out to 200 million troops in our army.
Well I would say so, yes since he declined all of our terms. Also I would like to correct a previous error that Shinoxia made on the first page, since we are using 5% of our regions population (which is 4 billion) in our military, that calculates out to 200 million troops in our army.
ooc: By the standard rules of RPing - you cannot control a massed force from your region. Each nation is only in control of its own forces. So I would recommend that you have your regional members show up if you intend to fight.
Dancing Moose
16-01-2004, 23:41
OOC: Trust me, they will.
16-01-2004, 23:41
Why are we wasting time with Rebeland!? Name a bunch of final terms and if he does not agree with them then continue this war. Nations have a knack of repeating their crimes.
Minister Of War for SLOA
Why are we wasting time with Rebeland!? Name a bunch of final terms and if he does not agree with them then continue this war. Nations have a knack of repeating their crimes.
Minister Of War for SLOA
Fine with me - just know that I'll be fighting on Rebeland's side.
16-01-2004, 23:52
Listen, if you can think of standing up to us then you are deluded. Check out our entire military on the regional board. We may have help soon from Cartoria and his region, thus stacking the odds against your favour.
We implore you to stop this madness and look at the facts :?
16-01-2004, 23:53
Listen, if you can think of standing up to us then you are deluded. Check out our entire military on the regional board. We may have help soon from Cartoria and his region, thus stacking the odds against your favour.
We implore you to stop this madness and look at the facts :?
Minister Of Defence for SLOA
Listen, if you can think of standing up to us then you are deluded. Check out our entire military on the regional board. We may have help soon from Cartoria and his region, thus stacking the odds against your favour.
We implore you to stop this madness and look at the facts :?
Minister Of Defence for SLOA
Rebeland and I are still sitting at the table - it is your side that has walked away - it is your side that has the power to stop the madness as you put it - and do you truely think that I fear you and your alliance? Its you that is deluded.
16-01-2004, 23:57
Standing up, Ambassador Flemming stated loudly but calmly, "Now hold on here! We've come this far to abort this war, just to let it incinerate now. The way I see it, there are several obstacles to peace which must be removed:
Rotovia's beligerance. While Wolfish should apologize, sitting in Rebeland's waters only angers the parties. All others have done the right thing and pulled back to international waters. Rotovia must do the same. The DEF will not support them if they refuse and face the consequences.
All sides must formulate a simple list of grievances and an explanation there-of. Simply making lists of demands gets us nowhere.
Rebeland, you must compromise. If you simply shake your head and demand concessions, you will only bring war. Having a powerful ally will not save you if you continue to spite other nations.
Antarctic Nations, please refrain from this rush to war. It paints you as the warmongers, and encourages Rebeland's beligerance.
This is what we believe to be the blocks in the road. Compromises must be made, discussions held. Demanding and posturing will bring nothing." He sat back down.
OOC: If peace talks fail, then Hatchibombitar will no longer need to maintain neutrality. Wheresoever Wolfish shall go, there shall Hatchibombitar follow.
Here's Antarctica's terms:
1. Rebeland will sell no more WoMD.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
These terms are acceptable to Rotovia and as a sign of good faith, I formally apologise for the loss of life resulting from Rotvia's tactical assault upon your nation
Here's Antarctica's terms:
1. Rebeland will sell no more WoMD.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
These terms are acceptable to Rotovia and as a sign of good faith, I formally apologise for the loss of life resulting from Rotövia's tactical assault upon your nation
Does the Rotovian fleet still remain in Rebeland waters?
Does the Rotovian fleet still remain in Rebeland waters?
Good question Hatch. But you know what - Wolfish has waited long enough for an answer.
The Wolfish 4th Navy is returning to Rebeland Territorial waters. Should it encounter any Rotovian ships within those waters, they will be considered enemy combatants and will be sunk on sight.
ooc: I'll play that out it the other thread if necessary.
17-01-2004, 03:04
"I, speaking for the DEF, want to ask, one more time, that Rotovia REMOVE himself from Rebeland waters. If not, the DEF may also be force to, with Rebeland permission, head to Rebeland waters to help remove this roadblock to peace" he paused and continued "It is also my decision that the DEF will not participate in any OTHER form of combat out side the afore mentioned in this conflict. We will not fight Rebelland and Wolfish, as they are correct and just in their undertaking, and we will not fight against our allies, nor can we support them. Therefore, the DEF will, upon agreement from Admiral Hayes, currently acting commander, will return to yellow alert and prepare to disembark, though only AFTER Rotovia has removed himself from Rebeland Waters"
He sat down and returned to his book, Navy Tactics from Dummies
((ooc, a bit of humor))
As Rotovia seems determined to sacrifice his fleet by obstinately refusing to remove it from sovereign waters, despite repeated entreaties from both his foes and his former allies, we have posted in the main war thread.
OOC: Wolfish, please check that post.
17-01-2004, 06:27
OOC:Sorry im way late but we had power problems and internet problems for the past 2 to 3 days here in my state.
if this war CANNOT be avioded via diplomatic solution then i shall let you know Svalvard and her many allies will stand up for Rebeland. If i bring all of my allies into this conflict Rebeland could very easily have a total of 200 million men and + from all the alliances that would be brought in. SO i advise Antarctica not to threaten with its so called military might since it can be easily matched.
17-01-2004, 06:35
I highly doubt that Svalard. I only mentioned the military in my region. I know of a region far larger and more powerful than mine and would be willing to help.
See the war thread for Antarctica's terms of peace.
17-01-2004, 06:39
I highly doubt that Svalard. I only mentioned the military in my region. I know of a region far larger and more powerful than mine and would be willing to help.
See the war thread for Antarctica's terms of peace.
OOC: ahhahaah look a noob one day older then me is threatening me omg what am i going to do.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Here's Antarctica's terms:
1. Rebeland will sell no more WoMD.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
These terms are acceptable to Rotovia and as a sign of good faith, I formally apologise for the loss of life resulting from Rotövia's tactical assault upon your nation
OOC: Has anyone else failed to notive that these terms are on the table? Any logical nation would ask that my removing my fleet be added to it instead of threatening me with military action. But that's too much to ask of a natio liek Woflish.
Ok im putting in lists of all sides requests:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program. *OK*
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens. *OK*
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
-Rotovia pulls out from DMZ
Mine/DEF's(?) and Antarcticas:
1. Rebeland will sell or distributes no more WoMD to any other country.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
4. Rebeland wont use the WoMD it has for offensive war.
5.ALL fleets out of DMZ
I personally agree to all Rebelands terms, and don't believe there is nothing unacceptabl in our terms.
The only blockade for peace, as i see, is that there are currently two fleets in DMZ. Rotovian and Wolfish. Those must get out or the Peace is not an option.
Commander of ENN, Grand Admiral Welemir Cetal
Ok im putting in lists of all sides requests:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program. *OK*
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens. *OK*
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
-Rotovia pulls out from DMZ
Mine/DEF's(?) and Antarcticas:
1. Rebeland will sell or distributes no more WoMD to any other country.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
4. Rebeland wont use the WoMD it has for offensive war.
5.ALL fleets out of DMZ
I personally agree to all Rebelands terms, and don't believe there is nothing unacceptabl in our terms.
The only blockade for peace, as i see, is that there are currently two fleets in DMZ. Rotovian and Wolfish. Those must get out or the Peace is not an option.
Commander of ENN, Grand Admiral Welemir Cetal
Gail rose to her feet, her face red, "Rotovia doesn't get it - the agreement was that negotiations would begin once his fleet is out of the DMZ - establishing the DMZ is necessary for any of this to work."
"I can now see that these negotiations are going no where. We will ensure the DMZ is clear of Rotovian ship one way or the other."
"The fault lays with you," she said, pointing at the Rotovian delegation, "You failed to meet the primary requirements for these talks - these lists are useless if the material requirements for talks don't exist."
She threw her business card down on the table. "If you wish to surrender, call me at that number. If you want to talk to your fleet you've got about 1 hour before the strike teams arrive."
"May whatever god you believe in honour the soldiers you've just condemned to death."
She turned, and without looking back, walked from the room. Once outside she hit the speed dial on her secure cellphone. "Yeah. We're done here. Turn it over to Admiral Halsey and the 4th. I'll catch a plane in the morning back home."
*Wolfish is no longer part of this thread - we'll be in the war thread.*
17-01-2004, 19:00
Rotovia Get your navy out of the DMZ. If you dont comply with these demands your navy in the DMZ will be destroyed. Before the peace talks are even considered Rotovia WILL NOT have a navy in the DMZ.
If these are not met within the next day we will leave this discussion and will be seen in the war thread preping to help Wolfish.
17-01-2004, 19:02
Ok im putting in lists of all sides requests:
-Rebeland is allowed to maintain a WMD program. *OK*
-Rotovia apologizes for the initial massacre of 6,000 Rebeland citizens. *OK*
-Rotovia immediately retreats its forces from Militantatopia.
-Shinoxia retreats its forces from Militantatopia
-Rotovia pulls out from DMZ
Mine/DEF's(?) and Antarcticas:
1. Rebeland will sell or distributes no more WoMD to any other country.
2. Rebeland will allow Dancing Moose and I to move in two ambassador nations to his region to make sure he does not attack anyone.
3. Wolfish appologizes for attacking Rotovia's soldiers.
4. Rebeland wont use the WoMD it has for offensive war.
5.ALL fleets out of DMZ
I personally agree to all Rebelands terms, and don't believe there is nothing unacceptabl in our terms.
The only blockade for peace, as i see, is that there are currently two fleets in DMZ. Rotovian and Wolfish. Those must get out or the Peace is not an option.
Commander of ENN, Grand Admiral Welemir Cetal
Gail rose to her feet, her face red, "Rotovia doesn't get it - the agreement was that negotiations would begin once his fleet is out of the DMZ - establishing the DMZ is necessary for any of this to work."
"I can now see that these negotiations are going no where. We will ensure the DMZ is clear of Rotovian ship one way or the other."
"The fault lays with you," she said, pointing at the Rotovian delegation, "You failed to meet the primary requirements for these talks - these lists are useless if the material requirements for talks don't exist."
She threw her business card down on the table. "If you wish to surrender, call me at that number. If you want to talk to your fleet you've got about 1 hour before the strike teams arrive."
"May whatever god you believe in honour the soldiers you've just condemned to death."
She turned, and without looking back, walked from the room. Once outside she hit the speed dial on her secure cellphone. "Yeah. We're done here. Turn it over to Admiral Halsey and the 4th. I'll catch a plane in the morning back home."
*Wolfish is no longer part of this thread - we'll be in the war thread.*
Ok Wolfish, if you want to be destroyed over something that doesnt concern you your more than welcome. I know you mean well but youve only escalated the conflict from a small operation to World War. Remember you caused it, not me. Since your economy can support no more than 5% of your nation in the military your military is 80 million as opposed to my 200 million. The odds are stacked heavily in my favor. Also Ill be getting help from my allies who are far larger than Antarctica
Sorry Svalvard but I dont feel threatened by someone who hasnt mastered the use of the keyboard yet....
Loeffelman....hmmmm 100 billion out of trillions.....hmmmm well I guess our navy could use more ships and we could always use more men. Alright Loeffelman you got a deal, 100 billion wired your way. Bring your forces to Antarctica and we'll attack later when Im threw with my military buildup.
Rotovia pull back your ships. I'll put you in command of my navy because you cleary no more about naval warfare than me.
Ok Wolfish, if you want to be destroyed over something that doesnt concern you your more than welcome. I know you mean well but youve only escalated the conflict from a small operation to World War. Remember you caused it, not me. Since your economy can support no more than 5% of your nation in the military your military is 80 million as opposed to my 200 million. The odds are stacked heavily in my favor. Also Ill be getting help from my allies who are far larger than Antarctica
Sorry Svalvard but I dont feel threatened by someone who hasnt mastered the use of the keyboard yet....
Loeffelman....hmmmm 100 billion out of trillions.....hmmmm well I guess our navy could use more ships and we could always use more men. Alright Loeffelman you got a deal, 100 billion wired your way. Bring your forces to Antarctica and we'll attack later when Im threw with my military buildup.
Rotovia pull back your ships. I'll put you in command of my navy because you cleary no more about naval warfare than me.
Hmm, let's take a closer look:
The Principality of Shinoxia
"Expect the best, prepare for the worst"
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
Civil Rights: Some Economy: Strong Political Freedoms: Few
Location: The Snowy Lands of Antarctica
The Principality of Shinoxia is a very large, safe nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 139 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."
A "strong" economic category is good, but not one of the top categories. (Of course, your economy probably just imploded when you wired 100 billion to Loeffelman.) Maybe you can support a 5% military with that, but it's doubtful. A population of 139 million will get you a military of about 7 million, and I'm being generous there. Now figure 3/4 of that is dedicated to support, transport, staffing etc. That leaves you with a fighting force of about, being generous, 3 million.
The Enlightened Free Empire of Wolfish
"Morituri te Salutant!"
UN Category: Capitalizt
Civil Rights: Superb Economy: Frightening Political Freedoms: Average
Location: Role Play University
The Enlightened Free Empire of Wolfish is a massive, economically powerful nation, notable for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 1.511 billion enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.
A "frightening" economic category is the highest in the game, the top category. Clearly Wolfish can support a 5% of population military with that, maybe even 10%. Using the higher number, a population of 1.511 billion will get him a military of about 150 million. Now figure 3/4 of that is dedicated to support, transport, staffing etc. That leaves him with a fighting force of about, being generous, 37 million. So, 37 million vs. 3 million. I think you need to re-caculate your numbers.
If Rotovia honors your request to pull his navy out, the conflict is settled. Don't you think that makes far more sense?
17-01-2004, 19:39
Ok Wolfish, if you want to be destroyed over something that doesnt concern you your more than welcome. I know you mean well but youve only escalated the conflict from a small operation to World War. Remember you caused it, not me. Since your economy can support no more than 5% of your nation in the military your military is 80 million as opposed to my 200 million. The odds are stacked heavily in my favor. Also Ill be getting help from my allies who are far larger than Antarctica
Sorry Svalvard but I dont feel threatened by someone who hasnt mastered the use of the keyboard yet....
Loeffelman....hmmmm 100 billion out of trillions.....hmmmm well I guess our navy could use more ships and we could always use more men. Alright Loeffelman you got a deal, 100 billion wired your way. Bring your forces to Antarctica and we'll attack later when Im threw with my military buildup.
Rotovia pull back your ships. I'll put you in command of my navy because you cleary no more about naval warfare than me.
Hmm, let's take a closer look:
The Principality of Shinoxia
"Expect the best, prepare for the worst"
UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists
Civil Rights: Some Economy: Strong Political Freedoms: Few
Location: The Snowy Lands of Antarctica
The Principality of Shinoxia is a very large, safe nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed, cynical population of 139 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."
A "strong" economic category is good, but not one of the top categories. (Of course, your economy probably just imploded when you wired 100 billion to Loeffelman.) Maybe you can support a 5% military with that, but it's doubtful. A population of 139 million will get you a military of about 7 million, and I'm being generous there. Now figure 3/4 of that is dedicated to support, transport, staffing etc. That leaves you with a fighting force of about, being generous, 3 million.
The Enlightened Free Empire of Wolfish
"Morituri te Salutant!"
UN Category: Capitalizt
Civil Rights: Superb Economy: Frightening Political Freedoms: Average
Location: Role Play University
The Enlightened Free Empire of Wolfish is a massive, economically powerful nation, notable for its complete absence of social welfare. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 1.511 billion enjoy some of the most opulent lifestyles in the region, unless they are unemployed or working-class, in which case they are variously starving to death or crippled by easily preventable diseases.
A "frightening" economic category is the highest in the game, the top category. Clearly Wolfish can support a 5% of population military with that, maybe even 10%. Using the higher number, a population of 1.511 billion will get him a military of about 150 million. Now figure 3/4 of that is dedicated to support, transport, staffing etc. That leaves him with a fighting force of about, being generous, 37 million. So, 37 million vs. 3 million. I think you need to re-caculate your numbers.
If Rotovia honors your request to pull his navy out, the conflict is settled. Don't you think that makes far more sense?
OOC: What the dumbass thinks is that Antarctica Regional Army can be used. But the NOOB doest understand that Unless all of Antarctica is here posting that army will just be ignored since Regional army's cant be used only National Army's.
17-01-2004, 19:43
After a long absence, Chochezken Minister Gennday Bondarenko Enters the room.
"Hello my comrade, What goes on here today?" He asked worriedly.
"There Are rumors going about that, you are in trouble my friend. What is your problem?"
OOC: Svalvard maybe you should learn not to take that long quotes from the previous post. There really isn't any use in that.
*Welemir Cetal rises up and speaks. "Even due to our efforts to make Peace a possibility, these Peace Talks seem to have failed. Estolad will give up and leave these talks too."
Cetal quickly turns around, and walks out of the room. Then he grabs hi's mobile phone, and makes a call to ENN 2nd Fleet. "Get the Fleet ready to move out. The peace talk's have failed, and there will be soon some big battles out there, and we dont want to get in them. 2nd Fleet will return to Estolad soon as my chopper arrives to My command ship." Then Cetal continues to walk out of the congress center, and soon you could hear a helicopter rising to sky. *
17-01-2004, 23:11
In the horrible silence that has descended upon the room, Flemming sighed, put his face in his hand. "Then it was for nothing?" he pulled out a deck of cards and turned to Pearson. "Poker?"
Gail rose to her feet, her face red, "Rotovia doesn't get it - the agreement was that negotiations would begin once his fleet is out of the DMZ - establishing the DMZ is necessary for any of this to work."
"I can now see that these negotiations are going no where. We will ensure the DMZ is clear of Rotovian ship one way or the other."
"The fault lays with you," she said, pointing at the Rotovian delegation, "You failed to meet the primary requirements for these talks - these lists are useless if the material requirements for talks don't exist."
She threw her business card down on the table. "If you wish to surrender, call me at that number. If you want to talk to your fleet you've got about 1 hour before the strike teams arrive."
"May whatever god you believe in honour the soldiers you've just condemned to death."
She turned, and without looking back, walked from the room. Once outside she hit the speed dial on her secure cellphone. "Yeah. We're done here. Turn it over to Admiral Halsey and the 4th. I'll catch a plane in the morning back home."
*Wolfish is no longer part of this thread - we'll be in the war thread.*
President: "See what we have to deal with? Actually our arrangement was for you to issue an appology for the assault on our ships first then we would attend these talks. However, we decided that we could get over that in order to discuss peace. Something Wolfish cannot do, as I said we may consider moving our fleet once a treaty has been signed and we are sure the Rebeland is no longer a threat, but I cannot do so under threat."
OOC: At this moment he isn't aware of Wolfish's second attack upon our fleet.
18-01-2004, 17:27
Looks like war then...