NationStates Jolt Archive

Sasqumanjan Government Displays latest technology

15-01-2004, 16:55
In line with its policy of military build up, for the purposes of criminal deterrent and the destruction of anti government rebel forces, the modest state of Sasqumanja has completely updated its military vehicles, ships and aircraft.

Our fighting troops are equiped with flak jackets m16a2's, and are supported by heavy weapons infantry wielding grenade launchers. Our four level system of command, Private, Captain, Lietenant and General/Admiral/Flight commander, has ensured the swift and effecient use of our forces.

Our old style civil defence vehicles have been disbanded, and replaced by the new Wolf class APC, the Black Cat class light tank, and the pride of the Sasqumanjan army, the Bear class battle tanks.
The Wolf class APC is a light and fast attack vehicle, fitted with an adaptable rocket launcher, which can be aimed at both land and air targets, coupled with twin machine guns and catapillar tracks.

The Hexagon SAM is a mobile unit equipped with six heat seeking missiles for the purposes of anti-aircraft defence. The Pod transport unit is similar in design to the Wolf class APC, but stripped of most armour and weapons, making it light and fast. It is larger than the wolf, can carry a maximum of twenty five soldiers, and has a single machine gun for defence purposes.

Our aircraft are of three types, the Vulture attack plane, the Phoenix bomber and the air Pod transport plane.

Our navy is keeping its previous complement of some 50 Water Rat gunboats, and is investing in 30 Devil Destroyers, 20 Hexagon frigates (essentially a sea bourne Hexagon SAM) and three Monster class Battleships.
Our aircraft carrier program is not yet completed, but two Juggernaut aircraft carriers are in their final stages.

-Sasqumanjan minister for information