Uranium for Sale
Good day to all nations,
We the Government of better than the rest have surplus supplies of Uranium,
We are therefore looking to sell some of the uranium, however confirm that we DO NOT NEED to and this will not be sold at discount prices.
The price is US$ 15.00 / lb U308.
We hasten to add that rogue countries looking to buy for the development of nuclear weapons for use other than DEFENCE we will be sold our Uranium stock.
We look forward to your replies.
how much for mining rights in your nation for Uranium. we are will to pay a grate deal if need be
CorpSac Corporation
just on a side note, better then the rest will have probably gotten the uranium mining issue and did this, i don't think that's wrong, however horizon island is 1 day old and even if it could obtain uranium, it would never be able to develop nuclear weaponry without massive foreign aid.
Not to mention that people aren't that interested in buying uranium most of the time, because almost everyone has a uranium mining company and plenty of uranium themselves.
oh and i don't intend to buy uranium, i don't need it
nor do i but the more i have the more bombs i can make
That is where you are wrong, I'm a reactivated May 2003 nation, I'm older then all of you. Check my nation, my pop. is in the 100's of millions. (should be the billions, but the nation went inactive, and was only reactivated yesterday.)
hmm, we make conventional bombs, bombs packed with plasma and fusion bombs, the plasma bombs are in orbit in 120 satelites with masers and the fusion bombs (all 2 of em) are in a spacestation
I will pay 5 billion for all your access uranium, too keep it out of the hands of those who would use it to make WMD's and use them to threaten other nations.
hmm, indeed horizon, please forgive me but i'm just getting to used to seeing 2 day old nations trying to get nukes and there aren't a lot of newly revived nations around most of the time
hmm, indeed horizon, please forgive me but i'm just getting to used to seeing 2 day old nations trying to get nukes and there aren't a lot of newly revived nations around most of the time
np, yeah, I would do the same. Think I'll see if the mods or admins can do anything about the join date...
Just to let every nation know that I will not be selling the mining rights to the Uranium plant, nor will I be selling all the Uranium,
This was simple posted in order to trade, fairly and professionally,
As clearly stated by some (Thanks), please ensure that if you make an offer you can actually back this up with the cash.
So again this is simply an offer to aid my fellow nations who do not have a Uranium supply and for ourselves to gain financially from our Supply.
Now if you good people are after Uranium by the Million of Tons then please let me know, Again no mining rights or total supply requests please.
Good day to you all
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 13:42
That is where you are wrong, I'm a reactivated May 2003 nation, I'm older then all of you. Check my nation, my pop. is in the 100's of millions. (should be the billions, but the nation went inactive, and was only reactivated yesterday.)
Just so you know, Horizon, your population grows at the same rate whether your active or not, so your current population is what it should be, not in the billions.
We have decided that we will drop the price of the for sale Uranium to 14.75 US$ / lb U308.
The price will not drop again, as previously stated we do not need to sell !!