USSY demands
The USSY demands that it is able to build a superfreighter which will be very cheap without being accused of Godmodding
13-01-2004, 14:28
Aircraft research is a very expensive exercise. Building a stealthly dog-fighting high-tech well-armed Mach 2.5+ jet fighters on the cheap is not possible. If you don't have capability to build bog-standard trainers, don't bother.
I built a stealth flying wing which cost 20,Million?.
13-01-2004, 14:32
I think he means cheap to produce, not to develop. But still...
13-01-2004, 14:35
Cheap to produce and build are different, but the cost of development kills most projects. If it fails in the prototypes and runs over budget, the project gets canned most of the time.
Well my flying wing was very cheap and has no special features. The only thing that is unique about it is its shape.
13-01-2004, 14:40
Well, you know what I mean, I'm not in the mood to be exacting about what I say.
The Fedral Union
13-01-2004, 14:42
.... Try buying some existing fighters on the market from a store front or some thing....
13-01-2004, 14:46
Look at this site. Experimental German/Nazi designs ...
Some weird ideas here.