NationStates Jolt Archive

Anti-matter Reactors - Almost Reality!

13-01-2004, 12:21
The Republic of Evilgits, Have finally after 10 Years of Development in Top Secret Labs have finally finished the designs for a Anti-matter Reactor. :idea:

This would ensure neverending power and heat for Our Nation, it's cheap and is a extremely clean source of energy. The Energy of one reactor is enough to destroy the Moon. :P

This will make us a formidable force, but we will be reasponsible! :twisted:

Anyone wishing to purchase this Technology, please feel free to contact me by Telegram.
13-01-2004, 12:23
The Republic of Evilgits, Have finally after 10 Years of Development in Top Secret Labs have finally finished the designs for a Anti-matter Reactor. :idea:

This would ensure neverending power and heat for Our Nation, it's cheap and is a extremely clean source of energy. The Energy of one reactor is enough to destroy the Moon. :P

This will make us a formidable force, but we will be reasponsible! :twisted:

Anyone wishing to purchase this Technology, please feel free to contact me by Telegram.

From everything I've learned in Physics here and there anti-matter could essentially destroy all matter thus eliminating the entire universe.
Ancient and Holy Terra
13-01-2004, 12:25
Additionally, at your age and technology level, you'd probably be trying to contain the antimatter with something like a large rock...not to mention that even getting antimatter costs a ridiculous amount of money and requires a virtual army of scientists.
The Fedral Union
13-01-2004, 12:32
Done that been thare like i would say ..

most adavced tech nations like my self have that technolgy but i only use it on star ships...
13-01-2004, 12:38
antimatter can only annialate an equal mass of matter, so to destroy the universe you'd need a lot of anti-matter.

can evilgits tell me where they're sourcing the antimatter fuel from?

charge reversal of normal matter?
another plane of existance?
converstion from belly-button lint?
13-01-2004, 12:41
Anti-matter is matter smaller than the size of an atom, yet almost like a black hole. When it touches matter, it destroyes it, thus the name anti-matter.

It would take three Anti-Matter bombs just to destroy the earth, so letting one go off would essitenly destroy a large area.

However, the strongest PLANETKILLER that could be developed is the Cobalt Bomb, which would, with one bomb, destroy a planet,
13-01-2004, 12:43
Like I said......Top Secret Labs! And I have been in contact with a Silent partner that will reveal themselves when they are built.
The Fedral Union
13-01-2004, 12:48
Anti matter bombs areint varry good for handleing small wars i think you should only use them in space...
13-01-2004, 13:38
In development for ten years? You haven't existed more than 3 RL days. :lol:

But that aside, antimatter is neither cheap, nor cost-effective, and destroying the moon would requior a stupidly large amount of anti-matter. One kilo of AM reacting with one kilo of mater releases the same amount of energy as a 45 megaton nuke(we'll ignore the hact that anti-matter reactions release most of there energy as hard-to-capture high-energy radiation; neither a good weapon or power source).

You want cheap power? Go fusion.

You want bombs? Go thermonuclear fusion.

You want an expensive, but compact, low-mass, high-yeild energy storage medium(ie space warship powerplants, long-durration space missions where keeping mass low is key, etc)? Go anti-matter.

Realisticly, that's how thing'll most likly develop iRL.
13-01-2004, 14:20
Anti-matter is matter smaller than the size of an atom, yet almost like a black hole. When it touches matter, it destroyes it, thus the name anti-matter.

EGADS! Eyes...melting... out! Arg! Can't look at the horrible psuedo science!

Correcting the stupidity: Antimatter is identical to regular matter, except that antiparticles have the opposite electrical charge of their corresponding particles. Many uncharged particles therefore have no antiparticle.
13-01-2004, 17:22
Anti-matter is matter smaller than the size of an atom, yet almost like a black hole. When it touches matter, it destroyes it, thus the name anti-matter.

EGADS! Eyes...melting... out! Arg! Can't look at the horrible psuedo science!

Correcting the stupidity: Antimatter is identical to regular matter, except that antiparticles have the opposite electrical charge of their corresponding particles. Many uncharged particles therefore have no antiparticle.

Essentially the instant this anti-matter is created it will begin destroying everything around it since it is surrounded by matter.
13-01-2004, 18:16
The Republic of Evilgits, Have finally after 10 Years of Development in Top Secret Labs have finally finished the designs for a Anti-matter Reactor. :idea:

This would ensure neverending power and heat for Our Nation, it's cheap and is a extremely clean source of energy. The Energy of one reactor is enough to destroy the Moon. :P

This will make us a formidable force, but we will be reasponsible! :twisted:

Anyone wishing to purchase this Technology, please feel free to contact me by Telegram.

Firstly, M/AM Reactors are not cheap. In fact, even a nation of our size had to seek funding from several other large nations to to make our project a reality. It is not as simple to say.."I made an Anti-Matter Reactor." The cost of the "basic" facilities to test matter and anti-matter reaction was in the billions...just for construction alone. Your nation only being 3 days old could hardly support this project on a major scale.

Modern theories of particle physics and of the evolution of the universe suggest, or even require, that antimatter and matter were equally common in the earliest stages—so why is antimatter so uncommon today? The observed imbalance between matter and antimatter is a puzzle yet to be explained. Without it, the universe today would certainly be a much less interesting place, because there would be essentially no matter left around; annihilations would have converted everything into electromagnetic radiation by now. So clearly this imbalance is a key property of the world we know. Attempts to explain it are an active area of research today.

Therefore, in order to conduct research, we need to better understand that tiny part of the laws of physics that differ for matter and antimatter; without such a difference, there would be no way for an imbalance to occur. This distinction is the subject of study in a number of experiments around the world that focus on differences in the decays of particles called B-mesons and their antiparticle partners. These experiments will be done both at electron-positron collider facilities called B factories and at high-energy hadron colliders, because each type of facility offers different capabilities to contribute to the study of this detail of the laws of physics--a detail that is responsible for such an important property of the universe as the fact that there is anything there at all!

However, we wish you well in your project and hope that you have taken the necessary safety precautions to keep your nation and it's neighbors from disappearing in a cloud of dust..

M. Uganda
13-01-2004, 18:24
Essentially the instant this anti-matter is created it will begin destroying everything around it since it is surrounded by matter.

Not so. With modern/near-future tech, you could at most create a few individual particles of antihydrogen per hour. If you were stupid enough not to keep them contained, they would destroy, at most, a few individual hydrogen atoms, not even enough to make a visible spark.

If you have ubertech to allow to generate macroscopic quantities of antimatter quickly, you'd be smart enough to keep the antiparticles in magnetic containment in a vacuum. If one weren't that smart, one would've killed oneself many times over before ever getting to that point.
13-01-2004, 19:07
Essentially the instant this anti-matter is created it will begin destroying everything around it since it is surrounded by matter.

Not so. With modern/near-future tech, you could at most create a few individual particles of antihydrogen per hour. If you were stupid enough not to keep them contained, they would destroy, at most, a few individual hydrogen atoms, not even enough to make a visible spark.

If you have ubertech to allow to generate macroscopic quantities of antimatter quickly, you'd be smart enough to keep the antiparticles in magnetic containment in a vacuum. If one weren't that smart, one would've killed oneself many times over before ever getting to that point.

Eventually though your going to have so much of it that it has to come into contact with matter eventually.
13-01-2004, 19:07
Along the lines of what the others are saying, such a powerful thing requires a lot more experience and role-playing. When my nation first began studying anti-matter, I RP'ed a bunch of anti-matter accidents and whatnot. To the point where people in my region were making fun about how I ended up having the highest insurance rating in my region (I wonder what happened to that rating; they never show it anymore). Fortunately, there was never enough anti-matter back in those days to blow up more than a building, but boy was that expensive to recover from.
13-01-2004, 23:00
Eventually though your going to have so much of it that it has to come into contact with matter eventually.
I beleive that's the whole point of a M/AM reactor, but I'm going to assume that you meant unintentionally. To that I say: why? When one bottle's full, get another one. Besides, it would not reflect well on the intelligence of your scientists if they kept enough in one place to do any significant damage in the case of loss of containment.
13-01-2004, 23:15
Eventually though your going to have so much of it that it has to come into contact with matter eventually.
I beleive that's the whole point of a M/AM reactor, but I'm going to assume that you meant unintentionally. To that I say: why? When one bottle's full, get another one. Besides, it would not reflect well on the intelligence of your scientists if they kept enough in one place to do any significant damage in the case of loss of containment.

Basically my point is your going to develop something you won't be able to contain in the long run. No matter what you are using the risk of it contacting matter will be there regardless and if you start using it in heavy purposes you'll effectively going to start a chain reaction on something you don't want to happen.
14-01-2004, 00:40
Basically my point is your going to develop something you won't be able to contain in the long run.
Why? Fusion plasma is a lot more dangerous than a few particles of antiprotons, and there's not too much trouble containing that. Antimatter would actually be far easier to contain. Producing it is the trouble.

No matter what you are using the risk of it contacting matter
There's also a risk of nuclear waste being spread over the highway, but the risk is extremely small, and the size of the risk still has nothing to do with what would happen in the case that an accident did take place.

you'll effectively going to start a chain reaction on something you don't want to happen.
Once more, why? Particle meets antiparticle, a few photons are emitted, and...? No more antiparticles, no more reaction. No chain. A truly catastrophic failure would be required for anything bad to happen.
14-01-2004, 00:51
The threat with anti-matter is a self-sustaining chain reaction. Nuclear waste is dangerous but will not contact matter, which is basically everywhere, and suddenly spaz out. You got it contained in a vacuum and sealed and it doesn't touch matter, I don't know how you'd do this because it will be surrounded by matter for containment but yes there won't be any air in there. Regardless, lets say a piece of paint, rust, whatever, falls into the core of anti-matter. Suddenly its balance is offset and it contacts matter and thus produces a self-sustaining chain reaction. Such reactions cannot be controlled whatsoever.

But what I am curious about is how you'd create anti-matter. Obvisously it isn't matter (which can neither be created nor destroyed) so it wouldn't follow that rule, correct?
14-01-2004, 00:56
Sub-atomic particles have three main properties: Mass, Charge, and Spin.

A particle/antiparticle set has the same mass, but opposite charge and opposite spin. If anyone pays any attention to Mr. Hawking, you would know that there is a very good likelihood that there are these 'particle/antiparticle creations and re-interactions' happening all the time. It is by this device that mass and energy excapes from black holes. Watch or read Mr. Hawking's 'A breif history of time' to get a basic explanation of this phenomenon.

As for energy, I go Nuclear. It's safe, and the only reason it's expensive is that it isn't a widespread energy source to benefit from the economies of scale that graces other energy sources such as coal. Wind power has this big problem: You put your first turbines at the best places, so when you install more turbines, they go at less desirable places, and so on. So wind power has a large decrease in energy return for $$$ spent as it becomes widespread. And just think of all of those poor birds that'll get chopped up in the turbines!!!

Anti-matter is matter smaller than the size of an atom, yet almost like a black hole. When it touches matter, it destroyes it, thus the name anti-matter.

EGADS! Eyes...melting... out! Arg! Can't look at the horrible psuedo science!

Correcting the stupidity: Antimatter is identical to regular matter, except that antiparticles have the opposite electrical charge of their corresponding particles. Many uncharged particles therefore have no antiparticle.
Indra Prime
14-01-2004, 01:07
I absolutely love the fact that these people can think that they are the worlds experts on quantum mechanics, but they have absolutely no earthly idea as to the BS they are sprouting. All your numbers regarding antimatter are incorrect. And thanks to Kanuckistan for explaining things so I dont have to yet again.
Super American VX Man
14-01-2004, 01:09
The threat with anti-matter is a self-sustaining chain reaction. Nuclear waste is dangerous but will not contact matter, which is basically everywhere, and suddenly spaz out. You got it contained in a vacuum and sealed and it doesn't touch matter, I don't know how you'd do this because it will be surrounded by matter for containment but yes there won't be any air in there. Regardless, lets say a piece of paint, rust, whatever, falls into the core of anti-matter. Suddenly its balance is offset and it contacts matter and thus produces a self-sustaining chain reaction. Such reactions cannot be controlled whatsoever.

But what I am curious about is how you'd create anti-matter. Obvisously it isn't matter (which can neither be created nor destroyed) so it wouldn't follow that rule, correct?

Anti-matter doesn't make form a chain reaction. It's only one reaction at a time (it just happens to release relatively massive amounts of energy due to complete mass-energy conversion).

Also, there are methods to "create" matter, using that exact conversion, just reversed. However, it takes massive amounts of energy (especially because no superatomic system is without energy leaks).
14-01-2004, 03:36
The threat with anti-matter is a self-sustaining chain reaction.
Once again, not it's not. M/AM reactions ARE NOT CHAIN REACTIONS. See above. One particle and one antiparticle anihilate and throw off energy, and then it stops. One reaction does not cause another to start.

You got it contained in a vacuum and sealed and it doesn't touch matter, I don't know how you'd do this because it will be surrounded by matter for containment
Same as fusion plasma, magnetic confinement.

Regardless, lets say a piece of paint, rust, whatever, falls into the core of anti-matter. Suddenly......the paint chip is anihilated, along with an equal mass of antimatter, releasing their total energy content in gamma rays (not much, since a paint chip is pretty small), and then it stops.

But what I am curious about is how you'd create anti-matter. Obvisously it isn't matter (which can neither be created nor destroyed) so it wouldn't follow that rule, correct?
Incorrect. Antimatter follows all of the same laws that matter does. Including the ability to be converted into energy and back again. Slam two gamma rays into each other, and 1 positron and 1 electron are the result (usually). How they generate antiprotons I do not know specifically, but it involves smashing small things together at high energies.
14-01-2004, 03:48
Really? Well then I guess I was wrong. Still wouldn't mess with it though but it's all you. Good luck with it.
14-01-2004, 03:56
yes, your nation does seem to be in a bind with this antimatter mess, for other nations that want a safer, more natural free power source, i suggest that you invest in a bacterium reactor made by my country, it uses safe, radioactive isotopes that a bacterium on our planet produces to generate a chemical reaction, therefor, free energy, without the mess, about 150 thousand a pop, produce enough energy fo a city of 7-8 million apiece. telegram us for more info and to purchase them.
14-01-2004, 03:56
The Republic of Evilgits, Have finally after 10 Years of Development in Top Secret Labs have finally finished the designs for a Anti-matter Reactor. :idea:

This would ensure neverending power and heat for Our Nation, it's cheap and is a extremely clean source of energy. The Energy of one reactor is enough to destroy the Moon. :P

This will make us a formidable force, but we will be reasponsible! :twisted:

Anyone wishing to purchase this Technology, please feel free to contact me by Telegram.

From everything I've learned in Physics here and there anti-matter could essentially destroy all matter thus eliminating the entire universe.
Actually anit-matter only destroys matter when levels of matter and antimatter are equal and then the matter is only reformed.

Basically matter excist in a symbiotic relationship with antimatter at all time.... I'm not explaining this very well so I should probally leave this up to soemone more elloquent in physics.
Indra Prime
14-01-2004, 07:02
Look, for the last time, before you all start going off on a tangent debating the actual uses of antimatter and how it can be harnessed and the capabilities it has, please, please learn something about it first. It will make you look less like an idiot. Just a friendly piece of advice.