Doomsday Cult- Terror Alert Red (bioweapons missing)
It is with great sadness that the Doomsday Cult must announce the following...
Fifteen units of the deadly Spengler Strain bacterial payload have turned up missing from our Biological Research Facility, in the city of Venkman. At this point in time, details of the assumed theft are unavailable, athough early speculation is that it would have been an inside job, perpetrated by someone who had been bribed by terrorists.
As a result of this tragic happenstance, the Doomsday Cult is upping its terror alert status from Lavender to Red. Roadblocks have been placed on every road leading within a 50 mile radius of Venkman. Flights in and out of the country have been stopped. The Doomsday Cult is tripling its production of Cipro, and several other antibiotic agents in the event that a terrorist attack were to occur. Neighboring nations have been advised to do the same, until all 15 units of Spengler are found. There is also a strong possibilty of raids against various Christian refugee camps, in search of known terrorists. More information on this possible global threat as the news breaks.
For more information about the Spengler Strain, see the thread at
Two units of The Spengler Strain have been accounted for, although with tragic circumstances.
It would appear that 36 hours after the theft, an outbreak of The Spengler Strain struck a refugee camp near Venkman. Although further investigation is necessary, the death toll is believed to be in the thousands. The government at this time speculates that terrorist Christian refugees had stolen the bacteria for use against The Doomsday Cult. However, improper handling of the materials may have caused this outbreak. Two units of The Spengler Strain were found by a military biohazard team in the refugee camp. The Doomsday Cult's government and military continues the search for the remaining thirteen payloads, which are still unaccounted for. Stay tuned for more detailed description of the carnage off the outskirts of Venkman.
((OOC Note: Keep in mind that The Doomsday Cult has a history of using nerve gas against Christian refugees, as all forms of worship other than that of Gozer are outlawed--- Christian refugees are considered "terrorists" by The Doomsday Cult, even though no terrorist attacks have ever been proven to be linked to the Christians. Is it possible that the "theft" is merely a high-level government cover-up for more sinister intents? Perhaps even these "missing units" had been sold to international terrorists? Not that I'm saying that's the case, just a possibility. :) ))
The Burnsian Desert
13-01-2004, 06:59
We know the location of your strains, but there is a price to pay for thier safety... yes.... :evil:
Soviet alliance
13-01-2004, 07:11
if you cant be responsible with your WMD then dont make any.
if you cant be responsible with your WMD then dont make any.
I will have you know that the Doomsday Cult is second-to-none with the maintenance of its Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring. This slip-up is surely a fluke in our system.
The Burnsian Desert
13-01-2004, 07:20
OOC: Does he really have only 26 posts? But he's a big nation... wierd...
Soviet alliance
13-01-2004, 07:21
you gain more man power from time.
The Burnsian Desert
13-01-2004, 07:23
OOC: Does he really have only 26 posts? But he's a big nation... wierd...
(OOC: If I had kept my old nation from god-knows-when (2002?), It'd be even larger. Just because I don't post much doesn't mean I haven't been lurking. ;))
And now, the latest information on the theft of several units of Spengler, and the outbreak in a refugee camp.
The entire area surrounding the refugee camp is under military quarantine to prevent Spengler from spreading. At current count, the death toll for the refugee camp is 1,211, with at least 300 refugees still infected. Antibiotics are being stockpiled for the general population, however it will not be offered to refugees as they are illegal citizens. All across The Doomsday Cult, raids of refugee camps have been taking place. As there are more than one million Christian refugees hiding out on the outskirts of towns, this is a daunting task. The military has been instructed to eliminate with lethal force any suspected terrorist threat. Aside from the 1,211+ deaths resulting from the outbreak, another 127 total refugees have died nationwide as a result of resisting government searches of their camps.
The government continues to follow leads on the theft of these Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring. With one outbreak possibly due to improper handling by terrorists, time is clearly of the essence here. Thirteen units of this deadly payload are still missing. As a result, Great Leader has moved to a secret underground bunker, along with his top security staff. This is in case the terrorists decide to unleash the Spengler Strain upon the people of The Doomsday Cult. The Cult's terror alert remains at Code Red.
Great Leader expresses his concern that this outbreak may signal the end times, and of course, the return of Gozer. He urges all believers to make their dues quickly, as he feels that The Chosen Form will soon come.
More on this as it develops.
A successful raid outside the Doomsday Cult city of Aykroyd has turned up two more units of The Spengler Strain, bringing the missing total down to eleven.
Just outside the city of Aykroyd, lies a refugee camp of Christians. At 2:00am this morning, military officials staged a raid after an anonymous tip lead them to the camp. After much resistance and fighting amongst the refugees, the military subdued the near riot. Over 200 are believed to have been killed in the hail of explosives and gunfire. Dozens more have been injured. However, the container which held the deadly bacteria was not comprimised. A quarantine has been set up, and hazmat teams will monitor the situation for the next 36 hours to observe if anyone shows signs or symptoms of a Spengler infection. Of the casualties, only 3 were military. The rest were casualties of the illegal refugees. The Doomsday Cult's government has demanded that surviving refugees of this camp be exiled on a barge, and put out to sea with no rations, to prevent their terrorist threat from ever sullying this nation again. The search continues for the remaining eleven units.
(Outgoing communique from an abandoned bunker on the outskirts of Ramisville, the location of yet another refugee camp)
Attention, international community! I must make this statement brief, as I'm sure the Cult members will be tracing it. The refugees know nothing of any missing biological weapons! The government is lying. We are not terrorists, we seek only to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in a nation which prohibits it. Please, hear us out, the Doomsday Cult wishes to exterminate us like so many cockroaches, and the so-called missing bioweapons are just an excuse to do so.