NationStates Jolt Archive

Worthless Currency

13-01-2004, 04:24
We at The Confederacy of Rot n Accounting Peopl (C.R.A.P.) have decided to begin our next five year plan. One of our many brilliant economists have formulated a very subdtle plan to take over the world and we are looking for contributors. It works like this: We will horde worthless currency from every ill fated national policy, campagne, venture, social experiment, etc. When the world economy collapses and everyones money is worthless we will have the most and swiftly take over the world. Send your worthless currency to:

The National Bank of Worthless Currency
A C.R.A.P. company
13 Lost Capitol Road
New Blunder Town
State of Poverty, CRAP 131313

Some Debts are worth Hidding....

Executive Director NBWC
Mr. Lester Revenue
13-01-2004, 04:28
If your economists are as capable as your proofreaders, you may have the chance of a snowball......