Possible links between Terristan, Guerrilistan, and GLA Ter.
Free Pacific States
13-01-2004, 02:58
FPS is hereby launching an investigation into possible links between Terristan, Guerrilistan, and GLA Terrorists. We do believe there may be conections between these three largely active nations, and we wish to proove/disproove this theory with the support of other nations. Simply post whatever evidence you have here, with a breif summary of what it is. A special board from the FPS Intelligence Agency will make a decision on the given information.
Accepted Evidence Types:
Threads (Need Link)
Telegrams (Need some kind of proof of telegram)
More than one witness (One witness not good enough)
-FPS Intelligence Agency
Faramount City, FPS
Free Pacific States
13-01-2004, 15:44
Five Civilized Nations
13-01-2004, 15:50
#tagged for future sanctions...
Free Pacific States
13-01-2004, 19:33
Well, because no evidencne (either way) has been presented, I guess there is no link. People, please, I'm not going to keep bumping this. If you have information, give it, don't wait for someone else to!
13-01-2004, 19:56
Just look up the threads surrounding the Guerrilistan UN bombings and the terristan blockade.
Whoever touches Terristan encurs the wrath of me and my allies.
Free Pacific States
14-01-2004, 03:20
Great. I try to launch a simple, objective investigation on these nations for RP purposes, and look what happens. I get threatened by one nation, told to look it up myself by another, and simply ignored by the rest. At this time, I am closing this investiagion, and declaring the link non-conclusive.
I have nothing against the GLA. I honestly don't care about any other so called 'terrorist' nations because, frankly, the GLA tend to liven things up around here. Especially with the car-bombings.
Sorry this wasn't the reply you're looking for, but I believe that it's the one that you need to get.
Five Civilized Nations
14-01-2004, 15:25
GLA Terrorists bombed Credonia, just check the following thread...
Free Pacific States
14-01-2004, 15:30
Okay, here's my final conclusion.
All three are terrorists.
Is that bad or good? Your choice.
Are they connected/allied? Connected, probably, allied, doubtfully.
Ozymandias IV
14-01-2004, 15:37
The Republic Security Agency presents the following evidence:
At Terristan's regional Factbook it states:
The Fruit Islands are located in the Pacific ocean. The Main island is Terristan. We support small nations fighting for independance and fight imperialistic western nations. We recently moved from A Corp to pursue smaller ambitions, however we are still allied with Repticon members. We support the GLA and other Terrorist nations with funding, training and equipment.-----------------UN members are not allowed, TG Terristan if you want entry.
~~~End Transmission~~~
I did not threaten you, merely pointed out that if Terristan is touched....
15-01-2004, 17:11
Great. I try to launch a simple, objective investigation on these nations for RP purposes, and look what happens. I get threatened by one nation, told to look it up myself by another, and simply ignored by the rest. At this time, I am closing this investiagion, and declaring the link non-conclusive.
i'm sorry about my post i was just in a bit of a hurry when i did so.
Anyway here is the thread i was mentioning: http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=105255&highlight=
I'm not entirely sure about a link to the GLA but both the stans are active supporters of terrorism
FC: So you would have attacked Crookfur, Mcloed3 and some of the others?
15-01-2004, 17:13
I did not threaten you, merely pointed out that if Terristan is touched....
You wouldnt touch an old ally if we have evidence that they tried to assasinate your allies president would you?
*Credonia is SERIOUSLY considering war with Terristan*
Five Civilized Nations
15-01-2004, 17:17
I did not threaten you, merely pointed out that if Terristan is touched....
You wouldnt touch an old ally if we have evidence that they tried to assasinate your allies president would you?
*Credonia is SERIOUSLY considering war with Terristan*
The Five Civilized Nations and its colonies will be supporting Credonia on this matter. Freedom Country, as your nation stands for freedom and liberty, stand aside, and let us settle some scores with these terrorist "pigs"
Free Pacific States
15-01-2004, 19:17
Perhaps I should re-name this thread for Credonia's war on Terristan? That seems where it's heading, anyway.
15-01-2004, 19:25
nah, wont be necessary, i have my plans on how im gonna get the terrorist bastardds but its gonna be in a clean thread