A call to condemn the terrorist actions of TROUSRS
In its war with the Burnsian Desert, the nation of TROUSRS has deliberately targeted civilians, in specific children, for a campaign of terror.
With the loss of 4 of TROUSRS top pilots in their hearts, the remaining 113 aircraft reached their respective locations, targeting different places all around TBD.Schools were targeted to knock out the youth, because without youth, there is no future. Government buildings were targeted, places of work, military sites. Nothing could servive this.. nothing. (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=113752&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40)
Burnsian Desert was defending itself against the nation of Wexico, who was itself responsible for a terrorist attack against the Burnsians, when TROUSRS intervened on Wexico's behalf and attacked the Burnsian Desert. A subsequent nuclear attack killed well over 5 million people, leaving only 5,000 people remaining alive in the country.
The President of the Federation of United Microstates, Cornwell Mitchell III, has signed a resolution passed by Congress that condemns these acts of terror and calls on all nations of the world to do the same.
FUM asks that the following points are carried out by all nations in dealing with TROUSRS:
-No further arms deals with TROUSRS, whether it be in the role of giving, selling or buying.
-No further support for the government of TROUSRS.
-An end to all commerce with TROUSRS.
-Active discouragment of others in dealing with TROUSRS.
-Demand that TROUSRS provides financial compensation to go toward the rebuilding of the Burnsian Desert.
If you support these Points of Condemnation, please state your intentions.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 08:26
I thank you, from the bottom of m heart, for your efforts to bring this so-called "aid country" to justice. I also intend for the leaders of TROUSRS to be tried before a UN War Crimes tribunal.
12-01-2004, 09:28
To hell with UN Courts, they are crooked. Capture those who ordered this atrocity and those who carried it out and try them in your own court I mean the acts were done to you and whoever else, not the whole world.
Adornia will support these Points of Condemnation, and is willing to see TROUSRS leader brought to justice.
Adornia will support these Points of Condemnation, and is willing to see TROUSRS leader brought to justice.
Austar Union
12-01-2004, 09:37
We will see the TROUSRS government bow to our coalition of defense, if their whole nation is not lifted off the face of the earth. They will face the fury of the Austar Union.
GLA Terrorists
12-01-2004, 12:50
We will see the TROUSRS government bow to our coalition of defense, if their whole nation is not lifted off the face of the earth. They will face the fury of the Austar Union.
crappy IADF threats.
Let these fools who are called "TROUSRS" to show themselves to the Socialist Might, then we will see if they are truly a coward or a fool. Because, frankly, they can be none other than that, for they have killed The People for personal gain.
OOC: I've moved this thread so I can replace the accompanying poll that was deleted. Please vote again in the poll if you voted earlier. Continue these conversations here (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=113887).
we will also support these points, we are offering TBD any and all aid they require
Greenhome supports these points, however we feel that they need to be worded more strongly.
Austar Union
13-01-2004, 05:25
We will see the TROUSRS government bow to our coalition of defense, if their whole nation is not lifted off the face of the earth. They will face the fury of the Austar Union.
crappy IADF threats.
Hahahaha! I laugh at you idle comments GLA Terrorists. You are nothing but a puny step in the road... I ought to seek you and destroy you myself...
13-01-2004, 05:28
We stand behind Trousrs all the way. They defended a nation which had no allies to look to. Now you guys want them tried just cause they nooked somebody. TBd was wanred they did not heed the threats and paid the price for not heeding the threat of the nuclear bombing if they continued attacks upon Wexico. It'll just show to you that you should heed warnings cause some nations say they will doit and they doit.
Kelonian States
13-01-2004, 05:41
the Federation of Kelonian States extends the offer of aid and supplies to the Burnsian Desert and wholly supports the points stated.
~ Rahman Yusuf, Kelonian Foreign Office.
Scandavian States
13-01-2004, 19:14
Svalvard, stop your incoherent rambling before I show you what it's like to be attacked in such a manner.
As for TROUSRS, we support your points of condemnation.
13-01-2004, 19:42
You're fools. All of you. Let me spell it out for you: TROUSRS is a GDODAD nation. Assuming that you follow through with your empty threats, the whole of GDODAD will fall on you like the ocean. If you seriously believe that your lot of rabble can take on such power, then I pity your peoples.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
The Emperor Fenix
13-01-2004, 19:49
The Military can never be the right answer, surely they would answer to a coherently organised war crimes court.
yours niavely
HH Fenix
Scandavian States
13-01-2004, 20:24
Wretchengard, you are the fool for threatening war over economic sanctions. Not that such threats scare me, especially when coming from a GDODAD nation.
The Democratic States of Nordea wont approve any deliberate attacks on civil targets, and strongly condenms this attrocity. We will on our part refrain from doing any trade with TROUSRS or their supporters and recommend others to do the same.
The Nordean government wishes to express their deepest condolences for the Burnsian Desert.
14-01-2004, 00:16
Wretchengard, you are the fool for threatening war over economic sanctions. Not that such threats scare me, especially when coming from a GDODAD nation.
My. God. I knew you people were stupid, but I didn't think it possible to be quite this stupid. I stand corrected. Three things, little man.
1) Never did I threaten war, and certainly not over economic sanctions.
2) The Eternal Dominion of Wretchengard is not-and has never been-a GDODAD nation, although we enjoy good relations with a few members. Perhaps you should devote a little more of that tax money to Education, hmm?
3) Lastly, I do not care if I scare you or not. We are not a member of GDODAD, and so I do not make threats on its behalf. We are, however, an old nation, and I have been around long enough to know a few things about how the GDODAD operates. If you march against them, you will die. Fear is irrelevant.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
Scandavian States
14-01-2004, 00:53
No, your statement was misinterpreted because of the way it was put forth, it sounded remarkably like GDODAD rhetoric.
1. See the above, you should be more careful about how you put present your messages.
2. Excuse me for not knowing this, though now that I think of it I remember you as an Arda nation, which is in our opinion far worse. I daresay that our citizens are more intelligent than yours, on the average.
3. You know how the old GDODAD operated, as far as I'm aware the new GDODAD, which has made pains to distinguish itself from the old GDODAD, has never been in a war with another nation/alliance.
The Armed Republic of Haick condemns the actions of TROUSRS, and supports the statemnts of it's isolation and the isolation of it's allies until it can agree to be tried in an International War Crimes Board.
Quite interesting. You started a new thread pretty much right after I also stood behind TROUSERS. You all need to understand one thing. WAR SUCKS. What if I decided to rig whatever of the 60,000 infantrymen that I have as giant walking claymores and airdrop them over a Nation that I'm currently at war with?
What if I decided (during war, once again) to use a nuclear bomb on my own country, to keep the invaders from gaining my territory?
I'm saying this as politely and as diplomatic as I possibly can, You should all quit squabbling like old hens and just forget about it. So what, someone got bombed while trying to negotiate a surrender? Technically, if they weren't capable of defending themselves, they shouldn't have got themselves in the situation in the first place.
It's sad that innocent people lost their lives, sure, but that's WAR.
14-01-2004, 02:41
14-01-2004, 02:46
No, your statement was misinterpreted because of the way it was put forth, it sounded remarkably like GDODAD rhetoric.
1. See the above, you should be more careful about how you put present your messages.
2. Excuse me for not knowing this, though now that I think of it I remember you as an Arda nation, which is in our opinion far worse. I daresay that our citizens are more intelligent than yours, on the average.
3. You know how the old GDODAD operated, as far as I'm aware the new GDODAD, which has made pains to distinguish itself from the old GDODAD, has never been in a war with another nation/alliance.
1) It is not my job to dumb down my messages to suit your intelligence level. It was clear enough in my message that I was declaring no hostilities, merely contempt for the lot of you. The fact that you can't understand this merely lends more weight to my next point.
2) I was referring to YOUR intelligence, not your people's. Your people are not the ones arguing with their betters; you are. You are a product of your nation's education system, yes? All the more reason to funnel more funds into education. After all, if mistakes such as yourself are getting government positions, your education system certainly has room for improvement...
3) There may be differences between this incarnation of GDODAD from past ones, but one thing still holds true: if you march against one of their members, they will destroy you.
Now why don't you bugger off, my dear little simpleton, and try to match wits with something closer to your level? The waste basket in your office might do nicely.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
Any GDODAD nation whom dares threatens the Socialist Might of Nodea Rudav and The People of Nodea Rudav will fall, surely, and efficently by The People who shed their blood for the lands that are the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav.
All who oppose The People are fools, all who try to supress the Freedom and Independence of the people are imperialists. All, whomever they may be, who dares stop the Voice of the People from being heard will be destroyed by the Socialist Might of Nodea Rudav.
-Chief Socialist President Thomas Ha'Goth
14-01-2004, 03:03
You are a lot of talk, and not much else. You will fail, but at least it is expected; socialist governments have never been good at doing much else.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
14-01-2004, 03:35
Any GDODAD nation whom dares threatens the Socialist Might of Nodea Rudav and The People of Nodea Rudav will fall, surely, and efficently by The People who shed their blood for the lands that are the United Socialist States of Nodea Rudav.
All who oppose The People are fools, all who try to supress the Freedom and Independence of the people are imperialists. All, whomever they may be, who dares stop the Voice of the People from being heard will be destroyed by the Socialist Might of Nodea Rudav.
-Chief Socialist President Thomas Ha'Goth
Then I invite you to come to Automagfreek. Come to our shores and embrace the inevitable consequences. Your troops will break upon our shores, and the ravens and buzzards will feast on the rotted flesh of your armies as they are trampled and humiliated by the might of the Sentinels. Come to Automagfreek, and we will erect a forest of corpses with the bodies of your dead soldiers. The Flame will burn and ravage you and your people, for the Dread Fires show no mercy to the heathens.
Your words are as transparent as your courage, and we dare your pathetic forces to ante up. Come now, one so proud and arrogant as yourself should not fear war with the Sentinels of AMF. (http://home.eznet.net/%7Edeck/fe/Finger%20Eleven_Slow%20Chemical.mp3)
---Damien Dreadfire---
-Supreme Dictator of AMF-
-C.o.E Member-
Ruler of The Ancient Republic of Greek Forces, The Silent Protectorate of Old Frankland, The Holy Kingdom of The Royal Knights, The Mentally Superior Republic of Arrogant Uber Geniuses, The Raving Lunatics of Hackers Demise
Scandavian States
14-01-2004, 03:41
1) I fail to see how you can construe a message that is unintentionally ambiguous at best as clear.
2) My better? I was born better than you are. You take such pride in your station, yet in my nation that title wouldn't get you more than a manor on ten acres. As for my education, I have probably spent more time in universities than you have spent on the entirety of your education.
3) I do not understand where you get this notion that we wish to attack any GDODAD nation, the Imperium's relations with Automagfreek would make even the possibility of an attack unlikely.
And the next time you feel the need to address me, send one of your superiors, your head of state would do nicely.
Chief Ambassader Asiya Saleh
Dutchess of Alexandria
Copiosa Scotia
14-01-2004, 05:09
You're fools. All of you. Let me spell it out for you: TROUSRS is a GDODAD nation. Assuming that you follow through with your empty threats, the whole of GDODAD will fall on you like the ocean. If you seriously believe that your lot of rabble can take on such power, then I pity your peoples.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
In response to this statement, the Department of Foreign Affairs has issued an Official Diplomatic Scoff. No further comment was felt to be necessary.
Copiosa Scotia will join in the embargo on TROUSRS.
The Silver Turtle
14-01-2004, 15:26
3) I do not understand where you get this notion that we wish to attack any GDODAD nation, the Imperium's relations with Automagfreek would make even the possibility of an attack unlikely.
Official response from the Ineffable department for dealing-with-the-fools-in-charge-of-enemy-nations
By condemning and threating TROUSRS you are threatening a GDODAD nation. When you threaten a GDODAD nation, we of The GDODAD come down upon you like a tonne of bricks. Threaten TROURS and you threaten us. Therefore, let it be known that anyone who dares attack TROUSRS shall feel the wrath of both The Ineffable Empire and The Global Dominion Of Dictators Against Democracy.
Bob Minor, Head of The Ineffable Department for Dealing-With-The-Fools-In-Charge-Of-Enemy-Nations
14-01-2004, 15:31
1) I fail to see how you can construe a message that is unintentionally ambiguous at best as clear.
2) My better? I was born better than you are. You take such pride in your station, yet in my nation that title wouldn't get you more than a manor on ten acres. As for my education, I have probably spent more time in universities than you have spent on the entirety of your education.
3) I do not understand where you get this notion that we wish to attack any GDODAD nation, the Imperium's relations with Automagfreek would make even the possibility of an attack unlikely.
And the next time you feel the need to address me, send one of your superiors, your head of state would do nicely.
Chief Ambassader Asiya Saleh
Dutchess of Alexandria
1) If you can not tell the difference between expression of contempt and declaration of hostilities in a message, perhaps you should go back to one of these universities you've spent so much time at, and try passing this time around.
2) I care not a lick how things are done in your ass backward nation. As for the comparison of our educations, I thank you for the compliment; some people are a little bit quicker than others. Perhaps you have some sort of learning deficiency?
As for your higher birth, I doubt it. I was born second eldest son to the most influential noble family in Wretchengard, save for the Steelbloods themselves. How can you compare, when it would seem from your manner that you were conceived in a hay loft?
3) I never said that you were going to attack the GDODAD nation of TROUSRS, though I have seen many messages from nations stating that they would. I was merely stating what would happen if you-or any other nation for that matter-were to attack them.
Your request to speak with one of my superiors is denied. I am outranked by only one man in this department, and that is the Overlord himself. He generally does not speak with the rabble, so I'm afraid that if you wish to keep up this duel of words, you'll have to continue dealing with me.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
Scandavian States
14-01-2004, 19:31
1) Your contempt means nothing, I doubt you respect anything but yourself.
2) You are arrogant, aren't you? For your information, I've double-majored in languages three seperate times and have another double-major in Military History and Int'l Foreign Policy, every time I graduated with honors in three years or less.
Your lineage only mildly impresses me. I am the head of the wealthiest and most politically influential non-ruling House in Scandavian States and third in line to the throne, only after the Empress and Prince themselves.
3) This point isn't worth arguing for the simple fact that it is an opinion and any debator worth anything wouldn't budge from such a bold statement.
I have no wish to keep any pretense of a conversation with you, if your government has something important to say then send it through your "Overlord". Otherwise, this pissing contest is over.
15-01-2004, 03:02
As I said, the Overlord does not normally take it upon himself to address foreign states. That is my job-Lord of Foreign Relations. I will pass the message on, however; perhaps he will deign to speak with you in the future, if he feels the need to give someone a good verbal pummeling.
I bid you good day now. Perhaps we shall speak again someday, assuming that your nation hasn't been razed to the ground by then. Farewell.
Arman Grimwald
Lord of Foreign Relations
The Burnsian Desert
30-05-2004, 18:39
Bump for valuable TBD historical threads...
30-05-2004, 18:41
Bump for valuable TBD historical threads...
OCC: *SLAP* What are you doing waking up such an old thread....
The Burnsian Desert
30-05-2004, 18:42
OOC: *Slaps back, nails digging into Dr_Twist's skin* How dare you slap me?!
The Bahran Islands
30-05-2004, 18:50
TROUSRS needs to be wiped out.
Terrorism is an abomination. It needs to be wiped out now. By any means necessary.
The Burnsian Desert
30-05-2004, 20:21
Yeah, BUMPing this was a part of our "Respect History or Die!" program.