NationStates Jolt Archive

marajuania trade open

11-01-2004, 20:16
due to the lack of restrictions on drugs in Malichae, a trade of any and all drugs will be made to any and all countries who would support it. politics must be varifyed before trade will commence.
11-01-2004, 20:30
We have very laxed drug laws in Haick. We might agree to a purchase if your substance is pure.
11-01-2004, 20:48
We have very laxed drug laws in Haick. We might agree to a purchase if your substance is pure.

this has been cofirmed, we're sending you a sample of our product now
11-01-2004, 20:51
Well my country HAD lax drug laws, although they were later changed. So I have a large stockpile of Marijuana lying around. RSVP
11-01-2004, 21:27
What grade, breed, how much of it, how much for it?

And if your quality is pure, I won't by any, but I'll let you in too sell to my citizens.
11-01-2004, 21:39
I'd be willing to buy for use within Xanan 2 times a year and not to re-export but my ppl and i are hash smokers; i know it's all the same but we have gotten accostomed to the taste plus it's easier to ship
11-01-2004, 23:10
I'd be willing to buy for use within Xanan 2 times a year and not to re-export but my ppl and i are hash smokers; i know it's all the same but we have gotten accostomed to the taste plus it's easier to ship

(ooc:i made it marajuana, but i meant for it to apply to all drugs)
The Edwardian Empire
11-01-2004, 23:14
Send a shipment over to TEE... so I can arrest you all as soon as you get off the boat :evil:
11-01-2004, 23:39
Any actions of a governmental order followed by arrestment for completing the order would be seen as an act of war. Fortunately, my government isn't in the procedure of selling Marijuana, thus we don't have to worry about armed conflict with you.
11-01-2004, 23:44
Let it be known if any dealers are found in Layarteb or our empire we'll arrest them, give them a trial, and execute them.
11-01-2004, 23:55
Layarteb i remmber that name....ahhh thats where a large shipment of cocane we sent, anyway Malichae do u sell cocane? if so we wish to buy 400Kg
plz give a priceing as well (or old surpplyer was kinder well killed dam warlords)

Black Marketing Director
12-01-2004, 00:06
Layarteb i remmber that name....ahhh thats where a large shipment of cocane we sent, anyway Malichae do u sell cocane? if so we wish to buy 400Kg
plz give a priceing as well (or old surpplyer was kinder well killed dam warlords)

Black Marketing Director

yes of course we can sell cocaine, and/or opium crops for you to grow your own, and the prices are as follows

1 kg mariguana: 100 credits
1 kg cocaine: 500 credits
12-01-2004, 00:07
Layarteb i remmber that name....ahhh thats where a large shipment of cocane we sent, anyway Malichae do u sell cocane? if so we wish to buy 400Kg
plz give a priceing as well (or old surpplyer was kinder well killed dam warlords)

Black Marketing Director

There hasn't been any drug trafficking in Layarteb in years. Nice try.
12-01-2004, 00:10
i would also like to say that all countries politics are checked before trading begins, and no trading will take place with any countries that disagree with our drug policies.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 00:10
We have arrested 2 Malichanieans for drug trafficking in our nation. They were arreseted in Co’oriln - a Major Seaport. We wish that Malichae comes and picks them up, as we have a 3-week limit on no-charge sentences.
12-01-2004, 00:11
We have arrested 2 Malichanieans for drug trafficking in our nation. They were arreseted in Co’oriln - a Major Seaport. We wish that Malichae comes and picks them up, as we have a 3-week limit on no-charge sentences.

we deny all knowledge of this selling, and if these dealers are going against our will, they would be held responsible here as well
12-01-2004, 00:14
all i know the dude was Layarteb, but anyway back to what i am here for:

is ur credits the same as ours (1Credit :3USD)
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 00:17
we deny all knowledge of this selling, and if these dealers are going against our will, they would be held responsible here as well

Thank ou for clearing that up. Please come and pick them up or we WILL incarcerate them in our mines. The penalty pending is 7 years.
12-01-2004, 00:23
If Malichae doesn't assume responsibility for the dealers, they are welcomed in my lands, and so are the drugs found on them.
12-01-2004, 00:30
all i know the dude was Layarteb, but anyway back to what i am here for:

is ur credits the same as ours (1Credit :3USD)

yes that is correct
12-01-2004, 00:31
we deny all knowledge of this selling, and if these dealers are going against our will, they would be held responsible here as well

Thank ou for clearing that up. Please come and pick them up or we WILL incarcerate them in our mines. The penalty pending is 7 years.

a transport has been sent, and just so you know, they will be facing hard time upon thier return here
12-01-2004, 00:44
Tag for future perchase. Iuthia has pretty much no drug laws and will want to test all drugs before they come into our nation... we don't even understand the concept of a drugs dealer on the street because we buy all ours from reputable companies with safety checks and quality assurances. Pass these tests and we may concider your produce for trade in Iuthia with our largest companies...

No dealer will be sucessful in Iuthia mind, so don't bother sending your own, our people wouldn't be interested in any old crap.
12-01-2004, 00:58
we wil buy 400kg thats 200,000Cr (credits)

plz transport the drugs by un-marked transport
12-01-2004, 03:32
Tag for future perchase. Iuthia has pretty much no drug laws and will want to test all drugs before they come into our nation... we don't even understand the concept of a drugs dealer on the street because we buy all ours from reputable companies with safety checks and quality assurances. Pass these tests and we may concider your produce for trade in Iuthia with our largest companies...

No dealer will be sucessful in Iuthia mind, so don't bother sending your own, our people wouldn't be interested in any old crap.

this is acceptable, however such precautionary measures are unneccisary in our views. it is not our intent to infringe on your or any nations economy by selling directly to the people, we simply intend to give you the raw materials, and if you would like, we can also provide you with the means to grow your own crops, which will boost your job availability.
12-01-2004, 03:38
we wil buy 400kg thats 200,000Cr (credits)

plz transport the drugs by un-marked transport

this has been confirmed, a transport is on its way
12-01-2004, 04:09
The precautions are not for our economic perposes. We just don't see the point in having dealers on the street, we can buy our recreational drugs from the supermarket.

The point is that we have corperations who buy produce from other nations after testing for quality and safety. We then market your produce with your nations name and then sell it as another type of that drug. This allows our people to choose which nation they are trying out and see which type they prefer.

Should you wish to set up your own business within Iuthia that is something you will have to do formally like every other nation, though ulimately the corpration will be under the control of Iuthia, like all other companies in Iuthia.

Eitherway it is standard for us to test what we wish to buy.

For now we would like to purchase samples equal to the value of $1000 (USD) converted into credits, if we are not interested after trails we will not perchase any further produce but we will contact you with our reasons.

Iuthia is a large importer of recreational drugs due to our slowly diminishing wildlife, however we do no feel that we would need outside help to grow our own because we need the land we do have for producing our own food suppies.


Lord General deGritz, leader of the Iuthian people.
Urbanites (

Recent News in Iuthia (
Iuthia’s Space News (
12-01-2004, 04:35
CorpSac is vry plessed with the standard of ur Cocane, we wish put forward a larger order:

Marajuana: 2,000Kg
Marajuana (hash) 1,000Kg
XTC: 8000 tablets
LSD: 80,000 Tabs

This is our order at the moment
12-01-2004, 04:56
Layarteb i remmber that name....ahhh thats where a large shipment of cocane we sent, anyway Malichae do u sell cocane? if so we wish to buy 400Kg
plz give a priceing as well (or old surpplyer was kinder well killed dam warlords)

Black Marketing Director

yes of course we can sell cocaine, and/or opium crops for you to grow your own, and the prices are as follows

1 kg mariguana: 100 credits
1 kg cocaine: 500 credits ooc how much do your credits cost because it would in real life cost ove500 easy

ic: cartoria is selling X by the ki for around 950 per ki
12-01-2004, 04:58
OOC: I'll remove myself from this thread if I'm not welcome.

Sgt. Perez dragged the baggy clothed teenager into the booking station.

"Have a seat partner." He pushed the handcuffed boy into a metal chair. Perez held a large duffel bag in his hand, which he sat down on the counter of the booking terminal.

"What have we got?"

"Couple of kilos of cocaine and 40,000 kaolos cash."

"Jesus. That's the fourth time this week. Awful lot of drugs nowadays."

"Damn kids. Get over here scumbag." Perez grabbed the teen by the shirt. A nurse stuck him with a needle, and drew blood to obtain a DNA sample. Perez then led him to the holding cell, pushed him in and slammed the door. "Have fun, young man."

Perez walked back out of the cell block area. He was met by his superior, Lt. Sanders, who he saluted.

"Good afternoon sir."

"Good afternoon Perez. We're sending that cocaine to EIA (External Intelligence Agency) labs. Seems all these drugs we've been seizing have been coming from the same place."

"Oh really, somewhere inside Dodekistan?"

"No way, it's way too dangerous to grow and make coke here. No, we're thinking they are getting in somehow from Malichae. Slipping in through the ports, stuff like that ya know. Damn commie dock workers probably letting em in."

"Yeah, no doubt."

24 hours later, EIA labs

"Yep, this is definately the same stuff as before. Pure Malichaean gold."

"Alright, I'll write a report and send it to the boss."

Official Dodekistani Government Statement Wired to Malichae

To Whom it may concern,

We have recently seen a rise in the amount of cocaine and other drugs flowing in to our country. Our intelligence services have traced the cocaine to Malichae.

As you may or may not be aware, Dodekistan is highly intolerant of any kind of recreational drug use. We see it as a cancer in our society, and have done a very good job of cutting off the domestic production of illegal drugs. However, due to the large amount of trade that comes through our ports, it is impossible to ensure that no drugs enter our country from the outside.

Although we are certain that is by no intention of Malichae that illegal drugs are ending up on the streets of Dodekistan, we nevertheless hold the government of Malichae responsible for the illicit trade of products it produces and sanctions inside Dodekistan. Therefore, any citizens of Malichae found to be in possession of drugs, drug money, under the influence of drugs, or in the company of those under the influence of drugs or in possession of aforementioned paraphenalia will be considered an Enemy of the State, and immedietly imprisoned and subject to the harsh drug laws of Dodekistan. In addition, any electronic funds traced to drug money inside Dodekistan or entering any computer within Dodekistan on transit to another country will be frozen, and its associated assets seized. Any Malichaean aircraft suspected of transporting drugs or drug money through Dodekistani airspace will be intercepted by the Dodekistani Air Force, and shot down if orders are not followed verbatim.

We trust the government of Malichae will follow whatever course of action necessary to ensure that none of the above action needs to be taken. We thank you for your cooperation.


President of The Board, Stephen Endorf
12-01-2004, 05:22
The Armed Republic of El Comandante Che DOES NOT endorse or support drugs or drug trade.
Your wares ARE NOT welcome in my nation and if trafficers are caught from your region entering my country with drugs they will bexecuted and the cost of housing the criminal and cost of execution will be fronted to your government to pay.
The cost will be $1 M per person caught x # of pound of illegal substance.
Let this be a warning now.
12-01-2004, 05:32
The Armed Republic of El Comandante Che DOES NOT endorse or support drugs or drug trade.
Your wares ARE NOT welcome in my nation and if trafficers are caught from your region entering my country with drugs they will bexecuted and the cost of housing the criminal and cost of execution will be fronted to your government to pay.
The cost will be $1 M per person caught x # of pound of illegal substance.
Let this be a warning now.

Ooc: if you ever touch one of my citizens it will be hell for your army. emps will be set off antimatter and nukes shall be dropped
12-01-2004, 05:38
Your wares ARE NOT welcome in my nation and if trafficers are caught from your region entering my country with drugs they will be executed and the cost of housing the criminal and cost of execution will be fronted to your government to pay.

How will you force their people to pay for your executions? They can just be rather anoyed at you and decide not to pay a single penny. It's what I would do... you haven't the military power to pose a threat to anyone because fighting oversees will drain your resources in such a way you will only have a small amount of your military power to bear on his nation... invasion is so much harder then defence so he has the advantage.

Of course, this is moot point, I respect your right to kill people from their nation flaunting your rules, however you will not garner any support in a war scenario.
12-01-2004, 05:43
The Armed Republic of El Comandante Che DOES NOT endorse or support drugs or drug trade.
Your wares ARE NOT welcome in my nation and if trafficers are caught from your region entering my country with drugs they will bexecuted and the cost of housing the criminal and cost of execution will be fronted to your government to pay.
The cost will be $1 M per person caught x # of pound of illegal substance.
Let this be a warning now.

Ooc: if you ever touch one of my citizens it will be hell for your army. emps will be set off antimatter and nukes shall be dropped
OOC: Using weapons of mass destruction WILL get you immolated by other nations, especially for such a blatant attack. He is allowed to enforce his laws in his country. And how in blazes did you cook up antimatter? If you aren't space tech, any rational nation will thoroughly IGNORE it's use. Hell, any rational nation would IGNORE unprovoked WMD attacks like you just threatened, or strike you down for threatening them.
12-01-2004, 05:48
I did not impose a threat in attack or invade his nation.

I mearly said, if trafficers of his wares, be they nationals from HIS countries or lone wolves working from outside countries WILL be excecuted and their homenations will be notified of such deads.
12-01-2004, 05:48
OOC: :shock:


The man is allowed to enforce the law in his own country as he sees fit. To say otherwise is an infringment on his soveriegnty, which IS an act of war, unlike subjecting your citizens to the laws and justice system in his country. Enforcing the law is not an act of war.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 05:49
PLEASE!! Do not fight! Look at my nation! Look what happened! Now you are arguing over such a little thing as drugs?? Please, settle these matters before they get worse!
12-01-2004, 05:53
To avoid your country's nationals (or better yet, in my terms, criminals) from being executed, a prisoner exchange is possible for the right sum of money.
12-01-2004, 05:57
The only sabre rattling has been on account of those who wish to proliferate illegal drugs which are killing the citizens of my country. As a rational nation I am simply informing those who wish to proliferate said weapons that they will be held accountable for the use of their illegal products.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 06:02
If you must continue with this manufacturing of child-life-ruiners, put teh money to better use. Give it to Arile. They are a great, compassionate and aiding country. At least 25%.
12-01-2004, 08:54
Malichae, we would like to purchace 2000kg of hash but for it to be delivered in two shipments, the first one to be shipped in a week and the second in 3 months, please advise us on the method of payment you would like
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 08:59
Hey everybody!

We are producing the finest Hash and Ecstacy in the world!


Hash - 5 kilos
$400 USD

10 Tabbies
$120 USD
13-01-2004, 06:03
The Empire of Tokushima is the world leader in high grade Marijuana. Visit our store @
13-01-2004, 15:29
10 miles outside the of port of Wazir, Dodekistan
"Target spotted, 1 mile. We'll be on it in 30 seconds," the pilot of a MH-53III helicopter said to the squad he was transporting.

"30 seconds!" Sgt. Dan Nican shouted to his team. He was the squad leader of a Black Mamba unit tasked with interdicting a cargo vessel. The vessel was unmarked, and had a large mound of coffee beans on the deck. It had no flag on it, and hadn't contacted the harbor master prior to entering Dodekistani waters.

The chopper came in through the sun, casting a shadow on the deck as it passed overhead. From the sides of the helicopter, ropes were tossed out, and Black Mamba operators, armed with silenced FN-P90 submachineguns, fast-roped into the deck. They kicked over the deck hands and flexi-cuffed them before they knew what was going on. The chopper took up a holding pattern overhead, with snipers providing cover.

Sgt. Nican and Sgt. Witherspoon climbed the stairs to the bridge of the vessel and kicked down the door.

"Everyone on the ground," they shouted, "Where's the captain?" One of the frightened crewmembers pointed to a wood door opposite the main bridge controls. Witherspoon flexicuffed everyone in the room, then kicked in the wooden door, finding the captain sitting at a desk pecking at a laptop computer. He looked up from his work to see the heavily armed special forces operative aiming a gun at his head, and immedietly picked up hammer to smash the computer. Nican fired his gun and shot the hammer out of the captains hand.

"Get on the ground!" The captain, giving up his attempt to destroy the computer, dove to the floor, and put his hands on his head. "Stop this ship!"

Nican lead the captain to the control panel, where he throttled back the large cargo vessel.

The chopper lowered to the deck, landing on top of the coffee beans, sending most of them into the ocean. The black of the coffee was replaced by white. The white was not of the deck however, it was of plastic vacuum sealed bags of cocaine.

The crew was lead to the helicopter, and placed inside. The team gathered the computer and file cabinents on the ship, and placed them on the helicopter as well. They loaded up, and the chopper took off and went back to Dodekistan. As they were leaving, the sky was illuminated by the pure white flashes of S/CBM-18 bombs dropped from the B-73 bomber, impacting and destroying the vessel. Its molten steel steamed as it sunk to the bottom of the ocean.
13-01-2004, 20:37
Hey everybody!

We are producing the finest Hash and Ecstacy in the world!


Hash - 5 kilos
$400 USD

10 Tabbies
$120 USD

10 tablets for 120 USD WHAT!!!! think i will pass on that
13-01-2004, 20:57
We the nation of eriopia would like to offer 3,000 fields that are growing marijuana in eriopia.We will we will give you 44% of all marijuana produced by us if you will pay us everytime we deliver the marijuana it will cost 24,000$ And guaranteed to be fresh on delivery if you accept or decline please telegram me with your answer.
13-01-2004, 21:00
All this talk of war :roll: ! Why dont you all just spark a spliff up, smoke some crack or just have a drink, what ever you choose to do 8) . Why waste money on war? I personally invite you all to visit my nation and get completely fuct out of your heads! :mrgreen:
13-01-2004, 21:04
OOC: Originally I had suspected this might be a somewhat serious thread, but apparently it's just a bunch of stoners getting a kick out of poisoning their people. I guess RPing isn't welcome when it comes to recreational suicide. :cry: