The Doomsday Cult develops new Bacterial Payload
The Doomsday Cult is pleased to announce today that we have developed a new form of weaponable bacteria, codenamed "The Spengler Strain." The Spengler Strain is an unpleasing merger of Methycillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and necrotising fasciitis.
Necrotising fasciitis, better known as "the flesh-eating bacteria" usually requires a 24-hour incubation and only has a 25% mortality rate. This mortality rate is usually due to complications such as blood toxicity or renal failure. Oft times, it can be treated by amputation of the affected limbs. However, The Spengler Strain has been weaponized, and modernized to attack the body's internal organs after entering the body via the lungs or bloodstream. Infection via the lungs is the most effective way of infection, and also helps ensure a healthy colonization of the lungs. This allows the bacteria to be spread through coughing. Unfortunately, due to this modificiation, the incubation period now jumps to 36 hours. Patients begin to show symptoms within 3 days, where the bacteria is often attacking either the lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, or large intestine. As a result, symptoms can vary, however in 95% of test subjects, internal bleeding/hemorrhaging was present. The test subjects were shown to basically be "rotting from the inside out," as the bacteria turned the healthy tissue and cells of the body's organs into dead flesh.
Patients with active spores in their lungs can become highly contagious, however this only occured in 52% of subjects. Cross-contamination, however, from surfaces and the like, is extremely likely, however person-to-person infection can be difficult to obtain. The patient does not need to be showing symptoms in order to pass the bacteria on to others through coughing, as long as a good number of spores are passed between the subjects via the lungs. Cross-contamination and patient-to-patient contact are not considered viable methods of spreading this infection.
The mortality rate for this bacteria, if untreated, has been shown to be 100% after a test on a refugee camp in The Doomsday Cult. Naturally, there ARE anti-biotics that this bacteria is suscpetible to, however, the presence of MRSA makes this bacteria a double whammy- if the more dangerous Necrotising Fasciitis is successfully treated during the 3 day window of opportunity, the patient must still deal with rampant MRSA infection, which has been shown to be extremely difficult to clear up. The strain of MRSA involved, itself, has a 37% mortality rate, but again can be treated.
The Spengler Strain is not recommended for use inside conventional bombs, or ICBMs, as the bacteria itself is too delicate to withstand the intense heat of a missile or warhead. However, it can be placed inside some sort of low-impact bomb, or strategically placed within water supplys or air vent systems. It could even be sprayed upon an unsuspecting populace with a crop duster. This was the favored method by The Doomsday Cult in testing the Spengler Strain on Christian refugees.
The Doomsday Cult is pleased to announce this new development in warfare, and hopes that perhaps The Spengler Strain can find a buyer amidst the international community. The Doomsday Cult is willing to sell duplicable samples of The Spengler Strain to the highest bidder, although potential buyers should know that this bacteria is not fool-proof. However, it is extremely deadly and effective and should only be used in proper circumstance. Only offers from large, financially secure nations will be taken seriously, as it is not the interest of The Doomsday Cult to see rogue states with weapons such as this. Thank you.
Hhhmmm... I'd like to examine this strand. It has come to my attention I could not only create a cure that would wipe out your stock as well as treat anybody infected, but that I could also create on more powerful than that, and much harsher to treat. After I examine it, I might be willing to place a bid.
A nation as small as yours would surely have a laughable Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring program. Even with our massive cash surplus, it still took us 4 1/2 years to develop this disgustingly nasty strain. Your arrogance in this matter is quite disturbing.
I don't consider, my nation small or rogue, just hasn't quite reached it's peak in growth. I'll place a bid later(or just hire an army of ex-kgb to kill your top officials and steal the strain).
A nation as small as yours would surely have a laughable Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring program. Even with our massive cash surplus, it still took us 4 1/2 years to develop this disgustingly nasty strain. Your arrogance in this matter is quite disturbing.
Consider it disturbing if you wish, but I still wish to examine the strain before I place any bid. New as I am, I refuse to take shit from someone who won't even allow his mechandise inspected before being sold.
A nation as small as yours would surely have a laughable Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring program. Even with our massive cash surplus, it still took us 4 1/2 years to develop this disgustingly nasty strain. Your arrogance in this matter is quite disturbing.
Consider it disturbing if you wish, but I still wish to examine the strain before I place any bid. New as I am, I refuse to take shit from someone who won't even allow his mechandise inspected before being sold.
And the plot sickens. Oi, the noobiest of noobs....
Consider it disturbing if you wish, but I still wish to examine the strain before I place any bid. New as I am, I refuse to take shit from someone who won't even allow his mechandise inspected before being sold.
As the Doomsday Cult does not consider you to be a serious bidder, your request to view our strain is respectfully denied.
As for the nation of Snurble, please bear in mind that any attempts to outright murder our holy leaders, will be met with a torrent of violence to be unleashed on your military and citizens alike.
This seems very intriguing...
I wish to make a bid on this strand. telegram me with more info for purchase.
To Doomseday Cult
From Red Tide
We would like too make a biological weapon exchange... in exchange for 100 units of Anthrax Gamma we would like 100 units of The Spengler Strain.
OOC:Anthrax Gamma is pricey... 1 million dollars per unit is the cost too import it. To make it actually costs 900,000 dollars(but we are looking too make at least a $100,000 profit on it). But it is DEADLY. When conducting mass tests on prisoners 85% of the subjects died.(note:We are the sole company too have production rights on this weapon)
oh btw the UN has made biological weapons illegal... so I suggest you withdraw from the UN before a UN nation finds out
Actually, it only made the use of biological weapons illegal, buying, selling, or just manufacturing them and stockpiling them are perfectly legal.
To Doomseday Cult
From Red Tide
We would like too make a biological weapon exchange... in exchange for 100 units of Anthrax Gamma we would like 100 units of The Spengler Strain.
The Doomsday Cult accepts this proposal. We must find a safe (both operationally and medically) way to transport these agents between our nations without interception by other nations, and without risk of infecting our own citizens. Or the citizens of nations which lie between our transport points.
Maomarxland has posed an interest in this strain of yours. We wish to see a demonstration of the bacterial infection on a human being, if it then meets our standards, we will purchase.
New York and Jersey
10-01-2004, 20:41
New York City,Capital Federal Republic of NYNJ:
"And they opennly announced it?" The head of the joint chiefs looked over toward the OSS Director.
"Yeah, and they're going to sell it on the open market. Mr. President, this biological weapon could easily be used as a terrorist weapon, infact the sales pitch advocates they use it as a terrorist weapon." The OSS Director looked alittle nervous this new weapon had plenty of people at the OSS Office on pins and needles and no one wanted to tell the President the potential that an enemy of the nation could get it and use it no the population.
"Lets see if we cant come up with a diplomatic solution to this problem. Okay?"
"Sir, the Strategic Bombers are still on alert from the little...ya know."
Gregory nodded his head slightly and chuckled at his practical joke which pretty much sent the country into a state of chaos for about five hours before people finally began to calm down. "I hope they wont be needed though. However incase they are, I want the military to work with the OSS to prepare a target listing. Force is the last resort."
The other two nodded and the small meeting was over.
Offical Statement:
To the leaders of the Doomsday Cult:
The Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey, would be interested in buying out your entire stockhold of such weapons, and paying you double to ensure that you produce no more of this strain. We believe that even if you sell only to large fiancially secure nations the potential for abuse is far to great to allow it to be spread amongst the international community. We feel that we can come to an agreement that both our parties would agree is in the best interests of our respective nations.
Ambassador William Harris
Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey
The electric monks
10-01-2004, 20:50
bio warfare is wrong the monks condemn this new thing, also how likey is it that the death cult in my capital is linked to you
To The Doomseday Cult
From Red Tide
We agree that we should transport this in a safe way. Our K-10 heavy transport planes should do the trick. Just have the goods waiting in the airport at which the airplane should land at.
You sicken us, TDC.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
10-01-2004, 21:54
Gurguvungunit officially denounces the sale of this bacteria. We request that all national leaders, before purchasing these weapons, consider the effects of them on all human (or other) kind. (
10-01-2004, 22:01
A few issues:
IS this a single strain of bacteria? your information both supports and argues against this.
A single strain using elements of both varieties would only cause the single infection abliet one that would be very difficult to treat (but not impossible, far from it in fact)
But your information implies that this is merely a mixture of both organisms in a devlierable format.
10-01-2004, 22:09
"So what is the threat that this bacteria poses to human lives?" Prime Minister Looney looked over the rims of his reading glasses at the Science Minister.
"Citizens in most 1st-world nations should be safe enough, but this bacteria could cause considerable casualties in an environment devoid of medicine. Refugees, nomads, and those too impoverished to afford healthcare will have virtually no protection against illness." The Science Minister toned, looking at his pad of paper. Prime Minister Looney took in a deep breath and sighed.
"How hard is it to synthesize antibiotics?"
"Not incredibly difficult...if we turned over one of our antibiotic manufacturing facilities to produce only this medicine, we could have enough to treat 500,000 people in a week. That would also mean losing a significant portion of governmental income."
"Alright, Minister. I want you to order one of the plants in Aguateo City to begin production immediately. I want the medicine properly stored and ready to fly out with a full medical envoy in case The Doomsday Cult or one of their buyers decide to use these weapons." Prime Minister Looney said, folding his fingers. "We will again remind the world that Dronestia will not stand for biological terrorism."
"Yes, Prime Minister." Minister C. Looney
The Solidarity of Dronestia
"One nation, under humanity..."
Don't make bioweapons. Just don't.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
10-01-2004, 22:42
Oh and just to let everyone know, it has been found that garlic kills MRSA very effectively...
Before the International Community gets up in arms about production of The Spengler Strain, please bear in mind that The Doomsday Cult's primary objective is to prepare the world for the Coming of Gozer. As we feel the end of the world is imminent, we feel absolutely no responsibility towards the world as a whole, nor are we sworn to defend it. We have not used this weapon against other nations, although we have tested it against (terrorist) Christian refugees.
(OOC: Lots of replies here)
The Federal Republic of New York and New Jersey: As you may be aware, we are not in need of financial gain. That is not our motive. Our motive is simply to make this wonderful weapon available to members of the world which desire these Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring. Although we will sell you The Spengler Strain, even knowing full well that you will attempt to concoct anti-biotics which would target it specifically, we will not cease production of it.
The electric monks: We know nothing of the Death Cult in your region, although we admit the possibility that they may be members of some religious fringe group that emigrated from our nation. Perhaps they are some of our (terrorist) Christian refugees, which we have openly condemned for death due to their failure to worship Gozer?
We feel that this development is important, scientifically, as well as socially. This is why we chose to make The Spengler Strain available on the open market. True, some may use it for Mass Population Restructuring, but others will use it to one day find an effective cure--- which may render future bioweapons impotent as well. We make no concern over its use, we merely provide it.
Red Tide: We thank you for your support in this matter, and as we speak, military officials are completing the transfer of "goods."
(OOC: Crookfur- The Spengler Strain is the name of the actual necrotising fasciitis infection, which has been modified as stated. The MRSA infection is a seperate infection added into the mix to increase the risk of complications--- MRSA of the lungs would probably not kill someone. In fact, many nursing home patients have MRSA of the lungs. But their lowered immune system functions would enable the Spengler Strain to move through their systems better.)
GLA Terrorists
11-01-2004, 16:23
Don't make bioweapons. Just don't.
Kûk‡xenisi n!ok‡x'osi xno-k‡xek‡emi.-The state only exists to serve itself.
"Oppose excessive military spending, yet believe in excessive spending on junk food and plastic surgery to make all your women look like LARDASSES!"-Sino, when I criticized excessive military spending.
I'm male. Note the pic of attractive women.
:twisted: picks target :twisted:
The Protectorate of Tooreeb greets you.
As of one day ago, religion was set out to pasture, so to speak, in the Protectorate. As a result, approximately 350 of your.."cultists" have been moved into concentration camps.
For a small discount, we wish to purchase several units of this strain for economic gains.
Upon delivery of the units, we will provide transport for your citizens (who were dwelling illegally) back to your capitol.
OOC: What units are you selling in? Also, I just realized that my nation's initials are PoT.
Upon delivery of the units, we will provide transport for your citizens (who were dwelling illegally) back to your capitol.
OOC: What units are you selling in? Also, I just realized that my nation's initials are PoT.
Our citizens are strong in the faith of Gozer, and would assuredly welcome this opportunity to test the strength of that faith. Therefore, The Doomsday Cult does not bow to this terrorist action. We demand proof that you are holding our citizens. This includes names, residential addresses, and proof of nationality.
(OOC- The Spengler Strain sells for approx. $1 million per payload unit. There is a minimum purchase order of 100 units for anyone interested. As the bacteria must be made in bulk, small orders are not feasible. The price seems outrageous until you realize the deadly potential of this bacteria.)
A dossier has been wired. They were also in possesion of several illegal firearms, including 1) MK19X5 (stolen) 2)M-29OICWX12 (smuggled)
However, according to a review of the records, 20 of the members of your cult were legal citizens. Apologies were made, and they were released.
Proper funds have been accolated, and we await your word on the dossier.
Proper funds have been accolated, and we await your word on the dossier.
The Doomsday Cult's answer is no. If they dwelled illegally in your nation, they are subject to the laws of your nation and thus must suffer whatever punishment your courts/government dole out. Approximately 1/3 of these citizens were illegal Christian refugees from The Doomsday Cult, we thank you for capturing these terrorists and saving our resources, as we won't have to do that ourselves now. Further, the Doomsday Cult does not bow to terrorist demands, and feels that this is a thinly veiled attempt to extort Weapons of Mass Population Restructuring from us. We condemn your actions, and further demand the release of the 2/3s of these citizens, which we have listed in a fax to your capital. If they are not released, we expect them to at least be moved into conventional prisons where they may face a legal trial, as deemed by the laws of your nation.
If your nation does not agree to supply us with the weapons at retail, they will be tried and imprisoned.
These are the conditions.
If your nation does not agree to supply us with the weapons at retail, they will be tried and imprisoned.
These are the conditions.
Do as you will, we do not bow to terrorist threats. However, know now that the Doomsday Cult will long remember your attempt at extortion, trecherous one.
We have just offered to buy the weapons at retail. You realize this, and you neglect the offer. You citizens will be tried. If you should like, we will inform you of the result.
We have just offered to buy the weapons at retail. You realize this, and you neglect the offer. You citizens will be tried. If you should like, we will inform you of the result.
Your nation is not large enough for us to consider retail price to be a serious offer. We expect our citizens to have a fair and just trial.
Your citizens will be treated as any other illegal inhabitants were and will be. However, as you have been informed, some were in possesion of firearms stolen from our very armories. They will be dealt with most harshly.