The Swedish Dominons invades UppLand
Swedish Dominions
08-01-2004, 17:52
The King of the Swedish Dominons
OOC: This is not a RL Nation it's a territory.
Ic: The King issued this statement to the International Community
"Uppland has gone to far now, They require independence from the Swedish Dominons. This is the provinse were our biggest reasearch facility is located. To avoid this, our armed forces has mobilized at the Uppland borders.
[code:1:69aa611b8d]Svea Army: Primary Weapon: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Riks Vapen: Mobilized
3125 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Defence:Mobilized
3125 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Fallskärms Jägare [Parashute Rangers]:"Enroute"
3125 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Royal Armé: Mobilized
2500 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Capital Defence:
2500 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Svea Kommando Jägare [Commandos]
2500 Soldiers Armed with: M4-140-A2 Carbine
Tank Platoons:
Gothenburg Panzer : Mobilized
10 MBT2000 "Al-Khalid"[/code:1:69aa611b8d]
We have three regiments mobilized, and our Panzer Division.
North Germania
09-01-2004, 03:08
To: Swedish Dominions High Command
From: Reichschancellor Wilhelm Einheit, III
Subject: Invasion of Upplands
The Reichschancellor has declared full military support from the Armed Korps of North Germania for Swedish Dominions. If any assistance is needed, it will be provided by the Reichswehr.
[code:1:0da3c820a4]Official Telex To The Swedish Dominions:
We will pledge military support if desired.
Reichsfuhrer Helmet Sinning[/code:1:0da3c820a4]
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 13:42
[b]The Major General, Carl Anderson[b]
"Your help will be needed, the partians in Uppland is heavily armed and very devoted to their cause. The Current losses is:
369 Swedish Soldiers
579 Upplandian Partians
"I expect that the Reichwehr and the Nazguulian troops will land in the Captured Upplandian city of Södertälje tomorrow at noon."
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 17:45
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 19:05
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"The Battle for The Uppland Capital has begun! The Svea Royal Army is batteling the Partians as we speak!"
"The Nazguulian Army and the Reichwehr will be needed ASAP."
"A soldier who fights for the Swedish Dominon."
OOC:Just right size for Sweden. Are there any resources in Uppland?
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 19:28
OOC: Gold, ore, research center, Farming and oil.
That's not the whole army! I've got the defence and some special forces and some others.
[code:1:c2d2350906]Message to The Armed Republic Of Swedish Dominions:
We have currently mobilized ten A-10A Thunderbolt II aircraft who will be providing air support for your troops. We have also mobilized 2.Pz.Div. "Leibstandarte Viktor Lazlo" and 2.Pz.Div. "Das Reich" Panzer Divisions. We have also mobilized these Infantry divisions:
1st Infantry Divison
3rd Infantry Division
4th Infantry Division
They will arrive in approximately two hours.
Reichsmarschall Heinrich Hoefl[/code:1:c2d2350906]
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 19:42
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"10-4, our forces is advancing. We have taken many Prisoners, we'll charge them as criminals, not as Prisoners of War."
"Nazguul, is your soldiers trained to preform tactics like these? If not, your soldiers are dead meat. The Partians are experts in forest warfare."
To:government of Swedish Dominions.
Subject:Attack against Upplands.
Empire of Haukka judges this attack by Swedish Dominions. And we demand to stop attack against Upplands. And we hope that Uppland's leaders and government and king of Swedish Dominion declare cease-fire and try to make peace. As for make sure that situation is settled we are willingly to send Empire of Haukka's 1st and 2nd Imperial Marine Legion and 1st Imperila Heavy Marine Legion for keeping peace when peace negotations are on.
Foxxinnia requests that Swedish Dominions remove troops from UppLand due to a suspect that human rights are being violated by charging rebels as criminals not prisoners of war. We suggest a cease-fire between the countries.
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 19:54
OOC: Uppland has no government, it's a territory.
IC: The Major General, Carl Anderson
"We have no intensions what so ever to stop the successful reclaim of Uppland. The Partians are criminals and must be dealed like criminals. If we'll let Uppland form an own government we'll risk international security. Any aggressive threats or movement against the Swedish Dominons will be treated as an act of war."
To GOVERNMENT of Swedish Dominions:
we strongly urge you not to do any acts of war against Empire of Haukka. We hope for you that not risk lives of your people as going in open war with Empire of Haukka.
Swedish Dominions
09-01-2004, 21:16
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"We don't have any intensions of attacking the Empire of Haukka. I have other things to tell too. The Swedish Royal Army has captured Karlskrona!
The remants of the Partisan resistance has surrendered and are now enroute to the Stockholm Royal Court."
I have some photographs from the celebrating swedish army.
A Military Parade in Stockholm
An Urban Patrol Squad in Karlskrona.
North Germania
10-01-2004, 01:05
OOC: Sorry for the late response.
An initial strike force of 2,000 Schultzpolizei soldiers and 4,500 Reichswehr Imperial guards were flown into Södertälje tonight at 9:00 PM. In addition to the soldiers, 250 Bradley fighting vehicles and 120 Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tanks were deployed in the city. As well as the previously mentioned vehicles, 300 various transportation vehicles have landed. An undisclosed number of reinforcements are on stand-by in the waters outside of Södertälje. We await Swedish Dominion's wish for where the troops should be sent into action.
Swedish Dominions
10-01-2004, 11:52
OOC: Sorry for the late response.
An initial strike force of 2,000 Schultzpolizei soldiers and 4,500 Reichswehr Imperial guards were flown into Södertälje tonight at 9:00 PM. In addition to the soldiers, 250 Bradley fighting vehicles and 120 Leopard 2A5 Main Battle Tanks were deployed in the city. As well as the previously mentioned vehicles, 300 various transportation vehicles have landed. An undisclosed number of reinforcements are on stand-by in the waters outside of Södertälje. We await Swedish Dominion's wish for where the troops should be sent into action.
I don't think they are needed anymore. The War is over, Uppland is reclamed.
Empire of Haukka insists that Uppland's rebels are treated as prisoners of war. And we hope that Swedish Dominion will consider autonomy for Uppland.
Swedish Dominions
10-01-2004, 14:48
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"First of all, we'll never consider autonomy for Uppland. And the Captives will be treaded as POWs after all."
"The Swedish Dominons armies will be stationed in Uppland until the order is restored."
Empire of Haukka wishes that it can send observers to Uppland to observe that no inhuman acts are being made by independent soldiers. And make possible report to Swedish Dominions how well human rights are watched in Uppland.
-Ministry for Foreign affairs.
Swedish Dominions
10-01-2004, 21:24
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"You are more than welcome. I insure you that our soldiers would never harm a fellow citizen in our proud nation."
"Captured suspects are treated with respect."
Our observers will be transported by 8 EA-80 planes. Total 30 HMMWV's and 120 men. They will arrive within three days. They all will carrie UMP-45 for personal defence (you never know when partisans attack). We would like use food and gas from your military. All gas and food will be payed by Empire of Haukka when observers leave country.
-Ministry for Foreign affairs
Swedish Dominions
10-01-2004, 21:54
The Major General, Carl Anderson
"You will be recived by the King himself. The food and gas will be supplied by The SDRAF (Swedish Dominons Royal Armed Forces)."