Bombings in Credonia City, Credonia.....---pics
GLA Terrorists
08-01-2004, 15:59
Two suicide bombers have blown themselves up in Credonia City.
One has blown himself up in a busy restaurant during a wedding dinner. The other believed to have been a women has blown herself up in a street, however she was spotted by security forces and fired upon, killing herself instantly.
Bombers were of Somalian origin.
GLA have stated these attacks are for Credonian imperialism in Somalia and Credonias foreign policy worldwide.
chaos in Credonia City
ooc: hmm, and how exactly did GLA terrorists get into credonia without being seen, get the explosives without being caught and, blowthem selves up...., i'd like to see that rp'd.
As far as i think it isn't actually hard to make explosives.
Nazguulian Bundeswehr News Station
"...and Fuhrer Viktor Lazlo said he wasn't surprised that the GLA hit Credonians today, he figured that it was a quote, Long Time Comming, probably for all of us. What a sad sum-bitch, that Lazlo, huh?
Anyways, in other news...."
United Elias
08-01-2004, 16:25
United Elias condemns this attack on our ally and will use military force against GLA terrorists if Credonia requests assistance, terrorism will not be allowed to disrupt the rule of law and we will see to it that the GLA cannot claim innocent life any further.
We also advocate the use of the IADF reaction force and this consitutes an act of war under the alliance charter.
OOC: dont get any ideas about attacking us, we had a string of attacks by a nation called Kaduiri and now we have one of the lowest crime rates and highest police ratios in the NS world according to UN figures. There is no chance you'd even get into our country. BTW Kaduiri is now an occupation zone!
As far as i think it isn't actually hard to make explosives.
not if you have a local home depot.
Five Civilized Nations
08-01-2004, 17:22
I should ignore this, but I won't, because GLA Terrorists, you've just gone to far.
5CN condemns the actions of the GLA Terrorists and proposes international sanctions against these terrorists. We do not negotiate with terrorists...
Ozymandias IV
08-01-2004, 17:31
The Republic of Ozymandias IV joins the chorus of nations condemning this cowardly act of terror.
Since the GLA Terrorists do not have a 'home nation' but instead are scattered throughout the world, we recommend that Credonia and its allies attack the nation-states which have traditionally supported the GLA.
n watching their operations, we have noticed the following pattern:
- GLA and Guerrillistan cooperated with Terristan in actions against the Untied Nations resulting in a blockade of Terristan by the Grand Kingdom of McLeod03.
- The Guerrillistan government actively drafted 'volunteers' to join the GLA to participate in actions against the Grand Kingdom of McLeod03.
- Terristan characterized the relationship between the GLA and Guerrillistan as follows:
GLA = Global Liberation Army, underground army dedicated to help those being oppressed or something like that.
Guerrillistan = supports GLA
As an ally of Credonia and an enemy of terrorist states and their supporters, the Republic offers any and all aid that Credonia might require.
08-01-2004, 20:21
Kisnesia also condemns these attacks, and will join with our IADF Allies in offering assistance to Credonia.
This action by the GLA Terrorists is horrifying, and will be met with swift response.
08-01-2004, 20:54
[i]A terrorist organisation in Helveticuz, named Liberation Front, contacted the GLA leader as soon as they heard about the bombs.
-Hello....this is Khalim - proud member of LF helveticuz. Need any assistance in your offensive at Credonia?[/]
08-01-2004, 23:37
President Sutton Gives a live televised speech before the Credonian people and broadcasts it worldwide.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today, terrorism has reached Credonia's doorstep. Some believe that this was a long time in coming, as do I, and Credonia has craved this day. Today, Credonian military forces will begin a campaign against EVERY LAST SINGLE NATION that supports GLA in any way shape or form. This has gone far enough. The international community is sick of it, and frankly, SO AM I. GLA, PREPARE TO BE DESTROYED. Youve messed with the wrong nation, and this time, you'll be sorry."
The offical Credonian military mobilization will come after a formal declaration of war from the Credonian Congress later tonight or tomorrow morning.
09-01-2004, 03:20
09-01-2004, 03:30
Official Department of State Communique:
The nation of Samtonia condemns this vicious attack upon a peaceful nation like yourselves. In this regard, we are prepared to offer assistance to eradicate all GLA forces wherever you may go. We figure- If it can happen to you it can happen to us. Only ask and we shall come.
President Samuel Irwin
President of the PRS
President of the New Nations Alliance
The Empire of Scottoriana condems these acts of Terrorism. Due to Other constraints, the Empire cannot provide military aide to Credonia; However, it does offer Economic Aide to help finance the war.
09-01-2004, 04:04
We request all the hep we can get. Lets show these terrorist scum that they have no place in the world. Any and all aid will be accepted, and reimburstment will be made once the war on GLA and their allies is complete.
The Armed Republic Of Nazguul
Ministry Of War
[code:1:03d6e84c13]Official Telex To All Allied Nations:
The Armed Republic Of Nazguul has officially deployed it's 4th SS-PolizenPanzerGrenadier Division. They will be roaming the streets, enforcing a curfew, to ensure that no terrorism takes place. We will provide a small amount of Military support to Credonia also.
Generalfieldmarschall-SS Hermann Schroder[/code:1:03d6e84c13]
09-01-2004, 04:49
Kihameria fully condems the acts of the GLA terrorists,our police are on full alert, patriot A-A systems have been deployed around the nations borders,and otehr percautions will be taken,but kept secret.
we will send over 4 groups of medics along with supplies and a escort of Apache helicopters.
President Girardi, in a press conference today, condemned these acts of terrorism. During the conference, which was broadcasted worldwide, the president said:
"Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Yesterday, as many of you may already know, an act of terrorism was committed against Veridon's close ally, the Republic of Credonia. I, as a person, am appalled that such action was taken against a country of such noble goals as freeing a country being ruled for years, by war.
"I find that these actions, believed to be committed by the terrorist group known as the GLA, to be cowardly and above all, unforgiveable. Such attacks are nothing more than a way to make the most powerful nations in the world shake while not exposing yourself and this is cowardly. If these groups want to fight, by all means, LET US FIGHT! But IF these groups are going to take INNOCENT LIVES in the most COWARDLY fashion known to man WE WILL NOT STAND FOR IT! Ladies and gentlemen, as of now, I have ordered a large portion of our counter-terriorist task force October Sun and armed forces to aid Credonia in any way possible."
After the press conference, a significant amount of Veridonian troops to aid Credonia in its efforts to fight terrorism along side the new Veridonian counter-terrorism taskforce, October Sun.
President Girardi is quoted as saying in a speech, "It is time that we, as a nation, stand firmly behind the commitment we have made to protect this world from terrorism in any form whether that form of terrorism be committed by a nation or a rogue group. No longer are we to stand for killing and no longer are we going to stand by and watch as our allies are murdered in cold blood!"
Boa Vista
09-01-2004, 09:09
Our allies and countrymen, ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The Commonwealth has received some bad news over the past few hours that have the potential to destablize our country. The news comes from Credonia with the report of a terrorist bombing commited by the GLA Terrorists. We can only imagine the terror that has been inflicted upon our friends in Credonia.
The Commonwealth Government, through its embassy in Credonia City, has extended our nation's deepest condolences to our friend and ally. I have also made a phone call earlier to President Kaimoni Sutton of Credonia to extend my deepest sympathy.
As we are a member of IADF, we cannot sit by and watch this unprovoked attack. Therefore, under my authority as the Executive Admiral of the Commonwealth Armed Forces, I am mobilizing 100,000 troops and 2 aircraft carriers, to be deployed to any destination on a minute's notice. All military units wil be placed on Condition 2 (maximum preparation for war) and all strategic nuclear units are placed on Condition 3 (medium preparation for war). Also, I have instructed the Minister of Security Affairs to raise our nation's Terror Attack Warning to Level 2 (possibility of terror attacks extremely high).
This attack will not go unanswered, and military actions will follow. At this time, I ask my fellow countrymen to pray for our friend and ally, the nation of Credonia, and may god bless this nation.
-end of message-
Boa Vista
09-01-2004, 09:13
Tonight, the Commonwealth Parliament has declared war on the GLA Terrorists and its allies. Ther attack in the Credonian capital was condemned by many countries around the world. The final vote for the War Resolution was 500-0. At present time, 100,000 troops are deployed to Credonia, awaiting their final destination. Also, 50 nuclear missiles are directed towards undisclosed location, awaiting for launch. This is TDC World breaking news. We will interrupt our broadcast when the situation warrents it.
Austar Union
09-01-2004, 09:51
NBC News: Breaking News!
"In response to the attacks made on our great ally Credonia, we will be taking action against the GLA and its allys. 10% of my military forces is to be put under Credonian control while this conflict lasts. (Credonia has access to my stats. I would RP this myself but I cant log on for a bit.)
GLA Terrorists
09-01-2004, 15:50
Explosions have ripped through the nation of Cuddlebugs throughout UN compounds and civil amenities.
5 different blasts went off throughout Cuddlebugs, known officially as Freedom States a potential member of the IADF.
The areas hit were two shopping centres, school, fire station and cinema.
Casualty figures have yet to be discovered.
09-01-2004, 18:08
The Freedom States of Cuddlebugs state casuality estimates at 3800 people. The entire school was destroyed killing at least 1200. Survivors are still being rescued. The distruction of the fire station hampered search and rescue efforts bringing the casualty rate up even more.
The Protectorate of Darien the Great, in response to the terrible acts of cowardice perpetrated by members of the GLA, is rallying around the banner of freedom waved by the Credonians and its allies. We will aid you in any way possible. At this time, 150,000 men are being mobilized. In addition, you will have at your services:
:arrow: 50 M1A2 MBT's;
:arrow: 20 PzH 2000 SPH's;
:arrow: 50 M2A3 Bradley IFV's;
:arrow: a squadron of our best F4 Phantoms; and
:arrow: the supplies and logistical equipment necessary to field these men for an indefinite time.
These forces will deployed as you see fit. May the world be purged of this vile plague.
General Dowd
Chief General of the Protectorate of Darien the Great
09-01-2004, 19:01
I will make a statement to the international community soon, im at school right now :(
Huzen Hagen
09-01-2004, 19:03
Credonia, our government would like to lend air-support to your invasion of the GLA but we nedd you to confirm our order. the money has already been wired
I will make a statement to the international community soon, im at school right now :(
OOC: Heh... and who says the world's leaders aren't educated? :D
The President of Foxxinnia has also condemed the bombings. He has also says he will support Credonia on its war agaist the GLA.
The President of Foxxinnia has also condemded the bombings in Cuddlebug and will send a humanitary team to your country.
The Armed Republic Of Nazguul
Ministry Of Intelligence
The 4th SS-PolizenPanzerGrenadier Division has captured suspected GLA and Guerrilastan loyalists in the Armed Republic Of Nazguul. They are currently incarcerated, in a New Munich facility. They are awaiting interrogation by an International Team of Specialists, yet to be assembled.
Generalfieldmarschall Adolf Weitkunat
09-01-2004, 19:32
This Is Breaking News from Channel 1F News!
Reporter: We have received word from our long range communication sensors that Credonia has been attacked by terrorists. Vice Chancellor Keiran Halcyon is issuing a State Of Froggyliciousness speech. We'll turn you over to him now.
*scene fades into a room with a podium. Keiran steps up*
Keiran: First of all, I want to apologize for the Supreme Chancellor not being here, he is currently aboard the FSF Squishy Frog Fireworks the Frog Flagship. Now, our friends in Credonia were attacked by terrorists today. We too have been terrorized before. We must act swiftly to disband this terrorist group. I have sent a communication to Credonia's leader pledging troops, aircraft, submarines, and spacecraft to help them destroy these terrorists. These attacks will NOT come unpunished. Thank you.
*Keiran steps down and is escorted by personnel*
Reporter: We will continue to monitor this situation. This is Channel 1F News.
*news ends*
TO: Credonia
FROM: Vice Chancellor Keiran Halcyon
SUBJECT: Recent Terrorist Activities
We know about your recent terror attacks and are willing to help you destroy these terrorists. We have tens of thousands of troops ready and armed, hundreds of spacecraft, ships, and aircraft, etc.. in case you need help. The Free Land Of Froggyliciousness awaits your response.
10-01-2004, 04:14
Credonia News Network *1/9/2004 10:14 pm Credonian Standard Time*
Today, authorities have released the offical casualty list. 4 people were critically injured in the terrorist attacks and another 3 perished on the spot. President Sutton recieved word of this today and was infuriated. In response he closed down Credonia City. Only LEGAL Credonian citizens with proof of citizenship may enter the city. In addition, troops from the 1st Army Infantry Division have been deployed in heavy numbers around the city to prevent further terrorist attacks.
President Sutton also took to the skies today in 'Credonia One', the Presidential 747-400ER. He is currently enroute to a secret military installation somewhere in northwest Credonia. He will begin sending out orders to deploy troops and OFFICIALLY begin his campaign on terror.
In other related news, Congress granted President Sutton the permission to declare a state of war against GLA and its supporters. President Sutton will be giving his official war declaration tomorrow afternoon around 12 pm CST (Credonian Standard Time, Same as EST) and will announce the number of Credonian troops being dedicated to this war on terror at that time as well. It is speculated that he will call for the support of all nations to provide military assistance in this war against GLA, its supporters, and its allies.
10-01-2004, 04:15
Credonia, our government would like to lend air-support to your invasion of the GLA but we nedd you to confirm our order. the money has already been wired
order confirmed
10-01-2004, 04:32
THis is to confirm the order for the raising of the guard. WE are seeking confirmation that your orders are valid, as this is unprecedented. THe orders were:
1.The immediate deployment of the First Special Forces Division.
2.The upgrading of the national defenses to "RED" level.
3.The rapid deployment of the first, second, and third infantry armies.
4.The deployment of the first mechanized army.
5.The immediate beginning of C.A.P.(Combat Air Patrol) and recon missions by all Samtonian aircraft.
6.The immediate call-up of all 700,000 reserve troops to active duty.
7. The deployment of the first naval fleet to our coastal region.
8.The immediate cessation of all outside movement into our country( We acknowledge that we are self sufficient enough to attempt this)
We need to know if this was indeed authorized.
General Hiram Carville, Red Leadership Zone
General Carville- These orders are indeed authentic. Authorization- A43-TR48. Proceed with operation Blazing Saddles.
Commander in Chief Samantha Sommers.
from a high ranking Hamilian minister
"The rouge state of hamil is thoroughly disgusted by those cowards who would ally themselves with the imperialistic credonians. they do not need your help!
The hamilians attack credonia not out of comradary with the GLA, but hatred for Credonia."
minutes after releasing above statements, a hamilian suicide bomber kills himself at a border gaurd post in credonia, taking 6 credonians with him.
(OOC: i apologize for assuming there are credonian border guards. If not, make it a bus station or something. I'd also like to say that credonia does not share a border with Hamil, but the Rouge State of Hamil is more of a terrorist organization than a country. If you'll please forgive my n00b-ness, i am new to forum roleplaying. Danke.)
10-01-2004, 06:04
from a high ranking Hamilian minister
"The rouge state of hamil is thoroughly disgusted by those cowards who would ally themselves with the imperialistic credonians. they do not need your help!
The hamilians attack credonia not out of comradary with the GLA, but hatred for Credonia."
minutes after releasing above statements, a hamilian suicide bomber kills himself at a border gaurd post in credonia, taking 6 credonians with him.
(OOC: i apologize for assuming there are credonian border guards. If not, make it a bus station or something. I'd also like to say that credonia does not share a border with Hamil, but the Rouge State of Hamil is more of a terrorist organization than a country. If you'll please forgive my n00b-ness, i am new to forum roleplaying. Danke.)
Official Message from Kisnesian Millitary Command (General Jeb Redpants):
"k, so, how about we take care of this one, and the rest of y'all go after GLA? Or if somebody else wants target practice, you can 'ave 'im."
Boa Vista
10-01-2004, 07:07
from a high ranking Hamilian minister
"The rouge state of hamil is thoroughly disgusted by those cowards who would ally themselves with the imperialistic credonians. they do not need your help!
The hamilians attack credonia not out of comradary with the GLA, but hatred for Credonia."
minutes after releasing above statements, a hamilian suicide bomber kills himself at a border gaurd post in credonia, taking 6 credonians with him.
(OOC: i apologize for assuming there are credonian border guards. If not, make it a bus station or something. I'd also like to say that credonia does not share a border with Hamil, but the Rouge State of Hamil is more of a terrorist organization than a country. If you'll please forgive my n00b-ness, i am new to forum roleplaying. Danke.)
You can't declare someone else's losses, even in a small thing such as this.
We have released this official statement to Hamil:
Your attack upon Credonia was cowardly and unprecedented. If anything like this happens from you again, we will attack and destroy you.
We have released this official statement to Credonia and Cuddlebug:
We have wired you each 2 billion USD for reconstruction efforts. We're deeply sorry for your losses.
Pwnica's security has stepped up, and terror alert is high. Everything coming in by land, sea, or air, is being thoroughly checked and scanned.
10-01-2004, 07:37
10-01-2004, 07:37
10-01-2004, 17:41
from a high ranking Hamilian minister
"The rouge state of hamil is thoroughly disgusted by those cowards who would ally themselves with the imperialistic credonians. they do not need your help!
The hamilians attack credonia not out of comradary with the GLA, but hatred for Credonia."
minutes after releasing above statements, a hamilian suicide bomber kills himself at a border gaurd post in credonia, taking 6 credonians with him.
(OOC: i apologize for assuming there are credonian border guards. If not, make it a bus station or something. I'd also like to say that credonia does not share a border with Hamil, but the Rouge State of Hamil is more of a terrorist organization than a country. If you'll please forgive my n00b-ness, i am new to forum roleplaying. Danke.)
you cant automatically assume that your in my nation, you have to RP it in, therefore im going to ignore this
10-01-2004, 17:44
Credonian State Capital Building
President Sutton enters the Congressional Chamber. Every member of Congress stands and applauds. He stands at the podium and waits for the applause to die down before delivering his speech.
"Members of Congress, we have been attacked. Not by a rogue nation, but by an international terrorist organization. It is time that Credonia lives up to its promise to rid the world of the evil terrorists that terrorize our people. To ensure that terrorist nations do not continue to harbor terrorists, it shall be the policy of this nation, to keep a Credonian military presence in the nations that we attack for an indefinite period of time. The terrorists involved with threatening and attacking us have picked the wrong nation to mess with, and they will no doubt feel the wrath, fury, and unrelenting resolve of the Credonian people, for you have just awoken a sleeping beast which will stop at nothing to accomplish its goal.
With that Being said, I Kaimoni .A. Sutton, President of the United States of Credonia, with authorization from Congress, hereby declare war on Terristan, Gurillastan, GLA Terrorists, and all nations that support the GLA terrorist organization. Its your turn to be afraid."
The chamber burst into applause as the President leaves the room.
Credonian News Network *1/10/2004 11:45 am CST*
Credonia is locking down the entire nation and its borders. Only LEGAL Credonian citizens and citizens of our allies may enter into the country. The Department of Homeland Defense has raised the terror alert level to SEVERE. F-16 air patrols are currently taking to the skies to watch all credonian borders. Assisting them will be its INTELSAT satellite system. Credonian National Guard and Army troops are deploing around the country to protect national assets.
from a high ranking Hamilian minister
"The rouge state of hamil is thoroughly disgusted by those cowards who would ally themselves with the imperialistic credonians. they do not need your help!
The hamilians attack credonia not out of comradary with the GLA, but hatred for Credonia."
minutes after releasing above statements, a hamilian suicide bomber kills himself at a border gaurd post in credonia, taking 6 credonians with him.
(OOC: i apologize for assuming there are credonian border guards. If not, make it a bus station or something. I'd also like to say that credonia does not share a border with Hamil, but the Rouge State of Hamil is more of a terrorist organization than a country. If you'll please forgive my n00b-ness, i am new to forum roleplaying. Danke.)
You can't declare someone else's losses, even in a small thing such as this.
We have released this official statement to Hamil:
Your attack upon Credonia was cowardly and unprecedented. If anything like this happens from you again, we will attack and destroy you.
We have released this official statement to Credonia and Cuddlebug:
We have wired you each 2 billion USD for reconstruction efforts. We're deeply sorry for your losses.
Pwnica's security has stepped up, and terror alert is high. Everything coming in by land, sea, or air, is being thoroughly checked and scanned.
(OOC)thank you for telling me. I am sincerely apologetic. wont happen again.
(IC) to the GLA terrorists: I would like to ask your great land to help us protect ourselves. we have not the resources to recover from, nay, survive the attack of a capitalist nation millions billion strong.
As for credonia: I have no doubt that the Credonia will roll across our deserts with no resistance, as I have already retreated our 15,000 man army back to hamil city. there, combined with civilian guerillas will make a force of roughly 24,000 fierce rebels awaiting you in a city of 1 million, Straddle by mountains on two sides. The massive urban sprawl awaits you.
10-01-2004, 17:50
OOC: GLA terrorist doesnt have a working government. the nation has been taken over by Terristan. GLA Terrorists has been reduceddown to a terrorist organization with cells world wide. they cant protect your nation ;-)
IC: Credonia hereby declares war on the nation of Hamil
10-01-2004, 17:52
BTW, this lists Credonias entire military: for those of you who are interested
One of these days I should really decide how many of the things I produce I actually keep for my army :roll:
Message to Credonia:
If you require military assistance, we will be happy to comply.
OOC: :oops: heh... i had no idea.
this really puts a dmaper on my plans. another bad thing: there's no truly diplomatic way to say "bring it on."
One of these days I should really decide how many of the things I produce I actually keep for my army :roll:
Message to Credonia:
If you require military assistance, we will be happy to comply.
One of these days I should really decide how many of the things I produce I actually keep for my army :roll:
Message to Credonia:
If you require military assistance, we will be happy to comply.
10-01-2004, 19:05
OOC: :oops: heh... i had no idea.
this really puts a dmaper on my plans. another bad thing: there's no truly diplomatic way to say "bring it on."
OOC: nope but credonia will DEFINITLY bring it on ;-). Supporting GLA and terrorism was a terrible mistake on your part
10-01-2004, 19:06
One of these days I should really decide how many of the things I produce I actually keep for my army :roll:
Message to Credonia:
If you require military assistance, we will be happy to comply.
We may, im just trying to figure out my first military action and how to go about carrying it out.
OOC: GAH! :oops: my bad. again. thanks for ur "retarded noob" patience.
IC: a shady man walks down a crowded credonian street, the people not visibly shaken by recent terror attacks. the man has been hiding in the largest city in credonia since a week before the first attack. the call has come out for him to begin his work. He wears a vest studded with C4 under a bulky overcoat. He steps worrily through along the streets, terrified of being discovered.
His eyes meet with those of an oficer. He couldve gone unnoticed, but the officer catches his alarm. The man turns on his heel and walks quickly in the other direction. the officer calls out: "Sir? Excuse me! Sir!"
Upon hearing the officer's voice, the man casts off his overcoat and charges into a crowd of people waiting to cross the street at a corner. The face of a young child nearly stops him, but he is full of adreneline. His breathing rapid, his face soaked in sweat, he closes his eyes and presses the detonator.
the officer feels the heat on his face. "we need EMT's." he says somberly into his radio. "Now."
Huzen Hagen
10-01-2004, 19:26
ooc: pwnica, you have excell on your computer right? just make a simple spreadsheet showing all your miltary and trade deals. thats how i keep track of all the things ive bought and who from
I have a notepad file in which I keep records of what I purchase. I also produce and sell military items, but haven't decided yet how many I've kept for myself.
10-01-2004, 19:35
OOC: GAH! :oops: my bad. again. thanks for ur "retarded noob" patience.
IC: a shady man walks down a crowded credonian street, the people not visibly shaken by recent terror attacks. the man has been hiding in the largest city in credonia since a week before the first attack. the call has come out for him to begin his work. He wears a vest studded with C4 under a bulky overcoat. He steps worrily through along the streets, terrified of being discovered.
His eyes meet with those of an oficer. He couldve gone unnoticed, but the officer catches his alarm. The man turns on his heel and walks quickly in the other direction. the officer calls out: "Sir? Excuse me! Sir!"
Upon hearing the officer's voice, the man casts off his overcoat and charges into a crowd of people waiting to cross the street at a corner. The face of a young child nearly stops him, but he is full of adreneline. His breathing rapid, his face soaked in sweat, he closes his eyes and presses the detonator.
the officer feels the heat on his face. "we need EMT's." he says somberly into his radio. "Now."
OOC: u still cant do that, IGNORED 1) because your less than a day old, u cant possibly have planes, and 2) u never RP'd it in prior to this date
10-01-2004, 19:37
OOC: one other thing, do you have a death wish. If Credonia were to attack your nation, you do realize that our military is at LEAST 30 times bigger than urs can EVER be right? Do you want to be taken over indefinitly on your first day here in NS? (check out the link i gave earlier). and note that i said any nation that attacked will have a credonian military presence in the nation for an indefinite period of time.
OOC: 1) what difference do planes make? 2) obviously: yes. have a ball.Its the battle rp im interested in. a war with my country should be inconsequental to yours.
Recent actions have forces Pwnica to take military actions against the nation of Hamil. They have sent a suicide bomber to Credonia once, and we have warned them not to do so again. They have.
We are now formally at war.
Secret IC
Forces mobilizing to attack Hamil:
10 Sky Bases (/w 30 RF-11D aircraft aboard each)
3 Nimitz Class Carriers (/w a total of 245 SU-37 Aircraft aboard them)
5 Pwnica Milennium Battleships
10 Pwnica Ranger Class Missile Ships (w/ 8 Tomahawks aboard each)
350 Apocalypse II Tanks
200 FT-10 MLRSs
400 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
20,000 Infantry armed with FC-57 Rifles
5,000 Infantry armed with Rail Rifles
75 RAH-66 Comanches
50 Crusader Artillery Systems
10 R-50 Owls
United Elias
10-01-2004, 20:06
Port Said, Mediterranean, United Elias
The Gabonese flagged freighter had only just moored alongside the concrete dock minutes ago and now jeeps from the Federal Customs Service, and The Maritime Security Service with the supervision of FSB officers pull up on the dock after a source claimed the vessel was smuggling narcotics.
The gangway moves into position, as the security forces waiting on the pier, weapons drawn, prepare to search the vessel, as soon as the crew have been offloaded. Once all of them have disembarked, the agents move in, black Kevlar cladding their body’s.
As they disappear into the ship, with more agents still on the dock, the ship’s Gabonese crew are handcuffed and the men wait for the search to be complete, knowing that there is a high likelihood of finding nothing, as per usual.
Half an hour later, the periodic radio transmissions from the search teams below decks still report that only cocoa, rice and other agricultural products had been found, none of which looked much like crates of quality marijuana. Then an excited voice is heard over the air waves.
“Blue, this is Alpha, we’ve found what looks like a large explosive device in a container labelled machine parts.”
The team on the dock jumped up from their casual positions, “Roger Alpha, is it triggered, is it timed, we need information?”
“Hold on…No. Wait, oh god, guys I think it’s a radiological device!”
The FSB supervisors then took over the radios, “Copy, we are alerting NBC response teams, do not, I repeat, do not attempt to dismantle or diffuse the device, now stay calm and tell me whether we’re dealing with an atomic bomb or just a dirty nuke?”
“Sir, it looks pretty crude to me, but its definitely hot, as our Geiger counter’s going nuts, way more than background, id say a dirty bomb.”
“Okay now your teams clear the vessel, don’t expose yourselves anymore. One more thing, and this applies to everybody, this never happened, clear? If anyone asks why Hazmat were at the docks, then you say drill or false alarm, either way not a word of the truth to anyone, or even each other once we clear this up.”
(OOC:Can we assume these guys are GLA?)
10-01-2004, 20:16
As stated beforehand, OOC: (in a previous thread), the United Empire of Colerica will offer military assistance to Credonia if at all desired.
Kircer Danton
Magistrate of Foreign Affairs
10-01-2004, 20:20
OOC: 1) what difference do planes make? 2) obviously: yes. have a ball.Its the battle rp im interested in. a war with my country should be inconsequental to yours.
OOC: REALISM, you cant just make a nation then start jumping into other nations RIGHT when u get in an rp, thats what difference it makes, and ur posts will remain IGNORED
10-01-2004, 20:31
From a secret military base somewhere in North West Credonia, President Sutton orders the mobilzation of the following military forces:
500,000 Troops
250 M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks
100 T-64 tanks
100 KS1 SAM's
75 M103 Heavy Tanks
50 M113 APC's
50 M-270 MLRS Rocket Artilliary
105 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
50 G6 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer's
75 M2 Bradley APC's
150 M-15 Light Tanks
100 Patriot Missile System
150 T-95UM Heavy Tanks
150 M-26 Main Battle Tank
150 PzH 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) 155mm Howitzers
Air Force
26th Strategic Wing
-227th Stealth Fighter Squadron
30 F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighters
-228th Stealth Bomber Squadron
60 B-2 Spirit Stealth Bombers
-229th Strategic Bomber Squadron
20 B-1B Lancer Bombers
20 EA-220A Joint Tactical Bombers
20 B-52 Stratofortress Bombers
27th Strategic Wing
-1st Tactical Fighter Squadron
25 F-14 Ultra Tomcats
-2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
100 EA-148 Fighter Aircraft
-3rd Tactical Fighter Squadron
150 Mirage 2000-5 Fighter
-4th Tactical Fighter Squadron
100 EA-148 Fighter Aircraft
45th Tactical Wing
-10th Fighter Squadron
100 F-14 Ultra Tomcats
-11th Fighter Squadron
100 Alpha Fighters
-12th Fighter Squadron
50 Mirage 2000-5 Fighters
19th Helicopter Wing
-480 Tactical Chopper Squadron
50 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters
30 KH-4 Raptor Attack Helicopters
10 EA-28G Kight Attack/Special Forces
422nd Carrier Division
5 Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigates
2 SSN Los Angeles Class Submarines
1 Freedom Class Aircraft Carrier
1 Manstein Class Destroyer
1 Rommel Class Battleship
1 Seydlitz Class Cruiser
24th Carrier Division
7 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers
1 EM-150 Dolphin/Piotr Hotamel Class Amphibious Assult Carrier
5 Clauswitz Class Frigates
5 Manstein Class Destroyers
5 Seydlitz Class Cruisers
7 Los Angeles Class Attack Submarines
Attack Orders Will Be Issued Soon
All of our mobilized troops are under orders to operate with Credonian forces.
Ozymandias IV
10-01-2004, 21:12
The Republic of Ozymandias IV is willing to provide whatever support Credonia requires as it embarks on this war on terror.
We will expedite our withdrawal from the Falklands to bring our full military weight in support of the United States of Credonia.
Umberto IV,
Republic of Ozymandias IV
11-01-2004, 00:01
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 00:21
The Burnsian Desert will remain neutral in these times.
Inner Heaven
11-01-2004, 01:14
[b]To GLA Terrorists[/b]
We, one of the Terrorist cells attached to the [i]Phoenix Connection[/i] fully support your acts against the nation of Credonia - Through us, we can supply you with a wealth of weapons, explosives and technology as we have ties to nations and empires much larger than Credonia that secretly support us [/code:1:fe7219260d]
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 01:31
Now that the Pheonix Connection has declared support for the terrorist, also does The Burnsian Desert.
United Elias
11-01-2004, 01:35
As part of UE's war on terror, we have taken the step of attaking Gabon where Uranium was belived to ne given to terrorists, and teh GLA probably has training bases.
Back at Froggyliciousness Memorial Spaceport, preparations were underway for mobilization of the newly-refitted Froggy Squadron to do recon on the terrorist groups. The most elite of the squadrons, it contained 10 Alpha Class Aerospace Fighters and two Beta Class Aerospace Fighters. The fighters were being loaded into the Mama Phr0g Carrier FSF Froggy Cool, while two of the pilots headed to Cafe Pad to get some coffee.
"I can't believe anyone would attack Credonia," said the rookie pilot Tom Frogzerz, codename Froggy-4, a Beta flyer. "They've got a huge military!"
Froggy-Leader, James "Slippy" Toadstool, shook his head. "Terrorist groups don't make sense. They always try to go out killing as many as they can. Once you squish one, a few pop back up. Only effective way of killing them all is to bombard the planet orbitally. Then you kill millions of civilians. Then what are you?"
They walked into the cafe
"I'll have a coffee, black."
The auto-selector tray spun around. The person in the back loaded the coffee onto the tray, and it spun back toward the pilots. Suddenly their pagers went off, and they ran to the ship.
"Sure hope they got cupholders on that bridge!"
Inner Heaven
11-01-2004, 02:07
OOC: Credonia, are your forces still in Somalia?
11-01-2004, 03:19
OOC To Inner Heaven: not relevant
IC: WARNING: all nations supporting GLA will be attacked by Credonia and its allies and taken over
The Burnsian Desert
11-01-2004, 03:24
IC: WARNING: all nations supporting GLA will be attacked by Credonia and its allies and taken over
Please remember that our dictatorship was declaring its support for GLA. Not our new democratic government!
Inner Heaven
11-01-2004, 03:26
OOC: Inner Heaven isn't a nation. Invading would be like punching the wind - lucky me. Even if it was, you woulcn't touch me for fear of reprisals from the nations that created me.
The USSY would like to aid Credonia in their fight against Terror.
11-01-2004, 03:31
To TBD: OK, Ive taken note of that. Your safe, for now
Credonia News Network
Reports are being leaked from the Credonian government that President Sutton will create a list of nations that it will be targeting during this campaign on terror. It will be released tomorrow afternoon. The nations listed will be attacked in the order placed on this list which is being called the 'Credonian Terror List". Stay tuned for updates.
11-01-2004, 03:38
OOC: Inner Heaven isn't a nation. Invading would be like punching the wind - lucky me. Even if it was, you woulcn't touch me for fear of reprisals from the nations that created me.
OOC: dont be so big headed. im not scared of you. ive stood up to nation at least 3 times my size and didnt flinch a bit and still ended victorious, even in one case had them retreating in the middle of a war, so if u think you can scare me, THINK AGAIN.
11-01-2004, 05:40
The nation of Easterwoodia declares all acts of terrorism wrongful. If need the nation of Easterwoodia will mobilize the newly formed defense force to aid in the search of GLA Terrorist cells.
Bump for Hamil to respond.
GLA Terrorists
11-01-2004, 14:58
OOC: Been away
Also Terristan has stopped supporting us after the recent conflict with McLeod. Guerrillistan also has stopped due to the alliance with Terristan.
Haven't heard from them for a while.
GLA will fight to rid the world of Credonian imperialism, and those foolish nations under his thumb.
like water, your hammer strikes will do nothing to weaken us
United Elias
11-01-2004, 15:02
Gabon should be added although we are working on this at the moment:
(GLA feel free to RP in Gabon, as we've claimed you have training camps and stuff there and the government have or will sell uranium to to you.)
11-01-2004, 15:05
Freedom States of Cuddlebugs would like to arrange a meeting with the Credonian Secretary of Defence in our world famous Castle House.
Please feel free to bring your security as well.
President F T Jones
January 10, 2004
Micro Island News Service
MICROVILLE-Following word of the terrorist attacks in Credonia and Cuddlebugs, an outpouring of sympathy came from the citizens of the Federation of United Microstates.
"It's so sad," cried one young student we interviewed at Microlina College. "All those poor people are, like, dead, and stuff!"
President C. Mitchell III urged the nation to use its wealth for the benefit of those in need throughout the world, and took the initiative by opening a private charity for the families of the victims.
At a press conference, President Mitchell signed a check for one million dollars to officially open the organization on Sunday.
"What the world needs now is some unification" said the President following the event. "And some strategery, and unificity!" the President continued as he was being pulled away by an embarrassed Vice President Walter Williams.
So far, Microstates citizens have raised four million dollars towards the cause of aiding terror victims.
On Saturday, President Mitchell had denounced the acts of terrorism as "indeniable cowardicity."
Charity spokesmen said that their goal was to raise ten million dollars. "Hopefully we can get all of the money raised and on its way to Credonia and Cuddlebugs by the end of the week."
(C) 2004 MINS
ooc: sorry pwinca, i was away for a while. If all you're doing is mobilizing, then i have nothing much else to do. However, I'd like to point out that both my terror attacks were ignored by credonia, so any attacks by credonia will be igored. A sensible nation like that wouldnt attack for no reason, would it? Even so, why was the first attack ignored? you said i had to roleplay it in. Before he walks up and goes boom, theres not much to roleplay. Its also convenient that you step up security after an ignored attack. You wouldnt mind explaining this to my poor newbie mind, that obiously cant comprehend your "logic," would you? Also: for the sake of "realism," most terror atacks are unanounced. What exactly did I do worng? please tell me you are not being mean just because i'm new. This is a prejudice that angers me to no end.
11-01-2004, 18:25
ooc: sorry pwinca, i was away for a while. If all you're doing is mobilizing, then i have nothing much else to do. However, I'd like to point out that both my terror attacks were ignored by credonia, so any attacks by credonia will be igored. A sensible nation like that wouldnt attack for no reason, would it? Even so, why was the first attack ignored? you said i had to roleplay it in. Before he walks up and goes boom, theres not much to roleplay. Its also convenient that you step up security after an ignored attack. You wouldnt mind explaining this to my poor newbie mind, that obiously cant comprehend your "logic," would you? Also: for the sake of "realism," most terror atacks are unanounced. What exactly did I do worng? please tell me you are not being mean just because i'm new. This is a prejudice that angers me to no end.
OOC: ACTUALLY, i type up all of my posts hours or days ahead of time. I hjust havent had the time to post them since ive been busy this week with homwork and writing letters to the UN, President Bush, and Congress (of the real USA). That is how i have always done my posts. I carefully plan them out (sometimes just formulating one good post takes at least 30 mins to an hour). Secondly, you were JUST created that day, how can u possibly just have people pop up in my nation if you dont state that they took a plane or something? They cant just magically appear there and start doing stuff.
11-01-2004, 18:29
Freedom States of Cuddlebugs would like to arrange a meeting with the Credonian Secretary of Defence in our world famous Castle House.
Please feel free to bring your security as well.
President F T Jones
[code:1:0d12aa0123]To: Freedom States of Cuddlebugs
From: Credonian Secretary of Defense Mitchell .A. Ferguson
Encrypted Message (All replies to this post by terrorist nations will be ignored)
I thank you for the invitation to meet with your leaders in such a location. I have talked to President Sutton about the matter and he has granted me permission to fly to your nation. When would you like me to come?
Mitchell .A. Ferguson
Secretary of Defense for the United States of Credonia[/code:1:0d12aa0123]
11-01-2004, 18:38
Credonian News Network *1/11/2004 12:32 CST*
As promised, President Sutton released the short list of nations that it would be attacking to stop the support flowing to the GLA Terrorist Organization. The list is as follows:
[code:1:f4b9eb7456]Credonian Terror Terror List
1) GLA Terrorist
2) Guerillaistan
3) Gabon
4) Hamil
5) Helveticuz
6) Terristan
7) Inner Heaven *CONSIDERING*[/code:1:f4b9eb7456]
No information has come in stating when exactly the Credonian attacks will begin, but unofficial reports state that the Credonian Navy is begining its move towards the nation of GLA Terrorist and that the Credonian Airforce, Army, and Marines will be heading towards the battle theatre soon. Stay tuned for updates.
ooc: sorry pwinca, i was away for a while. If all you're doing is mobilizing, then i have nothing much else to do. However, I'd like to point out that both my terror attacks were ignored by credonia, so any attacks by credonia will be igored. A sensible nation like that wouldnt attack for no reason, would it? Even so, why was the first attack ignored? you said i had to roleplay it in. Before he walks up and goes boom, theres not much to roleplay. Its also convenient that you step up security after an ignored attack. You wouldnt mind explaining this to my poor newbie mind, that obiously cant comprehend your "logic," would you? Also: for the sake of "realism," most terror atacks are unanounced. What exactly did I do worng? please tell me you are not being mean just because i'm new. This is a prejudice that angers me to no end.
OOC: ACTUALLY, i type up all of my posts hours or days ahead of time. I hjust havent had the time to post them since ive been busy this week with homwork and writing letters to the UN, President Bush, and Congress (of the real USA). That is how i have always done my posts. I carefully plan them out (sometimes just formulating one good post takes at least 30 mins to an hour). Secondly, you were JUST created that day, how can u possibly just have people pop up in my nation if you dont state that they took a plane or something? They cant just magically appear there and start doing stuff.
OOC: okay. Thanks for the clarification. what if a territory with 5 million people just happened to have an airport? i think so. is it really a stretch
of imagination to think a terrorist nation would vut the red tape and use a small charter jet to get two or three opratives into another nation?
also: i dont see how typing posts ahead of time warrents declaring war after ive done nothing. (ya know, cause you ignored me)
Also: sorry that my last post was under a different name... its my friends.
11-01-2004, 18:47
ooc: sorry pwinca, i was away for a while. If all you're doing is mobilizing, then i have nothing much else to do. However, I'd like to point out that both my terror attacks were ignored by credonia, so any attacks by credonia will be igored. A sensible nation like that wouldnt attack for no reason, would it? Even so, why was the first attack ignored? you said i had to roleplay it in. Before he walks up and goes boom, theres not much to roleplay. Its also convenient that you step up security after an ignored attack. You wouldnt mind explaining this to my poor newbie mind, that obiously cant comprehend your "logic," would you? Also: for the sake of "realism," most terror atacks are unanounced. What exactly did I do worng? please tell me you are not being mean just because i'm new. This is a prejudice that angers me to no end.
OOC: ACTUALLY, i type up all of my posts hours or days ahead of time. I hjust havent had the time to post them since ive been busy this week with homwork and writing letters to the UN, President Bush, and Congress (of the real USA). That is how i have always done my posts. I carefully plan them out (sometimes just formulating one good post takes at least 30 mins to an hour). Secondly, you were JUST created that day, how can u possibly just have people pop up in my nation if you dont state that they took a plane or something? They cant just magically appear there and start doing stuff.
OOC: okay. Thanks for the clarification. what if a territory with 5 million people just happened to have an airport? i think so. is it really a stretch
of imagination to think a terrorist nation would vut the red tape and use a small charter jet to get two or three opratives into another nation?
also: i dont see how typing posts ahead of time warrents declaring war after ive done nothing. (ya know, cause you ignored me)
Also: sorry that my last post was under a different name... its my friends.
OOC: as i stated above, all nations in support f GLA terrors pose a threat to Credonia and its allies and other nations part of its coalition against terror, therefore, any nations stating there support will face the consequences. We will brook no aggression, and by declaring war on all supporting nations, we show the world just how serious we are about this. The terrorist will feel the full rath and resolve of the Credonian people, and they will stop at nothing to bring those to justice who have done us wrong.
All of the tanks and infantry mobilized (stated earlier) charged into Hamil's borders and began shooting at any military targets. The missile ships and battleships have shelled the shores and aircraft have commenced bombing runs on inland military targets.
OOC: Please post losses and RP your defense so that I can post mine.
All of the tanks and infantry mobilized (stated earlier) charged into Hamil's borders and began shooting at any military targets. The missile ships and battleships have shelled the shores and aircraft have commenced bombing runs on inland military targets.
OOC: Please post losses and RP your defense so that I can post mine.
IC: Practically every target between the coast and hamil city is decimated with surgical prescision, as there were only two civilian deaths. As for troops lost: pwinca has yet to reach Hamil City, where all millitary is garrisoned (not to mention where 810,000 citizens were evacuated to at the first sign of war)
OOC: i guess theres going to be some fighting at the city, so id better scope it out for you. Hamil is build one side of a hill; more specifically on the gentle, eastern slope, facing the ocean. the west side of hamil is not as gentle, but still scalable by vehicles. the hill is sort of a foothill for a small mountain directly to the north. Sixteen miles south of hamil is a large mountain range. the urban shanty town that speads out from the hill for miles is empty; all its denizens are now in the city. there are a total of 2,300,000 people in Hamil City
The Millitary is as follows:
13,000 basic infantry (ak-47, light body armor),
1,200 two-man RPG teams, sporting heavy bosy armor
22 moblie howitzers
roughlty 8,000 civilian guerillas, armed with various weapons, as well as any armaments the government can spare.
OOC: as for defense:
on approach, my howitzers will fire away, until your armor reaches RPG range. all the while, 5 flak turrets will try to keep air attack at bay.
remember, im new at this. if this is incorrect, tell me. Thank you.
11-01-2004, 21:13
Under the cover of night, the 24th Carrier Division and troop transport ships secretly diverted their course from GLA Terrorist to Hamil and are in international waters. Immediatly, Tomahawk Cruise Missiles were launched from the Los Angeles Class Submarines and began bearing down on troop garrisons within Hamil City. Government buildings were hit as well. While only two Los Angeles subs were used in the cruise missile attack, a total of 52 cruise missiles (each L.A. Sub holds 26 Cruise missiles each) were launched to their targets. Reports of HEAVY civilian and military casualties are expected to come in due to the element of surprise explioted by Credonian naval forces. Soon after the cruise missile strike, 30 F-15E Strike Eagles took off from the aircraft carrier and begin engaging military targets (garrisons, tanks etc.) and more government buildings within Hamil City before returning to the carrier to refuel and prepare for another sortie.
24th Carrier Division
7 Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers
1 EM-150 Dolphin/Piotr Hotamel Class Amphibious Assult Carrier
5 Clauswitz Class Frigates
5 Manstein Class Destroyers
5 Seydlitz Class Cruisers
7 Los Angeles Class Attack Submarines
Ground Forces In Troop Ships
23rd Marine Infantry Division
45,000 Marines
75 M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks
30 KS1 SAM's
25 M103 Heavy Tanks
20 M113 APC's
20 M-270 MLRS Rocket Artilliary
25 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
15 G6 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer's
20 M2 Bradley APC's
50 M-15 Light Tanks
20 Patriot Missile System
50 T-95UM Heavy Tanks
50 M-26 Main Battle Tank
50 PzH 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) 155mm Howitzers
NOTE: Ground forces have not yet arrived
11-01-2004, 21:14
Telegram to: Pwinca
RE: Inasion of Hamil
From: Commander in Chief Samantha Sommers
As we are attempting to fight terror as well, we will be sending elements of our armies to help in the cleansing of Hamil.
The 1st fleet:
5 SSn-21 Seawolf class Nuclear attack subs
5 DD-963 Spruance class Destroyers
3 Ticonderoga class cruisers
7 LSD-41 Landing Craft
Marine 1st Division:
4,000 elite assault marines
(Stats upon request)
Air force:
8 C-5 Galaxy Transport Planes
6 B-1B Lancer Long-Range Bombers
9 MH-53J Pave Low Transport Helicopters
24 F-16 Fighter Planes
18 Apache Longbow Attack Helicopters
"Black Talons" 1st Special Forces division
12,000 special forces soldiers(Stats upon request)
"Steel Thunder" 1st Armored Division
3,000 Medium Armored Vehicles(MAV's) and variants
250 Patriot Class Missile Launchers
(Stats upon request)
"Deadly Rain" 1st Artillery division
250 Patriot Class Missile Launchers
500 Paladin Self-Propelled Howitzers
250 M109 155mm Self-Propelled howitzers
750 M270 MLRS SPLL Rocket Systems
(All stats upon request)
Our troops will attack in the following manner: A naval landing by the marines, backed up by the ships, will commence to the north of Hamil City. Meanwhile, the armored division as well as the Artillery division will invade from the north, moving south to support the marines. Thhe Special Forces division will move in from the north -east and mop up anything left by the main spearhead. Our forces, after meeting up, will converge upon the north of the city where we will begin the siege of hamil City if surrender is not forthcoming. We hope that you are willing to coordinate your efforts with ours.
11-01-2004, 21:44
Credonian ground forces march onto the Eastern most part of Hamilian territory and encounter no resistence. From there, they begin moving towards Hamil City to engage enemy troops. Protecting them is the 480th Tactical Chopper Squadron of the 19th Helicopter Wing, 227th Stealth Fighter Squadron of the 26th Strategic Wing, and the 2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 27th Strategic Wing.
19th Helicopter Wing
-480th Tactical Chopper Squadron
50 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters
30 KH-4 Raptor Attack Helicopters
10 EA-28G Kight Attack/Special Forces
26th Strategic Wing
-227th Stealth Fighter Squadron
30 F-117A Nighthawk Stealth Fighters
27th Strategic Wing
-2nd Tactical Fighter Squadron
100 EA-148 Fighter Aircraft
12-01-2004, 00:29
the sun dawns upon a much ruined Hamil City. In the night, unexpected cruise missiles from the sea did the most damage. one missile hit a garrison with 1100 men, all of them dead. The north side, Almost entirely residental, was obliterated. the losses from that area are roughly 12,000 civilians and 200 millitary, with one bank of three howitzers lost.
Credonian troops march unnapposed through the urban sprawl, occasionally being botherd by howitzers. as helicopters and jets come close, they are kept away best as possible by RPGs and flak.
as of sunrise, the remaining hammite forces are:
3,200 infantry
522 rpg teams
6 howitzers
3 flak cannons.
Attackers are expected to meet savage cilvilian resistnace, as the peole of hamil are not pleased by so many dead brothers. (the nights collateral damage: 72,000) :twisted:
12-01-2004, 03:14
OOC: i only hit military garrisons and government buildings (all with GPS guided tomahawk precision cruise missiles, so the civilain casualty rate cant possibly be all THAT high, a few deaths at most maybe)
OOC: i only hit military garrisons and government buildings (all with GPS guided tomahawk precision cruise missiles, so the civilain casualty rate cant possibly be all THAT high, a few deaths at most maybe)
OOC: thats assuming everything goes off without a hitch, your intel is perfect, youre the only attacker, and the targeted structure is the only one whose intregity fails. Keep in mind Hamil City is a city designed for a quarter it's current capacity (oddly, its the safest plae in hamil. Like... Helm's Deep). Especially the north sector: Old and unreliable.
High cilvilian casualties arent your fault; Hamil City is a peice of $hit.
considering all that, 72,000 is a little high. 50,000. Final offer.
12-01-2004, 04:59
Somewhere in Samtonia...
"Mr President, our invasion has been perfect so far."
"How's that General Sommers?"
"Well sir, we've encountered no resistance."
"What? None? Are you sure?"
"Yes sir. We've had to fight a few guerillas who managed to take out an army convoy truck filled with prime ribs for the officers, but other than the complaints of the officers, we've received no casualties so far."
"Wait- what do you mean by 'other than the complaints of the officers'?"
"Well sir, an army courier fell into a river and drowned due to the weight of the complaints. Our officers like their meals."
"So what you're telling me is that we haven't had any combat casualties?"
"Yes sir. Our troops have set up outside the city to the north in a strong defensive position and will begin shelling if our demands are not met immediately."
"And the demands are-"
"Immediate cessation of hostilities, the surrender of all Hamillian troops, the immediate occupation of Hamil by allied forces, the-"
"So the usual?"
"Yes Mr. President."
"Excellent. Keep me updated."
Orders given to divisional leaders-
"You are to transmit the documents of surrender to the enemy forces. If they do not surrender one day after receiving it, raze that city to the ground- Both civilian and military areas. If their government truly cares about the welfare of its citizens, it would have surrendered to prevent the bloodshed, so have no compuctions about this whatsoever. Also, as of this point, our bombers are to begin a strategic air campaign against food and munitions factories and warehouses. May god be with you all in these times of trouble.
Commander in Chief Samantha Sommers.
Casualties thusfar:
1 courier
1 supply truck (Captured by guerillas)
47 cases of prime rib (Captured by guerillas)
Immediately Emperor Tamazoid I of Isochronous orders forces to defend close allies Credonia and destroy the terrorists. To avert any threat to Isochronous all borders have been closed and military police deployed to beef up border security.
The following are heading to a nation to attack, which will be revealed in due course:
4th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
5th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
68th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
69th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
1st Battle Fleet
30 Adelaide Class MTDs
35 ANZAC Class Frigates
30 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
90 Sea Sprite helicopters
2nd Battle Fleet
25 Adelaide Class MTDs
30 ANZAC Class Frigates
25 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
1 Huon Class minehunter
75 Sea Sprite helicopters
37th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
28th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
17th Strategic Wing
-38th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-303rd Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
18th Strategic Wing
-39th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-304th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
19th Strategic Wing
-40th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-305th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
20th Strategic Wing
-41st Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-306th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
7th Tactical Wing
-298th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-299th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-300th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
3rd Air Drop Transportation Wing
-5th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-6th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-7th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
5th Support Wing
-6th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
-7th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
13th Royal Engineers
1,800 engineers
Various construction equipment
3 Kennett Mobile SAMs
5th Improvisation Battallion
1,800 troops
50 Land Rovers
25 Bradley APCs
45 Quick Assemble Artillery pieces
Howitzers etc
Alpha 6 Brigade
2,000 elite Alpha Force troops
Armed with Steyr AUGs and M-16s with grenade launching attachments included.
-Close Air Support:
30 Black Hawks
50 Commanches
30 Eurocopter Tigers
25 Sea Hawks
22nd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
23rd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
24th Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
25th Marine Infantry Division:
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
12-01-2004, 05:44
By request of Credonia, the following forces have been ordered towards:
7th and 11th Carrier Battle groups (each identical):
1 Nimitz class carrier
1 Iowa-class battleship
3 Ticonderoga-class cruisers
3 Vengence-class destroyers
2 Perry-class frigates
2 Los Angeles-class submarines
75 Assorted aircraft, mostly F-16s and F-22s
10 Attack helicopters
17th Attack group:
5 Kisnesian "Myanmar"-class attack craft (basically, each holds 50 cruise missiles ready for launch and little else).
31st and 37th Army Divisions (each identical):
100,000 infantry
200 Abrams Tanks
100 Heavy Tanks
200 MLRS
30 Patriot Missile batteries
3rd Carrier Battle group:
1 Nimitz class carrier
1 Iowa-class battleship
3 Ticonderoga-class cruisers
3 Vengence-class destroyers
2 Perry-class frigates
2 Los Angeles-class submarines
75 Assorted aircraft, mostly F-16s and F-22s
10 Attack helicopters
22nd Attack group:
5 Kisnesian "Myanmar"-class attack craft (basically, each holds 50 cruise missiles ready for launch and little else).
Brand New 105th Air Tactical Wing
20 B-2 Stealth Bombers
34th and 35th Army Divisions (each identical):
100,000 infantry
200 Abrams Tanks
100 Heavy Tanks
200 MLRS
30 Patriot Missile batteries
Many more forces are available to deploy. We will await Credonia's orders before pulling too close to shore or launching offensive manuevers.
(Credonia, please note that we doubled the sizes of our Army divisions from the IADF Post... felt we would need the extra forces. This was done by integrating parts of the 32nd, 36th, and 49th Army Divisions plus the 51st Armor Corps into the four Divisions we were deploying already.)
Promise of Joshua
12-01-2004, 05:49
President Richard von Joshua sends his support for the innocent Credonians who have been the victims of terror attacks. We submit 10mil USD in aid to the existing funds for the families of terror strike victims. As our military is currently involved in the African Commonwealth; our monetary resources and prayers are all we can send at this time. We would be willing to support any Credonian refugees at state expense who wish to evacuate the war zone in this time of uncertainty.
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 06:04
TBD sends 500 Partisans to help destroy the terrorist menace. They destroyed our home. :x
Greetings from Xeraph!
In response to the cowardly attack on the free people of Credonia by GLA terrorists, we have been directed by our Commander, Gen. Strickland, to offer the full military forces of 2 of the nations of ARM: the Community of the Grey Hermits and the Dominion of the Legions of Rome.
These nations each have a full compliment of naval, air, and ground forces, including carriers, destroyers, tanks, jet fihters, and a total of 100,000 armored troopers.
Let us know when we can deploy them to rid the world of these terrorists.
Alaric, King of Xeraph
TBD sends 500 Partisans to help destroy the terrorist menace. They destroyed our home. :x
OOC: Is this really feasible, considering your nation's population was reduced to 5,000 by the war?
The Burnsian Desert
12-01-2004, 06:53
TBD sends 500 Partisans to help destroy the terrorist menace. They destroyed our home. :x
OOC: Is this really feasible, considering your nation's population was reduced to 5,000 by the war?
Yup. After announcing the act of a Queendom and Rallying, we sucessfully raised a 3,500 man Partisan Army. A country which wishes to be anonymus in case of TROUSRS reprocussion.
Here is our military:
Partisans (3,500 men) – Pitchfork, RPG, Ak-47 Equipped
1st Royal Tank Division (100 men, 20 tanks) – Challanger II Equipped
2nd Royal Artillary Division (40 men, 5 Pieces) – Paladin Equipped
1st Royal Fleet (3 Boats) – OSA Equipped
1st Royal Air Wing (5 aircraft, 10 men) – F-14 Equipped
GLA Terrorists
12-01-2004, 11:22
OOC: a gentle reminder for you sad guys who keep reeling off list after list of their precious armies. Our homeland is non-existent, i do not take into account my population or what that particular page tells me. You can bombard any shores you like but it will be a waste of shells. Terristan and Guerrillistan stopped supporting me ages ago, you can see that when they left A Corp. They do not want to be involved in this RP.
We are global, like Al Quaeda we have no homeland or territory.
50,000 civilian casualities on the attack of Hamil City is typical of Credonian stupidity. This is why you have enemies worldwide.
12-01-2004, 11:30
OOC: typical my ass, i havent been a part of any major battles except for somalia and we have only taken out rebels with a few civilian casualties
IC: We know Terristan controls ur country (i'll provide the link to prove it), which is why were invading.
EDIT: BTW, they have no choice but to be in it, whether they support you or not. Were still attacking. The assasination attempt on me has not been forgotten and until now, justice has not been served
GLA Terrorists
12-01-2004, 11:34
ok show me link.
declaring war for an assassination attempt is dumb but up to you.
12-01-2004, 11:42
Proof #1:
Proof #2:
Ozymandias IV
12-01-2004, 18:51
The Republic Security Agency has not found any links between Terristan and the GLA.
The links Credonia provided were confusing at best. We cannot support an invasion of Terristan (despite their rather obvious name) until clear-cut evidence can be provided.
12-01-2004, 18:54
Credonian ground forces continue pushing towards Hamil City. The odds are on their side. From a range of 13 km (slightly more than 8 miles), Credonian artillery begin laying on heavy fire with their “smart munitions”, attacking the remaining enemy military forces in the city. Credonian tanks, APC’s, troops, and S.A.M.’s push forward to fight the outnumbered troops as they continue to get attacked by the artillery. 10 AH-64 Apache Attack Helicopters move in and begin to survey the city, flying just out of range of enemy RPG’s. They fire upon enemy garrisons and buildings where enemy military forces and civilian rebels try to fire upon the helicopters hovering in the sky above. Within minutes the Credonian 23rd Marine Infantry Division storms and surrounds the city. Tanks and M2 Bradley APC’s lead, providing cover fire and making way for the troops.
With explosions and constant gunfire in the background, the Field Commander radios Credonian War Headquarters.
“Alpha Tango One to HQ, we have entered the city and have set up a perimeter!!! We will begin the move to the capital building and the place where the leader rules from. So far we have sustained no casualties, but I’ll keep you updated. Do you copy?”
“Roger that Alpha Tango One, we copy. Proceed with the assault. Report back in one hour. HQ out.”
5 Additional Apache’s provide suppressive cover fire for the troops entering into the city which is now on the verge of falling into Credonian control. Military analyzers estimate that Hamil’s military will be wiped out at the pace that the Credonian military is moving.
2 Nautical Miles off the Coast
Five Predator Drone UAV’s are launched from CNS Freedom, and patrol the borders of the city to ensure that the government is not moved. The 10 Apache’s are placed in key strategic positions to ensure that should government leaders try to escape, they can cut them off and call some of the forces in the perimeter to apprehend them and take them back for questioning on the Credonian aircraft carrier.
12-01-2004, 18:55
The Republic Security Agency has not found any links between Terristan and the GLA.
The links Credonia provided were confusing at best. We cannot support an invasion of Terristan (despite their rather obvious name) until clear-cut evidence can be provided.
Very well, but Credonia still has justification for attacking. They harbor terrorists, the same terrorists that tried to assasinate me not too long ago.
Hey, Credonia. I'll help you out in attacking Hamil City. I'll send you 15 Attack Tank Hovercrafts. But they will be under my command.
This is slowly turning into WWXI.
12-01-2004, 20:15
The Republic Security Agency has not found any links between Terristan and the GLA.
The links Credonia provided were confusing at best. We cannot support an invasion of Terristan (despite their rather obvious name) until clear-cut evidence can be provided.
Ozymandias IV, go check the IADF Intel we have on Terristan. While it's not conclusive, it's pretty convincing.
Ozymandias IV
12-01-2004, 22:35
The RSA using its own resources plus those of the IADF culled old intel reports and found some striking information which was reproduced at once and sent up the chain of command...
Ozymandias IV
12-01-2004, 22:37
An RSA analyst entered the Department of Defense offices with a new intel estimate. As she entered the offices of the Secretary Defense, the documents shaked in her hands. She knew full and well that this oversight was a blunder of monumental proportions.
The UnderSecDef Meto VII was waiting for her in an outer office.
I see you've got the new estimates, just give me the highlights and I'll provide a full brief to the cabinet later.
She breathed a sigh of relief at not having to be the one to address the cabinet with a report that contradicted earlier RSA intel.
Sir, their region the Fruit Islands published a manifesto which pledges their support to terrorism and the GLA specifically. I've a copy of the document here:
The Fruit Islands are located in the Pacific ocean. The Main island is Terristan. We support small nations fighting for independance and fight imperialistic western nations. We recently moved from A Corp to pursue smaller ambitions, however we are still allied with Repticon members. We support the GLA and other Terrorist nations with funding, training and equipment.
I don't know how our group missed such an obvious sign. Perhaps because it was so blatant that we never thought of looking there...
Meto VII cut off her explanations.
Yes, yes, yes.... We understand the difficulties in tracking these terror groups, especially the GLA. Given this new evidence, I can't see any reason why the Republic wouldn't go to war in support of Credonia and its coalition.
Of course that's a decision for the secretary and ultimately for the Ruling Council, but with this updated information I'd say we're going to war.
Immediately Emperor Tamazoid I of Isochronous orders forces to defend close allies Credonia and destroy the terrorists. To avert any threat to Isochronous all borders have been closed and military police deployed to beef up border security.
The following are heading to a nation to attack, which will be revealed in due course:
4th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
5th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
68th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
69th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
1st Battle Fleet
30 Adelaide Class MTDs
35 ANZAC Class Frigates
30 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
90 Sea Sprite helicopters
2nd Battle Fleet
25 Adelaide Class MTDs
30 ANZAC Class Frigates
25 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
1 Huon Class minehunter
75 Sea Sprite helicopters
37th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
28th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
17th Strategic Wing
-38th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-303rd Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
18th Strategic Wing
-39th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-304th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
19th Strategic Wing
-40th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-305th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
20th Strategic Wing
-41st Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-306th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
7th Tactical Wing
-298th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-299th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-300th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
3rd Air Drop Transportation Wing
-5th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-6th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-7th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
5th Support Wing
-6th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
-7th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
13th Royal Engineers
1,800 engineers
Various construction equipment
3 Kennett Mobile SAMs
5th Improvisation Battallion
1,800 troops
50 Land Rovers
25 Bradley APCs
45 Quick Assemble Artillery pieces
Howitzers etc
Alpha 6 Brigade
2,000 elite Alpha Force troops
Armed with Steyr AUGs and M-16s with grenade launching attachments included.
-Close Air Support:
30 Black Hawks
50 Commanches
30 Eurocopter Tigers
25 Sea Hawks
22nd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
23rd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
24th Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
25th Marine Infantry Division:
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
These forces are enroute to....Gabon.
GLA Terrorists
13-01-2004, 11:18
Immediately Emperor Tamazoid I of Isochronous orders forces to defend close allies Credonia and destroy the terrorists. To avert any threat to Isochronous all borders have been closed and military police deployed to beef up border security.
The following are heading to a nation to attack, which will be revealed in due course:
4th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
5th Blockade Brigade
20 ANZAC Class frigates
6 Aegis Destroyers
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
10 Collins Class submarines
25 Sea Sprite helicopters
68th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
69th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
1st Battle Fleet
30 Adelaide Class MTDs
35 ANZAC Class Frigates
30 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
90 Sea Sprite helicopters
2nd Battle Fleet
25 Adelaide Class MTDs
30 ANZAC Class Frigates
25 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
1 Huon Class minehunter
75 Sea Sprite helicopters
37th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
28th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
17th Strategic Wing
-38th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-303rd Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
18th Strategic Wing
-39th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-304th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
19th Strategic Wing
-40th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-305th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
20th Strategic Wing
-41st Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-306th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
7th Tactical Wing
-298th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-299th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-300th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
10th Tactical Wing
-307th Fighter Squadron
60 F-22 Raptors
-308th Fighter Squadron
60 JSFs
-309th Fighter Squadron
60 Su-27 Fighters
3rd Air Drop Transportation Wing
-5th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-6th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-7th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
5th Support Wing
-6th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
-7th Support Squadron
3 B707 refuellers
1 E-2 AWACS early warning aircraft
6 F-15Es
13th Royal Engineers
1,800 engineers
Various construction equipment
3 Kennett Mobile SAMs
5th Improvisation Battallion
1,800 troops
50 Land Rovers
25 Bradley APCs
45 Quick Assemble Artillery pieces
Howitzers etc
Alpha 6 Brigade
2,000 elite Alpha Force troops
Armed with Steyr AUGs and M-16s with grenade launching attachments included.
-Close Air Support:
30 Black Hawks
50 Commanches
30 Eurocopter Tigers
25 Sea Hawks
22nd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
23rd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
24th Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
25th Marine Infantry Division:
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
These forces are enroute to....Gabon.
number wanking............... :roll:
13-01-2004, 11:21
Freedom States of Cuddlebugs would like to arrange a meeting with the Credonian Secretary of Defence in our world famous Castle House.
Please feel free to bring your security as well.
President F T Jones
[code:1:c096cce4ca]To: Freedom States of Cuddlebugs
From: Credonian Secretary of Defense Mitchell .A. Ferguson
Encrypted Message (All replies to this post by terrorist nations will be ignored)
I thank you for the invitation to meet with your leaders in such a location. I have talked to President Sutton about the matter and he has granted me permission to fly to your nation. When would you like me to come?
Mitchell .A. Ferguson
Secretary of Defense for the United States of Credonia[/code:1:c096cce4ca]
agreed. Talks will be set up in Castle House. Please come as soon as possible. We have important things to discuss.
13-01-2004, 13:14
13-01-2004, 13:16
OOC: you posted ur forces in the wrong thread iso, post them in the thread UE stared on attacking Gabon, thats where the war there is going on
OOC: The nation of Hamil has been surrendered over to Credonia and is now Credonian territory (reasoning behind the surrender unknown).
Kaimoni Sutton
President of the United States of Credonia
IC: Unexpectedly, Hamilian citizens rejoice as Credonian troops march through the city. They are greeted by cheers as the liberators have come to protect them and rid the government of their terrorist links. Thats one more victory in the war on terror. Credonian troops will shift into the next gear to search for further ties to terrorist nations and an interim government will be established SEPARATE from the Credonian government. Hamil shall still be considered Credonian territory
OOC: you posted ur forces in the wrong thread iso, post them in the thread UE stared on attacking Gabon, thats where the war there is going on
OOC: link?
14-01-2004, 11:00
OOC: They just closed it, and i just left it
IC: From a secret military base somewhere in Northwest Credonia, President Sutton boards 'Credonia One' And begins his journey to the nation of Cuddlebugs. Meanwhile, he prepares to attack the next nation on his list: Guerillaistan. The Credonian 422nd Carrier division along with the 43rd Marine Infantry Division, changes course for Guerillistan. ETA: 2 Days (NS)
43rd Marine Infantry Division
50,000 Marines
100 M1A1 Abrams Battle Tanks
60 KS1 SAM's
40 M103 Heavy Tanks
350 M113 APC's
20 M-270 MLRS Rocket Artilliary
25 M1A2 Abrams Tanks
25 G6 155MM Self Propelled Howitzer's
40 M2 Bradley APC's
75 M-15 Light Tanks
30 Patriot Missile System
60 T-95UM Heavy Tanks
60 M-26 Main Battle Tank
75 PzH 2000 (Panzerhaubitze 2000) 155mm Howitzers
Ozymandias IV
14-01-2004, 16:03
OOC - Credonia, are you planning to open a new thread for the Geurillistan campaign?
If so, we're willing to provide some air support and naval assets.
14-01-2004, 17:55
yea i will soon
Inner Heaven
14-01-2004, 18:07
OOC: Inner heaven will not tolerate such an act :)
14-01-2004, 18:44
OOC: Credonia doesnt care what you will or wont tolerate, your next on our list to attack
Inner Heaven
14-01-2004, 18:48
OOC: Credonia doesnt care what you will or wont tolerate, your next on our list to attack
OOC: You know you love me Creddy :lol: I look forward to it, I've seen your rping posts - very interesting :wink:
14-01-2004, 18:50
OOC: maybe so, but im going to do something i have been holding back from doing, and it may just piss off my allies but u know what, i dont care ;-) Your goin down at the military mercy of the Credonian military
OOC: I Have been in Uni since the 5th so aint had chance to get on ery much and first i heard of this vial attack on our closest ally
This is a Wolf News Alert.
We now take you to the senate were the President is addressing a emergency session of congress.
As you are all aware early this morning we brought to the end a major terrorist attack on laudian soil. We at the time did not know of the huge attack on Credonia our closest ally and I believe as I am sure you do that a attack on 1 member is seen as a attack on all members.
As such I am now asking you the elected representives of Lauda to authorise me the power to declare war on any terrorist nation that is a threat to national soverenty.
The room goes quite the speaker stands - Would you all now register your votes for and againest this action. After a minute the speaker looks up from his screen. With a vote of 85% for action the motion is passed, and we hearby give the president the power to declare war.
Thankyou Mr Speaker,
As of this hour a state of war now exisits with all nations listed on the Credonia list of terrorist nations. Our armed forces will be put into action immediatly. I am declaring martial law in Laudinian City and all other major Laudian citys.
To the leaders of the terrorist countries I say this you have 72 hours to leave your country or face military action at a time of our chossing.
15-01-2004, 12:39
Credonia thanks the Laudian government for its support in our endevour to rid the world of these evil, wretched terrorist organizations
15-01-2004, 16:03
The happy free people look forward to the visit of the president of Credonia. Festivities have been planned for the people, flags of Credonia are hung in the streets.
Security is tight in Cuddlebugs and Castle House. Our security have liased with yours.And the President is looking forward to the meeting.
President F T Jones
OOC: should be a good mini RP, we can discuss me joining IADF. 8) :wink:
15-01-2004, 17:08
President Sutton quickly has a message telegramed to President Jones while flying onboard 'Credonia One'
[code:1:76c08ca8a7]Presidential Telegram
From: Kaimoni .A. Sutton President of Credonia
To: J F Jones President of Cuddlebugs
Hello my friend! I am currently 2 hours away from your nation. Sorry for the short notice but security precautions warrants us to do so. We are currently being escorted by 6 armed F-16D's for protection so please dont be alarmed. During my visit i will be escorted by unarmed armed Secret Service agents until we reach your Castle House, at which time they will turn their weapons over to you for the duration of my stay. I very much look forward to this trip as it is a break from the madness of the world so to speak. I shall see you soon friend.
Friend and Ally,
Kaimoni Sutton
President of the United States of Credonia[/code:1:76c08ca8a7]
Onboard 'Credonia One'
President Sutton puts on his best black suit and black sun glasses and prepares to meet with the President of Cuddle Bugs. His wife and daughter Echo and Chassidy (respectivly) are watching him as he fumbles around with his tie. Echo can tell that he is anxious and nervous.
Outside the plane, the F-16 pilots scan the area for bandits even though no one knows of the Presidents trip except members of the Cuddlebugian (heh) governement.
The Atheists Reality
15-01-2004, 17:22
Looks like everone is having some form of trouble with terrorists, I'm dealing with sokme bombings.
15-01-2004, 17:26
Fred Jones the President of Cuddlebugs sat in the Castle House library sipping coffee. The Credonian President was soon to arrive.
They would hold informal talks over a traditional Cuddlebugian banquet.
Security was tight organised by Huter Jalapp. He was looking forward to sampling some of the food the newly arrived cooks would prepare.
15-01-2004, 17:43
In The Skies Over Cuddlebugs
All of the passengers onboard 'Credonia One' stap in and prepare for a smooth landing at CB International airport. The pilots establish voice communications with the Control Tower.
"Tower, This is Credonia One coming in on approach to runway 45C (C=Center) requesting permission to land"
"Credonia One, It is an honor, Winds 090 at 01, Runway 45C, Cleared to land."
"Credonia One clear to land, roger that, thank you tower."
The pilots fly the 747 in on the approach path lining up with the ILS and glidescope. An alarm goes off
"Middle Marker" says the co-pilot
"roger, Middle marker. Set flaps full, lower landing gear, power to 60% and maintain 145 knots"
After a moment another alarm goes off
"Inner Marker sir" says the co-pilot.
After acknowledging the marker warning the pilot flares the aircraft and brings lands it on the centerline of the runway.
The plane taxies to the tarmac and secret service and CB security secure the preimeter before the hatch to the aircraft is opened and the stairs are brought to the plane.
President Sutton and his wife and daughter walk towards the front of the plane. Whe they reach the hatch, they stand on the stairs and wave to the reporters who take pictures. They begin walking down the stairs and are shake hands with people before walking to the Presidential motorcade which bring him to the Castle House just 5 minutes away.
Five minutes later the motorcade arrives at the Castle House and the first family look around at the surroundings
"Wow, this is beautiful!" Echo exclaims as secret service agents escort them inside of the house.
OOC: The war on Gabon is over?
In that case, all our forces are headed for the terrorist-supporting nation of Inner heaven. ETA cannot be disclosed due to security reasons.
The 17th Strategic Wing flies ahead on a pre-emptive strike before the rest get there.
16-01-2004, 08:39
Update from The Credonian Government
[code:1:9f3960cf61]Credonian Terror List
1) Guerillaistan *Ultamatum Served, Prep. To Attack*
2) Helveticuz
3) Inner Heaven
4) Cuddlebugs
5) GLA Terrorist
6) Terristan
8) Gabon *ALLIES ATTACKING**[/code:1:9f3960cf61]
Credonian Terror List Updated 1/16/2004 2:40 CST
16-01-2004, 14:27
Huter Jalapp(i/c of security) took the weapons from the Credonian servicemen and escorted the Presidents family inside. They were taken to the library where the Cuddlebugian President greeted them all.
All four of them sat down around a table, the library was warm due to the roaring open fire.
President Jones said *It'll be nice to have an informal chat first before we have the official meeting in the press room upstairs*
President Jones looked at the only security in the room, Mr Jalapp who was acting very strange, shifting his eyes from side to side. Then from inside his coat Jalapp took out a silenced uzi. The Sutton family could not see this as they had their backs to him. President Jones' mouth dropped open in shock and dropped his cup of coffee on the floor.
President Jones managed to splurt out
"What the hell are you doing? you are my security chief, i trusted you!"
Jalapp said "The lure of the GLA was too much" A wicked smile spread across his face. :twisted: He raised the silenced uzi.......
GLA Terrorists
16-01-2004, 14:29
Jalapp raised the uzi at the shocked people around the table, with a grin on his face he shot all four, The President, his wife, his daughter and the Cuddlebug President. The silenced uzi spitting out metal death, at such close range he couldn't miss. He then put in another magazineinto the uzi.
16-01-2004, 14:30
The waiter walked up the stairs towards the library with some refreshments for the presidential guests, passing security on the way he was searched as he got to the corridor where the library was situated. As he got to the door he sniffed, he could smell cordite. He opened the door to the library and dropped the tray of refreshments in shock, they were dead, all dead. Blood ran over the marble floor, they were all face down, still.
GLA Terrorists
16-01-2004, 14:35
Jalapp saw the waiter enter the library and drop the tray, he squeezed off a few rounds into the waiter and then went over to the prone victims shooting each more three times in the head to make sure.
He could hear security running down the corridor to investigate the dropped tray, it was too late, he was done for but the mission was a success and the GLA was on its way again................
16-01-2004, 15:57
The security men ran up the stairs, the door to the library was open and the waiter was lying in the doorway, his white suit had three red patches where he was shot. Arming their MP5's they stormed the library, a man with a silenced uzi opened fire, bullets spraying out and hitting the door frame. The lead security agent raised his weapon and fired two shots into the face of the gunman who promptly fell.
The other agents ran to the prone bodies to see if they could do anything however it was likely they were too late. The whole event had taken less than 5 minutes since the arrival of the Credonian family and although security was extremely tight there was no way they could have suspected the Security Chief of Cuddlebugs himself.
Five Civilized Nations
16-01-2004, 16:08
A 5CN undercover JadeOps special forces personnel ran up the stairs when he heard the commotion. He discovered the security personnel checking the bodies of those dead.
Cursing under his breath, the agent ran down the stairs and pulled out his cellphone dialing the local 5CN embassy.
...In other news, the president of Celciana delivered a statement to the nation about the ongoing terrorist attacks on Credonia.
"We cannot just stand around and watch people from another part of the world suffer and die because of terror. I was not elected to just sit around and watch other countries suffer because of us not being involved."
The president ordered supply planes to arrive in Credonia with medical, food, and other supplies to aid the people of Credonia. The president also said this...
"If or when we are attacked by terrorists because of our involvment in helping Credonia, or other countries that ally with it; we will retaliate with force."
Celciana Congress voted almost unanimously to the president's request and he urges the leader of Credonia to accept Celciana's Help.
Cathrine Francis, Celcianic News.
Adaptus Astrates
16-01-2004, 17:52
Formal Declaration of war upon GLA Terrorists.
Due to reading this topic and after a terror attack on my own nation, AA declares war on GLA.
This is a situation which I should act to. The AA Armed Forces will mobilize within 15 hrs.
16-01-2004, 22:08
OOC: GLA you cant declare losses like that
President Sutton had been shot in the shoulder. He quickly picked himself up off of the floor and rushed over to his wife and daughter who were still alive but bleeding badly. Credonian secret service agents rushed into the rooms after recovering thier weapons and placed 'Credonia One' on alert.
"GET THE PRESIDENT OUT OF HERE, NOW!!! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!" the lead agent yells as he tries to carry Chassidy (the daughter).
The agents proceed to secure the stairway and begin the decent and head towards the front door. Agents outside of the Castle House secure the Presidential motorcade and shove the first family into the limousine before speeding off towards the airport where they are quickly taken onboard.
The doctor onboard tries to help the president but he refuses and tells him to tend to his wife who is still bleeding heavily.
"She's badly wounded but she will be alright. We need to get her to a hospital though as i dont have what i need to properly take care of her wounds"
The plane takes off and heads back to Credonia......
Celcianic News report:
This just in, President Sutton of Credonia has been mortaly shot along with his wife and daughter. His wife is in critical condition and no reports have been made of the President and Daughter. President Sullivan had this to say...
"This is just UNTHINKABLE!!! The entire family of the President to be shot is completly horrifying! I ask that our cargo planes be on alert before landing in Credonia in the morning."
The 3 cargo planes en route to Credonia are scheaduled to arrive on Saturday. No reports on what time but the President is hoping soon.
Cathrine Francis, Celcianic News.
17-01-2004, 02:57
Credonia News Network 1-16-2004 8:45 CST
Evidence has been found that the nation of Cuddlebugs and GLA contemplated a plan to try to assasinate the Credonian first family. Intellegence has positivly confirmed the link and has linked Cuddlebugs with a fictitional named 'Freedom States'. The Credonian Intellegence Agency warns all nations to take caution as Freedom States is not a legitimate nation (all evidence compiled by matching IP addresses. The IADF keeps tabs on all known IP addresses of our enemies to guard agianst such attacks as these). To the nation of Cuddlebugs, you will NEVER enter the IADF because of this, nor shall we consider you a friend of ours.
Status Of First Family
'Credonia One' safely landed back at a secret military base today, where he and his family recieved appropriate medical attention. Reports state that President Sutton is fine, his daughter Chassidy was only grazed by the bullets and his wife Echo who was shot is in stable condition and will quickly recover. It has also been said that the Credonian President is infuriated at the deception and lenghts the terrorists are taking to dispose of him and the first family. He will make a statment sometime tomorrow afternoon. More late breaking news to come as it happens. Stay tuned to the CNN.
*Cuddlebugs has been added to the "Terror List"*
17-01-2004, 03:28
Correction to my news brief, GLA and Cuddlebugs is the same person In Real Life (confirmed by IP address matching)
17-01-2004, 03:44
Celcianic News report:
This just in, President Sutton of Credonia has been mortaly shot along with his wife and daughter. His wife is in critical condition and no reports have been made of the President and Daughter. President Sullivan had this to say...
"This is just UNTHINKABLE!!! The entire family of the President to be shot is completly horrifying! I ask that our cargo planes be on alert before landing in Credonia in the morning."
The 3 cargo planes en route to Credonia are scheaduled to arrive on Saturday. No reports on what time but the President is hoping soon.
Cathrine Francis, Celcianic News.
Your cargo planes will NOT be allowed access into Credonian airspace unless the contents of the planes are PUBLICALLY disclosed. Before reachig Credonian airspace, they will be met by FULLY armed and alerted F-22 Raptors and escorted to a nearby military airbase.
Our cargo planes are filled with nothing more than medical supplies for the assistance in Credonia. The people of Celciana do not want a war with Credonia. If Credonia does shoot down our planes we will retaliate.
However, if you do not want to accept our supplies I will order our planes to retreat at once.
17-01-2004, 03:50
We thank you for your gesture of kindness, however, the Credonian first family is located at a secret airbase and have recieved the BEST medical care a Credonian can recieve from our TOP doctors, therefore they will not be needed, but thank you anyway.
Very well, but if you ever need assistance, do not hesitate to ask.
17-01-2004, 03:53
thank you
As the three C-130's make their way back to Celciana airspace, missiles are fired from the ground and the three aircraft explode.
Celciana News Report:
"...The three cargo planes that were scheduled to return to Celciana were shot down by Surface to Air Missiles while en route to Celciana airpsace. The force behind the attack is unknown, but authorities of Credonia believe it was the work of the GLA terrorists behind the attack killing 30 Celcianic men and women of our armed forces..."
17-01-2004, 21:31
As the three C-130's make their way back to Celciana airspace, missiles are fired from the ground and the three aircraft explode.
Celciana News Report:
"...The three cargo planes that were scheduled to return to Celciana were shot down by Surface to Air Missiles while en route to Celciana airpsace. The force behind the attack is unknown, but authorities of Credonia believe it was the work of the GLA terrorists behind the attack killing 30 Celcianic men and women of our armed forces..."
OOC: Credonia believes? .......
In response to the disgusting assassination attempt on the Credonian Presidential Family, the Emperor orders a partial diversion of forces from the attack on Inner heaven to commence the invasion of Cuddlebugs in retalliation. The following forcers are en route NOW:
69th Attack Task Force
1 Cygnus Strike Carrier (30 F-14s)
10 Adelaide Class MTDs
16 ANZAC Class Frigates
5 Collins Class submarines
2 Huon Class minehunters
1 Durance Class Supply vessel (also is a hospital ship)
30 Sea Sprite helicopters
2nd Battle Fleet
25 Adelaide Class MTDs
30 ANZAC Class Frigates
25 Aegis Destroyers
12 Collins Class submarines
1 Huon Class minehunter
75 Sea Sprite helicopters
28th Landing Transports
100 Kanimbla landing craft
50 Jervis Bay transports
5 ANZAC Class frigates
17th Strategic Wing
-38th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-303rd Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
18th Strategic Wing
-39th Fighter Squadron
20 F-22 Raptors
15 F-15Es
-304th Stealth Bomber Squadron
35 B-2 bombers
22nd Marine Infantry Division
25,000 troops
150 Medics
225 Leopard II tanks
50 Kennett Mobile SAMs
80 Bradley APCs
50 Land Rover Discoverys
3rd Air Drop Transportation Wing
-5th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-6th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
-7th Transport Squadron
10 C-130 Hercules
30 Chinooks
The first bombing wave will commence in 20 minutes IRL.
Celciana News report:
President Sullivan delivered a statement about the unexpected destruction of 3 cargo planes that were sent to the United States of Credonia for assistance in medical supplies. He noted that the attacks will not be ignored and that if Celciana is attacked again Celciana will be forced into this war on terror. Also, the deaths of the men and women onboard the three C-130's will not be in vein.
The president also hopes he could discuss a treaty with the president of Credonia once he recovers from the assasination attempt that was put on both him and his family. There is no speculation in the president's word on going to war as of yet; but there's a high probability that if any of Celciana's embassies in Credonia are attacked, there will be conflict.
George Basin, Celcianic News.
20-01-2004, 20:18
Statement From Credonian President Smith To Celciana
President Sutton is dead unfortunatly, however, you are invited to come to Credonia City (which is on lockdown at the moment) to discuss this treaty. (OOC: If you want to start a new thread so it wont be so messy in this one, go ahead). Also, since Credonia City is on lockdown, none of the foreign embassies are in danger. Only LEGAL Credonian citizens are allowed into the city and all non credonian citizens are being relocated.
Statement From Credonian President Smith To Celciana
President Sutton is dead unfortunatly, however, you are invited to come to Credonia City (which is on lockdown at the moment) to discuss this treaty. (OOC: If you want to start a new thread so it wont be so messy in this one, go ahead). Also, since Credonia City is on lockdown, none of the foreign embassies are in danger. Only LEGAL Credonian citizens are allowed into the city and all non credonian citizens are being relocated.'s posted.
22-01-2004, 13:21
whats the link