the republic of madeds infiltrated
Also sent to Madeds:
To the ruling elite of the republic of madeds
we have placed explosive underpants in all police supplies and in multi chain stores across the republic of madeds. our demands are simple - unseat the dictator and renounce your capitalist ways or all the randomly placed underpants will detonate 14:30 friday evening, detroying the wearers of the pants and those around them.
we recommend that your economy should be shut down to prevent the spreading of these explosives on other nations.
The Armed Republic of Vroshnak
Attention to other nations it is recomended forthwith that you cease trading with the republic of madeds - we dont want to see any other nation caught up in our crusades
This is the USSY to Voshnak we ask that you stop this act of terror immidietly. Please it is to save peoples lives.
It is our duty as the Anticapitalist Alliance to bring all capitalist nations to its knee's be subversion, terrorism or all out war. If The Republic of Madeds renounces it biggoted capitalist ways all acts of aggression will be ceased.
Long live the Republic of Skarsgard!
the nation of naraling is aiming to take over madheads
As a specatator and former nation sharer i would just like to say that although i do not approve of any terrorist action i do believe that capitalism is flawed, and a repressive regime such as that running the republic of madeds should be destroyed and replaced with a peoples government.
too things have happened in responce to the underpants.
1. the fesival of commando style. all undies will be proccessed and either burned if none explosive or safely defused and used as explosive reactive armour for most of our army and navy. the longer we have to find and proccess them, the less devistation will occur. so far, our heavy tank production has gone up so has protective gears such as gloves, gass masks and enviromental suits.
2. we are experimenting with the underpants we have collected and we may have found a way to use them as weapons grade nuclear fule. We shal not retalliate but make our army, navy and air force bigger and bigger untill you give up. trust me. it works every time.
the nations of skarsgrad and naraling are allying to destoy the nation of "madeds" we aim to capture the leader and beat him through the repressed streets of his capital with an old smelly tramps boot!
im joining the good fight to rid this beautiful world of such an ugly state not to mention its even uglier leader. the idea of beating him through the streets of his own ex-capital when we are victorious is purely and simply marvelous especially with a sweaty old boot!!
This good fight i am joining is to rid the world finally of madeds and anyone who tries to stop me!!!
Mattador would like to congreatulate madeds for such great grammatical skills. Ingenious, if you spell badly, they might take pity on you and not attack, nice work
10-01-2004, 12:58
To:Vrodish & allies
From: HRH's governments of Midlonia and Midlania
subject: Terror bombings
i request that you stop this now or i shall be forced to intervene in any form possible.. if this mean your destruction... then so be it
This just forces me to believe IDIOT isn't just a name, it's a religion.
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
The Peoples Republic of Skarsgrad has completed the research into basic nulear warheads and their delivery systems. Our nations weapons development and heavy industries (NWDH Industries) are focusing on the production of these warheads, combined with radar activated bomb and ICB delievery systems, these weapons will be available to the national military and for trade to select nations in the comming months.
The problem was it had already happened before you wanted to intervene, and the only reason they were attacked was due to threats of attacks on my nation, civil defence is a must for my nation and any nation in thew anticapitalist alliance, if any person in any nation from the anticapitalist alliance receives threats they have my nations support and I will react no matter what odds. many nations in the alliance are passivist so threats often occur, however my nation believes it has a duty to defend the innocent. Madeds and foul-mouth are not innocent.
Equally in turn if they were to receive threats from other nations unneccassarily i would support their nations until then i defend my slef and others that they threat,
The cruisers USSRS Brechnev and Kirov, accompanied by the carrier USSRS Petre and the submarine USSRDSV Xavier with their support ship USSRS Red Star which, is itself escourted by the destroyer USSRS Potempkin have departed our waters to 'patrol' The Eastern Pacific and the waters surrounding the nation of Madeds. The fleet is armed with the latest low yield nuclear tipped short range missiles. They shall comitt no act of aggression unless provoked, their role is to ensure stability and continued peace in the area.
The Peoples Republic of Skarsgrad has closed its borders to all except trade and essential transport, the borders and coastline of our nation is currently being fortified against any action taken against subversive nations. Bunkers, shelters and early warning systems are also being installed throughout our towns and cities, these are but precautionary measures taken due to the turbulent world in which we live.