A Few Rich People
08-01-2004, 07:08
(OOC: As this is my 365 post here (thats one post year :roll: ) I feel that its time to retire Reif Dnelufwa as Chairman of Mikosolf (ruling corperation of AFRP F.Y.I.) cause he be getting old.)
AFRP News Division
Television screens flicked mandatorly on in AFRP (and subsidiaries) and those willing to watch throughout the world:
An elderly looking man, possible late sevendies to early eighties walks out of the massive corperate building and upto a raised platform. It is Dnelufwa, current Chairman of Mikosolf. He seems "well preserved" for his age and pulls out both a sheet of paper and what seem to be glasses.
"My fellow citizens of Mikosolf and of the world, I have come before you today to announce my resignation as chairman. I know this may come to many as a shock, but I have served here for nearly fourty-five years, and I feel its time for younger blood to start anew. However, before I go, I must declare my last act as Chairman, the construction of a new corperate structure, grander and more stunningly beautiful than these rectangles of old will ever be. To be build on the barren wastes this circular structure will be a post-moderistic work of art...(OOC: to make it breif cause I *could* go on and on, its a post-moderistic Minas Til (and yes I can't remember how to spell it) greater in size to be used for the ruling council and some higher ups (beuracratic structure)).
So though I leave you to once again close myself from the world till the end of my days, fear not for the rest of the board has allready picked my successor:
May I introduce to you, the new Chairman, excuse me, Chairman of the Board, Ms. Eunice Elysian (el-sin-ãn)."
A younger woman steps up to the many microphones and says, "Thank you Mr. Dnelufwa." Turning back to the cameras she speaks again, "I know what many of you are thinking, 'What is she going to change first?'. My answer, nothing, or at least nothing that will not situlate the economy even moreso. Why you ask? We allready live in a country were jobs are booming, people have disposible income, and the right to live how we choose, why change it? So mourn not, for though the torch changes hands it shall still burn with the same flame."
And with that both Elysian, Dneluwfa, and the other board members (and security etc) retreat into the now obsolete corperate building.
AFRP News Division
Television screens flicked mandatorly on in AFRP (and subsidiaries) and those willing to watch throughout the world:
An elderly looking man, possible late sevendies to early eighties walks out of the massive corperate building and upto a raised platform. It is Dnelufwa, current Chairman of Mikosolf. He seems "well preserved" for his age and pulls out both a sheet of paper and what seem to be glasses.
"My fellow citizens of Mikosolf and of the world, I have come before you today to announce my resignation as chairman. I know this may come to many as a shock, but I have served here for nearly fourty-five years, and I feel its time for younger blood to start anew. However, before I go, I must declare my last act as Chairman, the construction of a new corperate structure, grander and more stunningly beautiful than these rectangles of old will ever be. To be build on the barren wastes this circular structure will be a post-moderistic work of art...(OOC: to make it breif cause I *could* go on and on, its a post-moderistic Minas Til (and yes I can't remember how to spell it) greater in size to be used for the ruling council and some higher ups (beuracratic structure)).
So though I leave you to once again close myself from the world till the end of my days, fear not for the rest of the board has allready picked my successor:
May I introduce to you, the new Chairman, excuse me, Chairman of the Board, Ms. Eunice Elysian (el-sin-ãn)."
A younger woman steps up to the many microphones and says, "Thank you Mr. Dnelufwa." Turning back to the cameras she speaks again, "I know what many of you are thinking, 'What is she going to change first?'. My answer, nothing, or at least nothing that will not situlate the economy even moreso. Why you ask? We allready live in a country were jobs are booming, people have disposible income, and the right to live how we choose, why change it? So mourn not, for though the torch changes hands it shall still burn with the same flame."
And with that both Elysian, Dneluwfa, and the other board members (and security etc) retreat into the now obsolete corperate building.