Immigration Violation Instigates Military Action
Yesterday Rebelandi border guards spotted thousands of illegal aliens crossing the border. These aliens were not natives of either Kleptocratopia or Plutonesia (both neighboring countries) nor were they natives of any other country in Militantatopia. This migration openly violated Rebeland's "Anti-Influential Foreigners" policy. This was a violation of section 3 quote: Any citizens from anonymous non-militantatopian states that enter into Rebeland without permission are a threat to Rebelandi propaganda campaigns and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.' Since there were not any judges, lawyers, or juries on the scene, military action was taken in lieu of the afforementioned. As such Rebelandi tanks exterminated the foreign threat. We wish for the nation responsible to take responsibility, we have all intentions of interpreting this as an act of hostility and will not tolerate it.
We do not claim responsibility for the immigrants, but condemn your nation for your policies. Your nation executed immigrants, who were possibly fleeing persecuting or were forced to migrate. They were not even given a fair trial. We feel there is no justification for the slaughter of unarmed civilians, and in response, have cut off all ties to your nation; both economic and diplomatic.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 06:34
The hive has space for all, we shall take the imagrants off your hands and as such they will no longer pose such a problem for you.
We are the hive we are perfection.
As a faithful ally to the powerful nation of Rebeland, Kleptocratopia shall take Exonerate's comments as a slanderous attack on Rebeland and Militantatopia. Furthermore, we shall ban all Exonerate products and immediately sever all contacts with your "nation." Vive Militantatopia!
Pardon my imputent tone Hive, but all of the immigrants are dead.
As a faithful ally to the powerful nation of Rebeland, Kleptocratopia shall take Exonerate's comments as a slanderous attack on Rebeland and Militantatopia. Furthermore, we shall ban all Exonerate products and immediately sever all contacts with your "nation." Vive Militantatopia!
Very well, we will also extend the severance of all ties to your nation.
In response to Exonerate's foolish comments:
The state of Rebeland does not leave the front door open to refugees (if I may conduct this response in a facetious manner) and as a result, there are negative repercussions when THOUSANDS of unidentified illegal aliens enter our nation under cover of night. Your hostile comment shall remain in our memories. In conclusion, your despicable nation should not speak unless you have an intelligent contribution to make, I did not ask for comments I asked for the nation responsible to fess up.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 06:44
Then we wish to harvest the corpses for study we shall determine their origen and settle this conflict.
We are the hive we are perfection.
While your forensic methods are rather esoteric, if you can provide an accurate answer, we will agree to your terms Hive.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 06:54
Very well.
*3 hive ships enter the region 2 royal guard their sleek 100 meter long black carapace shimmering as the suns light reflects off it. The larger of the 3 a cuttlefish transport vessel leads them towards the planet.
open comms from Avatar:
We have arrived please provide cordinations that we may collect specimins from.
We are the hive we welcome you to us.