01-01-2004, 14:15
ooc> basically this is the hybrid army associated with hive fleet imodius, they are all human or half human half xeno the parents of the hybrids will defend them with their lives and as such are morefanatical about defending their children than their own lives and become kamikazi should their children be captured or even killed.
ic> The small planet of Ocar was captured by hive fleet imodius several months ago but until this point the hive had no idea what to do with it. Realising that their now swelling "slave" poplulation wouldsoon require a home of its own parts the hive fleet turned back to this plannet to terroform it. Now the plannet is lush again and a small coloney for the Hybrids has been created. This places acts not only as a haven for the hybids and their families but also allows hive fleet imodius to have a constant store of humans.
ic> The small planet of Ocar was captured by hive fleet imodius several months ago but until this point the hive had no idea what to do with it. Realising that their now swelling "slave" poplulation wouldsoon require a home of its own parts the hive fleet turned back to this plannet to terroform it. Now the plannet is lush again and a small coloney for the Hybrids has been created. This places acts not only as a haven for the hybids and their families but also allows hive fleet imodius to have a constant store of humans.