Asian Alliance War Preparatory Conference Inivite or AR only
01-01-2004, 04:14
Here we meet in preparations for an act of War against pressing matters within our fellow Alliance. We will prepare, discuss, strategise, and work hard together through the acts of the new involvement and crisis that has pulled our minds in gathering the roles of conduct, why of conduct, and future conducts.
Speaker of the conference will have to be elected first and we may start.
01-01-2004, 04:17
East Islandia
01-01-2004, 04:22
Being that i brought out this topic, i would like to state why it is that i am requesting the help of the AR.
The first cause that we see is that Red Tide and Bonstock are imperialists, simply said. Given to them, we would see east Asia being taken over by the two nations, possibly even the world.
our second cause is that fact that Bonstock has an imperialistic history, and that we have already seen what they plan to do with Japan should they conquer ALL of it. THey plan to use the harbors as a base from which to station their forces and increase their manufacturing capability and overrun the rest of Asia.
Red Tide is just ultranationalistic, only he is willing to go imperialist. My strategy to deal with him is to have Sino consolidate his holdings in Japan so that he may keep Bonstock from taking over ALL of Honshu.
the joint occupation that i mention is going to have a very limited Bonstockian and Red Tide presence, being that i have a high rate of Japanese and Korean soldiers in my ranks who would take care of reconstruction, if not actual combat, in Japan.
however, that being said, i woul dalso like to state that for now, there is no danger; Agrigento and I can contain Bonstock and disallow his forces from reinforcing Honshu.
also, Xiaguo, put somethign in the title that says its "AR ONLY" or "invite only"
The Republic of Taiwan will be willing to commit forces against Red Tide.
01-01-2004, 04:33
*bugged by the BSS*
May I join this alliance?
I am Chinese.
East Islandia
01-01-2004, 04:41
Ya go ahead, ATA.
Islandian TRays and microagents detect and neutralize Bonstockian bugs.
sry BOnstock, but urbugs cant be everywhere at once. You can, however, read in on it seeing that it is a forum in NS.
The door opens and President Chen Shui Bian walks in. He takes a seat and waits for a turn to speak.
"I see co-ordination with Sino as a cornerstone to our strategy. But I have my concerns. What do we say to appease the other nations of the world, especially those who see our impending attack on Red Tide as imperialist?"
01-01-2004, 04:48
A man in a trenchcoat steps in, and simply gazes around at the meeting.
A security guard approaches the man in a trench coat.
"Excuse me, you are not allowed in here."
01-01-2004, 04:57
Man walks out respectfully. Guard walks away. Man walks right back in, and hides behind a wall.
President of ATA arrives to meeting and walks straight to the door. Bringing along 20 Armed Security Guards. The president's name was Ruben Hei. Ruben waits at the door and asks a guard to open the door for him.
The Fedral Union
01-01-2004, 05:03
The Fedral Union has taken an intrest in this...
East Islandia
01-01-2004, 05:09
"welcome to our conference," a heavily armored, beautiful female guard from the Eighth Marines Assault Division said, opening the door to PResident Hei.
Inside were more female bodyguards surrounding Foreign Minister (deputy) Qiao. Premier Chai Jun is linked via television conference.
Premier Chai, with all the bandages removed.
Except that she does have bandages on for the conference, so its hard to tell that its actually her.
And this lady's First General Sung Minlee, half Korean, half chinese, commander of East Pacific Forces.
General Sung and several of her troops excuse themselves from the conference and chase after the man with the trenchcoat. They zap him with a taser.
A young man walks into the auditorium quietly and slips over to a nearby guard.
"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit in on this conference?" he politely asks. The pin on his lapel indicates he is a member of the NNA alliance.
01-01-2004, 05:21
The man gets up, and shows a press badge. In a broken, somewhat Russian sounding accent, he says, "I am authorized to be here. I am with the Moscow Times. I will help cover this story so all of Asia can see, erm, the confrence."
As he distracts the guards, to men in Russian military uniforms, hiding PPSh41s under their fur trenchcoats, sit down to their computer some kilometers away. The agent planted a bug on the wall. Hopefully the T-rays wouldn't find the plastic bug. It transmitted voice as well as image. The men couldn't take their eyes of the East Islandians, though, somewhat distracted by the presence of the cute women.
A man walked into the building. In a French accent, he says "Bonjour, monseuir. I am Napoleon Bonaparte, Empereur des francais. I would like to observe your meeting."
01-01-2004, 06:04
Hey, you do know this is in Xiaguo soil. SO please, everyone must abid by Xiaguo's Rules and Regulations. Please stay in the Louge for a check up.
Before everything starts may I please insist everyone have a stamped label or badge. We are taking some terrorist measures.
Thank you. You will all arrive from Taipeng Int. Airport and will be driven by Hongqi's to Taipeng National People's Hall. There you will await for inspection and entrance to the halls and stages.
Remember that I will be on vacation until the 10th and East Islandia is in control of my forces in this conflict. Thank you.
"All I have, monseuir, is zis tape recorder and a check from a man in Bonstock. Can I enter?"
Very well. I will await your background checks.
01-01-2004, 06:10
Mr Bonaparte, do you have any security guards following you? If so they will also be searched. You may enter.
01-01-2004, 06:15
Representative of Hudecia, same question here. You may enter.
I do employ any current bodyguards. Thank you.
"Yes, I have two members of the Old Guard here. Gentlemen, let the man search you."
The men carried standard military equipment, though it looked really out of age. Thier rifles looked right out of Waterloo, and their bearskin hats and blue French uniforms looked as if they had been worn at Austerlitz.
01-01-2004, 06:47
Ok I present all of you special badges upon recognition of the conference behalf of Xiaguo.
Hei walks in staring at the female bodyguard's breasts. "Nice racket" says Hei (Hei is the youngest president of ATA, he is only 23 years old!). "Would you care to lead me to the meeting?" Hei hopes to get more looks at the girl, hoping her butt is more attractive.
01-01-2004, 06:55
Using the little bug, the men somewhere away zoom in on the East Islandian guards as they continue tasering their fellow agent.
"Wow, we never get this much attention from foreign women. Lets just hope this Napoleon guy saves some for us."
The man got up, after having been tasered a few times. In his Russian accent, he said, "Please, the people must know. I'm sure we could arrange something. I will be honest, and not tell anyone what I see." He gave General Sung a suave smile. "By the way, did I mention that you look very cute in that uniform?"
In the room some miles away, one of the agents said "Damn, he's hitting on her!"
"Why don't we ever get assigned to these infultration missions?"
01-01-2004, 07:20
East Islandia guards, We will take it on from here.
As Xiaguo's Security interferes with the stranger. Security asks The Man to show his ID and papers on being a Reporter for Moscow Times as this is a closed conference with no foreign media coverage.
Xiaguo Special Operatives Units are searching through the whole city especially having warnings of Bostock spies.
01-01-2004, 07:21
EI Security will be relocated at the Main Conference room.
01-01-2004, 07:26
"Wow. Ohter guards are taking the job away."
Meanwhile, the man reveals Russian citizenship papers, a Russian passport, and a badge that links him with the Moscow Times, all forged and phoney, but capable of passing.
01-01-2004, 07:28
As I said no Media Coverage so this only grants you a safe ticket out of the conference.
01-01-2004, 07:30
"All right sir."
He looked over to see General Sung, and gave her a salute and a smile. He then walked out of the building. The "Package" had already entered, and he could take it from there.
Five MAI-X series humanoid robots wearing cloaks walk towards the hall, four of them seeming protective of the one in the lead, wears a more ornate cloak.
"I am TXC150, Mekantan commander. We wish to observe proceedings so as to determine if the Holy Empire should assist. We are sympathetic to your cause, but do not yet know if we should assist or not."
The other four simply cross their arms.
"These are my escorts. TGU101, 102, 103, and 104. You are welcome to examine them. They carry only basic bodyguard weapons..."
01-01-2004, 07:55
Attention all Attending Persons. We will Now Leave the Taipeng National People's Hall to The People's Building South of the Current conference. Everyone is to leave imediately and the meeting will begin. There we will have Veteran Uniformed Soldiers Securing the Building. Cars will transport everyone there by an hour. Thank you for the inconvienence,
Sho Cheiy of the Banat arrived typically late- Dra-pol's L2D4 transport aircraft were hardly airworthy let alone fast.
The Major bore a standard Drapoel officer's short-sword on his hip, while Sub Lieutenant Shin-kyun too carried such a blade in addition to the 7mm Baby Nambu automatic pistol on his belt.
The junior officer seemed displeased with the security arrangements he had observed on the pair's approach. Though small in stature (most Drapoel are considerably less than 5'8" tall) Shin-kyun was not meek in expressing his unease. The number of foreign agents milling about would be unprecidented in Dra-pol, and the Sub Lieutenant apparently wanted the body of the conference to be staged in a room that had not seen recent unauthorised presence. Drapoel technology was not well acquainted with electronic surveillance, and the Banat tended to be exceptionally paranoid of such alien concepts.
OOC: I take it the leader of the NAIA is not invited, huh E.I? No worries... just holla if you need help.
01-01-2004, 22:14
Sorry Dra-Pol, you will be transported to Xiaguo's National Hall. Thank you for being here for the Conference.
I also declare hostile toward Perfect China.
Perfect China, has murdered Thousands of Communist Comrades. The Divine Ruler Mao of Perfect China has shown Cruel and Barbaric acts. Knowing the Communists had not shown any violence but still executed every communist using torture. The Divine Ruler should be trialed for Barbaric Acts.
I bring this issue toward and present this to the Alliance.
I am declaring Hostile toward Perfect China.
I also ask the backing of the Asian Alliance.
I am preparing for any acts toward Perfect China joining many countries.
Perfect China's Thread
To even think the Perfect China is in the same Region as I, United China.
Napoleon, still in his uniform he wore in Russia, complete with his field hat, walked out with his two Old Guard escorts. They loaded into a car, and were driven to the confrence place.
Along the way, The Emperor felt into his pocket. He fumbled the check that the man in Bonstock had given him. Then he touched something in his other pocket. A small radio. He turned it to the right frequency, so it would go to the BSS satellite encrypted in an unbreakable code. Then he pressed "Transmit."
He thought to himself, "Strange that these Swedes need my help. They almost ruined their nation against La Grande Armee."
East Islandia
01-01-2004, 22:20
EI Security will be relocated at the Main Conference room.
Sry, Iuthia, i forgot to invite you, but if you want, please feel free to come. Only, its on Xiaguo's territory, but im sure they wont mind having you around.
Besides, like ten other observers suddenly popped up, so come on over and join the party.
And please keep all hands to yourselves instead of my guards.
All the Islandian officials and soldiers, most of them women save for Deputy Foreign Minister Qiao, stick their verification badges onto the breast pockets of their flak jackets.
General Sung smiled at the man, then shook her head. "Thank you for the compliment, but you heard the Xiaguo people: NO PRESS."
Meanwhile, one of her troops, armed with a portable bug scanner and a large hammer, walked over to the location of the bug and smashed it with her hammer before walking back. The Islandian ladies turn over the Bonstockians to the Xiaguo people.
"Sry about the disturbances from before," Sgt Kim says, blowing a kiss at the Xiaguo guards and walking out with two others, leaving Corporal Zhu Liyi and Pfc Nakashima Natsuko standing at attention behind General Sung and Premier Chai. When informed by Xiaguo that they are all to leave, all of them file for the door.
Of course, the ladies are a bit annoyed at the searching for weapons, but they can only bear it, so they whip up their sexiest smiles, drop all their weapons, and let the Xiaguo security search them before heading to the cars.
01-01-2004, 22:38
As the Chairman walks down the stairs from the airplane. He is quickly transported to the National Hall. As he arrives, he quickly greets Napolean and Enters the hall.
To all leaders and representatives to the Conference, I apologize for the wait. I have just taken the fastest jet here from Hokkaido and I thank all of the members to be here. I cordinally invite everyone here and I am grateful for everyone for letting Xiaguo serve you. We will have the meeting shortly. Thank you.
As Yeh walks away and bows, he quickly walks inside the lounge.
01-01-2004, 22:40
Bonstocknian High Command
Field Marshal Gustav II Adolph, or Gustavus Adolphus, walked into the room.
"Field Marshal, we have the signal." They tuned in the satellite radio. The heard in the car as Napoleon and his Old Guard members talked to one another in French.
"Good. Tell me when they get into the building."
01-01-2004, 22:43
Thank you East Islandia for enforcing the laws. Of course, if anybody has anyone you want to invite, they may come but still have to go through security.
I hope having Sino to the confrence so he may be arriving soon.
Napoleon greeted Chairman Yeh, and his Old Guard contingent saluted. Then they took their seats in the room, with the radio still transmitting to Bonstock. Napoleon continued to fumble the check in his pocket. "100 billion francs," he thought, "That's more money then I've ever had in my whole life!" He was unaware that the Franc was worthless, replaced by the Euro.
East Islandia
01-01-2004, 22:49
Pfc Nakashima grimaced, thinking of the immature President Hei. She certainly hoped that he was a good leader, and not one of those corrupt, sexually voracious predators which had long dominated Islandian politics before the likes of the Censorate were revived and kicked out all the 'sharks,' as they were known.
"It's only my flak jacket," she said, somewhat self-consciously, tugging at her vest. Men usually didnt look at her very often; she had a beautiful face and lithe body, but not so much in the way of chest, so she was ignored many times.
"Who are you talking to, Natsuko?" Sgt Kim whispered into her ear.
Nakashima blushed, and quickly turned towards her flakjacket, tugging at it to make it look as if she was involved in doing something else.
"Nothing," she replied.
Kim rolled her eyes and turned towards the window of the car.
Foreign Minister Qiao (deputy) sighed. Premier Chai always brought along a bunch of her female bodyguards and General Sung, a vital officer in Forces Command, and filled up their delegations with enough estrogen to overwhelm the two or three male representatives there. He sniffed to himself and reminded his wandering eyes that he did, after all, have a family, before turnign to the window and closign his eyes, trying to find sleep.
East Islandia
03-01-2004, 19:03
the thread died.
and on a more pressing note, Dark Terror has declared war on Bonstock. If they move into Asia, this could spell trouble for us.
(Suggestions? Hm, well there's always avoiding Dark Terror like the plague..)
The two Drapoel on hand seemed less than bothered by any delay. It was their experience that decisions were slow to be made, and that in other countries slow to be acted upon once reached.
Both men were, as stated, some considerable distance short of 5'8" tall and of significantly darker skin than was typical of their South Korean and Chinese neighbours. Their brown uniforms were quite smart, if a little old fashioned. Tucked into tall black boots Sho Cheiy's trousers ballooned around his thighs, while Sub Lieutenant Shin-kyun's slightly khaki-tinted uniform included traditional Drapoel sandals. The foot and leg bindings that compensated him for the absence of boots would not have looked out of place on a Great War Tommy.
Cheiy barely moved unless it was absolutely required of him, the young junior officer meanwhile divided his time between staring intently at whatever western faces were present and shooting occassional glances across certain Islandian guards.
04-01-2004, 04:31
Xiaguo does not wish to go to war at this time, after some talks with Bonstock Xiaguo wishes to see what happens next. I hereby Propose The Neutrality Proclamation(Similiar to Wasington's)
East Islandia,
To better promote our ties, I will be sending more peace-talk efforts. Thank You.
East Islandia
04-01-2004, 04:33
"Perhaps we should all sit down and begin with business?" Premier Chai suggested. "That is, if the Xiaguonese are done searching my guards."
Nakashima glared at her searcher and stuck her tongue at him when he wasnt looking.
Qiao sighed. Islandian diplomats were among the worst in the Pacific; they were good at waging war, having fun, and carrying out reforms, but ask them to go somewhere else.... and they would not be very good at that, to say the least.
OOC: Oh the pain! I'm ill and I may be like this for a while, staring at the screen isn't all that healthy at the moment but I'll try and do what I can tomorrow for by part in this...
04-01-2004, 04:49
Yes Enter, I would like to invite you cordinally to the the Presidential Hall and discuss with Minister Park. As of your diplomats, we have beer, cigars, and wine. All made in China.
The diplomat shifted uncomfortably in his chair. He knew they were looking at him, and he knew why. He had never quite understood why he was sent to this forum.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw two guards approaching from behind him. He quickly buried his nose in his notes and pretended to be busy. The notes were an assortment of records that his government had assembled on the countries that were in attendance. They were not classified, but his government had gone through a lot of trouble to assemble them. There was more at stake here than simply making new allies and learning about their enemies...
Looking up suddenly he saw that a young officer from Dra-pol was staring at him. Their eyes met, and for a minute the diplomat was locked in the intense glare of the soldier. Then he turned away. He should have known better, his face was too easy to read...
East Islandia
04-01-2004, 17:55
General Sung slowly sipped at her beer. WHile she normally found it repulsive, she savored the suprisingly sweet taste of the Tsingtao beverage and watched the man go about his business. There was something strange about him, that much was certain.
"What do you suppose is the matter with him?" Premier Chai asked, smoothing out the wrinkles in her attire, which consisted of a skirt and gray matching top.
"I dont know," General Sung replied. She was dressed in Islandian digital dot urban camoflage, her jacket opened slightly and an unseen wire trailing up her collar. "I have a feeling it's not what he's supposed to be doing."
"He's being naughty," Kim replied.
"You know what we do to naughty boys," Zhu said with a giggle. "We either shoot them-"
"Or taze them," Nakashima said sarcastically. "He doesnt seem like the very epitome of theman that all you romantic fools are constantly dreaming of, so we'll leave out option three."
"Quiet, all of you," Qiao hissed. "The talks are about to start."
"Dark Terror? We have had next to no contact with them and ziltch intellegience. What sort of forces are we facing here?"
The diplomat relaxed as the conference began. He wiped the sweat off his brow. The diplomat looked more like he would be more at home in a lab than here.
Was this alliance serious about going to war with Dark Terror? he asked himself smugly. Do they have a death wish? Maybe they should ask what happened to other opponents of Dark Terror. He didnt smile.
Hudecian Armed Forces pale in comparaison to many other nations so his government had learned at an early state that the only way to stay alive was through intelligence gathering. Knowing who was whom and who was on who's side was part of his job, and he was good at it, most of the time.
But this time was different. He fiddled with his NNA pin, reminding him of his mission here, he could not, would not fail. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, he reminded himself, so he would wait.
OOC: Dark terror was once the Bisons, who got nuked and ignored it.
OOC: Dark terror was once the Bisons, who got nuked and ignored it.
06-01-2004, 03:01
ooc: I'm thingking of getting out of the bisons war. It ended in flame and poor RP, like all wars with bisons.
Napoleon, seeming beamingly confindent, noticed the East Islandian women sitting, drinking beer. All except one was in a military uniform; he was still in the coat he wore in Moscow. His guard's uniforms had bullet marks from Waterloo.
Still, he swaggered over, and said, glancing at all of them, "Bonjour, mesdemoiselles. How may I be of service to you?"
His little radio continued to transmit.
The diplomat's cell phone vibrated, indicating that he had a call. Although he did not answer it, he knew who it would be from. Quickly excusing himself, and leaving his briefcase behind, he walked out to the main lobbey and found a pay phone. He dialed his contact's number.
Returning to the conference he was in a cold sweat. How could this happen? He asked himself frantically. In a panic he looked around the room. He had to do it now!
He had doubts before, but now the threat was clear. Where was President Hei? Where had he gone? He need to find him immediately, this had gone too far.
East Islandia
07-01-2004, 15:36
Still, he swaggered over, and said, glancing at all of them, "Bonjour, mesdemoiselles. How may I be of service to you?"
His little radio continued to transmit.
forget the dark terror idea; they're godmodders and i dont like them anyway.
"Hello," Zhu said.
"Bonjour," Kim replied.
"No thanks, but we dont need anything," Nakashima replied. "Care to join us?"
East Islandia
07-01-2004, 15:41
"Dark Terror? We have had next to no contact with them and ziltch intellegience. What sort of forces are we facing here?"
"We faced their forces once before," General Sung replied. "They had incredible technology and weaponry, but they are heavily lacking in tactics and doctrine. They were at least two to three years ahead of us in the last war, but we are confident that the gap has narrowed and that we are far superior to them in terms of strategy and tactics."
"Unfortunately, war is not an option currently," Qiao interjected. "The original proposal was that war will only be launched pending the start of imperialism in Asia, practiced by Dark Terror and his forces. We of the Politburo are of a mindset that such is inevitable, but we still need to buy time to keep them occupied first while we finish the closing touches on sixth generation cruise missiles and weaponry."
08-01-2004, 01:02
---Posting for Modern Napoleon---
"Why sure, I'd love to join you. So, where are you belles filles from?"
ooc: Yes, DT does lack in tactical doctrine. The only reason he can beat me is he has dozens of allies who would gladly go to war in a heartbeat. Otherwise, my disiplined, organized troops would be far superior to his.
East Islandia
08-01-2004, 15:42
"We're from Islandia," Nakashima replied.
"Tropical," Zhu interjected. "Very tropical."
"Almost like Hawaii, but with more and bigger islands, and more beautiful and diverse scenery," Kim said.
10-01-2004, 03:24
Xiaguo has just landed in the city of Hilgaro or something like that which is controlled and oppressed by The Dark terror Army. Xiaguo has sent 70,000 troops consisting of veterans from the war with Japann. After my surveying of the thread, I find it is my responsibilities to enetr the war.
The city has been ravaged by Dark terror's Army having murdering half a million of the inhabitants, repeating the Nanjing Massacre, the seige of Stalingrad, it is a sub-human act. One of the sub human acts was the murder of 21 children at an elemetary school. They appear to be lined up at the walls and shot. Some staff and more children were found near by. the residents are also starving from the siege.
I ask the Asian Alliance to help by sending a huge fraction of Rapid Reaction force to the city as a relief force. Also sending food my be necessary.
Contact me or Hudecia for the thread if interested but I hope the Asian Alliance can do what the Alliance was made for. Thank you.
East Islandia
10-01-2004, 03:32
huh? wuts going on? Why didnt anyone bring this to our attention and formally ask the alliance for aid?
The thing is, Dark Terror has a ton of allies.
Dumb allies, prob puppets, but allies nonetheless.
We need to carefully consider this if we're going to war.
Or we could always ignore him, since he is a prick.
(I'm inclined to agree with EI on ignoring Dt..)
DaKhiem belatedly sends its apologies to the Alliance for the republic's lack of involvement -a civilian vessel from a foreign nation has been attacked in Drapoel waters, and suspicion has fallen on the wesern imperialist capitalist Christian Crusader coalition forces occupying part of the east coast. The possibility for renewed hostilities in Dra-pol precludes foreign deployments, as such hostilities have the potential to pit millions of imperialist soldiers against the republic on her own shores, should DaKhiem be unable to contain the incident.
(Plus I'm trying to RP the struggle of a handful of Banat operatives cut off in Chad and striving to reach the Libyan border with the entire army after them, heh.. don't ask how they got there)
I have returned from Costa Rica, will post IC pending me reading through hundreds of posts in a number of threads to figure out what the f*ck is going on.
OOC: Dumb allies, you got that right.
I'm Asian, but not in the war... other stuff to worry about.
The flight from South Dalania hadn't been very long, but Overseer General Lee Kang Woo was already edgy. In a nation where the old guard, the veterans of the 1950-1953 war, still held sway, the young general had been promoted to the overall command of South Dalanian forces. Unlike his counterparts who were usually old and gray-haired, Kang Woo was tall and well-defined. His skin tone, lighter than that of the northern Dra-poel was of good complexion and his hair, worn typically short and spiked was concealed under the brim of a military cap. He was here to represent South Dalania in the AA military conference.
After clearing the security checkpoints and escorted by two South Dalanian marines wearing dress uniform, the young commanding general stepped forward into the conference area where he immediately took a seat. Leaning forward in his chair, he caught a glimpse of a stunning young woman off to the side, sitting with the East Islandia delegation. Her beauty was hard to ignore and although he knew that she was most likely a high military officer in her own country, he couldn't help but stare a little. He offered her a little smile in response to her questioning glance and returned to shuffling his papers and waiting for him to be addressed by the chairman of the meeting.
The flight from South Dalania hadn't been very long, but Overseer General Lee Kang Woo was already edgy. In a nation where the old guard, the veterans of the 1950-1953 war, still held sway, the young general had been promoted to the overall command of South Dalanian forces. Unlike his counterparts who were usually old and gray-haired, Kang Woo was tall and well-defined. His skin tone, lighter than that of the northern Dra-poel was of good complexion and his hair, worn typically short and spiked was concealed under the brim of a military cap. He was here to represent South Dalania in the AA military conference.
After clearing the security checkpoints and escorted by two South Dalanian marines wearing dress uniform, the young commanding general stepped forward into the conference area where he immediately took a seat. Leaning forward in his chair, he caught a glimpse of a stunning young woman off to the side, sitting with the East Islandia delegation. Her beauty was hard to ignore and although he knew that she was most likely a high military officer in her own country, he couldn't help but stare a little. He offered her a little smile in response to her questioning glance and returned to shuffling his papers and waiting for him to be addressed by the chairman of the meeting.
OOC: Sorry double post ><
I would appreciate if I could be given a brief update so I don't have to read about 10 pages
11-01-2004, 17:43
ooc: Tokorev, basically its all the nations coming, their delgates being checked, and the BSS paying Napoleon Bonaparte to sit in on the meetings and tell us everything that happens.
ic: Napoleon leaned over. "Sounds like a very nice place, this Islandia. So where is it? And who is the leader of your country?"
OOC: Thanks, I will post an IC post when I get the chance
11-01-2004, 18:31
The diplomat was still visibly shaken as he sat back down. President Hei was nowhere to be found. His thoughts trailed back to his family back home... his brother in the airforce... his cousin in the army...
His cousin ... he would have been deployed to Higaly City by now... he buried his head.
East Islandia
11-01-2004, 23:46
ic: Napoleon leaned over. "Sounds like a very nice place, this Islandia. So where is it? And who is the leader of your country?"
"We're in the Pacific," Zhu replied, swirling her drink slowly. "The Southern Pacific, next to Agrigento and a whole host of other countries."
"Our Acting Premier is Chai Jun," Kim said, and pointed to Premier Chai, who sat in her business suit at the table, chatting with some people from South Dalania. "And that's General Sung, the Islandian forces commander for the East Pacific."
"I wasnt aware that Modern Napoleon was part of the Resistance," Nakashima remarked politely. "What made you decide to come and attend our conference?"
East Islandia
12-01-2004, 00:02
"Where is President Hei anway?" General Sung muttered to Qiao. The older man shrugged, and shook his head.
"I think he may have been left behind? IN any event, I'll go over to that diplomat and ask," Qiao said, picking himself up and strolling casually over to the man who was bent over, seemingly tired.
Premier Chai turned to General Sung. "Since no one seems to be putting on any important referendums, let's go over and chat with the Dalanians. They're favoring you with sly looks," she said, nudging her.
Sung rolled her eyes. "We're diplomats and officials, not chatty schoolgirls," she grumbled as Chai pushed her to where they sat. "I'm sure htey're nice and all, but why is it that everyone's so concerned about fixing me up with marriage? I still have time to go-"
"Dear, you're almost thirty something," Chai replied. "I married when I was about your age, and you cant wait very much longer." She put a finger on Sung's lips when she started to protest. "I've known you since you were a Second Lieutenant in the Third Lancers; trust me when I say you should look around. Besides, not all men are so bad, and it's always good to have a companion for life."
Sung rolled her eyes and snapped off a mock salute. "Yes, Premier, as you say."
They strolled over to the South Dalanians. "Hello," Premier Chai said. "We are pleased to see that our Dalanian allies are present. I am Premier Chai Jun and this is First General Sung."
They extended their hands.
Meanwhile, Qiao noticed that the man from Hudecia seemed depressed.
"Um, hello," he said, extending his hand. "I am Acting Foreign Minister Qiao from East Islandia. May I ask where President Hei is?"
Kang Woo smiled, rising from his chair to offer a military bow to each of the East Islandian delegates before clasping their hands in a handshake. "I'm Overseer General Lee Kang Woo," smiled the young man as he clasped Premier Chai's hand. Turning to General Sung a slight look of embarassment crossed his face as he nodded his head forward in an apologetic bow.
"Please forgive my rudeness," flushed the officer as he raised his head. "I didn't mean to stare so long, it was just that it's been awhile since I've seen anyone so beautiful in a military uniform. South Dalania's army really isn't the place to go for looks in uniform," said Kang Woo with a slightly nervous look on his face.
Behind the general, the two marines briefly exchanged glances of amusement, then returned to their stony-faced dispositions...
East Islandia
12-01-2004, 02:56
General Sung blushed as she shook his hand, and Premier Chai smiled secretly inside. Despite her bold image and "to hell with them" (them=men) image that the media seemed so fond of fostering (and the feminists seemed to like) she was more shy than anything, and she seemed to be taken aback by this man, who actually looked into her eyes instead of her breasts.
"Pleased to meet you, General," Sung said, bowing quickly to hide the red tint that stole over her cheeks. "I am honored by your compliment."
"May we sit?" Chai asked. "We wish to discuss with you the possibility of free trade and mutually beneficial economic policies.
"Off the record, of course," Chai added. "But all work and no play makes us all very dull, I suppose."
General Sung wished she had her camoflage paint so she could conceal the ever-reddening blush spreading across her delicate features.
"With your permission, General," she said, taking a chair.
"Sorry I have not seen him."
Remembering his manners, he quickly stood up straight and shook Qiao's hand firmly.
"I apologize for my rudeness, I am Lieutenant Gamble. I have been looking for President Hei all day. Unfortunately, he seems to have disappeared." The Hudecian forced a laugh, but his eyes betrayed his uneasiness.
"I think his leaving has something to do with the crisis in Higaly. Apparently, his government was accused of committing genocide there and several nations invaded there. However, their plans seemed to have expanded into an attempt to colonize all of ATA." The young Lieutenant paused to nervously adjust his glasses.
"The governments of Xiaguo and Hudecia have been co-operating to try to defuse the crisis but it is no easy task. Currently over 1 and 1/2 million troops are facing off against each other. And about 10 000 Hudecian peacekeepers are caught in the middle." At that, he stopped, his thoughts trailed off to his cousin. He was only 19, younger that even Lieutenant Gamble, who was in his early twenties. He joined up to help pay for his college tuition but ended up being sent to Higaly City as part of the peacekeeping mission which had ended only hours ago when the ATA forces rushed past peacekeepers to attack Higaly.
East Islandia
12-01-2004, 03:07
Qiao lifted his eyebrows. "I see," he said, shocked. "Perhaps you can raise the issue in front of the conference; we're lacking a referendum after all, and we can speak on ur issue until we are finished with the various technicalities that call our attention."
When Qiao still saw his nervousness, he spoke again. "I'm certain we can help all sides; but if the allegations are true, Hudecia may face punitary measures from the Alliance."
Banat Sho Cheiy remained all but motionless, calmly considering that the Alliance perhaps was no faster acting than the day to day bureaucracy of DaKhiem.
Sub Lieutenant Shin-kyun, it may be noticed, had left his superior's side. The observant may notice the little man crouched off at the side of the room, apparently tinkering with a device in his now removed satchel.
The weighty back-pack sized item was about the best radio available to all but the most elite Banat and Red Bamboo units in Dra-pol, and Shin-kyun was doing his level best to be heard over it without shouting his communication for all to hear.
..As if anyone but potentially a skilled South Dalanian linguist would understand more than a few isolated words of his Drapoel dialect anyway.
"I'm sorry... I believe you do not understand me. My government is attempting to halt the violence in Higaly by standing in between two much larger nations. We have no wish to colonize Anti Terror Army (ATA), the nation of Dontgonearthere (DGNT) has threatened to do so. We do not support ATA's actions." The lieutenant shifted again nervously. "Perhaps I explain myself more fully..."
The lieutenant gave a brief history of his nation's involvement with ATA; but his main point was that ATA had simultaneously declared war on 4 much larger nations. Hudecia was not one of these, however, became involved when DGNT threatened to colonize ATA unless someone stepped in. Hudecia, seeking to prevent greater bloodshed (death toll is now over 2 million), proposed a peacekeeping plan to separate the nation's armies and end the violence. ATA had disregarded the plan and continued his attacks, even mobilizing his nuclear arsenal.
The general officer smiled and helped the young female general into her own seat. Returning to his own place, he shifted a few pieces of paper, taking out the portfolio that had been pressed upon him by Min Kyong before he'd left South Dalania.
"As a military officer, normally economics is not my area," spoke the general as he closed his attache case. "However, Command has given me permission to negotiate free trade and economic agreements in addition to any defense pacts."
When he noticed the questioning stares of the two women, the general grinned a sheepish grin. "I graduated from Seoul University with a major in economics, so I'm not completely unqualified for the task."
He was stunned. Not only was she beautiful, but she was smart and polite. As one of South Dalania's most eligible bachelors, he'd been flooded with love letters and the like, once it had been announced that he'd been given his military command...but the women he'd dated had always had the wrong impression of him. His command and power attracted them, but once they discovered his true personality, they left him. They always did.
As a result he'd tried to forget about women by throwing himself into his work. It had worked for awhile, but now he sensed that that part of his life had come a close. He was almost taken aback by her politeness and her quiet reserve, so much unlike the loud and boisterous girls he'd dated in the past.
"Well as far as economics go...a mutually beneficial trade mission--"
The South Dalanian marines had been exchanging hard glances with the Dra-poel for the last ten minutes. Although recent developments had softened the stance between the two rival nations, the South Dalanian military was still largely the territory of war veterans which meant that until reunification, South Dalanian soldiers would be trained to believe that Dra-poel soldiers, no matter where they were, were always going to be suspicious types.
Their glares deepened when they saw one of the Banat officers talking into an older military model radio. A few snatches of the conversation could be heard, but the man's northern accent was so thick that it was almost like hearing another language.
The glares passed unnoticed by the rest of the delegates as the South Dalanian honor guard and the Dra-poel Banat agents continued to shoot hard looks at each other across the chamber.
13-01-2004, 03:07
After President Yeh's last appearance after he had finished his term and chosen Dao Min Ju as the New President. Yeh then placed himself in as National Secretary.
OOC:I did this for a change in the government so, I am not trying to change everything so fast..
As President Dao, Secretary Yeh, and Ambassidor John Kim all arrive at the doors with dramatic footsteps.
As the President begins to speak, he gestures every sentence out.
As today I thank everyone for being here once again, I am very sorry that I had to come late again, as always, I had came back from Hokaido after giving some specific orders. I came late because of the recent change of the regime and I had some paper work to be done, but I am very happy and moved to see every in best significance.
I have recently declared hostile to the ATA government and cooperating to the government of Hudecia to help the citizens of Higaly. After witnessing the horrors, we are however impressed with Hudecia's performance in trying to solve this issue with armed soldiers and peaceful talks. The ATA government is however believed to be out of OUR call to act on and to even have any relations to it. However, what we can do is not to be neutral, but to send aid and help to the ones who are suffering. Huge massacres, murders, executions, homicides, and not to mention suicides caused by this so called "Anti Terror Army" It is not a war, but a major genocide attended by innocence's children.
Although I am hostille toward ATA governments and so on.., I am also aware of DGNT's threat of having to colonise Higaly after winning. Although he fights because of ATA's actions, we must be aware of how DGNT millitary treats the innocent citizens of Higaly!''''As he speaks, an unexplained bang sounds through the halls.''''''
*Voice now Rising* I am sorry that I have not really gained permission to go out on hostillities with the ATA government, but to truly have it, I think I am in favor to do so by terms of my own (Government Beliefs) that *Colonising is wrong, Genocide is wrong, Dictatorship is wrong, the ATA's leaders are wrong, and I happening to think that DGNT is wrong.""""More bangs go off outside""""
For the other issue, I have realised that the neutral exitance between Xiaguo and Bonstock/Red Tide are to remain Neutral throughout any war because the government has not gained enough information, I have Proclaimed the Neutrality Existance of Xiaguo. ANd I thank everyone for the attention!
Thank You!
As President Dao sits down, Secretary Yeh ascends and begins to talk but was interupted by an urgent message that was recieved by John Kim, our Ambassidor.
Whispering to Yeh as the whole hall was whispering and some frequent coughs can be heard.
"A bomb has gone off near the People's National Congress, sources say it was planted by an agent belonging to any one of the nations who have joined us here today. Pweople's National Congress was the first meeting place of all the members before we were quickly moved to XIAGUO NATIONAL CONGRESS, WHICH WE ARE CURRENTLY IN NOW. The bomb has struck the left side and at least 5departments are now caught on fire, to remain in safe care, we have begun martial law in the whole city district. We will also remain in this building for next few days. We are terribly sorry but we must secure everyone's safety.
As he finishes, they walk out in a hurry mumbling without giving more issues out.
They were escorted by at least 17 special ops units and was taken to the People's National Congress and witnessed the efforts of the fire department and not to mention the cvongress ingulfed in flames.
As Secretary Yeh's last words rang in the chamber, the room exploded into a multitude of shouted expletives and annoyed shouts.
Kang Woo rolled his eyes. "Damn, that's the last thing we need. Being cooped up in here for the next couple of days is going to make all the diplomats edgy."
He noticed that the doors back into the rest of the building were unlocked and that most of the diplomats and military officers were streaming out into the lobby. Wearily the general pulled off his brimmed military hat and ran a hand through his hair before replacing it. His overnight stay had just turned into a several day vacation.
"Hey're dismissed...why don't you go get a drink or something?" said Kang Woo as he turned to the two marines. "Go mingle with the other military types."
The two marines rigidly came to attention, snapping their heels together as they smartly saluted before turning in the direction of the bar. Kang Woo turned to the young woman sitting next to him. He felt a little unsure of himself...he'd never really been one for dating, but this East Islandian general was someone different...even he could feel it.
Mustering up his most confident smile he turned to her. "Would you like to get a drink? I'm sure we can find something to discuss while the council waits to or otherwise."
"I am sorry, I am not familiar with what is going on here," the Hudecian asked curiously. His foot soundlessly tapped the side of his briefcase, reassuring him that it was still there. He had not been briefed as to what to do in this sort of situation.
Then he remembered his pin. A soldier's first duty was to obey orders, his second was to survive. And since he had no orders, he would survive....
With the announcement, the junior officer's chatter into his radio increased in pace and volume. With a jerk of his head Sho Cheiy recalled his junior. The tiny Drapoel delegation, typically defensive and paranoid by nature, would feel even more uncomfortable than most. Being outnumbered so didn't help matters, nor did the news from DaKhiem of an attack at Kosong against one of the republic's most important trade partners. An attack launched by a since destroyed submarine from which obviously Korean prisoners had been taken.
With only second hand information to go on the Drapoel pair only eyed the Dalanians with still greater suspicion.
East Islandia
13-01-2004, 15:49
i'll do a post later on characters.
For now, we must settle the issues btwn Hudecia, ATA, and Xiaguo; all are Azn nations, and therefore, all warrant our help. I will probably start another thread on the issue of talks and invite all sides to talk, with mediators (thats us) to try and help solve the issue.
Also, we must somehow figure out a way to bring our nations closer; territorial conflicts and ethnic rivalries have driven rifts in our relationship. It is time for peace for all, and unity forever.
Many nations; one Asia
Long live the Resistance
"Is everything ready?"
"Good... relase the virus. For the Tide."
Moments later any biological sensors would detect a alarming amount of Anthrax GAMMA across the street. At the same time on the other sid eof the building a single sports car started driving full speed towards the building.
OOC:DARK TERROR DECLARED WAR ON BONSTOCK!? Oh god. I support Dark Terror but I have a joint ocupation with Bonstock.... oh god.
OOC: Did you just gas the conference?
correction.... I toxicated it... :D
Anthrax comes in many forms and the inhaled version of anthrax is not as deadly as you would think. I do not know what the "Gamma" means but I assume you mean to engineered it to be more dangerous. In which case, please tell us about it so we can assess the results properly.
Inhaled anthrax is actually not that dangerous with symptoms similar to the flu or a cold. Antibiotics like penicillin can easily treat the disease and anthrax is not contagious (person to person). Anthrax is a spore cloud (not a virus). Without treatment however, most people who are infected will not survive.
As well, if you released the spores across the street from the conference likely anyone outside the building would require treatment but inside the building we would likely be O.K. (of course we should have antibiotics administered just in case). The spores would dissapate so quickly in the wind that little of it would actually get into the conference.
OOC: Actually, if you really wanted to cause havoc Ebola Brahma would be the best choice. It is the olnly contagious Ebola virus, it can survive long periods of time in the air and on surfaces, and it is almost untreatable. Except, they havent been able to locate it yet.
Anthrax GAMMA is actually a seperate toxin from Anthrax. It has a fatlity rate of 85%. Symptoms are(in order) inhumane amounts of pain, hair loss, internal bleeding, and death(after 30 minutes-1 hour)... although if your lucky youll live and symptoms will stop within 1 hour.
East Islandia
14-01-2004, 14:43
Pending the cowardly strike by Red Tide, independent strike units of the Islandian Air Forces have launched attacks on Red positions in Japan. Islandian spearhead units in Japan have fortified themselves and prepared for an offensive.
As an Islandian sentry, posted outside the building, spots the car, he brandishes an indigenous ATS and takes aim, awaiting the acquisition tone. IT comes seconds later, and the missile wooshes out of its launch tube, leaving a red streak behind it, and slams, head on, into the car. He throws down the launch tube and picks up a Type 97 assault carbine, spraying the car and any inhabitants inside.
Another Islandian calls for backup and tells the building of a possible suicide bombing attempt. (Sorry, Xiaguo, I know this is your territory, but my guards are always heavily armed, just in case).
Inside the building, General Sung drew her pistol, a sleek, black custom made Beretta with composite polymer frame and steel cored bullets that could penetrate Level IIIA body armor. She quickly pushed Kang down behind a desk and demanded to know what was going on, yelling into her microphone.
Meanwhile, inside the building, the ladies sprang into action. They pushed the French leader down and flipped the table to act as a barricade between them and the door, brandishing their pistols and assault carbines.
Let's just nuke them all....
The Anthrax GAMMA began too spread in all directions. The man who released it choked and died. Anybody with 20/20 vision or better would see a massive pile of pinkish goop spreading across the ground.
East Islandia
14-01-2004, 15:05
"Grab the vaccines!" the man shouted to his partner, who ran into the van and pulled out two cases. He flipped one case to his partner, and ran into the building with the other case, waving his mottled gray and white Type 97 above his head to show that it was him.
The females relaxed as he ran up to their table.
"What the hell's going on?" Nakashima demanded.
"Someone tried to bomb us," he replied, as he began tossing out masks and innoculation packs. "Biological weapons, cause if it were chemical, we wouldnt be alive to do it."
"ANy idea who did it?" Zhu asked.
"Probably the fucks from Red Tide," Premier Chai said. She sighed and put away her pistol and grabbed the pack handed to her.
"Get to teh leaders inside, especially General Sung," she ordered the ladies. "Give them the packs."
OOC:There is a vaccine for Anthrax GAMMA. But it is held by my country and is kept top secret. Oh and biologcial suits WILL protect you from it.
East Islandia
14-01-2004, 15:17
thats wuts inside the packs. A biological suit and Mutagen X4S, a specially engineered microparticle that evolves along with its prey...
that means it'll kill whatever its designed to, but as a failsafe, its life span is only two days.
Its still experimental, but works quite well against strains that evolve in a matter of days or even hours.
OOC:Oh those have a very good chance of working
The Hudecian lieutenant quickly grabbed his handkerchief and used it to cover his nose and mouth. If it was a biological attack it might help until he got a suit or got out of there. He had obtained his doctorate from the University of Tokyo a few years ago and still remembered his class on immnunology and viruses.
"Is there a back door out of here?" His muffled cry could barely be heard above the general commotion. "Turn off the Air conditioner and all the fans! It'll slow the diffusion of the agent!"
OOC: Is Anthrax Gamma a spore or a virus? If it is a spore then simply using a handkerchief to cover your mouth would be sufficient (like a face mask). If it is a virus then a full blown biological suit would be required. Since it is anthrax I am assuming it is still a spore (although an increadibly more dangerous one).
East Islandia
14-01-2004, 15:42
"Where are the air circulation systems?" Zhu screamed at a nearby maintenance worker.
He stuttered and pointed in one direction.
"Lets go!" Premier Chai shouted, pulling on her Spidersilk/Kevlar/carbon respirator and fixing it to her mask. Her guards did the same, adn soon, all four were clad in the grayish green fast fit bio-chem suits, and affixed their fast attach flakvests to the outside. Someone tossed Chai an assault carbine, and they headed off.
To make sure no one shot them, they had distinctive insignia on the outside of their suits.
They ran for the air circulationn control....
Meanwhile, two of the ladies, clad in their green biological suits, began tossing out protection packs to the diplomats inside.
OOC:As I explained before it isnt really anthrax... yes it is a virus.
IC:10 Men clad in biological suits began too run as fast as they could at the building. 3 sports cars zoomed straight for the facility.
The Hudecian lieutenant began to wish that he had brought a gun or at least had bodyguards. But he knew the risks he took coming here alone, unarmed. He saw one of the guards drop their sidearm to put on the green suit...
He quickly put on his own green biosuit and looked around the room for an exit. The windows were an obvious escape route if he required to get out quick. He clenched his NNA pin tightly in had... being careful not to poke himself with it... the poison on the end of the pin would kill anyone almost instantly. Crude... but effective...
OOC: thanks for clearing that up Red Tide
Kang caught the suit that had been tossed to him by one Premier Chai's guards. Barking a set of orders in Korean to his guards over the microphone he wore in his jacket, he reached down to his waist, quickly drawing the Sig-Sauer P-228 handgun he wore on his left hip. Slipping into the suit, he raised this pistol, as he continued to shout orders into the microphone. Quickly he looked over at General Sung, watching as he handled her own Beretta with a calm look.
Outside the chamber, the two South Dalanian marines (suited in bio chem suits) quickly snapped open their attache cases. Strapped securely to the lid of each case were the broken-down pieces of an SG-551 compact assault rifle. Breaking the weapons out, the two guards quickly snapped the automatic weapons together before inserting a curved magazine into the receiver and sliding the bolt back, chambering a round each. Taking their positions near the front door, the guards raised their weapons, pointing them at the men running towards the building.
As the Red Tide men continued to run forward, the South Dalanians opened fire, spraying the running men with a hail of 5.56mm rounds. The loud sound of the shots mixed with the "chunk chunk" of the actions cycling through. Shooting a glance at the Dra-poel guards who were standing in the lobby, one marine shouted out in Korean, asking the Dra-poel officers for help. After all, the fighting skills of the Banat were legendary in Dra-poel's Southern neighbor....
Though utterly unaware of who precisely was attacking them, and entirely disinterested in why they were attacking, the Banat reacted with the speed and lethality expected of them by the Dalanians at least. Poorly armed due to the diplomatic nature of their mission the pair were none the less exceptional combatants, both being silent and patient stalkers, lighting draws and crack shots. After all, Cheiy was a Major, a rank that in the Banat requires exceptional brutality, devotion, and skill, while his Sub Lieutenant was of the agency's combat wing, scarcely thirty-thousand strong from an army effective pool of over nine million men and women. This put him in the top 1/3rd of a percent of warriors in one of the world's most heavily militarised states.
Within two seconds of the Dalanians spotting the intruders both Banat men had drawn and emptied the magazines of their sidearms, far exceeding the manufacturer's estimates on their pistols' rate of fire. Probably as a result of this abuse the Major found on reloading that his 8mm Nambu had ceased-up, and he hurridly drew his blade and advanced towards cover while his junior trained his pistol again on the scene outside the lobby where he now crouched.
Dra-pol was fast loosing patience with the outside world.
The SG-551 clicked on empty and one of the marines slid behind cover to reload. Hitting the magazine release, he watched as the spent mag dropped to the marble with a clatter before grabbing a spare mag from the attache case and sliding it into the receiver with an audible click.
As he turned to continue firing, the marine noticed that the shooting from the Dra-poel side had died down somewhat. Turning, he noticed the Banat major fumbling with the slide of his ancient Nambu automatic, which appeared to have jammed.
The marine hesitated for a second, knowing that if the firing slacked off, the enemy forces outside could overrun the defenders inside. His mind racing, the officer reached down to the Beretta M-92F automatic holstered at his side.
Then he did something that defied everything he'd been taught and which shattered the barriers of antitrust that had been prevalent between the two nations for fifty years.
Unholstering the pistol, the marine slid it across the floor to the Banat officer, shouting in Korean, "Take it. I know you're probably plenty lethal with that sword, but if you could get get back to shooting, it would help a lot more."
He then turned back around, unleashing another round of gunfire on the enemy outside.
East Islandia
15-01-2004, 03:44
"Fucking shits," Sung swore. Nakashima tossed her a spare assault carbine and a few clips taped together from one of the cases, and she quickly unwrapped the ammo and began shooting.
Sung sighed. The heavy weapons were inside another black case, which were probably in their van outside. Unless they got those to them....
A van crashed through the front of the lobby. Two Islandians slid out of the vehicle and held up their mottled urban grey carbines for a moment, before tossing them out to the huddled diplomats and cracking out cases of weapons and suits. They quickly pulled out bullpup submachine guns and flakvests in addition to the standard emergency package, and handed them to each diplomat to wear over their bio-chem suits.
One of them spotted General Sung and ran over to her side, ducking and sliding a case of weapons over. While they risked angering Xiaguo's troops, all Islandian diplomatic delegations had relatively large amounts of weapons hidden in their vehicles. The only catch, of course, was that they remain outside the building. Having experienced more than their share of terror, the Politburo was unwilling to allow their officials to be killed so easily.
Sung tossed Kang some 9mm ammo and paused for a minute to strap down her outer flakvest completely. She could feel the sweat soaking through, but she was glad that the scientists at Rugola Individual Combatant Systems had managed to fabricate a biogel liner that stayed impervious to sweat and tear damage.
"Call for backup!" Sung shouted to her guards. They nodded and held up a finger; that prob meant that Xiaguo's guards were on their way.
Meanwhile, officers at the airport try to get through to the building, carrying additional biosuits and vaccines of X4S.
"What happened? I'm being serious here. Bioweapons? Against the conference?" President Chen said on the phone. "How is my proxy?"
"He went outside for a cigarette. In all likelihoods, he is either dead or dying. I'm sorry Mr President."
Chen hung up the phone and swore. Breaking the news to his family would be the worst part.
15-01-2004, 05:18
The bomb was not at this building and I repeat not at this building. The bomb was also NOT CHEMICALLY INFECTED or shows any use of biological sciences. It is simply a bomb that had gone off a few hours before and the Taipeng City Fire Patrol is working on it. The building bombed, Xiaguo People's Congress. Fortunately we had been ordered to move the Asian Alliance Conference to the National Congress which was safer and closer to security forces. We also had a tip that some nations was plotting against us. And on the air
And as I said, udecia, You are safe, there are enough patrols outside. Everyone will be escorted to the Nearby Federal Hotel which is high in security and have free refreshments and cigars. And as I told you, nothing to worry about.
No deaths
12 ounded including 3 firemen and 1 Patrol Guard.
This case is being investigated. The confrence will still likely go on at the same building, Xiaguo National Congress.
We also would consider having an investigation on Red Tide's Comment on the Suits as to how were you to know this will happen and personally brought your own STOCK of Emergency suits and supplies? Also we would like to have a talk with Napoleon Bonaparte as we have sources letting us know you might have some information on some suspected criminals.
President Dao will be attending the next schedule conference which begins tommorow at noon.
Secretary Yeh comments, "I believe the Xiannese Troops have done a good job. However, we did not expect shooting and the mix-up between some of the nations. We were dumbfounded when South Dalanian forces, Dra-Poel, and Islandian forces were shooting at something but we cannot really make out what it was.." "I have been given the great mission of being transported to Higaly for further operations. I believe Higaly peace efforts are going under way" as Yeh finishes, he quickly goes inside his Headquarters and seemed to be getting ready to pack and dress for the 7hour flight to Higaly. He comes out with his Mandarin Robe, a stylish robe worn in China during the Nationalist Era of CHina. He walks with his cane and simply sticks a cigar in his mouth, puts on sun glasses. He then grabs his hat and wraps his neck with a very long black scarf. He then pins a red star on his pocket and simply lights the cigar. he waves at the media reporters and shouts, "I'll meet you all at 12." And he was off the the airport.
The two marines lowered their rifles, the muzzles smoking as they disassembled the Swiss-built rifles, placing them back in their attache cases. Nearby, Kang Woo shrugged out of his chemical suit, folding it back into its container before holstering his handgun. All around him, fellow diplomats and their bodyguards followed suit.
The general straightened his uniform, noticing that the East Islandians still maintained their combat composure despite the Xiaguo stand-down announcement. He noticed the heavy armaments now carried by the East Islandian guards, they'd evidently had a security detail outside waiting with their heavier weapons.
General Sung was disheveled and tired-looking, but Kang Woo found something attractive about the way she handled the Bullpup rifle she carried as well as the way the flak jacket fit. Maybe it was just his imagination going crazy...or maybe it was something else...
He grinned and turned back to his men instructing them to pick up their expended brass. After all, they were only guests here and he didn't want to leave the Xiaguo National Congress full of empty cartridges...
Sho Cheiy, after quickly looking the Dalanian weapon over in some surprise after having loosed eleven rounds without emptying the magazine (his Nambu 14th Year possessing an eight round capacity), handed the gun back to its owner with a silent and shallow bow. The task of unjamming his weapon was handed over to his junior officer, who was until then busy considering that someone ought to be killed over the bizarre interruption.
All of the men had been killed and one of the sports cars had gotten a bullet too the bomb inside(thus detonating it). the other 2 sports cars slammed into the building going straight through the wall. They proceeded too detonate the bombs inside of them.
OOC:The bombs are a mix of TNT and C4.
East Islandia
15-01-2004, 16:51
We also would consider having an investigation on Red Tide's Comment on the Suits as to how were you to know this will happen and personally brought your own STOCK of Emergency suits and supplies? Also we would like to have a talk with Napoleon Bonaparte as we have sources letting us know you might have some information on some suspected criminals.
I kno this sounds really hard to believe, but the suits are part of a standard diplomatic traveling package for Islandian diplomats when in foreign countries.
The contents of the traveling kit is listed below:
2 ATS missile launchers
assault rifles, sidearms for the bodyguards (if diplomats request an automatic weapon, thos are brought along too)
extra ammunition
VS7 Model V Bio suits (usually about forty suits, enough for the delegation and other diplomats from other countries)
Mutagen X4S in case of biological attack
extra flak jackets with protection to Level IIIC NIJ
Geiger counters
radiation medicine
biological containment tents
Its not so hard to believe, especially since terrorist fuckheads like to attack my country; if u read back far enough, i hosted a joint counter terrorism college at my nation in order to teach various nations how to combat the nefarious terrorism we see today.
East Islandia
15-01-2004, 17:03
One of the Islandian guards checked the area with a biological counter and gave a thumbs up to General Sung. She nodded, and unbuckled her flak vest and wriggled out of her suit. She folded it up and packed it into the small container, and gave herself an extra shot of X4S juss in case, and wiped her hands with some decontamination cloths her bodyguards passed around.
She walked over to Kang when she was done, holstering her pistol but buckling her outer flak vest over her sweat stained clothes. She smiled at him.
"Lucky to be alive eh?" she asked, and took his hand in hers. "Come on, I'm going to take you up on that offer of a drink now."
The government of Hudecia has absolute trust in the capabilities and guarantees of Xiaguo (just we dont trust some of the other nations - :lol: ).
Lieutenant Gamble watched the others for a minute after they had removed their biosuits. Then he removed his own and returned it to an East Islandian guard. Somehow he felt uncomfortable knowing that this building had only a few minutes before been a shooting gallery. He felt better when he was escorted out to Federal Hotel.
OOC: I'm confused, didn't Red Tide just attack the National Congress? Or is this all one big misunderstanding.
hello? people? Anthrax GAMMA is visible... TO THE NAKED EYE! You dont need any biological detectors... and WHAT THE FREAK ABOUT THE CARBOMBS!?
hello? people? Anthrax GAMMA is visible... TO THE NAKED EYE! You dont need any biological detectors... and WHAT THE FREAK ABOUT THE CARBOMBS!?
East Islandia
15-01-2004, 23:31
SH-t Xiaguo, you need to clear things up.
First off, where the f**** did ur president go? Why the f*** wasnt Yeh or his successor at the conference, where i was actually trying to get something done?
Secondly, what the hell happened? I think its too late to say that Red Tide did or didnt attack the building with teh diplomats in it; vaccines and biosuits were cracked out, weapons fired, and terrorists killed (a good day by Islandian standards).
So waht really happened?
1) Like any airbone virus or spore, Anthrax Gamma would quickly dissapate in the open air, especially if there was a breeze (if there was a strong wind it would be worse)
2) Detonating an explosion in the middle of a virus cloud is counter-productive. Its like when the Germans loaded chemicals into explosive packed shells and wondered why it didnt work... the explosion destroys the chemicals (in this case, your virus).
3) You cant crash a car through a wall... just not possible... explosion on impact of the wall.
4) Likely you crash into the lobby, the C-4 and TNT explode and cause great amounts of damage to the front of the building, depending on where the delegates are in the National Congress, they may not be harmed. Anyone in the lobby would be killed. There will be great damage - and we would have to be evacuated.
5) Xiaguo said that he had some warning which is why the assembly was moved. Also, how did you manage to smuggle that much weapons and bombs so close to a major international event?
East Islandia
16-01-2004, 00:31
3) You cant crash a car through a wall... just not possible... explosion on impact of the wall.
Crashed thru a window, not a wall.
Also, how did you manage to smuggle that much weapons and bombs so close to a major international event?
Standard operating procedure...the weapons are put into modified vans and parked near the building. Maybe we shouldnt have done it, and it was probably rude as well as more than a bit dangerous, but understand that my people are very paranoid. Besides, no one was seriously considering making a move on the conference from the Islandian delegation at least.
With the mess at the meeting hall still being cleaned up, the military officers and diplomats had adjourned to the nearby Federal Hotel which was being patrolled by various Xiaguo security elements.
Kang Woo had felt his heart pick up a bit when the beautiful East Islandian general had placed her hand in his and taken him up on his offer. He was worried...he wasn't really the best to have a conversation with and his nervousness was likely to come out in his speech...but then again, she had said yes, hadn't she?
Heading over to the nearby bar, the young South Dalanian general smiled at the man behind the counter. "I'll take a gin and tonic," smiled the officer as the bartender went to work. "And what's your poison?" he asked, turning to the young military officer holding his hand....
The South Dalanian marines moved over to where the Dra-poel officers sat by themselves. Tossing each of them a glass tumbler, the marines produced a bottle of soju, pouring some into the glass of each Banat officer. Raising their own glasses, the South Dalanians offered the Dra-poel a respectful glance before downing the harsh Korean whisky in one go...
OOC: Chen had to rush off to Kaoshing and deal with the Lavi thing if anyone wants to know where he went.
A state funeral was held today for Charles Wen, a Taiwanese ambassador killed by a terrorist attack while attending an Azn Resistance diplmoatic event. President Chen has vowed to avenge his death and has launched an investigation into the perpetrators of the attack.
OOC: Chen had to rush off to Kaoshing and deal with the Lavi thing if anyone wants to know where he went.
A state funeral was held today for Charles Wen, a Taiwanese ambassador killed by a terrorist attack while attending an Azn Resistance diplmoatic event. President Chen has vowed to avenge his death and has launched an investigation into the perpetrators of the attack.
Again, the lieutenant had to call his government for further instructions. The Hudecian cabinet, feeling a bit jittery after having to evacuate the capital out of fear of attack by ATA, (Xiaguo knows about this - another thread) wanted to pull him out immediately.
After a long and heated debate both over the phone and between cabinet ministers, the cabinet decided to extend his mission. Foreign Minister Matsuda insisted upon attending however and would be arriving as soon as he received clearance from Xiaguo.
Lieutenant Gamble and the Foreign Minister had both attended the University of Tokyo, developing a friendship. Gamble, would act as his, although unarmed, bodyguard and assistant.
Hanging up the phone, Gamble realized that he forgot one important piece of advice for Matsuda. Never get into a heated discussion with the Dra-pol delegation.
16-01-2004, 03:25
OOC"To clear things up."
The bomb exploded as a "Planted bomb"
The explosion took place at least 3 1/2miles away.
The bomb was minor, but the fire had costed a bid sum.
The bomb was not biological as anyways inspectors and bomb units were checking it before the explosion.
There had been only 3 deaths reported and 30wounded.
1 A Bomb Squad Unit,
1 A Office Worker,
1 A Fire Distinguishing Unit
The bomb had exploded at 9pm Beijing Time.
IT WAS NOT A CAR BOMB as so I have said it exploded at the east side wall. And also the area was closed off as it is a Pedestrian Square.
The bomb was miniture and shows signs that it was made professionally in a industry.
The Building we are in is not the one which had been on fire. The Building we are in is Highly defensive and has no outlit to the outside and has a self-generator, air-cleansing system, and detection systems inside. We highly recomend everybody to be here for the conference simply because of the safety measures taken within the faculity as THIS IS OUR PRIZED CONGRESS.
We would like everyone not to worry. The President had gone to the place that had been bombed to simply view the devestation himself. The Secretary however was in Higaly for some peace discussions. And the Ambassidor was had to go to Higaly with the secretary after visiting the terrorist attack.
As we are alarmed, we have re-scheduled the meeting 5hours later.
The fire at the People's Congress has been put out, Half of it is totaly destroyed to the ground. This historic landmark built in the 1950's houses the Judicial Court system and International Assemblies.
As part of a new planning. The rebuilding program will begin 3weeks later(NS time) The plan is to add the latest security feutures just like the National Congress of Xiaguo build in 2000.
I just have to Say nothing effected us. Taiwan, 3people died and Chen did not die.
16-01-2004, 04:01
ooc: sorry I've been gone. Red Tide: What the hell!?!?!?
Napoleon, interrupted by the gas attack as he was about to say something, turned around, wondering what the commotion was about. He knew not what was happening.
Back at High Command, Feldmarschall Adolphus, stunned, ordered Lung to call Red Tide for an explaination.
Napoleon, seeing as teh disturbance was over, looked back over at the women. He said, "Whare was I... Whay did I come here? I'm just a concerned internationalist wondering how he can help stop imperialism. But I never expected to find good lookin' women in military uniforms. Hey, how bout you girls come with me to my country after the confrence? We can go on my private jet, eat dinner at the Eiffel Tower, visit the Arc de Triomph... all of Paris can be yours!"
East Islandia
16-01-2004, 15:23
Xiaguo, use commas. THey improve sentence unity and other ppl's understanding of ur statements
"Soju," Sung said, winking. "Might as well get some, calm the nerves and set my throat on fire huh?"
SHe glanced outside. THe man had just finished announcing that the meeting would be rescheduled five hours later. "Want to go somewhere while we're at it? We have some time to kill, and if you're not too tired, we can get something done."
"I wonder how Hyemin is holding up," Chai wondered. Vice Premier Park Hyemin (she changed her name when she was married) had just taken over the government in Chai's stead. Qu had stepped down the day before, and announced that he was handing over the reigns of government. LIkewise, his entire cabinet, all composed of older men, had also given up their titles and made their deputy officials top officials. In other words, QIao was now the de facto Foreign Minister, Chai the de facto Premier, etc.
"Cant be too bad," Qiao said, drinking some soda. "The girl's resilient, you know. That was why you picked her in teh first place."
He paused and grinned at Chai. "Well now we have two beautiful ladies as our leaders. THe potential here for underestimation by our foes and even allies is huge, isnt it?"
Chai laughed. "ANd i do suppose that my government has the most eligible bachlorettes among the Pacific nations, hm?"
She swirled her drink around, contemplating affairs. "Feel bad for the Taiwanese guy who was killed," she said slowly.
"But Xiaguo's men said he wasnt," Qiao replied.
"So who do we trust?" Chai asked.
East Islandia
16-01-2004, 15:33
Zhu smiled. "You're such a dear, Monsieur," she said, patting him on the arm. "Why dont you take us somewhere in the five hours that we have before the conference? Take us around town perhaps, and see what we can do before we get back?"
THe other two nodded. "But we cant take u up on the offer of touring Paris... unless it's in two months. Then we have leave, and if the offer's still open, we'll come and see what's going on."
"Well, I certainly dont think that should be on the agenda," Qiao replied, frowning at the list Chai gave him.
"And why not?" Chai asked. "It's certainly important. And there are only three items we really need to discuss; the trade and information sharing pact and associated patenting process, defense, and the lack of enthusiasm that seems to prevail nearly three months after the alliance was founded."
"But what can we do aboutthe last issue?" Qiao asked. "It's so damned hard to try and correct something in the mind, especially since we dont have very much to do about correcting it."
Chai shook her head. "I have an idea."
Qiao sighed. "And i have a bad feeling."
THey looked at each other, laughed, and clinked their glasses together conspiratorially.
Somewhat put off their game by Dalanian generosity, the Banat resorted to their defence of stoney silence, drinking down the gifts but stopping short of conversation with their capitalist neighbours.
(Okay, that was a sorry excuse for a post but I was interrupted so many times I've completely lost my chain of thought)
The general laughed at Sung's comment. "Business or free discussion?" smiled the young man amusingly as he responded to Sung's question. Straightening up he smiled at the young woman, "I'd be glad to go somewhere else...too much pomp and circumstance around here. Besides," he said pointing to his two uproariously drunk honor guards, "they'll be fine by themselves for awhile."
17-01-2004, 03:51
OOC"The Conference begins again. Sorry about not using commas, was busy and eating at the same time. Proves my intelect...
XinHua National Television
As the Lunar New Year is coming up, more and more Xiannese troops comeshome after diplomatic pushes in Higaly.
The sucessful mission had brought back many soldiers who have just set foot on their homeland after being taken from Japann after the War as veterans and sent to Higaly. Today they have been warmly welcomed by the families, and ordinary peasants.
After a bomb incident at Xiannese People's Congressa few nights before. Government officials have tried clearing up everything yesterday including a telegram to the members of the Asian Alliance who have attended the Conference at National Congress which was just 3 miles away. Officials also had given clearance and it is safe to begin diplomatic activities once again.
As the ships are anchored off _Taiwan, Secretary Yeh has asked Wu Tse Min, Xiaguo's Commanding Secretary of Defense to have the ships transported back to Xiaguo for another first time since the war with Japann. After almost a few years at sea and foreign soil. We have brought our young veterans back to the homeland where we greet them heartedly for the great victories....
>>>I ask the Asian Alliance to consider in developing a new system of Alerts such as one used by the US for levels of alert concerning the safety of the country. Having Red for High level alert and so on. I hope someone can help make and introduce a system. Thank You.
Foreign Minister Matsuda skipped down the flight of stairs off the plane which had carried him to Xiaguo. Firmly shaking hands with the lieutenant he began to walk at a quick pace to a waiting taxi.
"We have a lot of work to do."
Upon arriving at the Federal Hotel, thel lieutenant went about distributing a copy of a proposed Information Pact to all delegations in attendance.
Information Pact
1) All nations will share a common intelligence network,
a) with each nation providing for its own domestic security.
b) a general databank on all major security threats and alliances.
c) all intelligence gathering activities in foreign nations are to be done with the knowledge and approval of the AR.
d) a central agency shall be commissioned to oversee the common intelligence network and assess international concerns. The agency will alert nations of recent threats.
2) No nation shall commit espionage against or in another nation in the AR without the knowlege and consent of the other nation. Unless the nation is being investigated with due cause and the mission is approved by a senior member of the AR.
3) No nation shall deliberately withhold intelligence from the alliance.
4) Any nation found in violation of the Information Pact will face disciplinary action.
17-01-2004, 04:15
"Still no response from Red Tide."
"Dammit, Captain, get on the cables, wire something official. But make it discreet. We don't want people thinking we have agents in the area."
"Aye, sir."
The Field Marshal walked out of the transmission room. Walking down his hallway with his staff, his adjudant Lung at his right, he went to the situation room. Opening the doors, he saw his military officers still trying to plot out the positions of friendly and hostile forces on a gigantic map of the world. Adolphus took his baton, and pointed to a group of islands, marked 'East Islandia.'
"Deploy Submarine gruppe 3 off the shores here, a few hundred miles off. This could get ugly, and we must be prepared."
Seeing the look in his eyes, the adudant said, "Yes, fältmarskalk."
Meanwhile, Napoleon continued on. "Ah, all right. I can show you my car. Let's take a zip around town. I hear there are some good resturaunts around here. Perhaps we can go to my hotel."
Back in Bonstock, a man burst into the situation room. "Fältmarskalk. Adolphus, it seems we have some developments."
The entourage hurried back to the transmission room.
ooc: you have any pics of these girls, East Islandia?
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 07:18
"No, actually, I was thinking that Zhu would show you around, since she did used to live around Taipei as a student," Nakashima replied. She fingered her pistol in her jacket pocket, knowing that trouble followed the man worse than stink on a Frenchman, even if she didnt normally believe in such things.
She sighed. This would be the last time intelligence goaded her into doing this sort of thing, but she remembered that they had set up Napoleon for a carbomb, so she didnt dare set foot in his car.
"Why dont we check out that internet cafe?" she asked.
In the shadows, Director Kau watched with the stillness of an eagle. His men were scattered around the area, unbeknownst to the Xiaguonese, who would undoubtedly be outraged that the Islandians had the nerve to sent a special weapons team to their nation. He sighed, and he hoped they would understanding.
He nodded to the man next to him, who pulled out a remote and hit the button.
the bomb inside Napoleon's car went off.
On the street, several agents dressed as food vendors (with automatic weapons hidden under their stalls) ducked behind their stalls and began screaming, all the while awaiting orders.
Kau sighed. His orders came directly from the Minister of Intelligence and the Department of Subversion itself, but he certainly hoped that Chai would understand.
"Find and kill the Bonstockians," he ordered his men. "Every last one of them."
They scattered into the night, searching for their enemies.
Over Bonstock held Japan
0100 hours
THe modified MC130 Combat Talon, part of the older Special Ops fleet, flew low over Japanese territory. Inside were two Special Forces Zero teams and enough weapons to supply the Japanese resistance cells for nearly a year. All the Islandians inside were Japanese speaking or Japanese, culled from the most loyal in the Banner Forces.
The parachutes blossomed over the sky, and on the ground, several units already there waved them in. When they landed, they hustled off the supplies and the men into the nearest villages, controlled by the local resistance.
Meanwhile, cruise missiles have been given an updated target tasking for the Bonstockian territories, includign the Sakishimas, Bonstock proper, and Maropian Coast. Catamaran ships have been sent to the South China Sea on "exercises" with Mainland chinese and PRC China forces.
17-01-2004, 07:23
Although Hudecia's pact is very good for the alliance, I think Hudecia, you should edit the details of it, I find it confusing to put together on the terms maybe?
I propose this new pact. Not to be misunderstood, it is not relating in any terms with Hudecia's plan. it is on using the Rapid defense Force.
Fraction Pact
1. 3 members of the Alliance must agree to pass any law or decision.
2. No member may use more than 35,000 rapid millitary force units without further instructions or orders upon to do so.
3. Members may be allowed to sell millitary technology or units to the Asian Alliance.
4. All Rapid Millitary force must bear the Asian Alliance flag, not the nation's flag.
5. Rapid Force may not use or distribut nucleur weapons or technology.
6. Only 3/7 of the rapid reaction force can be on stand by during peace times.
7. 5/7 of the rapid reaction force has to be called on duty during times of war even if the number was not as huge.
8. The rapid reaction force may not be used to fight another member of the Asian Alliance unless passed with 5 member.
9. All nations must enforce, practice, and abid the rules within the Genova Accords.
10. Only full members may use the rapid reaction force, which means any nation only attending conferences and meetings and not full members will not get to use it unless another law was voted by the Convention.
We the Union within the Asian Nations and the Union of Allies who defend the rights of a nation against the means of Agression and Imperialism with stand the national emblem of the Asian Allaince and the Constitution of the Alliance. We hereby list the names of the bold and confirm the new articles which further protect and encourage the rights as members whom can defend the nation, the allies, and the people.
Undersign Below.
President, Dao Min
National Secretary, Yeh Zhao Fung
Secretary of Defense, Wu Tse Min
**Any Nations Agreeing to Terms, please say YES to the Fraction Pact.
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 07:25
Pfc Nakashima Keiko
Sgt Fourth Rank Joanne Saisho
Lieutenant Jenna Tanaka
(Extract from report)
All major clues...the use of Anthrax GAMMA...tell-tale signatures...point to state-sponsored terrorism...
"Yes well you see Bonstock we could not allow the Asian pigs too destroy our holdings in Asia. Thus I decided too send them a "message" so to speak. I doubt their will be any more trouble from them. Now we must prepare an offensive south. So we can liberate more people from the Japanese goverment."
And with that the Supreme Commander of Red Tide hung up the phone.
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 17:02
Yes, yes excellent pact.
Islandia agrees with the pact that Xiaguo has put forth.
Now for more pressing matters: what will we do to those who carried out the attack (ahem, Red Tide, ahem), or, in other words, how badly should we f**&^ them up?
17-01-2004, 17:26
"Fältmarskalk Adolphus, we have a situation in Japann. Paratroopers have been detected."
"Over Japann. Also, sir, opservation satellites have detected ships going out of the harbor for an unknown purpose."
"Where is Submarine Gruppe 3?"
"They have deployed from Japan, sir. They should arrive quite quickly."
"What is the status of our forces in the area?"
"Apart from the 30 Maropian Divisions and 5 Sakishima divisions, we still have only 5 divisions in the area. Three if we make the 6th and 9th Airborne come back to Bonstock proper."
"Put all forces on DEFCON 1. Deploy the fleets to Maropian Coast. Initiate our plans for a submarine blockade of East Islandia."
"Yes, Fältmarskalk."
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 17:58
"Submarines, sir," Banner Lieutenant Van Minh reported. The tall, pretty Vietnamese lieutenant stood slightly slouched, hands behind her back. "Satellites and sonar sensors have detected such movement, and we are a hundred percent sure that thos craft are Bonstockian subs that left port a few days ago."
Admiral Jun sat back and sighed, scanning the readouts and reports. He finished quickly, and shut the file, with its curved, elegant Islandian script, and pushed it aside. The other members of the Joint Military Council, minus General Sung, who was in Xiaguo with Premier Chai, looked at him expectantly.
"Well?" General Qiao Chunwei, cousin of Foreign Minister Qiao, asked. "We have all delivered our reasons and our votes. It is your vote now that will swing the tide."
Jun sighed. It was always him who had to do the worst part. Assuming those stupid Bonstockian micro agents hadnt penetrated into the command cavern, he would speak frankly.
He looked at the intelligence operative standing byt he door, with a scanner in his hands. He nodded, and Admiral Jun nodded back, and turned his attention to the men present.
"Based on the information that Lieutenant Van has given us, I vote in favor of commencing immediate secret offensive action. Raising the threat level to Theta and then ordering all special operations units onto missions will probably be our best course. Also, we will enact Op-plan Islandian Summer, and put into effect a nationwide alert for all Second Flag Reserve forces and domestic naval forces," Jun concluded. "But put the Ninth ISD and Thirteenth ISD on pre-strike status, and draw up a list of all viable targets in Bonstock proper.
"Issue a communique; all submarines not of Islandian, Agrigentian, or Azn Alliance origin seen traveling in Islandia will be sunk."
Traveling the straits between the islands, Commander Nakamura sighed. A thirty year veteran of the Islandian Navy, she already had grandchildren, and without a doubt, was too old to be doing this. She had thought that the last war she would ever see action in would be the Islandian Wars, where she commanded the antisubmarine warfare section of an escort cruiser, but now, she was back in action with the Second Flag Naval forces, aboard one of the new all spidersteel/Kevlar/Carbon fiber boats that had been built for the navy.
And hers was a subhunter too, a fast catamaran thing that bristled with ASROCs, depth charges, hedeghogs, torpedoes, as well as a few Anshu SAM launchers, Type 400MRS3 cruise missile launchers, two CIWSes mounted forward and aft, and a 100mm gun up front, something that would normally be put onto a destroyer or something.
But now, the Reef Shadow, along with her sister catamaran Coral Paradise, were patrolling the vitally important Rugola strait. Hundreds of ships went by day after day, and it would not be crucially hard for a submarine to sneak past here.
Nakamura sighed as she watched sonar sensors were launched off a nearby Navy ship. She could tell that ship was in the Banner Navy, as its darker, blue gray (gunship grey) hue suggested, and its number, 447, was visible only on the top. Its bow number had probably been painted over.
Nakamura watched the screens and walked around, a bit idly. Some of her men were green, but most of the crew had seen action in the Islandian wars running interdiction patrols. She adjusted the seablue beret she wore on her head, a relic from her days in the 'Blue Water' Navy, and kept walking, waiting for her men to pick up something.
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 18:16
Islandia motions for a declaration of war on Bonstock and possibly Red Tide, pending mobilization of the two nations' forces.
Also, we motion for an activation of the Rapid Reaction force, as well as military exercises, to be held in a location of the Council's choice.
17-01-2004, 19:45
"Fältmarskalk Adolphus," said an intelligence officer in the situations room, observing the large map, "We are observing hostile activity in East Islandia. Many small naval ships are being seen. It seems they know we're coming."
"Perfect. Don't let the submarines go into Islandian waters. Wait for reinforcements. I want as many as 300 submarines off the waters, but we will wait to attack. We won't just go out. We wait until our numbers are great, and then we make sure that no merchant men can get to or from Islandia."
"Roger, fältmarskalk. But we are also noticing the alerts of Rapid Reaction Army forces in Islandia. We are also noting that the Islandian Parliament is moving for war."
"How credible is this intelligence, Captain?"
The field marshal looked to his adjudant. "General Lung, I want you to put the dispersals out, and airlift as many Stryker brigades as you can get to Maropian Coast and the Sakishimas."
"Yes, sir."
Adolphus then turned to his personnel officer, General von Manfred. "Mobilize all forces, and prepare for war. Send 6th and 9th Airborne Divisions back to Maropian Coast and mobilize all Maropian Forces."
"Yes, sir."
Then he turned to a communications officer. "Send a message to _Taiwan. Tell them to allow free passage of Bonstocknian forces, or risk a cut off of diplomatic relations. Cut diplomatic relations with East Islandia and Xiaguo."
"Yes, sir." He ran to the transmissions room.
Wow. That deteriotated quickly into war. Anyone mind filling me in on why Bonaparte was killed?
I do not know my status within the alliance (voting rights) - so until then I withhold my opinion on Xiaguo's proposal.
The Information Pact is my attempt to design a unified intelligence organization for the alliance and its allies. It will help alert us all when there are general threats. Any suggestions?
17-01-2004, 20:17
ooc: Oh, Bonaparte wasn't killed. I don't think he was. Only his car was destroyed.
ic: Napoleon heard the explosion. He looked over. "MON VOITURE! MON VOITURE!"
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 20:38
"They cut diplomatic relations with us, sir," Lieutenant Van reported scarcely days after the order went out to reinforce the Domestic Guard.
"Put the op-plan in effect," Jun ordered. All around him, general officers agreed. Even Vice Premier Park Hyemin had agreed, and so did ranking councilors on the domestic defense commission.
Aboard Sakishima Maru
twenty km out of Rugola Strait, international waters
A huge explosion engulfed the ship as torpedoes slammed into it. Crewmen fled over the sides, and within minutes, helicopters rushed to the scene, helos and Coral Paradise and Reef Shadow.
They immediately lowered boats and sent helicopters to look for survivors. Of course, what was unknown to Nakamura was that this was all staged. The 'crewmen' manned a ship and they sailed it out to the middle of the BOnstockian submarine forces, and detonated the two torpedoes aboard, Swedish made weapons.
As the men loaded onto boats, two white streaks came at the catamarans. They quickly swerved and dropped countermeasures, and blasted hte surrounding area with ASROCs and depthcharges.
Of course, they didnt know that that was a deception too; the torpedoes were duds, fired from an Islandian sub not too far away that had, by now, slipped into the deeper layers and began searching for enemy subs.
within minutes, the entire ocean was lighted up as more catamaran patrols entered the area and began launching their share of torpedoes, countermeasures, and depth charges. Nakamura watied untilt he survivors were picked up by awaiting Z8 helos.
now, more Z8s from Naval Aviation began dropping sonobuoys, and regular ships from the Banner Naval Forces began arriving on scene, eager for action.
The entire ocean was a mess of explosions.
Politburo's two houses, Sumenya Hall and Suketa Hall, have unanimously voted for a declaration of war, save for three councilors who were suspected of the assassination attempt on Premier Chai's life months ago. Bonstockian businesses were trashed, and Islandian diplomats in Bonstock were immediately called home, save for the ambassador and two other aides.
However, riot police strictly enforced the laws and quickly cracked down on looters.
Islandia hereby declares war on Bonstock.
17-01-2004, 21:06
"Sir, they've declared war and staged an attack on ships."
"Well, if they're self destructing, attack."
"Roger, sir."
"Responses from _taiwan, yet?"
"No, sir."
"How is mobilization?"
"50%, will be total in 48 hours. 25 million men have reported."
"Good. Make sure they can't send special ops forces into Bonstock."
17-01-2004, 21:11
After the meeting in The National Headquarters building where the President and his council is located. We confirmed that Xiaguo will declare war on Bonstock and territories.
The Intellegence Pact after reviewing from myself. I will sign but I will not link my own intellegence to Asian Alliance as that is informal to our own freedoms as a separate Governing Nation.
East Islandia Signs The Fraction Pact which Gurantees The Use of Rapid Reaction force and Also, a safe way to deploy it with numbers.
Martial Law is now required in 4 major cities, Taipeng, Hanhai, JiangJing, and Parkhem. Total Numbers within Xiaguo's Millitary now reaches 300,000 tops. Only about 1/3, 100,000 are active.
The Airforce now is begining to recruit more pilots and crews into the Airforce. Xiannese Airforce, one of the weakest in United China now has been improved due to Government grants and purchases. The Naval force now has arrived back from _Taiwan after the battles at Japann.
Special Operations Forces has been called in for duty within Taipeng to further investigate Bonstock. Bonstockians in Xiaguo are being questioned in favor of safety. Some airflights has been canceled including flights from Bonstock and Red Tide.
President, Dao Min Ju,
National Secretary, Yeh Zhao Feng,
Secretary of National Affairs, Kim Tai Shao, and
Ambassidor of Foreign Relations and Affairs, John Kim enters the Conference.
President Dao then drinks some tea before begining another sketchy speech.
"I've asked Xiaguo's Government Council to Declare War against Red Tide and Bonstock. We have agreed to declare war on Bonstock and keep Hostille to Red Tide for the moment. After the bombing of People's National Congress Building, which caused 18 million UC dollars of damage, 3deaths, and more than 30 wounded. We Also ask the Conference to use the Rapid Reaction Force as East islandia had requested. Xiaguo will not only attack Bonstock, but all of its territories."
He then was granted by applause and he sat down.
Secretary Yeh and Kim Tai Shao stands up with Yeh at the podium and Kim Holding a piece of document.
"This, Mr Kim holding, is the Fraction Pact. We so far has Xiaguo's Signatures, East Islandia's Signatures, and Hudecia's. We will need more nations to sign to have securite within the Rapid reaction Force Program. And as for Mr. Kim."
Kim then laid the parchment on the table and then began to talk.
"Please, everyone must know the Vietnam Atrocities, the Jewish Holocaust, and the Rape of Nanjing. Aslo many more war atrocities we have all heard in the history books. The genocides and World wars that happened hundreds of years ago. The Treaty-Pact, Geneva Accords written hundreds of years ago, has guranteed to stop many of the atrocities, genocides, beast acts, murders, and mistreatment during war. We hope everyone, including non-members will also agree to the terms and fight in accordingly to the Geneva Accords. the world will be grateful, thank you."
As the Conference members applause, Yeh whispers to Kim, "So, whens lunch? And they both walk out accompanied by a number of guards. Then National Securities Commisioner-Zhao Pu Yang takes the podium.
"As the Commisioner of the Armerd Securitie forces whose purpose is to defend the homeland, I have some regulations which has just been passed to insured safety to all.
1.All foreign nations can only have maximum 7 armed guards.
2.Female guards are called back on duty after the first days of (Mistakening them as Waitresses..)
3.Xiannese guards has will of not taking commands from anyone other than their own commanding units and also their own Nation, Xiaguo.
4.In turn of number 3, other nations has a right not to let any other nation control its guards.
5.The conferenc emembers may be allowed to wear their nations's formal dress however cannot be informal. This is to prevent further suspicion of members being terrorist.
Thank you, that is all.
OOC-Did number five so My President and so on can wear the traditinal Chinese clothing instead of the crappy western tuxedos which itches and unfitting..
17-01-2004, 21:18
The Riksdag was called for an emergency meeting. Adolphus, as acting President, walked to the stand. Television cameras beamed the broadcast all around the world.
"People of Bonstock, our mighty empire is under attack. As of now, the nation of East Islandia has feigned an incident in which an East Islandian submarine attacked an Islandian ship with Bonstocknian weapons. The East Islandian government has taken this as a Bonstocknian attack, and declared war. We cannot tolerate this. We are now giving East Islandia 48 hours to apologize for the incident and recognize our overseas possetions, or face war from Bonstock and its allies. As of now, Bonstocknian forces are being committed to a deterance operation, codenamed 'Pacific Shield.' We are deploying 15 mechanized divisions to protect our interests in this region, along with 30 fighter wings. Bonstock is now mobilizing all of its forces for total war. Unless East Islandia wants to face the wrath of Bonstock, we demand that they stand down, and withdraw their declaration of war. If this does not happen within 48 hours, I will call for a declaration of war. Let the world hope that this does not happen."
The Riksdag applauded, and instantly voted on a condemnation of the incident, and allowed Adolphus to use all force he needed to deter war. mobilization began to take place.
OOC:Guys... can we please put all the attacks in the other thread?
When Hudecia was threatened by the aggressions of other nations, Xiaguo stood up to support us even when our own alliance would not. Hudecia will repay this debt now and support Xiaguo in any way possible. Although we would like to know why this is all happening we will trust that we will be informed in due time.
edit to Information Pact
1) Creation of a central agency that will facilitate the transfer of intelligence between allied nations.
2), 3), 4) remain the same.
Why not use the DEFCON system for alerts?
DEFCON 5 - No threat
DEFCON 4 - Normal risk
DEFCON 3 - Moderate risk - prepare for possible threats
DEFCON 2 - Immediate risk - secure national leaders, prepare for imminent attack. (also wartime status)
DEFCON 1 - Distress call - evacuate national leaders, defeat imminent (also used for nuclear war)
Check the "Japann abadons constitution; military spending up %400.
Check the "Japann abandons constitution; military spending up %400.
17-01-2004, 22:01
Massing at divisional gathering points, 45 mechanized infantry divisions prepared to move. In Port Yuko, 120 Algol class Fast Sealift Ships prepared to move, with 240 oil tankers and 240 container ships, and escorted by 240 Ste. Evremonde class destroyers (ooc: basically Zumwalts). They set out for Maropian Coast.
15 of the 45 divisions, with 15,000 men each, gathered at airports for deployment. The rest were sent out to perform anti-special ops duties.
Commercial jetliners, escorted by JAS 39 Gripens, began transporting troops to Maropian Coast. All international flights were cancelled, and rerouted to carry troops.
East Islandia
17-01-2004, 22:24
i'll bb in a few hours... prob at like eleven at nite.
17-01-2004, 22:34
i'll bb in a few hours... prob at like eleven at nite.
ooc: all right. So are we gonna continue the RP on this thread, or move it to another thread?
There is no official responce from Taipei over the Bonstockian demands.
Following increased tensions in the area, President Chen has mobilised the Taiwanese military and has withdrawn almost a thousand mothballed Eurofighters from storage. Ching-Kuo has restarted aircraft production at it's Kaoshing plant. President Chen is also expected to announce the results of the investigation on the terrorist attack in Xiaguo. There is also increased activity on the border with the Maropian Coast.
South Dalania will sign the Fraction Pact as well as offering AA forces use of naval and air bases on Cheju-do Island should war break out in the Pacific Rim. The prime minister (communicating by phone with the South Dalanian civillian representatives in Xiaguo) has stated his enthusiasm for the pact, but expresses concern over military action so close to South Dalania's borders.
-Cheju-Do Island: close to the sea border with Japan-
South Dalanian soldiers and airmen scrambled around the concrete tarmac as the alarm bells rang. Behind them, a wing of F-A/18 fighter jets taxiied onto the runway in launch pattern should an engagement order be given. Behind these were another row of Tornado fighter-bombers as well as a squadron of longer range F-14 Tomcat fighters.
The South Dalanian flag crisply snapped in the breeze as the defensive military force assembled. With a possible war looming so close to their borders, South Dalania would not be caught unprepared.
18-01-2004, 06:28
OOC-I will start a new thread, heres link-
President Dao calls Hudecia's President, _Taiwan's President, and East Islandia concerning the Newly held war.
As in South Dalania's signing of the Pact, the Fraction Pact is now added to the Asian Alliance Constitution.
As Secretary Yeh rallies the nation for support, President has gave Yeh the power as General. Yeh, a great general and captain has retired from millitary after the war in Japann. After great popularity and support. He is once again Xiannese People's Great Hero. As his first term as General of War, he takes all tanks, planes, ships from any storage and places them on the first line.
Xiannese Army
Ground Forces-1million
Tanks-800+(All Industries have gone up) Also, Orders have been conducted and Sino's engineers has been recruited once again to develope Xiaguo's Tank Industries. Mainly M1A1 Abrams Tank
Airplanes-2,000+(All Industries have gone up)Mainly 200 MiG-29M/K's, and and 200 F-16CZ's.
Battleships;200+(Ship Industries have gone up)
Submarines;160+(Ship Industries have gone up)Mainly TRAFALGAR CLASS SSN's.
Carriers-7+(Ship Industries have gone up)
Hospital Ships-5+(Ship Industries have gone up)
Update Later.
Thank you Hudecia, we accept you thanks and help. We also accept the DEFCON System.
Xiaguo Intellegence reports the status. DEFCON 2 Please, we will have our meetings now on underground in the -2facililities also located in this building but below. Get what I mean?
DEFCON 5 - No threat
DEFCON 4 - Normal risk
DEFCON 3 - Moderate risk - prepare for possible threats
DEFCON 2 - Immediate risk - secure national leaders, prepare for imminent attack. (also wartime status)
DEFCON 1 - Distress call - evacuate national leaders, defeat imminent (also used for nuclear war)
We will mobilise all forces after the Asian Alliance agrees to strike.
48 Hours Ago
From: Lord General DeGritz, leader of Iuthia.
Subject: Conference Invitation
We are preparing a representative as we speak to learn more about the current situation within your alliance.
I will not be going personally, I have left the country enough in recent times to give my security consultants blood pressure become seriously high. No, we will be sending our esteemed representative, Kayla Harmone.
We will, should your security measures pass muster, send a representative to your Summit along with no less then an escort of two Black Viper Specialists who will be fully armed, bearing in mind we do that for every event we attend.
However, they may leave their weapons behind in the Hippogriff Support Craft should it be insisted upon… however, that would be unfortunate to say the least.
The two additional guests are:
Jianto Grant (Human) – Black Viper Specialist (bodyguard)
Lizo (Clanger) - Black Viper Specialist (bodyguard)
We wish you luck on your summit and only hope that our requests are well met and understood.
Thanks for your time,
::Lord General deGritz, leader of the Iuthian People::
OOC Note: This is probably something you got a couple days ago... seeing as I am very late for numberous reasons, mainly due to my main alliance and region, but also cause I got into Rave Shentavo's thread and I'm having trouble keeping my eye of it. Eitherway, you will find that once I get started I am quite the active RPer... I just need to get started.
Present Time
Arriving a little later then everyone else, Kayla Harmone enters the door in a relatively simple blue suit with a Iuthian Flag embroided on to one of the shoulders. She is carrying a suitcase and a rather embaressed look on her face as she is fully aware that this conference has been going on for a long time.
Outsider her too guards take position near any others and simply stand guard as they are trained.
Kayla quickly finds a place to sit and then organises her papers.
"Sorry I'm late, something urgeant came up and we had to deal with it ASAP... if I could please see the current minutes of the this conference so I may catch up? Or would someone like to just give me the most urgeant matter to look into?"
OOC: I just hope I haven't walked into a conference to find it was finished a couple pages back... eitherway I have permission to be here so don't worry about me, lets just say I'm a good ally of the AZN.
18-01-2004, 09:28
Napoleon, still stunned, tried to calm himself. At least is was a rental that he had picked up at the airport. Figuring he had insurance, he turned back to the ladies. With a slightly embarrased look, he said, "I apologize, I'm afraid that I may be partially immobilized. So you three know this town well? Any nice resturaunts we might be able to go to? Or would you rather just stay at my hotel?" He said this with a slight laugh. For the first time in a long time, he thought "Goddammit, I love my job!"
I would send more troops to the current conflict but I currently don't know where my troops should go. I'm assuming I'll have to fight my way in, but if Xiaguo would allow me to air ferry in troops to his bases I'll send more.
At conference:
Foreign Minister Matsuda, seeing that no one was giving a speech decided to seize the moment. Standing up he called for attention before he began.
"Before the second world war, the world had many chances to prevent the disaster that occured. Had the world leaders been more firm in their oppostion to imperialism and its supporters, likely the conflict would have been less catastrophic, and the casualties less numerous. "
"And now, like then, we find ourselves staring into the face of unashamed imperialism..."
"Bonstock states that he wishes to rebuild Japan. Unfortuantely his actions show differently. While his troops ship in food, they are also bringing in language teachers, whose job it will be to re-educate the Japanese. Such actions go beyond insensitivity, it is the equivalent of cultural genocide. Bonstock does not seek to rebuild Japan, it seeks to create a colony."
"Hudecia will never stand by and allow imperialist aggression to bear fruit. I encourage all nations to stand together against Bonstock and Red Tide. Together, we shall not fail."
East Islandia
20-01-2004, 15:39
"Hmmm..." one of the ladies said.
Suddenly, their beepers rang, and they looked down to see Chai's holographic icon shaking her fist at them.
"THats time for us to go," Joanne Saisho announced.
"Bye," Zhu said, waving at Napoleon. "Perhaps another time, mon cheri."
They ran into the building at a full sprint.
"There, there, Premier, calm down," Lt Jenny Tanaka replied. "They were only-"
"Only abandoning your leaders eh?" Chai asked. "I wouldnt mind if you had asked me and if it was someone besides Napoleon, but since intelligence doesnt kno very much about him, DONT!"
They bowed their heads in shame.
"Tanaka!" Chai barked. "See to it that the ladies are deprived of leave for a week and confined to their rooms once we get back!"
"Yes ma'am," she replied softly, snapping to attention.
"And go find Sung," she said. "We have urgent need of her. War has broken out between Bonstock, Red Tide, and Islandia. We have infiltrated their territory and sent troops on an offensive."
"We support Hudecia's motion," Premier Chai announced, standing up. "We are now engaged in a war with Bonstock and Red Tide, and nothing will satisfy us until we defeat teh imperialist dog bastards."
She drew up a map of Japan:
"Our forces are currently pushing upwards from forward bases in Osaka and Kobe. Currently, about 400,000 troops from Islandian, Agrigentian, Sinoese, and Xiannese forces are in Japan, against approximately a hundred thousand troops from Red Tide and an undetermined amount from Bonstock. With our airpower present in countries on the mainland of China (PRC China and Mainland China) we outgun their planes and can easily shut their ports off to ships with our substantial combined naval forces.
"However, my Vice Premier and our war council tell us that if total war is waged, then teh losses can easily be catastrophic. It seems our best choice is to move with speed in an armored assault and use all available forces to push the enemy off hte map and into allied forces advancing from the West and East in amphibious invasions."
"Hudecian troops will begin landing in Japan soon. We have reinforced our invasion fleet with 10 Halifax class Frigates (Canadian defintion of a frigate = International definition of a destroyer) and 5 AOR class transports, carrying the 2nd Amoured Division, which consists of 5 000 troops and 250 M1A2 Abrams."
"To the Japanese people we say, watashitachi wa kitte imasu. (translator - we are coming), watashitachi wa nihonjin o tasukeru (translator - we will help the Japanese people)."
OOC: I hope I got my grammer right :oops:
OOC: where should I post battles? in the Japan Increases... or the Bonstockian War?
21-01-2004, 13:38
In Bonstockian Wars, we are not at war with Japann now, we are at war with Bonstock, Red Tide, and their allies.
East Islandia
21-01-2004, 14:54
"We welcome the presence of the Iuthian representatives," Foreign Minister Qiao said, bowing in their direction. "May we inquire as to the Iuthian stance on the war and the possibility of support from Iuthia?"
What about support from the Japanese?
I'm sure if we offered to restore Japan to a democracy we would get a lot of support.
Heck, with the way Bonstock is using Japanese women, I think that all the Japanese men would be more than happy to join us. And most Japanese women too.
Also, one more thing, what about the tunnel system beneath Tokyo. The one created by Japan during WW2. The Japanese military has information about it, who controls the Japanese military?
East Islandia
24-01-2004, 04:52
Islandia petitions the Azn Resistance to use the Rapid Reaction force;
they will be led by General Sung Minlee, who has returned to her command in Osaka, if there is no resistance to the proposition.
If there is no reply, all AR RRF forces based in Asia will be scrambled and ordered to depart for Japan within two days.
"Well, we are sending some forces as we speak as a kneejerk reaction to the whole mess... albiet, a slow kneejerk reaction. We've been busy with the rumours of GDODAD and CO. allying." Kayla took a seat and went though her papers.
"We are looking at sending land forces but we are trying to better understand the situation before further mobilising."
East Islandia
01-02-2004, 05:28
Yea, we're madd lethargic as a group.
thats the trouble with alliances.
Is it time for us to get forums?
Maropian Coast
07-02-2004, 03:16
Is it time for us to get forums?
That would hobble the BSS a bit...
North Yaman
07-02-2004, 08:27
Taggith...also, who is currently in the Asian Alliance?
From my memory:
East Islandia
South Dalania
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
11-02-2004, 01:25
THE NEW CRISIS=Five Civilised Nations Invades China Region!
I ASK ALL ASIAN ALLIANCE MEMBERS to report to the Asian Alliance Conference in Xiaguo. We will have to take on another issue. This one is big, bigger than Bonstock and Red Tide. 5 Civilised nations have just declared war on the Region China and the ones who controll China. We mustn't let this happen, I have started some peace talks with Fived Civilised Nations. He had already invaded some islands. Please read this thread
OOC: darn the server eh? 7 posts...
Hudecian warships remain in the area and are willing to take on more duties to defend against Bonstock and to deploy troops to help our allies in this time of need.
"Looks like the 5CN ain't gonna turn up because the seats at the peace table just ain't big enough for their delegate's fat ass. He wants a seat on the throne of China but he won't achieve that."
- General Liu (commenting in regards to the absence of this important delegate).
ooc:Again I'd like to point-out that 5CN hasn't actually said anything in character as yet, and so you can't react in character.
And as an aside, there is so far as I know no certainty that it's the region mentioned that he'll be attacking as such, he posted in a lot of places seeking possible RPers for the defending side. There are a lot of Chinas out there, after all. 5CN certainly hasn't invaded a region yet (right?).
OOC: I'm thinking PRC China would be the best candidate. I'll TG Omz now.
East Islandia
11-02-2004, 19:20
This is a grave issue; we shall convene a conference at 930pm (NS time) to discuss this.
Dra-pol, your unclear stance on this issue has led to doubts amongst the Islandian government....
12-02-2004, 03:46
Yes, please, do not send troops all over China. I understand the preparations and mobilisations, but, watch the moves slowly.
He did said he was attacking fior fun and it may wear off, doubtfully.
Xiaguo will as in defense prepare for the unexpected. Xiaguo will be in charge of maintaining North China Borders(Manchuria, Inner Mongolia.)
Basically the North.
As I see they are imperialists, Dra-, We have enought facts to go to war with them as our Alliance is to stop Imperailism, especially in Asian nations and Region, this is China you're talking about! After hard works of peace negotiations with USSR we had freed China into Independent Democratic region. We do not wish to have it in anothers hand simply because he wants the cities. Shanghai, Nanjing, Beijing, and all cities WILL never fall!