40k RP sign up here!
Generally you take up the position of a colonel,Hive tyrant,Force commander etc.In the 41 millenium. It is set around the whole of the imperium. You can even be Squats if you like!
You can be FOO(Forces of Disorder)
or FOD(Forces of Disorder)
I am going to be Grey Knight Grand master Ezekiel Masentor
on the side of FOO.
Imperial Guardsmen
31-12-2003, 23:40
31-12-2003, 23:42
ummmm.....no thanks slave owner...
Jangle Jangle Ridge
31-12-2003, 23:43
Can I overrun your base with a massive Tyranid army? If not, I'll RP a 5 man Death Company Terminator squad :D.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
31-12-2003, 23:45
Hmm. Only question is which would be more fun, an Ole' One Eye, a Red Terror, or Terminator with Tornado missiles and dual powerfists. I'm going for the Terminator.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
31-12-2003, 23:48
Scratch that. Can I RP a Khorne Avatar and a team of Choas Terminators? Or would that be too mean of me?
Jangle Jangle Ridge
31-12-2003, 23:49
So many choices!
Yep you can and then I exorcise you!
Jangle Jangle Ridge
31-12-2003, 23:52
Khorne could crush you though. Look and his stats and start crying. How about me being the Emperor in Terminator Armor? :lol:
The Resi Corporation
31-12-2003, 23:55
Commorargh, you sold yourself to me. Stay in character. :wink:
The Resi Corporation
01-01-2004, 00:01
You have a TGSo do you, coincidentially. :)
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-01-2004, 00:04
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-01-2004, 00:04
*busts out his level 20 epic Mindflayer Wizard and Greater Teleports them over a Sphere of Annihilation*
Be quiet kiddies!
I used ot have a Blood Angel army - threw it away I think though :shock:
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-01-2004, 01:36
Felimid MacFal
01-01-2004, 01:44
yeah that is pretty... well... you should be boiled in your own urin for throwing away your army.
But i'm going to have a cadre of Tau of the Farsight enclave, perhaps even led by the fameous O'Shovah, or as we Tau like to say: Shas'o Vior'la Shovah Kaius Mont'yr. But at any rate, the Cadre will consist of the Fire warriors and such from the Faresight enclave, so they are thus capable (but not extrodinary) in hand to hand combat, in addition to their superior (if somewhat limited, due to their "breakaway" status) firepower.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-01-2004, 01:45
Ok. I've decided. I want to RP a team of Blood Angels Terminators, led by Sanguinus in Terminator Armor. :D If I can't have Sanguinus, I want Librarian Mephisto in Terminator Armor.
No primarchs, ctan, emporer etc.
Jangle Jangle Ridge
01-01-2004, 01:54
Ok then, Mephisto in Terminator Armor it is. And a Furioso Dreadnought to back them up. :D Thats it.
Drizzts Army
01-01-2004, 03:10
I'll like to RP a Imperial Guard tank unit if I can or a Jungle Fighters squad
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 03:21
oh and army . . .need u ask !! :shock:
Felimid MacFal
01-01-2004, 04:05
Can i make a suggestion? (or two)
1. This should be played on a roughly Epic 40k scale.
2. Special characters and such should not be allowed, due to the large amount of fluff surrounding them and their special abilities that may not be readily available information to those of us who dont play with those armies. And also, using special characters makes for a nigh invencible foe, because we are not the ones controlling the destiny of such characters... games-workshop is doing that for us. So i wont use O'Shovah if you guys dont use... whoever the hell you're using. Lets try to make up our own characters (that can be expendable.)
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:16
sounds fair enough but from a nid perspective i only have 1 special character "ol one eye" the red horror is infact a fairly standard bug that can be blown to hell with litle afterthought because its not the only one in existance.
I would like to RP cadian imperial guard
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:25
yay more squishy things less space marines nids dont like them they tend to just bounce off :S
uh-o! fast spiky targets!
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:28
yup :D
just keep them a bit further than arms length away or they rip your arm off then your guts out.
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:32
muhahaha got to love them soft squishy gut filled imperial guard :D
btw have fun running :P
Cadians never run, we will pound you to lots of small spiky bits with our basilisks, baneblades and leman russ.
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:37
Cadians never run? er really i thought they did hmmmz.
Ohh well tanks dont bother me. I know they should but i have stuff to deal with tanks and no its not a carnifex :P
01-01-2004, 13:39
Could i represtent my Own 40k regiment?
!st Midlonian they are paratroopers with a Colonel-Commissar Brink
01-01-2004, 13:41
*Begins winding the clock back to the days when the tyranids had a total of 3 units, codex ultramarines was still a glint in Gw eye, the thunderhawk was a flying castle and death company rules only existed in epic*
Haha fear my Squat Army! let my short but brutal brothers wage axe and multimelta bike riding death on you! fear 2 of the 3 main flying units in existance the gyrocopter and the overlord airship! tremeble before the collective might of levaiathans, colosusi, cyclops and land trains! experience shock and awe at the biggest artilly gun in existance (bar titan weapons)! cring as your pyskers have no effect on my trrops!!!!!!
Either that or i'll play as a tech gaurd force but with a battle company of space marines to man the emperor class titan i take everywhere.
Or my chaos horde... (as with all my force lots of tanks)
or i could use my inquisitor character and his bunch of imp gaurd riflemen (who aren't at all ripped off the Sharpe books)
it goes on and on as i mock those of you who use official space marine units and imp gaurd regiments....
The imperial guard are the cornerstone of the entire galaxy.
squats are easily outmaneuvred and are useless.
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:45
just so you know titans are crewed by imperial guard not spacemarines.
But that all sounds kewl :D
01-01-2004, 13:47
Yer titans come under Imperial Guard legislation and then the Techpriests so ha! :P
01-01-2004, 13:49
huryy up and get the damn RP up!!
i wanna start lasgunning some tyranids!
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 13:51
lol so nerner ne ner ner :shock:
ehe COME ON PPL WHERE ARE THE NECRONS AND ORCS! or for that matter eldar arnt there a load of poncy elves about somwhere?
01-01-2004, 14:03
Eldar! the cowardice pirates!
"So it begins" said Ezekiel Masentor Grand master of the 4th company of Grey knights.
"Send us down, I want to see the demonic incursion for myself"
01-01-2004, 14:19
You should really open up a new thread for this and put (sign up req.) into the title aswell......
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 14:20
*A single spore large enough for a dreadnought hurtles into the region heading towards the nearest plannet its appearence on all satelights is that of an asteroid but it harbours somthing much more sinister.*
01-01-2004, 14:23
The imperial guard are the cornerstone of the entire galaxy.
squats are easily outmaneuvred and are useless.
So speaks the voice of inexperience: squats in 40k have the same (if not better) access to fast moving units than imperial forces. it isn't the manouverability of an army that counts (a true ork horde isn't actually remotely manouverable) but knowing how to use it. for orks and tyranids the only thing close to a squat army would be an imp gaurd force made up purely of storm hammers (which you oddly no longer have) and ogryns.
just so you know titans are crewed by imperial guard not spacemarines
Actually titans are crewed by a small crew of members of the adeptus mechanicus (not quite tech preists and a bit above the tech gaurd and the knights) some alos carry a few tech preists and armys of sevitors to keep them running.
The emperor class is a little different as it has 4 fortress sections that you can fill with troops so in titan legions you could be very cheesy and fill the upper fortress with devastators, the command bridge with a chaplain, the legs with temriantors, assault marines and soem tacticals to fill the gaps and the central section with tacticals and thus be able to quite happily wade through enemy infatry swarms.
Yer titans come under Imperial Guard legislation and then the Techpriests so ha!
Actually the titan legions are directly commanded by the adeptus mechanicus and are thier own fighting force and are deployed as such.
Imp gaurd and marine forces can request support from any titan uits in theatre and it will usually be given but the titan legions have thier own command structure (the grand master of a titan legion out ranks just about everyone bar a space amrine grandmaster or a warmaster).
The Various forge worlds all have thier own armies, consisting mainly of the tech gaurd (imperial gaurd but with better tank and more bionics than you can shake a stick at). but also including the Knights (if anyone remebers them, basically mini titans manned by personel from feudal worlds roughly equivelent to the slaanesh deamon engines),the titan legionsto an extent and the various ordinatuai (gaint specialised mega weapons).
Please could you now just put the army that you will Rp as.
01-01-2004, 14:28
defenders of the Imperium, Imperial Guard
Hive Fleet Imodius
01-01-2004, 14:32
Felimid MacFal
01-01-2004, 17:23
the Tau renegade Farsight enclave.
Drizzts Army
01-01-2004, 18:06
What an army name or something.If it is a army name: 12th Catchan Jungle Fighters
Is The Ulthwe Craftworld a to big a stretch?
Otherwise i would like to Play the Altansar Craftworld, erm my own that is
Super American VX Man
01-01-2004, 18:14
Tau Shes'laha Armored Group.
im just getting into 40k, i have an Imp. Guard army starting, but i dont really know much beyond the IG, ill play Gaunt and his Tanith if you want
01-01-2004, 18:57
Good choice i like the Gaunts Ghoast books, i recommend you get the "Ciaphus Cain" novels by sandy mitchell
I'm going to keep this active until tommorow when I'll start the RP.
Is there a plot line to this RP?
01-01-2004, 19:15
Probably some Hive fleet attack.........
Imperium and the Tau are threatened......... both join forces and evntually drive out the Hive fleet
Is there a list of who is participating? Preferably including who they are RP-ing? If so, I might jump in...
01-01-2004, 19:23
pretty much all who have posted one here are involved.........
Howsabout a "who is what" list?
Felimid MacFal
01-01-2004, 21:15
Probably some Hive fleet attack.........
Imperium and the Tau are threatened......... both join forces and evntually drive out the Hive fleet
and then the silly xenophobic imperium would turn on the Tau, thus allowing the Hive fleet to once again gain access to the planet... darn... its a vicious cycle.
I'll do a list in the actual RP thread.
Sounds novel... well, if no one objects, I'll take an Emperor Class Battleship and attendant fleet...
No point thinking small...
Felimid MacFal
02-01-2004, 01:55
i know that there is no point in thinking small... but i think we were thinking more along the lines of Epic 40k and not BFG.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 02:01
Ok so its me vs the universe . . . i can live with that :D
btw can we make it that this is the first encounre with nids as i am against so many ppl inorder that people dont blow the shit out of the synapse creatures and thus my army buggers up. Let people lern it by rp first :D
Felimid MacFal
02-01-2004, 02:10
um... what exactly did you mean by that post...? i didnt really follow.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 02:48
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 02:49
Basically pretend this is your first encounter with nids and dont just kill the hive tyrant at long range because you know he is the boss target the littel ones because there are shit loads off them and they are moving towards u at approx 90 khp (the hormagaunts that is) crap your pants at teh speed woot, any way in the same way that i wont charge my lictor straight into your commisar/veterain captain/ whatever the moment it appears becasue it wouldnt do that please all i am asking is that you RP it properly and dont end the battle in the first minute by killing all the synapse creatures.
Felimid MacFal
02-01-2004, 03:47
i agree. me thinks that it should be RPed like the nids have landed perhaps days or even weeks before, so they are pretty set up, and the Tau/Imperium are arguing over the planet until they realise that the Nids are there, and then they ally... and then we all go killing and stuff.
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 03:53
hmm sounds resonable. Genestealer cult anyone :D (tho i can rp that with another region)
Felimid MacFal
02-01-2004, 05:36
Genestealer cult would be fun to play... but that would be more for a developed Imperial world, in which case the Tau wouldnt be landing on it and claiming it for anything. I was under the impression that it would be more of an undeveloped world where all parties involved are forces landing on the planet to lay claim to it, or to start colonization.
thats what i was thinking, but i'm more than happy to have a massive world war where nids/genestealers, imperials, and tau duke it out for control of a planet where one or more of the forces already have established cities.... :twisted:
Jangle Jangle Ridge
02-01-2004, 05:51
I'm playing a squad of Terminators and a Land Raider Crusader, Blood Angels. But they aren't really on anyone's side. The Inquisitors tried to kill them, and so they basically defected. They may join with a Dreadnought later on.
02-01-2004, 07:55
i agree. me thinks that it should be RPed like the nids have landed perhaps days or even weeks before, so they are pretty set up, and the Tau/Imperium are arguing over the planet until they realise that the Nids are there, and then they ally... and then we all go killing and stuff.....................
someone has also been reading "For the Emperor" haven't they?
02-01-2004, 13:37
Genestealer cult would be fun to play... but that would be more for a developed Imperial world, in which case the Tau wouldnt be landing on it and claiming it for anything. I was under the impression that it would be more of an undeveloped world where all parties involved are forces landing on the planet to lay claim to it, or to start colonization.
thats what i was thinking, but i'm more than happy to have a massive world war where nids/genestealers, imperials, and tau duke it out for control of a planet where one or more of the forces already have established cities.... :twisted:
Gravlax during the 700th century of M41 involved both Tau, Imperial Guard and 'nids, the hive fleet was hoping to weaken both the Tau and the Imperium so they could take over the sector unopposed
Hive Fleet Imodius
02-01-2004, 14:07
Technically mine as i am the invading force :D
ummm choices choices...
Tell you what start the rp then it will be a nice surprise for you all :D
Well, if it's ONLY going to be fought on Epic/40k scale, then I'll sink to the level of a marine chapter... but I'd like to lock horns with Imodius in space a little as well... that is, after all, where the Tyrannic Wars are won and lost.
Terristan Cadians
Midlandia Midlandian Paratroops
Jangle Jangle Ridge Blood Angels
Felinid MacFal Tau, Farsight Enclave
Drizzt's Army Imperial Guard Tank Corps
Hive Fleet Immodius Hive Spawn and Units of Tyranid Hive Fleet
Commoragh Grey Knights
Varessa "Wrathful Indignation" Battlegroup
Super American VX Man
02-01-2004, 20:00
Tau Shes'laha Armored Group.
I'll have some Eldar.
Craftworld De'sho'nehkar (Made up, of course)
guessed you missed me huh? Altansar Craftworld Eldar?
So, are we going to start this any time soon?
Can I join in as the Iron Hands Chapter?
A single company though, whoops.
Sure, but I am waiting for Commorargh to say when we are starting...
Chapter Master Osiris of the Sons of Anubis Chapter pledges his support in defense of the Imperium of Man and the forces of order.