Rotaran airlines
The Peoples Republic of Rotara has just received 12, 1952 B-52s which will be stripped from the inside and will have plastic sheets put ont he walls and windows added. Citezens will be able to fly to Rotara for a small price of $15.
There is only one class and that is first class.
31-12-2003, 09:03
Northrop-Grumman Corp. wishes to place a terminal at our national airport for your airline. We would pay for it. Would this be acceptable?
Also if you are looking for better airplanes we offer a few at Northrop-Grumman Storefront (
John Northrop
Northrop-Grumman Corporation
Hi Rotara!!
i ask you to open your lines at the A.Rep. of Lioy, in the name of our recent bussines... I'll support you with 10 millions $, i hope that they are enough... I'll think that i can give you the monopoly on lines between Lioy and Rotara for a 20% of the revenues. Isn't that ok??
-A.Rep Of Lioy ministry of transport-
i'll be happy if your decide to open your lines and fly to the Sacro Romano Impero, in fact we are in the same region of lioy