The Peoples Republic of Rotara would gladly pay for 1 Kiloton of steel. Could someone please provide it.
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How much for 1 Kiloton of steel?.
How much for 1 Kiloton of steel?.
You don't get the joke? :evil:
I do and its a funny one at that. But please I really need Steel to build one of my favourite things.
I do and its a funny one at that. But please I really need Steel to build one of my favourite things.
I wish I knew the price of steel, because then we'd sell you some.
Just make your own price.
I can sell you some steel! For one kiloton of steel, we will accept the price of ζ137 500 000 ZC ($250 000 USD).
We'll sell you one kiloton of steel for 200,000 USD. That way you save $50,000!
We will also cover freight costs, and guarantee quick delivery.
We will also cover freight costs, and guarantee quick delivery.
Yeah. But our deal uses express shipping and has a $25,000 mail-in-rebate.
[OOC: An example of capitalism at its best.]
Nanakaland what is USD?. If I can just pay you $200,000 the moneys wired but if its got all of these exchange rates etc please explain them.
31-12-2003, 04:26
Johnistani Steel is the highest quality in the world. It is smelted in space where zero gee lets it mix and come together perfectly. This gives it amazing flexibility while retaining incredible strength.
Cost: 60 USD per ton
Central Facehuggeria
31-12-2003, 04:26
USD= United States Dollar. The accepted medium for trade in RL and NS.
Nanakaland what is USD?. If I can just pay you $200,000 the moneys wired but if its got all of these exchange rates etc please explain them.
USD is short for United States Dollar.
USD(US dollars?). How do I convert money?.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
31-12-2003, 04:30
Confirmed, on it's way via cargo ship "Bill Clinton"
31-12-2003, 04:31
Whoever's cheapest in the end gets a contract for one GIGATON of steel.
31-12-2003, 04:31
Damnit, war is bad for trade.
No one sell to Bonstock, he'll use the steel for Jew ovens...yeah...exactly!!
Johnistani Steel is the highest quality in the world. It is smelted in space where zero gee lets it mix and come together perfectly. This gives it amazing flexibility while retaining incredible strength.
Cost: 60 USD per ton
Great Romeo is in a massive naval and air building program. But we have a little problem, we got no steel mills! lol
So, I like to buy 100,000 tons of steel for your price of $6 M. Thank You.
BTW, you can ship them into our main port on the Montague River.
31-12-2003, 04:40
On the way via cargo ship "Dick Cheney"
Nanakaland what is USD?. If I can just pay you $200,000 the moneys wired but if its got all of these exchange rates etc please explain them.
Just wire the money. Order confirmed.