High-Yield Quantum Bomb. Next generation warheads for sale!
Adaptus Astrates
29-12-2003, 20:06
High-Yield Quantum Bomb- this non-enviromental (yet lethal) bomb has a magnitude of to the equvelant of200 megatons (maybe more) and has a blast radius of 20 miles. These bombs can be modified for ICBM use.
Price= £2.5 million for standard use.
= £50,000 for engineers to upgrade your ICBMs.
Badgerish republic
29-12-2003, 20:59
ill take 5 with icbm upgrade
can i get 5 quantom bomb thingies money will be wired upon conframation :lol:
Holy panooly
29-12-2003, 21:18
I'm interested in the blueprints...
29-12-2003, 22:38
I'll take 2 of those myself.
I'm interested in the blueprints...
statistics and pics please
...200 Megatons, and you're claiming no environmental damage? I guess the massive explosion won't hurt the surrounding wildlife and vegetation huh?
Hmm..lets see. It go boom and then.....
The Blast sphere expands and creates a loud sonic wave ripping apart all in its path because of the intense wing gusts and heat. A huge mushroom cloud expands shortly over the detonation site as the ground beneath begins to crumble in on itself from the intense, non-stop waves from the explosion. Sound itself cannot be heard for the wind which carries it has been so rudely ripped away, any living creature near the center would instantly be incinerated.
Adaptus Astrates
30-12-2003, 13:26
can i get 5 quantom bomb thingies money will be wired upon conframation :lol:
Reply- Yes.
30-12-2003, 13:38
we would like 2 of those ourselves. Money upon comfirmation.
we would like 2 of our limited Strategic Missles upgraded too!
The nation of Joshu would like to purchase three such bombs, to be used purely for defensive/retaliatory purposes. Money will be sent electronically upon confirmation.
The Fedral Union
30-12-2003, 15:16
I would like 350 of them ... If thats all possible...
OOC:Not another Uber Large Weapon.
Ok, there was a 250,000 Megatonne bomb released for sale yesterday, which was promptly ignored by anyone with an understanding of Physics, the same thing should go for this one.
All youve done, is create a Huge Furness, Despite the fact, that such a large weapon would create an EMP so that it could draw these "200" megatonnes in to the main explosion. The 20 Mile blast radius, would in know way, store enough energy for such an explosion.
At 25 Megatonnes, energy begins to turn into heat, and above that all youve done is create a really in-efficient Furness, at 56megatonnes it is possible that it could get so hot, it would cause fusion in nitrogen particles(thats 70% of our atmosphere). At 200 Megatonnes the inside of that explosion would be SO hot that you would be able to evaporate Iron.
You have also neglected to say what meterial you use to make the atoms Bounce for such a large explosion. you would need a HUGE atomic reaction and you havnt told us what you use.
Such powerfull weapons shouldnt be in the hands of a such a Young nation anyway, nor should it be sold to nations under 6-8 weeks of age.
IC: The Sultanate of sethesh, is setting up a viable nuclear defense, in which it shall ignore uber bombs, industructible craft, and Viral agents that only have 1 cure. Heck am just gonna ignore anything unreasonably silly.
30-12-2003, 22:32
OOC:Not another Uber Large Weapon.
Ok, there was a 250,000 Megatonne bomb released for sale yesterday, which was promptly ignored by anyone with an understanding of Physics, the same thing should go for this one.
All youve done, is create a Huge Furness, Despite the fact, that such a large weapon would create an EMP so that it could draw these "200" megatonnes in to the main explosion. The 20 Mile blast radius, would in know way, store enough energy for such an explosion.
At 25 Megatonnes, energy begins to turn into heat, and above that all youve done is create a really in-efficient Furness, at 56megatonnes it is possible that it could get so hot, it would cause fusion in nitrogen particles(thats 70% of our atmosphere). At 200 Megatonnes the inside of that explosion would be SO hot that you would be able to evaporate Iron.
You have also neglected to say what meterial you use to make the atoms Bounce for such a large explosion. you would need a HUGE atomic reaction and you havnt told us what you use.
Such powerfull weapons shouldnt be in the hands of a such a Young nation anyway, nor should it be sold to nations under 6-8 weeks of age.
IC: The Sultanate of sethesh, is setting up a viable nuclear defense, in which it shall ignore uber bombs, industructible craft, and Viral agents that only have 1 cure. Heck am just gonna ignore anything unreasonably silly.
The inside of almost any nuclear explosion can raise the temperature of surounding things to FUSION temperature, about four orders of magnitude greater than what's required to melt iron. A 200 megaton nuclear weapon is feasible, not necessarily efficient (larger bombs are actually more efficient, in that they convert more matter to energy, not that they make better explosions, and they are much cleaner, producing less fallout for their size). But this guy shouldn't have nukes that big yet, although he could soon (within a month RL) if he started a seroius R&D programme.
IIRC, the Soviet Union tested the Tsar Bomb, which was around 50 megatons...
I'd much rather have 200 1 megaton bombs though.